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What would you say is the greatest talent or skill?

A skill you could say is a talent is being under pressure and getting work done. While being
under pressure I get things done quicker and better than if i had a lot of time to do them. This
skill has helped me out a lot in highschool because I never really liked doing my homework and
would always wait until the last minute. I would only have a day or just hours to turn in
assignments and get them done better than I would if I took days doing the work. Employers will
often ask if you can work well under pressure. It’s a sought-after skill many organizations value
highly. If you possess work under pressure skills, you can maintain level-headedness when
urgent needs arise instead of getting stressed out and overwhelmed. And no matter where you
work, there will undoubtedly be occasions where you have to work in high-pressure situations.
In many cases, the difference between an average employee and an excellent one is the ability
to perform well in a crisis situation when a quick decision is needed.No matter how well planned
or organized you are, unexpected events or problems may occur. The ability to respond calmly
and effectively to pressure is extremely important in any line of work. How you respond will vary
from person to person. Some people thrive on it and perform with a clear head under stress,
others may get anxious and become ineffective. We live in a fast-changing work environment.
All areas of business are affected by outside circumstances that need last-minute adjustments
to continue to work as normal as possible. That’s why nowadays the quality to work under
pressure is so valuable from recruiters.

Describe the most significant challenge you've faced and the

steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has
this challenge affected your academic achievement?
One of the most significant challenges is handling stress.I’ve found that stress at work often
comes from having too many tasks to handle. So the first thing I do is step back and prioritize. I
can’t do 10 things at once, but I can take time to identify which tasks are the highest priority and
then take care of the most important things first. Also, I’ve found that communicating well with
other team members is key. If I’m overwhelmed, I’ve learned to ask for help or to clarify my
priorities with my boss to make sure I’m working on the most essential things first. I think
stressful situations pop up in any job, but if you stay calm and level-headed and keep your team
members informed, the stress doesn’t need to hurt your productivity.
Describe how you´ve tracked the advantage of a significant
educational opportunity or worked to overcome an
educational barrier you have faced.
I have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity by participating in the seal of
biliteracy. The seal of biliteracy can benefit me by showing colleges and employers that I am
fluent in more than just one language and can lead to college credits. It was difficult in the
beginning because I had to be interviewed by two teachers. During the interview you could only
speak spanish. I passed the interview but that was a barrier that I faced and overcame. I was
very nervous leading up to the interview and had to practice what to say and do .I have also
gotten a Cisco essential certification that was hard to obtain considering we had to take a 80
question test. I overcame this challenge by studying and doing my assignment to better
understand the subject and pass the test on the first attempt. I also took a practice test before to
better prepare myself for the actual test .This was a significant educational opportunity because
not everyone gets IT essentials certification in highschool and it can lead to you getting an entry
level job in the IT field. Another educational opportunity I took advantage of was the osha 10
card was a ten hour course involving safety around job sites and what you should or shouldn't
do in certain situations. This course was challenging because it involved a big test at the end
and you only had three tries or you could no longer take the test. I overcome this obstacle by
reading through the course and taking notes on it. It also took practice tests before taking the
test to make sure I knew the material and was prepared for any obstacle.

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