Consumer Behaviour Da2

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Every single customer in the world today is exposed to one or more traditional and social media
channels, such as television, radio, the outdoors, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Whatsapp, Viber,
TikTok, and so on, thanks to advanced internet technology that allows them to view even foreign
mass media channels. Advertisement can influence customer decision-making in a variety of
ways, but it usually focuses on changing their perception of the brand and appealing to their
emotions. The identification of a customer's need or problem has long been seen as a critical step
in the decision-making process. Customers seek information from a variety of sources,
depending on the type and value of the product or service in question. This is where marketers
strive to ensure that their brands are part of the alternative set in customers' minds. The higher
the brand, the more buy opportunities, which is the primary goal of any marketing

Impact of Digital media on the consumer decision-making :

Today, social media has evolved into a universal communication medium. The majority of
people spend significant periods of time on their cellphones or laptops, interacting with one or
more social media platforms. Because practically every consumer today owns a smartphone,
marketers may personalise marketing communication messaging to a specific client category,
making it easier to interact with customers in a more targeted manner. Customers are more lured
to a product or brand when they see photographs, words, or thoughts made by their friends on
any social media site regarding their experience with it. This is because of their emotional
relationship with their friends.

Previous social media studies show an increase in customer impact on social media, where users
create content based on their preferences, analyse market products and prices, and readily share
their discoveries with other customers in their network by posting on their walls or profiles. This
increase in client influence has prompted marketers to rethink their social media marketing
tactics and the way they handle customer relationships. Growing microblogging and
word-of-mouth communication on social media has been observed to enhance product uptake
and client expenditure. Customers are strong, demanding, and busy; as a result, marketers must
be available at all times on social media communication channels such as Facebook, Twitter,
blogs, and forums.

Impact of Traditional media on the consumer decision-making:

Marketers discovered that communicating with a big number of clients at once with a single
message was easier, which boosted business growth and led to significant increases in traditional
media spending. Firms engage in a variety of promotional activities to raise their sales in the
short and long term, including advertising, sales promotion, staff selling, and so on, in order to
increase their profitability. Firms are increasing their spending on traditional media
communication channels such as television advertising, newspaper articles, banners, and
billboards in order to raise brand awareness and product trials among target client groups.
Traditional media, such as fliers or handbills, radio, signage, local trade events, and local
newspapers, are heavily used by small and medium-sized businesses to advertise their products
and services. Today, marketers devote a major portion of their marketing budgets to television
commercials, as it has been shown to be one of the most reliable and trustworthy mediums for
communicating with huge groups.

Communication is the process of passing information from one person to another, and it entails a
number of steps. Any issue with any of these aspects can quickly disrupt communication and
message delivery. Marketers are eager to determine the most successful traditional
communication route for delivering their message. Print advertising, such as billboards,
newspapers, and banners, and broadcast advertising, such as television commercials and radio
commercials, are examples of traditional media outlets.

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