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1. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill?

How have you

developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

I would say that My greatest talent or skill is probably my ability to play soccer. I
would say that ever since I was a young kid my feel for the game was always there, I
got put into a team when I was just 5 years old and instantly fell in love with playing the
sport. I say My best talents are my vision, my awareness, my shooting, my quickness
on the ball, and my touch on the ball. I have developed over time as I improved as I kept
playing every single year since I was 5. I noticed I started getting better and never
stopped playing ever since. I have demonstrated this as I won back to back El Capitan
MVP awards and also won CCC first team selection award. This has shown me that I
am capable of doing many things if I put my mind to it and give my best effort. I will
continue to show my greatest talent and skill off for as long as I can play this sport. I
have also demonstrated that I can play at a high level. I have once gone to a U.S soccer
training in dublin. This was one of my greatest accomplishments as I didn't know
anyone there, but I ended up showing what I had. I ended up playing really well. It was
the best players from every team that had gone to that one training session. I think my
talent in soccer is natural since most of my family played soccer and I got the genes of
my family members. I have proven that I have shown my talent of playing soccer many
times through many different ways. I have always applied for the Merced college to
continue playing soccer at the college.

2. Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you

have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or
contributed to groups efforts over time.

An example of my leadership was when I was old enough to take care of my

sister and little cousins, this showed me to be a role model to my younger
siblings and cousins. If I showed them what a good role model is they would
grow up to want to do the same thing and show their role models how to show
leadership. This made me influence other peoples as well as my parents as they
saw I was old enough and capable of showing my parents that I showed
responsibility and leadership. I also contributed to my leadership when I was the
Captain for soccer at El Capitan High School. I was one of two captains on the
team. This made me show that I was one of the leaders on the team and my
teammates would follow what I would say. I would give them advice. I wouldn't
scream at them in any bad way, I would tell them what they should do next time
to better themselves. This made me show my leadership throughout the whole
season. Another example I showed was when I played Mls next I also showed
leadership when I scored the most goals that season as it was a big
accomplishment for me as I played center mid and scoring that many goals was
not something i thought i could achieve. This made me feel like a leader to my
teammates and my coaches. This also influenced others as they put more effort
into practices and games and it showed leadership in many ways. This also
contributed to my group of teammates because it showed them to be leaders as
well. This made our team have a lot of great people with leadership skills and it
helped us throughout the whole season to be successful.

3.What have you done to make your school or your community a better

A way I have made my school a better place is I helped pick up trash around
the school. If I saw a piece of trash I would pick it up and toss it in the trash. I
have also shown that on my sports team to have communication with my
teammates because communication is key to success. Without communication
there is no chemistry between you and your teammates. When I played with my
competitive team I demonstrated communication and it showed every weekend
in the games as we reached npl after we won premier gold and didn't lose a
single game. The way we did it was by communicating during the games and not
getting on one another and yelling at each other. This made our team a better
place because we would let the other teams lose their mind and not us. We kept
playing our game and showed other teams why we deserved to win. This was my
community. It felt like my brothers and my second family that I helped everyday in
helping them get better as well as me improving and making it a better place.
This was my community and my second home and we never let each other down
and we never made one another feel like they did not belong on the team. This
made our team one of the best in the Central Valley as many teams thought we
weren't as good but then with our communication and chemistry it proved to be
enough to beat teams we thought we would never beat. This made my
community a better place as we represented the city of Merced through soccer.
The last thing is I miss playing with my old teammates as the memories we had
will never be forgotten and this was a way I helped my community to be a better
place than it already was.

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