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Verawaty Kasoa

January 29, 2022

URM Topics 1-6

Topic 1

1. Ones’ personal experiences, the authority of others, and scientific knowledge.

3. If we generalize what is true for someone experience to everyone.

4. To give information to readers how data information was collected, thorough, unbiased, and

addressed the research question appropriately.

5. Systematic and minimize biases; to produce findings that represent reality as closely as

possible, overcoming some of the hidden biases that influence our conclusions when we are

not systematic.

6. Because each well-designed study provides evidence that may support, amend, refute, or

deepen the understanding of existing knowledge.

Topic 2

1. It is based on observation (experience), direct or indirect.

3. “how” in the research is about how to observe. It helps researchers to connected to matching

approach and research question.

4. Sample. The researchers find sample from the target population.

5. Qualitative research.

Topic 3

1. A theory is a unified explanation of observations, some of which may otherwise appear

Verawaty Kasoa
January 29, 2022
URM Topics 1-6

3. Research help sort accurate guesses from inaccurate ones using empirical evidence and

appropriate analysis of the data in the theories about behavior.

4. It calls the theory (or part of it) into question, causing theorists to consider reformulating it to

account for the discrepancy.

5. Induction.

6. Qualitative.

Topic 4

1. No.

3. Yes.

4. To do research where the experimental conditions are not possible, practical, or ethical.

5. No. Survey is nonexperimental study.

6. Nonexperimental.

Topic 5

1. Causal-comparative.

3. No, it’s nonexperimental research.

4. No.

5. Experimental.

6. Basic statistical characteristic of humans that are used as identity markers, such as social

economic status, gender, or age.

Verawaty Kasoa
January 29, 2022
URM Topics 1-6

Topic 6

1. Longitudinal research.

3. Quantitative research.

4. Correlational research.

5. Data. Researchers collected data in such a way that the data are easy to quantify.

6. Interview (semi-structured interview, open-ended interview questions).

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