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Research Plan Template

Student name: Reid Taylor

Research Plan (to Accompany Form 1A)
A) Rationale
Include a brief synopsis of the background that supports your research problem and explain why this research is
important and if applicable, explain any societal impact of your research.
Silkworms, like any other farm animal, has its limitations. I want to see if I can break those limitations for such a small
yet important creature. Silk has been farmed ever since the begging of china, so for 6000 years, over these years we
have found uses for silk from simple things like clothes and scarves to know the more complex like antibiotics and
sutures, But like all thing I believe it can be improved through conditioning. The silkworm’s silk is a mixture proteins
and amino acids. So, if I introduce more amino acid and proteins into their diet then the silk, they produce may be
B) Research Question, Hypothesis, Engineering Goal, Expected Outcomes.
How is this based on the rationale described above?
Research Question: Do protein and amino acid supplements affect silkworm silk.
Hypothesis: I believe that exposing the silkworms to the supplements will cause a change in silk.
Expected Outcomes: I believe the silk will become stronger and I think they will produce more silk.
Detail all procedures and experimental design including methods for data collection. Describe only your project. Do
not include work done by mentor or others.
 Terrariums
 Silkworms
 Mulberry Leaves
 Amino Acid Supplements
 Protein Supplements
 Water

1. Order supplies
2. Set up terrariums *each 1ft apart
3. Put Silkworms in terrariums
4. As soon as silkworms are in terrariums testing begins
5. Put supplements into bucket f water and stir thoroughly
6. Put food in supplement mixed water and stir for 1 min
7. Feed silkworms drugged food and drugged water * 1 leaf and half a cup of water
8. Record results for day
9. Turn lights of at 6:00 p.m.
10. Repeat steps 5-10 the next day for 1 month

Gridded- Lid
Gray- See Through
7.72 x 4.88 x 4.25 inches
Research Plan Template

 GSEF Approval Form 1B
 GSEF Form 1A Student Checklist
 GSEF Form 1: Checklist for Adult Sponsor
 Faculty Pre-Check
 Parent Grade and Partner Agreement Form
 Research Plan Project Summary 1A

Data Collection
1. Wait for the silkworm cocooning process
2. Take half of the cocoons and leave the other half to create a new generation
3. Boil the cocoons in water and collect silk
4. Measure quantity
5. Measure weight with scale
6. Measure tensile strength with hands *Guess work will have to be involved in the tensile strength part but I do
not have access to a machine that measures tensile strength
Risk and Safety
Identify any potential risks and safety precautions needed.
I am not to worried about the silkworms getting out because after generations of farming the silkworms are entirely
dependent on humans for survival. The ‘moths’ cant fly and they only live up to 3 months maximum. So, I am not
worried at all if they break containment. They are not known to carry any diseases. The supplements I am using are
not prescribed.

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