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Compas 4 Erosion and _auspensiod DOIN MERI ZA on, FE ai a, / MUISioN Polnme Aavied | SUspensien Col mnemizarion. tbl 2D tne eCOU\s\og | water Sovurere ne mnonoermen \S_idiapens-|\) The romanermen 16 _ N robb Nie- | _ed_by Sustoce active ogeng,\i sed ToN, MS\ng ery s ubte nie | | packective collera: na laiso by Ccestoin buctes: __2) Eroursion Svsrern UAVS Anifiatess r os [que a8 pemsuicares Sad [suspended 1 woorenr, in | ne Eomrm of fine _ IAwoplers - = 2) The Suspension srolb) waren: - Sovurbye Reorecrive collola, UBEACR active OgQenr: and ny SrBsing D orwspension Polurnesisario: uses Monemen Sorte Varo: Hydeogem pewoxid vigcosity Suid up s& Moe PoVmesisation 1 quire viscosity bulidup of ow. Mn e Set Doimenrizarien i 1 S) At the end of Poiymmeni- | 5 2 Raven Sine pasrict oe po tine Povyemene \s_ dotained \niaha. LSAt whe end of powimeni- Zarieg Ane Oveducr 16 ovrained ae Spherical bead Low pear 3 a psoduce. —_)|| Preduets » ladOvoeaucts = | vim criowide , Burerdiene lexpandatie PoiNsrugene — lomosopeene wot acete-|peads SN Bene- Avion) —_|te acsylases cind benzene Co-Gerienem \oeads, ~ Lonerhacwylares: land powvinyt ocerare ' | —— \peads. — Connpawe tn en MO pasties Lith hes nmoserti ng Preduee There me plastics Tnesero oserring T HfPotyoners Anak aoeten on ]a)Powmers tar und Incating and can tbe con- leone clemicod Onange on Vested into any shape eating and Convene thems [wor ney con werain onfeives inte AN In€udble moce i seoliag Ase nese plasti-|awe Hnesmosertin a i eds 2) _Itnew eno agics Ase comp-|adthermesetting Poinmers osed natn of lineag laise made of cwoae- linked and lesan ened Moteculea. | gycterns: ican lee westhaped and s) cannot ‘be weshaped and Lesecucte A Bes aed 4) |p A by addtyien DEowred oy condensation PO Merizati on Poinrpessi zavion 9 |they ave goluble io S)rnsolwble ia _osgqanic Somme omganic So\vents - \wery Himowmatd astiaes ane leyMovided aariclea ane Ne Out Ofte Cocling|token our Evo sine line TAvuid to avoid Tmourd even when they | deeormarion of the One Inor. ansticte . Diex: Polvero iene, Powstyats) her: Nylon 66, Phenol Ge- leme, Pve PVA. ere. Ta aldebyde, Useate~roaide Ht Jande ere. be kos bies poaw me Flowenawt = Zeigler. rlarta pmoces s a Were + Aa bored || abe ange | Yee g. ae eee as Crive HBUCKUABe ANA appliaions of cel ulege re Ucur HocH ICOM, ot G APPlicationa: Hig ly Pusitied cerlutose known a8 K- celuloge the \oacic rmakeni foe Pre enanutocrume of celuro Dissate Fos pPlasHes and explosives og wey PS _roet clhermicsy deswe clesivatives: Ite moar {Mposrant Cerruiose preducs awe PU\p arid Payer, Rayon¥cetioce acetate. DTHany celtuloae demivarives have atrained co rom Eschoy im postan uch OS he ethess y eon) +CeMnulese retin ceiiose and cosboxyaneting| ernntose whier is Ewequentin known ag cme. ga) CMC _} aeqploved As paotective coating cox |bextiies and Paper, fox Sizing. Fen lee Ceearn Land Otnew ermursion Stabilize wey ag an addi- tive ko yen park Weary Usage Casings and Larner lems IS Hydroxy ern! Ce\uloce , a hi oavistesity Produa is Useful AS A Oickeneyr and A _peorecriy Icoola in water-based Coatings leAmong the maoy Speciaity peeducg devaoped Whar ase tye Souweeg of lignin: Give ite Usea. InYanin Consritures a large Pescenrage of nonceluloSic Pasr of wood High Nie Quiping | pmocesse Qod ic preved bleaching emernods kave \eave rauch nese \ianio in Paper. 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Minar owe eye tines of Avg - ro. wt 7 Exp lain on method ro Find pea of Vee HTN Deg WD Nuraberc = aNewage nol ecuidace wwelaint = | iD Weignt - averoge MoleeUlaxr VWeiant: |2 viscosiry Vewoge rholecsian weight Ja Z- avewage mmeleculas weight: Bu rober - Ons SCoe TOe\ eC ular wei eyo Assume Poar there a Daud. Of wo olecutes ES in a polmers Sample and O, of Ynem lave. TH, MMeleculas weignt y N. have TM, molecuiaa Weiaink and go on HN we get Oi \navin iz ecu. \Ons delay - SO, teyay Number oF rooleculed } aiven bby Dis Meats b--- EO? Number Essaction of Ewaction | Be OI SN j PAC CULAR Wel 2F Conta) jo ere YS 1s mm, | =n; uk | . lermivasiy, orhen Gwacrions rs be aS Co\oros: t Dae Dag ekaiant =ni =nji ent iT i rumminer- average cmolecuyane Saior of Hcl le DOIN mene uot then be aQiven by i Mp = 0) Mame yp ees & DIM) { =p) =) =o} lcd, Aver Soe i| =i — yabrer_ POINMem Ig widery used Fox 3D paintings | Explain the specicic propery: Same tne compon- enys | >| DAcBYloD\ewiie Butadiene Srysene CABS) is eee | lee ame Most weesorr voideiy Used oriimern gow BP painring. ABS come Lo Ane Cowra i et A long Filamenr wound anseund oo poo) _|> whe SD pminring recess Used vs} Ho ys the Eusian eposition Modelling Cepm parece wolherre material 1a Heated and +, ean \o-e. Sty Peeehioed SOuececed Jos oval a Fine it Qoxzte to ‘build-up design in 2Se onieron ! I Lar eres oes OW Selene Fernp. ayowyecss paiared veh Be AB \peeer age Slighry Ioiqher im S sengto Sreriio\\iry cw A Arieralsili ry. fr ics yas ear Mayes Ol Eos Pao very 3, and | k Can \be Bh and pa mred ! +) ABS an iocompacrible however, \ilee many plastic matemiais, ABS } ecrvclabve [ABS does mot have ts Ovon plastic Oumisernr land pseducrs made wiry ABS use weereling. | lucene bE ID Ams ie raade of Howee raodemers » 9 YD) Acayloninsire 6 Cals nN) i) Burodiene CCatta) Nesene. C Cais): LGive the sceacrion €0% Nylon 6-6 mpg. Menten seg oF Nylon 6-6 => J oT rooe - CCHay - Cook] ¢ 0 [wont = CCHad> - NH | Ad\pic odd Verarmennniene diarsiine if i BSC | potent Nive add. et 0. F-M- cries he Econ ae + olioe] Nyloo 6 6 Nelo ken. EEAS AO tvarnple 6& Condensation palyro ent avon. 1USe INN ASO 6 Gait “used osca plosric oS sel O_o Fibre. pease it ot ers esisrance to Many Sewenrs. |) A Large quantity of ON\on 6-6 Xs used to reduce, [eywe cond. nylon 6-6 i4 ous used to male Pone- i | Bilarmenre aod mOpes. JAQother Ewaction at the NNlon 6-6 A a QUE Cheney lereA Qo KO molee textile Filowes treed I dees. 2% UnderqasrmentS and the lik ld) Nylon 6.6 , beng a FOugry plasric ia used as q Igood Subcyivute Eos metals io geass and beg. LOgs. ISNvion 6.6 \ a\So USed Cow Cwarcy. ering Lecinicay ize Fo provide G bough obsasion aesishanet owt ere cov ec ro psorect Me pwirmary ee creicay ingulaorien. I | Desive +e copoly mmersi zarion eqn Cov Cvee wadicoy rere d: Lek too Monoeme ss Tr and Ms, be coixed rogernes And Poiimeriged using a Fwee- Gadicod Jo traress . enmecef once the ioitiares ce coropoces he ewee- wadicai fowmmed con Orracis 1, os TMs ae Forvews. 2 + ee Oh ar ee) (AV Pl By im, —> ate The Cares of psepeqgarions seatrioos owe as Eovows * ie Ay mat yp Rn aku (rtm eo | Ayer EY roy os Ree kel) Ura) — 2) [rag ep, Sts enh 1 Bors Be Cre Cnt) — cs). Ast + Me —S etm nit 3: Roo. kaa lmelt ms] 64). the Toke ar with Ane monoMerss TA, and Ma ane comsumed Auaing We Can be exp wesced age Course of PSO aarton [str 2 kulmii trod + Kaloo +s) dt —atmad = ktm] mete kool mst ims] — ced. at . ASsursing A Skeady State, Whesein Ane Bare Of a Pasticulas chain 2NAd cisappeasing 1S Qucr ro phe ate oC formation of he ame chain end we Can weite: toa kyo bro? [ime] = kala Tir) 4 tmp] = kato ea Tm*) Kiet} [ Reaorang ing . Cray = ke Cm 2 Cin), yo (t2] Subsiituriag Fon frat] and combining 65) and cey LACern] 9 ku Cer]. kel CMe + Vor Comat} (mm) ag atin Neyo [19] i Mee fr]. Boy Conv}. Cent} yeaa Crna) [ray , kere Im} Croat] being commen cedOn) eats} [ktm | ‘| oo dtm) kiaGmay Pee aneCraal [' . ou kai Um) ky ana Ta eas H Keio kay a s Le Atm) = oC t [mal ae acm.) Urns a 4 Sta atm ai = tm). Z = : = (tm) tere + Uma aitma) c Cm2q be tr] + tr]

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