Ece 250 Project

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Name: Jenna Trumble

ECE 250
I went to the lab school on the west Charleston campus.
Section 1
1. Indoors
In the right of the room when you first walk in there was a rocking chair, a “safe place”,
cubbies, a table where the children could eat snack, dramatic play area (sink and kitchen).
The left side of the room had a bathroom, a sink outside of the bathroom, a table with puzzles
on it, the art area. In the back of the classroom there was a group area, and on the back door
there was magnets of numbers and the alphabet.
2. Outdoors
Outside there was sand and grass. There was 2 large climbers and 2 small climbers. In the sand
there was a water table and sand table. There was a sidewalk that snaked around the outside area.
In the grass off to the side there was rockers.
Room Arrangement
Front- cubbies, table, and bathroom
Middle of room- centers
Back- group area and more centers
 Dramatic play
 Art
 Sensory table
 Group area
 Manipulative area
In the DAP book it says, “Most preschoolers unless they have experienced some developmental
difficulty or delay, are able to perform basic gross motor skills such as running.” As the outdoors
equipment are very spaced and promotes gross motor activity and possibly running. In class we
have talked about how a preschool classroom will have different centers to promote play which
will promote learning as well. In the centers the teachers are promoting group play which the
DAP book says, “Teachers provide many opportunities for children to play and work together...”.
Section 2
1. Teachers philosophy
Let kids learn by exploring and doing very hands on and let children lead the conversations
to see where their interests are.
2. Center Philosophy
“The ECE Lab provides participants with education and resources that focus on the unique
period of early childhood, and provides students, participating parents and the local ECE
community opportunities for educational observation and practice. Administered with thoughtful
respect for each person's uniqueness, a shared commitment to build positive relationships, and
guided by the principles of developmentally appropriate practice, the program provides children
and adults with rich learning experiences to foster all areas of development and education.”
1. Parent goals
 Social skills developed
 Ready for kindergarten
2. Classroom goals
 Follow classroom routines
 Use your words
3. Lesson plans

4. Individualization

Plan by following the child’s interest and watch were child is and mold lesson for area to which
children are normally in that center.


In the DAP book it says, “To engage children actively in a variety of learning experiences,
teachers create interest areas...” this quote goes along with the individualized learning that
the teacher does in the class. In class we have also talked about how it is very important to
show the children to use their words and I think that it is very good that a classroom goal is to
use their words. The ECE book says, “we want every child to achieve the same goals” the
preschool should be making sure that every child learns the same thing which I think is their
goal with their individualize plans.
Section 3

1. Guidance
 “Conrad and Sammy, I told you that that was a quiet space.”
 “Conrad that stays in the kitchen area please, thank you”
 A child guided the teacher how to create a person starting with hair, head, body, arms, and legs.
2. Routines
a. 7:30-9:00 outside every day, wash hands after outside count to 20 and go to group area
for songs then a book.
b. Morning gathering 9:15-10:30 (greeting/daily plan, wish wells, stories) child choice time
(snack, table activity, all centers open)
3. Classroom Rules
 Keep yourself safe
 Keep others safe
 Keep materials safe

The teachers in the classroom go over the word safe at the beginning of the year.

4. Teacher Interactions
 The teacher said to a child “Don’t forget your shoes” while the child was coming in from outside.
 A teacher asked questions throughout the book Otter Goes to school.
 “What letter does Conrad's name start with?” “C” all children responded, “What sound does C
make?” all children made the sound the letter C makes.
5. Guidance Techniques
 Matilda (teacher) said “She’s off to a good start!”
 “Levi that stays in the kitchen area”
 “Miles let’s use those for building”


In class we have talked about how if you use the word safe you need to teach the children what it
means, and the teacher said that they make sure they teach the children what the word means. The ECE
book says, “children should be actively engaged” and by the teacher asking questions throughout the
book helps the children remain engaged. The DAP book says that “Teachers set clear limits regarding
unacceptable behaviors and enforce these limits...”. The teacher reminded the children what stays in
what area. Also, it is important to note that the teacher was building a puzzle next to the child who was
also building a puzzle and in class we have talked about how that is not appropriate because the child
would want to match what the teacher was doing.

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