Questions and Guidence

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What would you say is your greatest talent or skill?

How have you

developed and demonstrated that talent over time?
Some say that gifted people are equipped with artistic or musical skills and high
academic abilities. I am confident to say that I am good at academics and sports
however, I would say that my greatest talent is that I am a very fast learner with the
ability to improve my skill rapidly. I always look for ways to continuously enhance my
skills through development opportunities. Just recently i did not know how to play
basketball nor shoot one correctly, i played with my friends a lot though, so one day i
asked how come i am not making it and all they told me was to find my naturally
comfortable shot because i would try to shoot different ways constantly and it would
mess up my flow. So That's what i did i kept shooting and shooting until i found my most
comfortable way to shoot the ball and eventually i was making it back to back enough to
compete with them and so i did we started playing games like Out, Horse, Around the
World, and Even Change $, and i started to win more and more which is a huge
difference because i would never make it nor win, when i started to win it made a
difference with everything it made me want to try harder in everything made me not
want to give up as easily, it made me want to win in everything be the best i could be in
everything, achieving greatness and help all that need to be helped. Winning makes
things more fun and more worth it. All I need is an explanation, maybe even directions
on how to do it and I can guarantee I will master something if I put my mind to it, nothing
is impossible, maybe to you but not to me.
Describe the most significant challenge you've faced and the steps
you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge
Affected your academic achievement.
The most difficult challenge was elementary to Middle school, the testing the learning of
the computers, keeping up with friends constantly and going to assets everyday, we had
practice tests to debate rather or not we were smart enough to go on and i would
usually do bad because i would never pay attention in class so i didn't know that it was a
serious test. Eventually I focused up and started passing all my tests and started getting
good report cards and I passed to the next grade on to the next grade in elementary
came so much hard stuff that i never expected that was when i was introduced to real
P.E. we did mile runs exercises and when we were done we were able to free play, free
play was the only thing that kept me going it made completing everything worth it. Come
to class we did math english and P.E all in one day to a small brain like me that was like
highschool already math was the hardest thing i had encountered at that point and i
never seen myself getting better at it nor understand it. Though eventually I actually
started getting really good at math and passing my tests, understanding the point of
English was really hard at that point but I did get better at it and eventually I was just
breezing through elementary school. Come Middle school i actually did really good
starting off because the beginning is always easy but then when the work started
coming things got hard my grades steadily declined and pretty soon i didn't have a hold
on middle school and i was on my way to failing, i had to do something, i had to try
harder , pay attention and stop messing around with my friends and that's exactly what i
did. It didn't happen in 1 day but by the end of the year I was already caught up on all
my work, grades, projects, tests. Completing school is a huge accomplishment but it
came at a cost for me since I was so late. I had to distance myself from friends to
complete work and I lost a lot of people . It sucked but it put me in a better place and on
the path to success.
Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in
many ways: problem solving, Original and innovative thinking,
and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your
creative side.
I definitely have a creative side and it comes when I most need it. The first time I
noticed my creative side was when I was in third grade. My teacher wanted us to learn
our times tables via flash cards without using our fingers and the faster we did them the
more time we had to do nothing for the rest of the year. We did all the way from 2’s to
12’s in 3rd. That felt like it was impossible during those times but I eventually started
mastering them until I hit a roadblock when I got to 9's. That was the hardest one for
me. I had to use my fingers all the time to remember some of the answers. 9's are one
of the most difficult ones for me at that point which i could not master without my fingers,
i could even master the 12’s 11’s and 10’s without my fingers but for odd reasons the 9’s
were the hardest ones for me even till today they confuse me. So when i went up to the
table to sit down and first thing i did was put one of my arms on the table which made
her think i wasn't using my hands in the beginning but my other arm was really by my
side which she didn't notice at first so when she finished shuffling the flash cards by luck
she pulled most the hard ones out first that i could not finish without my fingers so with
ease i got past the hard ones using my other hand to count and by the time she noticed
i was already past the hard ones i had a difficult time with so i put my other hand on the
desk when she told me to and then i finished the rest like nothing moving on to my 10’s
11’s and 12’s which i answered with ease passing all of my times tables for 3rd grade.

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