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(OD Ingersoll Rand. OPERATION / MAINTENANCE AND PARTS MANUAL DX-500E/DX-600E DOUBLE DRUM VIBRATORY ROLLERS Read this instruction manual before operating this equipment CPN 13164462 February 16, 2001 DX-500 DX600 VIBRATORY COMPACTOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL, COMMUNICATIONNO, 15164462 This manual should be used with all related supplemental books, engine and transmission manuals, and part books. Related Service Bulletins should be reviewed to provide information regarding some of the recent changes. Wf any questions arise concerning this publication or others, contact your local distributor for the latest available information. Contents of this manual are based on information in effect at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice. CONTENTS SECTION SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION ‘SYMBOL IDENTIFICATION AND METRIC ‘CONVERSION OTHER EQUIPMENT OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. FUEL & LUBRICATION INSPECTION INITIAL BREAK-IN MAINTENANCE. 10 HOUR OR DAILY ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 80 HOURS OR WEEKLY ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 100 HOURS OR MONTHLY MAINTENANCE 300 HOURS OR QUARTERLY ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 10 n ‘500 HOURS OR SEMI-ANNUAL ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 1000 HOURS OR ANNUAL ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 12 13 ROUTINE ADJUSTMENTS MISCELLANEOUS AND OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT — SCHEMATICS PARTS MANUAL 14 15 16 7 SECTION1 ‘SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND GUIDELINES Contents _ Page OveRvIEW eter 1 PRESTARTING INSPECTION 1 OPERATING 2 MAINTENANCE 2 OVERVIEW In any work concerning the operation, conversion or adjustment of the machine and its safety-orlented devices or any work related to maintenance, inspection and repair, always observe the star-up and shut-down procedures set out in the operating instructions and the information on maintenance work, * BEFORE YOU OPERATE, MAINTAIN OR IN ANY OTHER WAY, OPERATE THIS MACHINE: READ and STUDY this manual. KNOW how to safely use the unit's controls and what you must do for safe maintenance. ‘The machine has been builtin accordance with state-of the-art standards and the recognized safety rules. Nevertheless, its ‘use may constitute a risk to life and limb of the user or of third parties, or cause damage to the machine and to other material property. = ALWAYS wear or use the proper safety items required for your personal protection. For reasons of security, long hair must be ted back or otherwise secured, garments must be close-fiting and no jewellery ~ such as rings - may be worn. Injury may result from being caught up in the machinery or from rings catching on moving parts. Wyou have ANY QUESTIONS about the safe use or maintenance of this uni, ASK YOUR SUPERVISOR OR CONTACT ANY INGERSOLL-RAND DISTRIBUTOR. NEVER GUESS - ALWAYS CHECK. Never make any modifications, additions or conversions which might affect safety without the supplior’s approval. This also ‘applies to the installation and adjustment of safety devices and valves as well as to welding work on load-bearing elements. Observe all fre-wvaming and fire-fighting procedures. « PRE-START INSPECTION INSPECT your machine, Have any malfunctioning, broken or missing parts corrected or replaced before use. Check the machine atleast once per working shif for obvious damage and defects. Report any changes (incl. changes in the ‘machine's working behaviour) fo the competent organisation/person immediately. Ifnecessary, stop the machine immediately and lock it, * ‘Take the necessary precautions to ensute that the machine is used only whan in a safe and reliable etat. Operate the machine only it all protective and safety oriented devices, such as removable safety devices, emergency shutoff ‘equipment, sound-prooting elements and exhausts, are in place and fully functional. 14 SECTION ‘SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND GUIDELINES Any safety devices removed for set-up, maintenance or repair purposes must be relitted and checked immediately upon Completion of the maintenance and repair work. * Ensure that all consumables and replaced parts are disposed of safely and with minimum environmental impact. * AVOID, whenever possible, servicing, cleaning or examining te unit with the engine running NEVER fil tho fuel tank, with the engine running, while near an open flame, or when smoking. ALWAYS wipe up any spilled ‘uel immediately, ALWAYS disconnect the spark plug before performing any work on the unit, DO NOT alter the engine governor settings from that indicated in the engine manus. ALWAYS replace damaged or lost decals. Refer to the Parts Manual for the proper location and part number of all decals. Cary out welding, flame-cutting and grinding work on the machine only if this has been expressly authorized, as there may be a risk of explosion and fire. = inflammable substances and make sure that the premises are adequately ventilated (tisk of expiosion). * ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ! 1 ' 1 1 ' ! ' ! 1 ' ' ' Ih Before carrying out welding, lame-cuiting and grinding operations, clean the machine ands surroundings fom dust and other 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 ' ' ' 1 ' ' 1 ! ' ' ' hoe - " 23,14 ‘SECTION2-INTRODUCTION EXCELLENT CHOICE! The Ingersoll-Rand Compactor you have chosen will give you many hours of maintenance free ‘operation resulting in @ faster return of your investment. ‘Safe operation depends on reliable equipment and the use (of proper operating procedures. Performing the checks and services desoribedinthis manualwillnelpkeep your machine in good condition, These recommended operation procedures will help you to avoid unsate practices. Safety notes have bean included throughout this manual to help you avoid injury and prevent damage to the equipment. These notes are not intended to cover all eventualties; itis impossible to anticipate and evaluate all possible methods of operation. Therefore, you are the only person who can ‘guarantee safe operation and maintenance. It is important that any procedure not specifically recommended in this manual be thoroughly evaluated from the standpoint of safety before its implemented. Continuing improvement and advancement of productdesign may cause changes to your machine which may not be included in this publication. Each publication is reviewed andrevised, as required, toupdate andinclide these changes in later editions. Ingersoll-Rand reserves the right to modify ‘or make changes within a specific model group without notice and without incurring any liability to retrofit units previously shipped from the factory. Contact your Ingersoll-Rand Distributor for non-routine maintenance information that is ‘not covered in this publication. 2422 ‘SECTION3- SYMBOL IDENTIFICATION AND METRIC CONVERSION Contents _ - INTERNATIONAL MACHINE SYMBOLS INTERNATIONAL HIGHWAY SYMBOLS. CONVERSION SYMBOLS. INTERNATIONAL MACHINE SYMBOLS The following explains the meaning of interational symbols that may appear on your machine orn & LOW ENN RPM OIL PRESSURE WATER TEMPERATURE CAUTION BRAKE - PARK Jon /OFF peseieiee VIBRATION usHs: slow WATER FREQUENCY CAUTION - PAESSURIZED BATTERY “TRANSMISSION [P] Q Wil *« AYMETEROR VOLTMETER, GREASE AIR PRESSURE on Vi fo] e [sme] a HYDRAULICOIL LOW AIR PRESSURE ENGINE RPM SECTION3- SYMBOL IDENTIFICATION AND METRIC CONVERSION two-way traffic no entry for vehicles exceeding weight other dangers ro entry for vehicle axle weight exceeding level crossing ro turn level crossing rho turn direction shown no entry no entry for power driven vehicles A A A ae ) O A A A V @ © closed to all vehicles in both directions Intersection, user must give way Intersection user must glve way Intersection user must give way “give way" sign stop sign (new) stop sign (old) “priorty road” sign SECTION 4- OTHER EQUIPMENT Contents Page WATER SPRINKLER UNIT ___ SINGLE POINTHOISTING OPERATING HANDLE WATERSPRINKLER UNIT During compacting operation, compacting pressure of roller will be increased # water tank (1, Figure St is filled with water By operating the sprinkler cock (2, Figure 4-1) waler can be distributed evenly or paving work Figure 4-1 SINGLE POINT HOISTING The compactor can be moved when not in operation using the single point hoisting device (1, Figure 4-2). Figure 4-2 an SECTION 5 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS: Contents Page ‘SAFETY CHECKS 1 PRIOR TO OPERATION ste 2 ‘STARTING AND OPERATING — 4 AWARNIN Improper maintenance can be hazardous. Read and understand SECTION 1 - SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND GUIDELINES before you perform any maintenance, service or repairs. ‘SAFETY CHECKS -PRE-STARTING READ this Instruction Manual and the Engine Manual, IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT OF THE OPERATION OF THIS UNIT AFTER READING THESE PROCEDURES - SEE YOUR SUPERVISOR. READ ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO STARTING THE MACHINE, Before starting each day, in addition to the 10 hour daily routine maintenance, check or inspect the following items to ensure trouble tree performance. 1. Check uid lines, hoses, ftings. filer openings, drain plugs, pressure cap, muffler, safety shrouds, retighten bolts and nuts, and the area underneath the unit for signs of leakage or damage. Fix any leaks and correct any damage before operating. 2. Inspect the entire unit for damaged or missing parts and repair or replace them as needed 8. Check the ful level. necessary, il the fuel tank withthe proper fue. AWARNING td, Fuel is flammable. May cause injury and property damage. ‘Shut down the engine, extinguish all open flames and do not smoke while filing the fue! tank Always wipe up any spilled fuel 4, DO NOT operate fauity equipment 5, Be aware of people and obstructions within your work area. 6. Check Engine Oil level. 54 SECTIONS- OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. Do not pour mudéy water or seawater into radiator. In cold weather tap wator in the radiator may freeze, breaking it. To prevent this, add anti-freeze to the coolant. Follow coolant manufacturer's recommendation for mixing ratio, When not using an antifreeze, and there is a chance of freezing, be sure to drain radiator of coolant attor each use. Capacity of coolant: 1.2 iters (1.8 qts}). JET STARTER Hf starting the engine is cificult because of the cold, use the jet starter. 41) Turn the jet starter cock (1, Figure 5-2) counterclockwise to open 2) Push the starter knob (2, Figure 5:2) 4 or 5 times. 8) Close the cock completely 4) Pull the decompression lever, turn on the starter switch, then sel the lever free after the engine rotates, ‘STARTING & OPERATION ‘STARTING ENGINE 1) Postion the forwardeverse lever (1, Figure §-3) to “neutral” position. 2) Position the vibration lever (2, Figure 5-3) to “of” postion, 3) Position the throtle lever (3, Figure §-8) to 1/2 postion 4) Tum the starter-key clockwise to the “pre-heat” position. 5) Wait about 5 seconds. 6) Tum the starter-key clockwise to the “start” position. 7) Release the starter-key as soon as the engine staris running. 8) Shift the throtle lever (3, Figure 5-5) to the "Tow" postion immediately after the engine starts, 9) Warm up the engine for about 5 minutes. Figures-3 53 SECTION 6- FUEL & LUBRICATION SPECIFICATIONS Contents GENERALINFORMATION FLUID CAPACITIES GENERAL INFORMATION Lubrication is an essential part ofpreventive maintenance, affecting toa great extent the usefull ofthe unt. Different lubricants are needed and some components in the unit require more frequent lubrication than others. ‘Specific recommendations of brand and grade of lubricants are not made here due to regional avalablity, operating conditions, and the continual development of improved products. Where questions arise, refer to the requirements and specifications in the engine manufacturers manual Alloil levels are to be checked with the machine parked on a level surface, and while the ollis cold, unless otherwise specified FLUID CAPACITIES FLUIDIOIL, APPROXIMATE CAPACITY ENGINE OIUDIESELGR.CB 7 RADIATOR: 12 LITERS ECCENTRIC GILIVISCOSITY 32 .75 LITERS (DX-500) :80 LITERS (DX-600) ENGINE FUEL REGULARMAINTENANCE Please read the "Engine Instruction Manual” carefully for Engine Maintenance. ‘The best guarantee for long working lifelife and constant readiness of the roller is correct and regular maintenance. SECTION 7- INITIAL BREAK-IN MAINTENANCE Contents Page ENGINEOIL B MAIN BODY OIL, B i ‘TABLE OF INSPECTION INTERVALS AWARNING Improper maintenance can be hazardous. Read and understand SECTION 1 -SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND GUIDELINES before you perform any maintenance, service or repairs. ‘Any new equipment requites an inital modification of the maintenance schedule to properly break-in the various ystems. ‘and component units. Perform this one time intial break-in maintenance after 50 to 100 hours of operation IN ADDITION TO the 10 hour, 50 hour and 100 hour maintenance tasks which are described on the following pages. After this inal phase, the regular intervals should be followed, AWARNIN Hot oi! and/or components can burn. ill must be at normal operating temperature when draining, Avoid contact with hot oil or components. ENGINEOIL Drain the engino oil after the first 20 hours of operation, Fil with the correct amount of the recommended oil, Check the oil level with the oil filer capidip stick. See Section 12 to change ol. ca SECTION8- 10 HOUR OR DAILY ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Contents ENGINE OIL FUEL FASTING HARDWARE V-BLET AIR CLEANER, AWARNING Improper maintenance can be hazardous. Read and understand SECTION 1 - SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND GUIDELINES before you perform any maintenance service or repairs. Itis recommended that the following steps be performed at the beginning and end of each 8to 10 hour shift or daly, whichever comes first DAILY CHECK ‘Make the following daily checks without fail before starting, ‘Chack engine olf level and refil as necessary. Cheek ait-cleanor. Check engine collant, rfil i necessary. Check fuel Check hydraulic oll level and refi if necessary Check for loose bolts and nuts, (Cheek for loose parts, damage and oll leaks. Check abnormal exhaust gas, noise and vibration. ENGINE OIL Check the engine's oll evel atthe start of each day and maintain it othe full mark on the dipstick. Inger the dipstick and check the full mark on the dipstick. Do not serew the gauge in fist. See Section 12 to change engine ol 84 ‘SECTION 9-50 HOUR OR WEEKLY ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Note * Soe Engine Manual for Engine 50 Hour Maintenance Requirements * 911,92 ‘SECTION 10-100 HOUR OR MONTHLY ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Contents AIR CLEANER __ CLEANING AIR CLEANER AND REPLACING ELEMENT Under normal conditions, clean the element every 100 hours. However if operating in a pariculary dusty place clean element ‘every 10 hours. 1. Remove dirt from dust cup and remove wing nut (1, Figure 10-1 form air cleaner (2, Figure 10-1) 2. Clean element by blowing alr from inside or by lightly tapping the element If dust contains carbon, contact your Kubota dealer for the recommended cleaner. PRECAUTIONS 1. Replace elements every year of after cleaning six times, 2. Ifthe element is damaged, replace. Otherwise, the engine's service life may be shortened, Figure 10-1 10-1,10-2 SECTION 11-300 HOUR OR QUARTERLY ROUTINE MAINTENANCE NoTE * No 300 Hour or Quarterly Routine Maintenance Required * tetat2 ‘SECTION 12-500 HOUR OR SEMI-ANNUAL ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Contents, Page HYDRAULIC O1L ECCENTRIC SHAFT OIL ENGINE OIL CHANGING HYDRAULIC OIL Hydraulic of should be changed every year or every 500 working hours. To add oll remove oll tank cap (1, Figure 12-1) trom cil tank (2, Figure 12-1), This machine is also equiptment with a hydraulic ol reserve tank (3, Figure 12-3) Figure 12-1 (CHECKING AND CHANGING OIL IN ECCENTRIC SHAFT CASE Flomove oil levelsupply plug (1. Figure 12-2). Check whether oil is full upto the oi! supply port. Replenish the hydraulic ol (viscosity $2), if necessary Capacity: 'DX-SOOE: 0.75 liters (0.79 Qs) DX-600E: 0.9 liters (.095 its) Hydraulic oll should be changed every year or every 600 working hours. Figure 12-2 124 ‘SECTION 13-1000 HOUR OR ANNUAL ROUTINE MAINTENANCE NOTE “No 1000 Hour or Annual Routine Maintenance is required. * 18-1,18-2 ‘SECTION 14- ROUTINE ADJUSTMENTS NOTE ‘Soe Engine Manual for Engine Routine Adjustments" 14142 ‘SECTION 15- MISCELLANEOUS AND OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT “No Miscellancous and Optional Equipment * 151,152 SECTION 16- SCHEMATICS NOTE ‘No Schematics are necessary for this unit, * 161,162 SECTION 17 - PARTS MANUAL DX-500E/DX-600E DOUBLE DRUM VIBRATORY ROLLERS When the Comm. # is not known - Use the Table of Contents: ‘+ Turnto the TABLE OF CONTENTS pages in the front of this manual. These pages show the major systems of the machine divided inte FUNCTIONAL GROUPS (identified by capital letters). ‘* Find the Funetional Group that best describes the area of the machine you are interested in. For example: Kubota Engine, + See the sample Table of Contents shown below: INTERNAL BREAKDOWNS 1 Kubota Engine (54674650) - Internal Breakdown... Listed under the Functional Group of Internal Breakdowns are SECTIONS (identified by numbers that describe major repairable components of that group. Find the listing that refers to the Kubota Engine. ‘+ Since the Air Cleaner Element is what needs to be replaced, refer to the parts listing for the Engine. The Air Cleaner used on your machine is found in Functional Group I.; Section 1, this makes up the first part of the page number. Tur to that section of the parts manual and find the parts listing on page |.1.61 for the Air Cleaner Assembly (59334126), When the Comm. # is Known - Use the Numerical Index: ‘Ifyou already know the Comm. Number (part number) for the item required, a NUMERICAL INDEX is provided in the back of the manual to assist you. Look up the Comm, Number desired and the Numerical index will show the Functional Group, Section, and Page Number where the item can be found. For our Air Cleaner Element Example: The Comm. Number for the Air Cleaner Element 59854315 is, found in the Numerical Index, it shows that component will be found on page I.1.61 STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS Ac WR ARG Assy BHCS: cuyd cyl oc Dia eff FHCS ENR FOPS FIP Gr HHCS HHMS HSBHCS 1D LH M Mik mm Nat Asp Neg NSS NSVA oD Pos Pst Qi Alternating Current [As Required Authorized Rebuilt Component Assembly Button Head Cap Sorew Cubic Yard Cylinder Direct Current Diameter Effective Flat Head Cap Screw Forward-Neutral-Reverse Falling Object Protection System Fotk Positioning Grade Hex Head Cap Scrow Hex Head Machine Screw Hex Socket Button Head Cap Screw Inside Diameter Left Hand Metric Maintenance Interval Kit Mitimeter Naturally Aspirated Negative Not Sold Separately Non Serviceable Assembly Outside Diameter Positive Pounds per Square Inch Quick-Attach Ref BH RHSS ROPS a SAE Sec SFH SHCS sMv SIN SPST Std str sw Tach Temp Thd Thk Typ. UNC: UNE Univ Var vPM Wot wio Wp. Reference Right Hand Round Head SeiTapping Screw Roll-Over Protection System Revolutions Per Minute Society of Automotive Engineers Section Slotted Filister Head ‘Socket Head Cap Screw Slow Moving Vehicle Serial Number Single Pole/Single Throw Self-Tapping Standard Straight Swivel Tachometer Temperature Thread Thick Typical Unified Coarse Unified Fine Universal Variable Volt Vibrations Per Minute Weight with Without Weatherproof B i RECOMMENDED SERVICE PARTS DX-500E/600E Current Production {Quantities are for one unit having the operating hours sted below to 1,000 operating hours Assembly Description cen Engine- Kubota Oil Fitters. 1 59339708 Fuel Filter Assombly+ 1 59835307 Fuel Filter Elements 1 59854398 Fuel Tank Gap 1 59230038 Radiator Cap 1 59335828 V-belt 1 59854414 Air Cleaner Element 1 159854315 Ignition Switch Assembly 1 59239160 -Ignition Key 1 59239178 Frame Water Tank Cap 1 54674320 Oil Tank Cap 1 54674262 Forward/Reverse Lever Knob 1 154678008 Vibration Lever Knob 1 ‘54678008 Throttle Lever Knob 1 59962192 Brake Lever 1 5467109 Drum Eccentric Case V-belt 1 54677794 Hydraulics Hydraulic Tank Cap 1 54678645 Hydraulle Tank Filter 1 ‘54678552 Ol Fiter 1 59838581 + Designates pars that are to be replaced within the specitid time ines as stated in the maintenance schedule, RECOMMENDED SERVICE PARTS X-500E/600E Current Production Juantities are for one unit having the operating hours listed below 3,000 operating hours plus Assemble Description Qty cen Engine — Kubota Muttier 1 59334227 “Gasket 1 59334205 Drive Clutch Assembly 1 84674718 Vibration Clutch Assembly 1 54676325 Pump Assembly 1 54676291, Oil Seal 1 54676606 Charge Oil Seal 1 54876814 Flange Oil Seal 1 54876830 Trunnion Oil Seat 1 59970965 Drum Drive Motor Assembly 1 54676994 “Seal Kit 1 S4677141, + Designates pars that are tobe replaced within the speciied tie inlenas as stated in the maintenance schedule FRAME INSTALLATION DESCRIPTION ary| DIMENSIONS/NOTES | 84674213 | §9831750 54674015 54674023 54674098 54674106 54674114 54674122 59952242 59956132 54674130 54674148 59952242 59951632 59952291 54674155 54674163 59952242 59951632 54674171 54674189 | 59188144 59831560 54674197 59831750 59831743 59833780 59831602 | 54674205 59831743 59833780 59831602 54674205 Right Side Frame (DX-600E) Right Side Frame (DX-S00E) Leit Side Frame (DX-600E) Left Side Frame (DX-500E) Member (DX-600E) Member (DX-500E) Bott Spring Washer Scraper (A) (DX-600E) Scraper (A) (DX-500E) Bolt Spring Washer Washer Scraper (B) (DX-600E) Scraper (B) (DX-500E) Bolt Spring Washer Washer Cover (B) Bolt Lockwasher Rubber Buffer, 45° Nut Spring Washer Bott Lockwasher Washer Rubber Buffer, 65° Nut Spring Washer Bott Lockwasher Washer MUOYMYUYUYOVYNYYOYYONIFARANNARANNOOBHHLGG M10 x 25 Mio M10x 25 M10 10.5 x 25x 3.2 M10 x 25 M10 M10 MB x 15 MB M12 M12 M12x25 M12 13x 25x 3.2 M12 M12 M12x 25 Mi2 13x 25x 3.2 DX-500B/600E ANB OIL TANK & WATER TANK INSTALLATION COMM.NO. DESCRIPTION ary DIMENSIONS/NOTES Cananaoe:ns a! ‘3 n 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 34 32 33 34 35 54674221 54674239 54674247 54674254 59831594 §9831743 54674262 59406603 59832535 59831925 54674270 54674288 54674296 54674304 54674312 54674320 54674338 59235796 59952473 54674346 54674353 54674361 54674379 54674387 59952242 | 59951632 | 54674395 54674411 59952242 59951632 54674429 59832931 54674437 54674445 54674460 | 54674478 | 54674486 54674494 59235796 Base (DX-600E) Base (DX-500E) Oil Tank (DX-600E) Oil Tank (DX-500E) Bolt Spring Washer Oil Tank Cap O-ting Bolt Spring Washer Plug Water Tank (DX-600E) Water Tank (DX-S00E) Water Tank Band Nut Water Tank Cap Bolt Packing Washer Capnut Drain Cap CP (Includes Items 20 & 21) -Drain Cap -Packing Lifting Hook Bolt Spring Washer Stop Plate (A) Stop Plate (B) Bolt Spring Washer Rubber Stop Nut Cover (A) (DX-600E) Cover (A) DX-500E) Cap Bracket (DX-600E) Bracket (DX-500E) Bolt Packing (Continued on next page) VNIABMAINNARBE RRB R a M12 x 30 Mi2 MB x 20 M10 M12x 35, 12.5 x 25x3.2 m2 M10x 25 M10 M10 x 25 M10 M10 M12 x 25 DX-S00E/600E A23

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