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Lembaga Bahasa

Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Hamzanwadi NW Pancor

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Dosen Pengampu : Andri Suherman, M.A., M.Ed.TESOL
Waktu : 1 Jam 30 Menit


Future Plans bisa diartikan sebagai rencana di masa mendatang. Dalam bahasa Inggris, Future Plans
dinamakan Simple Future Tense. Berikut adalah rumus Simple Future Tense:

Kalimat positif
Dalam kalimat positif, rumusnya adalah: S + to be + going to + Verb 1. Contoh:

 He is going to read a novel tonight (Dia berencana akan membaca sebuah buku nanti malam)
 They are going to play football tomorrow afternoon (Mereka berencana akan main sepakbola
besok sore)
 We are going to travel to Singapore next month (Kami berencana akan bepergian ke Singapura
bulan depan)

Kalimat negatif
Dalam membuat kalimat negatif, kamu hanya perlu menambahkan “not” sebelum kata kerja. S + to be +
not + going to + Verb 1. Contoh:

 He is not going to read a novel tonight (Dia tidak berencana akan membaca sebuah buku nanti
 They are not going to play football tomorrow afternoon (Mereka tidak berencana akan main
sepakbola besok sore)
 We are not going to travel to Singapore next month (Kami tidak berencana akan bepergian ke
Singapura bulan depan)

Kalimat interogatif
Ada perubahan struktur kalimat jika ingin dibuat menjadi kalimat interogatif atau kalimat tanya. Rumus
yang digunakan adalah To be + S + going to + Verb 1. Contoh:

 Is he going to read a novel tonight (Apakah dia berencana akan membaca sebuah buku nanti
 Are they going to play football tomorrow afternoon (Apakah mereka berencana akan main
sepakbola besok sore?)
 Are we going to travel to Singapore next month (Apakah kami berencana akan bepergian ke
Singapura bulan depan?)

Lembaga Bahasa
Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Hamzanwadi NW Pancor

Excercise 1: Use the words to make (a) positive, (b) negative, (c) interrogative sentence!

1. You/ read / a novel tomorrow 4. Jim & Jack/ play / golf next week
a. ______________________________ a. _____________________________
b. ______________________________ b. _____________________________
c. ______________________________ c. _____________________________

2. My father / work / in Turkey next year 5. We/ watch/ a concert tomorrow night
a. _______________________________ a. ____________________________
b. _______________________________ b. ____________________________
c. _______________________________ c. ____________________________

3. Her mother / cook / burger tonight 6. He/ teach / Biology at school next month
a. ________________________________ a. ____________________________
b. ________________________________ b. ____________________________
c. ________________________________ c. ____________________________

Excercise 2: Make sentences, as in the example:

* miss the train * make some tea * change it * crash

* shout at us * take some photos * play in the snow
* fall off * sell his house * make a cake

1. Jim has got his camera. He is going to take some photos………………

2. She can not stop the car! She…………………………………………....
3. They are late. They ………………………………………......................
4. The headmaster looks angry! He …………………….…………………
5. Micheal is putting up a “For Sale” sign. He …………………………....
6. The car has got a flat tire. He …………………………………………..
7. Mother is looking at a recipe. She ……………………………………...
8. Look! The ladder is broken. Oh no, he ………………………………...
9. They are putting their hats and gloves on. They …………………….…
10. Kevin is putting the kettle on. He ………………………………………

Exercise 3: Write a paragraph about your future plans next week!


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