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Lesson Title: Capture the Flag

Date: Jan 6, 2022
Grade: 8
Class/Subject: Physical Education
Unit: Games and Strategy
Lesson Duration: 50mins


A. Demonstrate and regularly use challenging and safe strategies while
participating in continuous aerobic activity (e.g., running, skipping, cycling, swimming, dancing,
paddling, three-on-three soccer, three-on-three basketball) in a progression towards twelve consecutive
B. Sustain participation in aerobically challenging lead-up games (e.g., three-on-three soccer, two-on-two
basketball, three-on-three soft lacrosse) that increase heart rate and respiration rates in a progression
towards twelve consecutive minutes on a consistent basis.
C. Willingly engage in a variety of movement activities at a moderate to vigorous level of effort in a
progression towards twelve consecutive minutes.

PE 8.3
C. Develop personal answers to questions (e.g., `How fast am I?', `How
coordinated am I?') related to personal abilities in the components of skill-related fitness after collecting
data using simple assessments (e.g., shuttle run, pat head and rub stomach simultaneously while doing
alternating forwards/backwards and sideways scissor jumps).

PE 8.4
A. Demonstrate the ability to repeatedly perform a skill at game appropriate
speed without hesitation. B. Demonstrate the ability to manipulate
objects without losing control while performing locomotor and non-locomotor movements in a
rhythmical sequence.

PE 8.6
A. Discuss and apply the various concepts involved in the different types of games (i.e., target games –
sending away, wrist action on release of object, starting in aiming position; striking/fielding – placement
of the ball on the field, covering bases, base running; net/wall – spatial awareness, positioning on court,
returning to `base' position, position of body, trajectory, depth, angles; invasion/territorial – keeping
position, penetration, defensive positioning and movement in passing lanes, support for ball carrier,
locomotion, on-the-ball movement, off-the-ball movement).
B. Communicate, with clarity and correctness, and practise offensive and defensive tactics and strategies
that reflect the performance concepts to be used as a team while participating in striking/fielding,
invasion/territorial, net/wall games, and low-organizational and inventive games (e.g., slo-pitch: one out,
runner on first, grounder hit to short stop; volleyball: having a full team of six people receiving a serve
compared to five, four, or three team members receiving a serve).

PE 8.9
A. Design, represent using symbols and patterns, and perform the story of a sport or activity through

interpretive movements

PE 8.13
A. Reflect on examples, from multiple sources (e.g., television, video games, print resources), to
formulate conclusions on the level of influence that each of these examples has on behaviour associated
with participation in movement activities.

OUTCOMES stated in learner friendly language

Students will:
● Learn what makes a game and creates and how we can manipulate the rules to change
the game.
Pre-assessment (prior Formative: Summative (if applicable):
knowledge) (if applicable): Bring the students into a
-Grand discussion before the group after playing the game
game is started. Discussing rules and discuss some rules
and expectations during the changes about the game.


Resource #1: (


● Hula hoops(4-6) or pylons (8-12)
● Bean bags or balls
● Frisbees (depending on the game)

Introduction (time: 5-10mins)
Hook/Attention Grabber:
1) Have some students help with the set-up by grabbing the box of balls/bean bags and
place them on either side of the gym.
2) Have another group of students grab pylons and make one jail or each team.

Transitioning from Hook to Body:

3) Have the students sit by the whiteboard near the entrance of the gym and wait for

Body (time: 25-30mins)

Learning Activity #1: Original Game

1) The teacher will explain the rules to the students which are:
a. Students are separated into 2 teams
b. The area should be set for the game
c. Students should all start on the wall, when the teacher yells go the game can start

d. When a student steps over the center line they can be tagged and taken to the jail
e. The goal is the students to have the most amount of beanbags or balls
f. When the student reach the safe area they can get a free walk back
g. To get out of jail the person has to wait for a teammate to come tag them, once
tagged the person from jail needs to grab on to a piece of clothing and walk back
to center.
h. Players cannot go to the safety area and jailhouse. They have to pick one.
i. The teacher can have a timer

Learning Activity #2: Modified 1 (multiple jails and boxes)

1) The teacher can call the students in and ask an honest question. Did we like the game?
2) Depending on the answer, ask the students if the class can change the rules to make it
more enjoyable.
3) The students might not know so the teacher could suggest multiple safety areas and jails
to allow more options for the players.
4) The rules can remain the same.
5) If the teams seem unfair the teacher trade players to make the teams as even as

Learning Activity #3: Modified 2 (change how to get points)

- This is dependent on the amount of materials the gym has but the teacher could suggest
that the other team has to catch the ball or frisbee.
- When a student reaches the safety area they need to throw it to their teammate and the
teammate needs to catch the item for it to count. The person can stay in the box as long
as they want and throw the items.
- If the item was not caught they need to give it back to the other team.

Closure (time:5-10mins )

Feedback From Students on Learning:

1) Before the bell goes, talk to the students about the different rule changes.
a. Ask the students how the strategy changed and how the rules influenced the
participation and the strategy.
b. Ask the students if they had a team strategy or if they were working independently.

Transition To Next Lesson(s):

Student Differentiation:
- Depending on the material, the teacher could use hula hoops.
- Instead of a jail, the teacher could have one team wear pinnies and where they are
tagged they have to stand. They can wait for their teammates to tag them.
- Teacher can designate one student on each team to use a get out of jail scream which
allows all players to come back into the game.

- Some players have an Teacher’s aide with them and those players could be jail breakers;
where they can breakout more than one player from their team.

Reflections on lesson:



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