Vjezba Za Maturski - Engleski Jezik

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ENGLESKI JEZIK - viši nivo

ŠKOLSKA 2020/2021.
Vrijeme rješavanja testa je 180 minuta.

Pažljivo pročitajte uputstvo.

Ne okrećite stranice dok to ne dozvoli dežurni nastavnik.

Za vrijeme rada na testu nije dozvoljena upotreba rječnika i elektronskih uređaja.

Odgovore treba pisati hemijskom olovkom. Odgovori napisani grafitnom olovkom
neće biti priznati.

Provjera razumijevanja slušanog teksta sastoji se od dva zadatka. Svaki tekst

slušaćete dvaput. Imaćete dovoljno vremena da pročitate pitanja prije nego što
čujete tekst kao i da provjerite svoje odgovore. Za vrijeme slušanja možete da
zapisujete odgovore.

Odgovore na pitanja višestrukog izbora treba pažljivo prepisati na List za

odgovore. Odgovori na pitanja koji nijesu napisani na listu za odgovore neće se

Kod pisanja sastava dozvoljeno je pisanje koncepta na listovima za koncept.

Vodite računa o broju riječi, jezičkoj pravilnosti i čitljivosti teksta. Konačna verzija
se čitko prepisuje na predviđeno mjesto u testu i ona će biti bodovana.
Zadatak će se vrednovati sa 0 bodova ako je:
→ netačan
→ zaokruženo više ponuđenih odgovora
→ nečitko i nejasno napisan
→ rješenje napisano grafitnom olovkom

Ukoliko pogriješite, prekrižite i rješavajte ponovo.

Želimo vam puno uspjeha!

1.1 You will hear Professor Daniel Todd from Missouri State University talk about sleep.
For sentences 1–2, decide if each statement is true or false and put a tick (√) in the appropriate
box. Write your answer to questions 3, 4 and 5 in the space provided.


The sleep researcher William Dement reported no ill effects of

1.  
Gardner’s attempt.
Medical researcher John Ross reported no cognitive or behavioral
2.  

➔ Prenesite rješenja na list za odgovore.

3. How long did Randy Gardner stay awake for?


4.What was the profession of Peter Tripp, the person who held the world record in staying
awake before Gardner?


5.Where did Peter Tripp set up a glass booth for his wakeathon?

1.2 You will hear a conversation with the son of one of America’s most popular presidents,
Ronald Reagan.
For sentences 1–5, decide if each statement is true or false and put a tick (√) in the appropriate


Ronald Reagan is still honoured as a great person in America

1.  

2. Ronald Reagan is credited for starting the Cold War.  

Ronald Reagan’s son Ron always agreed with his father’s

3.  

4. Ronald Reagan died in 2004.  

5. Ronald Reagan’s mother was a heavy drinker.  

➔ Prenesite rješenja na list za odgovore.


2.1 Read the text. For questions 1-8 circle the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
according to the text.

To be honest, I deserved some kind of punishment. I was a troublemaker. I’d get restless or
bored, and I’d start to misbehave.
For example, I liked scaring people. I would hide behind a door or behind a sofa and wait for
someone to walk into the room. Then, when they were real close, I’d jump out and scream. I loved
the reaction.
I also loved to attack my brother Brian, or attack his stuff. I’d watch him carefully build a
castle out of blocks. I’d watch him make the walls and the tower. I’d wait until he had everything
perfect. Then I’d come swooping down like an invading horde. I was Attila the Hun. I was Genghis
Khan. I’d descend on his unprotected castle and demolish it. I thought this was the funniest thing in
the world, while he cried around his ruined castle.
It never occurred to me that I was hurting him, or even upsetting him. That moment of
surprise was so much fun that I never really thought about how it felt to be on the other end of it.
So I got in trouble.
I also got in trouble at home for eating when I wasn’t supposed to eat. My stepmother was
very strict about food, just like she was strict about all the rules in that house. Meals were for
mealtimes. There was no snacking. If you were hungry, you went hungry and you waited until dinner.
I couldn’t wait. I was a big kid. I was growing fast. I was hungry all the time. So I’d got into
the kitchen and grab something to eat. I particularly liked bananas. I’d take the banana and go up to
my room and eat it there. If a banana was missing, my stepmother would know it. I don’t think she
actually counted the bananas, but there was the problem of getting rid of the evidence. You couldn’t
hide a banana peel from her. She kept such a clean house that she’d find it no matter where you put
it – in the trash, under the bed, wherever – and you’d get punished for stealing a banana.
I wasn’t hungry just at home. I was hungry everywhere I went, and I learned to steal food. In
the first grade I got caught committing my first crime. I was stealing food from other kids’ lunch
boxes in the cloakroom. I was punished. When I got home I told stepmother about it and I was
punished again, with a spanking.
Adapted from My Lobotomy by Howard Dully

1.Did Howard, the narrator, deserve punishments?

A. Yes, always.
B. Yes, sometimes.
C. No, never.
D. He was never punished at all.

2.Why would Howard sometimes start making trouble?
A. He did not know what to do.
B. He loved being punished.
C. He missed his mother.
D. He was evil.

3.How did Howard feel when he destroyed his brother’s castle?

A. like a girl
B. like a great warrior
C. like an animal
D. like an older brother

4. Brian was often hurt or upset by Howard’s attacks. What was Howard’s reaction?
A. He cried with Brian.
B. He did not think about Brian’s feelings.
C. He enjoyed being a bad boy.
D. He was sorry for Brian.

5.What was Howard’s stepmother strict about?

A. about all rules in their house, including rules about food
B. about all rules in their house, except rules about food
C. about food only
D. about no rules at all

6.Howard was often in trouble. Why?

A. He would eat too much at mealtimes.
B. He would eat too little at mealtimes.
C. He would not eat at all at mealtimes.
D. He would eat between mealtimes.

7.How did Howard’s stepmother know that he stole a banana?

A. By finding the peel of the banana.
B. By counting the bananas.
C. By seeing him eat the banana in his room.
D. By smelling the banana in his room.

8.When hygiene is concerned, what was Howard’s house like?

A. rather dirty
B. occasionally dirty
C. fairly clean
D. spotlessly clean
➔ Prenesite rješenja na list za odgovore.

2.2 Read the text. For questions 1-8 circle the answer (A, B or C) which you think fits best
according to the text.

How to become a stuntperson

By rights, Lee Millham should not be alive: he's tumbled from windows, crashed cars, steered a runaway
tank and been frequently shot. And while, a complexity of cables, harnesses and scientific vests give him a
sporting chance of survival, each new adventure risks nemesis1. Almost 20 years into his career as a film
and TV stuntman, Millham, 34, still admits to butterflies before every new manoeuvre: "Not because I'm
scared but often there's only one take and I'm worried I won't get it right."
Stuntpeople are the hidden heroes of cinema. When James Bond hurtles from a plane hatch or Harry Potter
flees death eaters on a magical motorbike, it's the stars who reap the glory. The people behind the films'
highlights are mere names some way down the closing credits. Nonetheless, it's a highly addictive career,
and jobs can be hard to come by due to the surprisingly high number of people willing to fling themselves
into mortal danger.
To work as a stuntperson in the UK you need to get on to the British Equity Stunt Register. To do this
probationary stuntpeople are required to reach instructor level in a minimum of six skills across six
categories, including fighting, falling and water. They also need a black belt qualification in martial arts.
Even then they can only be accepted once they have clocked up more than 60 hours of non-stunt
experience in front of the camera on a professional production.
Work as a film extra is the easiest way to acquire this. Three years later, if they have completed 60 days'
filming and 36 qualifying stunts, they progress to intermediate level and can perform stunts alone. Full
membership of the stunt register is only possible after a further two years, by which time they qualify as a
stunt co-ordinator and can supervise other stunt colleagues. There are no university or college courses in
stunting, but the British Action Academy offers regular seminars and courses.
In between roles, he helped out unpaid on film sets to gain contacts and experience. Physical expertise is
only the starting point of a stunt career, also a good relationship with a stunt co-ordinator. An ability to act
is vital, especially when performing as a double for one of the film's stars. "You have to spend quite a bit of
time with them, watching how they move," says Millham. "Occasionally you even get given dialogue which
I'm not very comfortable with."
Similarly essential is endurance and flexibility. A sudden phone call might require them to cross the country
at short notice and because the stunt team is always secondary to the actors they usually get the worst of
the filming schedule which means long hours in extreme conditions at antisocial times. Then, of course,
there's the danger. Though not all jobs are glamorously heroic, the level of danger faced and skill required,
means that stuntpeople can command high fees for brief appearances on screen. Because the work is
freelance, income is unpredictable, however, and many have to have another profession – often as an
instructor in one of their acquired skills – to fall back on.
So far, though, Millham has more than enough film work to keep him going and, although he resents the
fact that his career is undercredited, the dangers and discomforts still thrill him. "It was a dream come true
and the sort of thing most people only get to do on computer games."
1nemesis, n. something that a person cannot conquer, achieve

1.Why does Milhamm “still admit to butterflies before every new manoeuvre”?
A. He usually cannot shoot a scene twice.
B. He is afraid of dying.
C. He is enthusiastic about new manoeuvres.

2.Why do stuntpeople remain ‘hidden’ from the audience?

A. They are not prominently credited for their merits.
B. Their career becomes kind of an addiction.
C. There are simply too many of them looking for a job.

3.When is it possible to get full membership of the British Stunt Register?

A. As soon as they complete 3 months of filming.
B. After they graduate from the British Action Academy.
C. After at least 5 years of getting various qualifications.

4.How did Milhamm get some extra experience?

A. He had frequent physical expertise.
B. He did voluntary work on film sets.
C. He often talked to other stuntpeople.

5.What ability is essential for performing a star’s double?

A. imitating
B. acting
C. memorizing

6.The filming schedule

A. suits stuntpeople well.
B. rarely changes.
C. favours the actors.

7.Being a freelance means that Milhamm

A. cannot rely on getting a regular monthly salary.
B. is frequently asked to acquire new skills.
C. often trains professional instructors.

8.Which phrase best explains the meaning of “undercredited” (last paragraph)?

A. not well-known
B. underpaid
C. not honoured enough

➔ Prenesite rješenja na list za odgovore.

2.3 Six sentences are missing from the text. Choose from the list (A-H) the most appropriate
sentence for each gap (1-6) in the text. There are two extra sentences that you do not need to
use. For question 7 choose A, B or C.

Sheltering in place hasn’t been too hard for Jay Lee; watching a film at home and ordering a
takeaway has always been his idea of a good night. Lee, a 32-year-old small business owner in
Leicester, is identified as an introvert.

1. __________He used to time his shopping trips to minimise the possibility of bumping into
someone he knew, waiting until almost closing time before heading out. “Since I've been wearing
the mask, my awkward interactions with friends and family have significantly reduced,” he says.
Wearing a mask is, for most of us, an annoying but worthwhile sacrifice: it’s one of the most effective
ways to slow the spread of Covid-19. 2. _________Face-coverings fog our glasses and clog our pores;
they make it harder to smile at strangers and recognise friends.
Yet some are secretly relishing the new mask-wearing mandates, for reasons ranging from the
convenient and expedient to the more complex and psychological. Some welcome the way face
coverings reduce or change interactions that might otherwise spark social anxiety. 3. ________
Ever had a job that required you to smile? 4.________
Missing important interactions?
5._______“For introverts, it can feel great that you don’t have to talk to people you don’t know that
well, but in the long run, when you get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself… [you might
form] a really fulfilling or positive relationship,” says Stamoulis. Similarly, many of her teenaged
patients prefer their Zoom classes, finding them less stressful than socialising with classmates and
dealing with teachers in person – but in the long term, she warns, they will need to work on their
social anxiety.
Even for adults, she says, “There’s definitely the potential to lose out on social interactions that can
be nourishing. 6._________” Even brief conversations with strangers in public places – the kind of
interaction that is almost impossible now – can boost our mood; one study showed that train and
bus commuters assigned to initiate conversation with the rider next to them felt happier afterward
than those who sat in silence, even if they were introverts.

Still, Stamoulis isn’t too worried about the long-term consequences of wearing masks. “I wouldn’t
think this would necessarily be good for years and years, in terms of our development and our
emotional connections, but during this time of universal loss and distress and anxiety, it can, for
some people, be a silver lining.”

A He hopes that, even after the pandemic ends, it will still be socially acceptable to wear a mask.

B While masks may offer a temporary reprieve from stressful social situations, experts say they’re
probably not a good long-term coping mechanism.

C You have more freedom to be meditating or thinking about whatever you want.

D Lee has always dreaded run-ins with old friends and acquaintances around town, finding these
spontaneous interactions “extremely awkward”.

E Masks enable some people, such as restaurant servers, to drop their forced grins and do their
work with less burden.

F We know that social interactions – whether it’s a quick chat or a mutual smile – can release
endorphins and reduce cortisol levels.

G But is this a helpful coping mechanism – and what happens when the pandemic comes to an

H Still, most of us look forward to the day when we can bare our faces in public again.

7. Expression a silver lining in the last paragraph means

A an advantage that comes from a difficult or unpleasant situation
B a disguise from other people
C a burden you have to cope with

➔ Prenesite rješenja na list za odgovore.


3.1 Read the text below and decide which word (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.


Hip Hop has had an overwhelming influence on the black community in America, as well as society
as a 1___________ . Hip Hop is more than music, Hip Hop is a culture. 2___________ the past three
decades, Hip Hop 3 ___________ and uplifted America, speaking up for generations and providing
a voice to a group of people trying to 4___________ a message.
Opponents of the Hip Hop culture argue 5. ___________ the music is aggressive in nature and
6___________social rebellion. Hip Hop has provided a platform for MCs and rappers to express
7___________ opinions about society, the government and the 8___________ of African Americans
in America for decades. This release is 9___________ for the uplifting of the black community. It
would benefit society entirely 10___________ people opposed to Hip Hop tried to accept the
culture rather than attack the culture.
Adapted from Spinditty

1. A complete B total C unit D whole

2. A At B On C Over D While

3. A has influenced B had influenced C influences D influenced

4. A deliver B print C receive D subscribe

5. A this B that C which D witch

6. A clarifies B explains C promotes D subscribes

7. A them B their C there D theirs

8. A attitude B development C relationship D treatment

9. A alternative B crucial C obvious D optional

10. A but B for C if D yet

➔ Prenesite rješenja na list za odgovore.

3.2 Read the text and write the correct form of the verbs in brackets.


As the US 1_____________________ (hit) by the strongest hurricane since 2004, it appears

that the hurricane’s flooding and devastation also has impacted the lives of our favourite four-legged
A large number of dogs 2_____________________ (displace) during that natural disaster in
2017, leaving some really good fluff balls without a home of their own. That’s why Canada decided
it 3_____________________ (be) time to step in and help out the dogs that
4_____________________ (remain) helpless in the storm. In a bid to help the animals, a Canadian
rescue service based in Toronto decided 5_____________________ (raise) funds to pick up some
stranded dogs and bring them into the land of maple syrup to find a loving home.
‘While rescue boats were prioritizing humans, shelters 6_____________________ (refuse)
people’s pets, and there are more dogs than there are rescuers’, Nicole Simone told the Toronto
Star. 7_____________________ (launch) a GoFundMe campaign in order to assist the stranded
dogs in the Texan state, the service 8_____________________ (raise) around £16,000 to help the
animals so far, and fortunately, the rescue mission is a roaring success.
In partnership with Sanctuary Hot Mess Pooches, the pets 9_____________________ (be)
available to a loving Ontarian’s home very soon.
Currently, the group 10_____________________ (accept) donations here to ensure that the
four-legged creatures can live their best lives as they recover.
Adapted from Metro

3.3 Write the correct form of the words in brackets.

Thousands of Italian students have marched again in protest against a university reform law but

there was no repeat of the 1 _____________________ (violent) seen a week ago. One of their aims

was to speak to Italy’s president.

“The president has been very 2_____________________ (will) to talk with us. He has heard a lot,

he has listened a lot, and he’s said he’s willing to read our own 3_____________________

(recommend), which we are working on,” said one demonstrator.

But the Senate has its own timetable and is set to continue voting on 4_____________________

(variety) amendments to the bill. Italy’s education minister aims to restructure higher education in

Italy to equip students for, but critics claim it will 5 _____________________ (mere), cut its funding.


4. A restaurant in your region is to open shortly and the owner has placed the following
advertisement in your local newspaper:


...For a busy restaurant located in the main tourist area of this region. We have a
number of vacancies available, including:
▪ Junior Chef
▪ Waiter/Waitress
▪ Restaurant Manager
Hours of work: 6 - 12pm, Mondays to Saturdays.

Please send a letter to our HR Manager, Mr. Roger Murray, stating:

• which post you are interested in

• why you should be considered for the job
• when you will be available for the interview.

Write the letter of application (80-120 words). Do not write your name.




4.2 Choose one of the following writing tasks. Write your essay in 120-180 words.

1. Write about the funniest experience you have ever had.

2. Buying more and more stuff makes people happier.

Do you agree? Give your opinion by using specific example(s).







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