Senior Project

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By: Medora Krause

• Introduction of Project
• Area of Expertise

Overview •
• Research Topic

Overview of Shadowing Experience

• Who, Where, Why

• Observations

• Reflections

• Presentation of Product
• Purpose

• Process

• Presentation

• Closing
• What I Learned Through This Process

• Future Plans

• Acknowledgments

• Opening for Questions

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Choosing an
Area of • Always had inspiration for

helping others

• Like to see others happy

• Familiar with healthcare

• Bring me happiness

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Choosing a
• Due to Covid getting the vaccine was a
controversial topic

• Wanted to see what the stance points were

• Wanted to look deeper into why it is


4/12/2022 4
Shadowing Experience

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Who, Where, & Why

• Who: Kennedy Hilbrands

• Where: Brown Clinic North Ridge

• Why: Have a familiar area to learn more about the career

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• Shadowed for 3 whole days

• Day 1: 9 am – 3 pm

• Day 2: 8 am - 3 pm

• Day 3: 9 am - 4pm

• Sat in the rooms while patients got their

vitals and basic information gathered

• Able to see different types of scenarios

• Got to see an ambulance come in and take a

patient to the E.R.

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• Never bored

• Had fun

• Was a big eye opener

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Product Prospectus
Product Purpose

Made a Medical Chart Made a Treatment Plan

Had 5 different made-up patients Designed to fit each patient's diagnosis
• Included all of their health information
All had different reasons on why they
were coming in

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Process • Chose template for the Medical
• Filled it out with all the patient's
health info

• Chose template for the Treatment

• Made different plans to have it be
fitting for the patient

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of Product

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What I
learned • That I do want to pursue a career in the
medical field

• You need to be a people for this job

• You must be compassionate and work hard

for this career

• I do not want to be a medical assistant

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• Attend Lake Area in the fall of
2022 and major in the OTA

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• Mentor Kennedy Hilbrands

• Mr. Rudebusch

• My sister and her husband

• Panel Members

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