Test 2: Candidate A

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in one of the pictures i see a man who seems to be doing cliff jumping. He appears to be
very patient and careful so i would imagine that he's full of adrenaline and that is why most
of people choose to do it. it must really get his heart pumping because he is able to do
something that others might be too scared to try. in addition to all of the adrenaline, cliff
jumping places a great emphasis on the individual, so it may be preffered by people who
like solo activities. on the other hand, white-water rafting is perhaps even more
adventurous than cliff jumping because in the first one you experience the feeling of flying
and of being above everyone else and it gives you a tremendous sense of satisfaction.
White-water rafting, however, is all about teamwork and connection with the people around
you who shares same emotions and thoughts ass you. regarding how the skydivers might
feel, well even if i can't see the people's faces, i would imagine they are terriffied but also
extremely delighted because they are in a situation in which most of the people would
choose not to be.
well i think i'd have to say the third one. who wouldn't want to know how it feels like flying
and being above everyone else. obviously, i would enjoy it so much as i love the thrill of it.it
is also a very relaxing activity which makes you full of adrenaline and i find it quite
delightful and worth trying
obviously, as far as i m concerned, gardening is more preferred by the elderly because it s
not a very demanding activity and they got the chance to be outside in the fresh air. it's
also something that requires a lot of time and most of them are concerned about spending
their free time doing something productive. these are the reasons why the couple in the
second picture would do gardening. judging by the expression on their faces, both of them
enfoy working and they are not afraid of a little hard work. even though they are wearing
gardening gloves and baseball caps, the couple doesn't seems like is afraid of a little hard
work althought they certaintly look as if they got a few jobs to do in their garden like
mowing the lawn as we can see that the woman has her hand on the handle of the lawn
mower. also, playing golf is more enjoyable than gardering as the man in the first picture
who seems to be very focused on getting the golf ball into the hole. this is obviously
another form of activity that isn't too strenous for the elderly. Unlike gardening, however,
this activity would offer an elderly person the chance to improve his sports skill and also to
socialize with other people wich share same interests as him. for some of the elderly,
activities like these could become the one thing they look forward to every week.
i actually love playing billiard with my friends or family because, as far as i'm concerned it a
a very relaxing activity in which i get the chance to be around people, to socialise, to have
a little pastime anytime i can. i find it quite delightful but nevertheless requires skill and
I m going to talk about picture number 1 and number 2. In the first picture i can see a
couple who seems to be shopping in a supermarket as i can see in the background. i
would say that most of the youngers, certainly those who live in cities, prefer to buy the
majority of their food from the supermarket and i think that the main reason for this must
be convenience. Also, a supermarket is a one-stop shop where you can get everything you
need under one roof and there are plenty of products which you would'n be able to find in
a local market. For exemple, the woman in the picture is holding a pineapple and she
could need it for preparing a recipe. The atmosphere is probably quite calm considering
the relaxed look on the couple's faces. As far as i'm concern i think that the atmosphere at
the marker is much more hectic and it looks fairly busy compared to the supermarket , so
is probably quite a bit of hustle and bustle. Also, as i can see, there shoppers are o longer
yougers, much of them seems to be older. For them is much more easier to get all they
need from the market because they don't need too many things and regarding their busy
schedules it s more convenience for them to stop by a market.
well, my first thought is the man who seems to be growing his own food because it gives
you a tremendous satisfaction to eat what you are producing. Apart from the fact that it s
good exercise shopping can sometimes be a stresful experience but he looks relaxed and
content in his garden or it might be an allotment.

I will talk about picture number 2 and number three. in the last one there is a woman who
certainly looks as if she is hitchhiking as you can see her with her thumb up in the middle
of the road. she s also got a suitcase with her and she s wearing summer clothes so
possibly she waas going on a vacation and she could missed her airport drive or her car
might have broken down.
moving on to the picture of the queue waiting in the airport there appear to be people who
could be strained such as the woman in the third picture. the people who are waiting
seems to be delayed because i can see a lady looking anxiously at her watch and the lady
at the end of the queue, judging by the angsty expression on her face, might be looking up
at an information board just like the woman in the third picture who might also be feeling
i strongly think that this people are very frustrated regarding the fact that they could be
missing a connecting flight, or an important meeting because there are ones in the queue
who looks as if they are business people whereas i would imagine that the woman in the
third picture is feeling quite tired and hot because she could be waiting for a transport for

well, as far as i m concerned all three situations are pretty umpleasant, but for me by far
the worst would be hitchhiking. apart from the fact that it takes courage to hitchhike, you
could be waiting for hours in the heat for a car to pick you up and there is a very high
chance to miss the airplane as the woman in our picture.
i will choose to talk about picture number one and number two.
in the first picture, as it s appears, is a father who seems to be serving meal for his
it looks like he is in a rush and maybe he wanted to do something enoyable for his wife
and children. they could be having lunch because i can see they are eating soup which
is very common for a lunch meal such as the people in the second picture who seems to
be having also lunch in a restaurant.
i think that the family choose to eat home because this is their comfort place and perhaps
they had a hectic day and all they wanted was to eat together and talk about how their
days was.
in the picture of some older people having a meal in a restaurant, on the other hand, the
atmosphere must be much more formal, however in the first picture the atmosphere
would be very relaxed and informal.
the elders might be celebrating a special occasion as they are quite smartly dressed . as
in the case of the home meal, this is probably a special treat for people, but a cheaper

well, as far as i m concerned i ve always enjoy eating at home because is a more
convenience atmosphere and i love being around family, laughing and talking about our
even if the preparation of the meal requires a lot of time and attention i d rather prefer to
help my parents with the meal as i love being around them after a hectic day.

I'm going to talk about picture number 1 and number 2.
Well, i would assume that the group of children in the second picture are students who
are using computers for studying.
They look quite easygoing so perhaps they're researching on the Internet for a project
or perhaps they are developing their computer skills, which is probably more likely
judging by the teacher who is standing right behind them and who seems to be helping
one of his students.
I think that computers are a great benefit to students, not only do they make it much
easier for student to find information, but they also make learning much more enjoyable.
Moving on to the next picture, there is a man who could be a businessman as I can see
that he is smartly dressed. He might be using his laptop to catch up on work while he s
on the go. I think he could be travelling on a train, maybe to a job meeting or he could
be waiting for a flight in an airport lounge.
Judging by the slightly strained expression on his face, he could be under a lot of
pressure compared to the students in the second picture. Perhaps he s trying to send
emails or maybe he s trying to organise his schedule.
Furthermore, it goes without saying that computer skills are essential in the world of
work these days, as technology is improving every second which means that it is
becoming more essential in our lives. In both picture, both the businessman and the
students are using computers to get their work done as it seems like its much easier to
study or to work using every piece of information they have.
Well, i think i'd have to say the first one, because the businessman is probably multi-
tasking so he could be writing a report, maybe doing some king of research, or
writing emails to his collegues. While the boy in the third picture could be playing
outside or doing something else than playing on his computer, without his computer, the
man wouldn't be able to complete his work when he s not in town, or answering emails.

I am going to talk about picture number 2 and number 3.
In the second picture, as i can see, there is a woman who seems to be practising yoga.
Maybe she is mediating as part of her yoga routine as she looks middle-aged and in fact
many older people choose yoga to get rid of all the negative energy. I would say that
anyone could take part in yoga and that you don't need any particular skills because all
you have to do is to focus your mind and body for a certain period of time.
The next picture shows some teenagers who are playing voleyball maybe in a competition
, or alternative they are just training. I truly believe that this is a very demanding sport
which requires high levels of strenght.
They much also have a lot of determination and comunication with each other as
this sport relies on team effort so they have to get along pretty well.
They look quite focused judging by the strained expression on their faces, in
contrast with the lady who is very relaxed and calm.


Well, i have to say the lady doing yoga as she looks quite peacefull so i would say she is
getting a lot of satisfaction from her practise. Even if not everyone would enjoy this sort of
activity because they are more into a sport like voleyball, looking at the faces in the
photographs i would say the woman practising yoga is enjoying her activity the most.

I will talk about picture number 1 and number 3.
The third one shows animals' role in providing food for people rather than entertainment as
represented by the horse jumping picture . Now it looks as if a farmer is milking his cows
using modern machinery. As far as the well-being of the cows goes, i think that officials
should run spot checks as i can see the cows are standing in a quite a dark in contrast
with the horse which is having a lot more freedom. I also think that it should be forbided for
cows to don't get the chance to be let out into a field.
Moving on to the next picture in which it seems like there is a show-jumping competition
going on, the horse is probably very well loked after, as the condition of the horse is a
major contributing factor in this sport. However, it probably has to practise for hours which
could lead to it sustaining injuries. The rider is hitting the horse eoth his riding crop which
doesn't really hurt but the rider is obviously pushing the horse to its physical limits as the
man in the third picture. As far as im concerned, horse owners should be checked up on
regulalry to make sure they are taking good care of their horses.

As far as im concerned ill have to say the situation in the second picture that shows a
panda in the circus ring which seems to be in a circus. i ve never agreed with the idea that
an animal which should be free is held captive and used to entertain people. Not only do
they spend most of their time in a small cage, but there have been many cases of animals
being mistreated by their trainers.

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