Mark Grabowski, J.D.: Professor - Lawyer - Journalist

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Mark Grabowski, J.D.

Professor | Lawyer | Journalist | 202-360-8900 | 


M​ark Grabowski is an​ ​associate professor specializing in communication law, ethics and 
technology at Adelphi University in New York.​ ​Grabowski has authored textbooks on cyber 
law and cryptocurrency and published in​ ​Harvard’s, Yale’s and Stanford’s law journals. 
He's given a TEDx talk in Shanghai and been​ ​covered by the ​New York Times, USA 
Today​, ​Washington Post​, NPR, Fox News, CBS and​ ​other media outlets. In 2015, he won 
the James Madison Prize for Outstanding Research in​ ​First Amendment Studies and 1st 
Place from the Press Club of Long Island for best​ ​commentary. Grabowski is the recipient 
of a 2020-21 Fulbright award to research​ ​cryptocurrency in The Philippines.  


Georgetown University Law Center​, Washington, DC  

J.D., 2007  

Case Western Reserve University​, Cleveland, OH  

B.A., magna cum laude, 1999  


Associate Professor at Adelphi University​, Long Island, NY  

2009 – present. Tenured faculty member in Communications Department; 
affiliated faculty in Computer Science Department. Classes include Bitcoin & 
Blockchain, Cyber Law & Ethics, Media Law & Ethics, Newswriting and Web 
Journalism. Teach both undergraduate and graduate students in online, hybrid and 
traditional classes.  

V​isiting professor at Marist College and Monmouth University; Associate for Institute of 
Public Representation; associate at German, Gallagher & Murtagh; Legislative Assistant 
for​ ​U.S. Rep. Rob Andrews (D-NJ); Reporter for ​Newsday​, ​Arizona Republic​, ​Providence 
J​ournal​, Calkins Media and States News Service.  


M​ark Grabowski & Eric Robinson (2021)​. Cyber Law & Ethics: Regulation of​ ​the 
Connected World​. London, UK: Routledge.  

M​ark Grabowski (2019). ​Cryptocurrencies: A Primer on Digital Money​. London, 

UK:​ ​Routledge.  


M​ark Grabowski (2019). “The Law of eSports.” In R. Rogers (Ed.) ​eSports: Understanding 

the World of Competitive Video Games ​(pp. 185-200). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 
/​ ​Lexington Books.  

M​ark Grabowski (2016). “Fantasy Sports Law.” In Nick Bowman, John Spinda & Jimmy 
Sanderson (Eds.). ​Fantasy Sports: Perspectives from the Fields. How Fantasy Sports 
are​ ​Viewed and Used by Fans, Athletes, Teams and the Media ​(pp. 235-254). Lanham, 
MD:​ ​Rowman & Littlefield / Lexington Books.  

M​ark Grabowski & Sokthan Yeng (2014). “The Ethics of Privacy: Questioning Media 
Coverage​ ​of the Tiger Woods Sex Scandal.” In Mitchell Land & Bill Hornaday (Eds.). 
Contemporary​ M​edia Ethics: A Practical Guide for Students, Scholars and Professionals in 
the Globalized​ ​World, 2nd ed. ​(pp. 190-203). Spokane, WA: Marquette Books.


M​ark Grabowski & Pallavi Guniganti (2012). “Applying Common Carriage to Network 
Neutrality.” In Zack Stiegler (Eds.). ​Regulating the Web: Network Neutrality and the Fate 
of the Open Internet. (​ pp. 71-91). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield / Lexington Books.  


M​ark Grabowski (2020), “To Post of Not to Post: The Ethics of Mugshot​ W​ebsites.” 
8 J​ ournal of Media Law and Ethics 2
​ , 21-36.  

M​ark Grabowski (2018), “Cryptocurrency Law: A Primer for U.S. Retail Investors.” 
Indiana​ ​Law Review (​ Online), 52.  

M​ark Grabowski (2018), “Should the U.S. Reclaim Control of the Internet? 
Evaluating ICANN’s Administrative Oversight Since the 2016 Handover.” N ​ ebraska 
Law​ ​Review ​(Online), Aug. 6, 2018.  
M​ark Grabowski (2017), “Give Gorsuch a 21st Century Litmus Test.” ​Yale Journal 
on​ ​Regulation ​(Online), 35, 1-8.  

M​ark Grabowski (2017), “How to Prevent Fake News in Scholastic Media.” 

Communication:​ J​ournalism Education Today​, 40.4, 3-5.  

M​ark Grabowski (2016), “Justice Scalia 2.0: Replacing ‘The Supreme Court’s 
Unlikely​ ​Defender of Technology’.” ​Communications Law Review​, 16.2, 61-80.  

M​ark Grabowski & Pallavi Guniganti (2015). “Take U.S. Internet Regulations Back to 
the​ ​Future.” ​Stanford Law & Policy Review​, 26-1, 36-44.  

M​ark Grabowski (2014), “Both Sides Win: Why Using Mediation Would Improve Pro 
Sports.”​ ​Harvard Journal on Sports & Entertainment Law​, 5-2,189-214.  

M​ark Grabowski (2014), “Harness the Power of the Internet.” C

​ ommunication: 
Journalism​ ​Education Today​, 48.1, 31-39.  

M​ark Grabowski & Sokthan Yeng (2012), “Ethical Considerations for Mug Shot 
Websites.”​ ​Digital Ethics​, 85, 99-116.  

M​ark Grabowski (2011), “Are Technical Difficulties at the Supreme Court Causing 
a​ ​'Disregard of Duty'?” ​Journal of Law, Technology & Internet​, 3, 93-112.  


2020-21 Fulbright Scholar award to The Philippines  

2015 James Madison Prize for Outstanding Research in First Amendment 


2015 Best Commentary/Editorial Award, Press Club of Long Island  

2003-04 Congressional Fellowship, American Political Science Association  
2000 First Place in Religion Reporting, Rhode Island Press Association  
Since 2014, Mark Grabowski has been quoted as an expert source in the ​New York 
Times​,​ ​Washington Post​, ​USA Today​, NPR, Associated Press, ​New York Post​, ​San 
Francisco​ ​Chronicle​, D
​ allas Morning News​, C
​ hristian Science Monitor​, ​U.S. News & 
World Report​,​ ​Shanghai Daily​,, ​PC World​, Huffington Post and other media 
Media Law & Ethics, Cyber Law & Ethics, Newswriting, Web Journalism, Public 
Relations, Press & Society, Bitcoin & Blockchain, Public Speaking 

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