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Biological control of locusts and grasshoppers using a

fungal pathogen: the importance of secondary cycling
M A T T H E W B. T H O M A S 1, S I M O N N. W O O D 1 and

C H R I S T O P H E R J. L O M E R 2
1Natural Environmental Research Council Centre for Population , Imperial ,> ,
Ascot SL5 7PY,U.K.
2International Institute of Biological ,C
ontrl Silwood , Buckhurst ,
Ascot, SL5 7TA, U.K.


Persistent chemical pesticides can provide an effective means of control against locusts and grasshoppers
due to prolonged activity of the spray residue. However, use of these pesticides is now prohibited, and non-
persistent chemical alternatives are substantially less successful. Here we show why it is expected that
biological pesticides based on the fungal pathogen Metarhizium will be highly effective in the
control of both locust and grasshopper. We demonstrate, using novel population dynamic models
containing measured estimates of horizontal transmission coefficients, that secondary cycling of the
pathogen after a single spray application provides a biological substitute for chemical persistence. This has
significant consequences for the economics of biopesticide use in pest control. Furthermore, by identifying
that secondary cycling acts in a density—dependent manner, this study also highlights fundamental
differences between conventional pesticides and biopesticides and how they might be used.

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
In response to the problems outlined above, the
IIB C /IITA /D FPV collaborative research programme
The devastation of crops by locusts and grasshoppers on the biological control of locusts and grasshoppers
has been recorded since biblical times, and many (LUBILOSA) has been developing alternative tech­
millions of U.S. dollars are spent annually on their nologies for locust and grasshopper control. In this
control, throughout the world. For example, during programme, strains of the entomopathogenic fungus
the period of 1986-1989 the total cost of locust and Metarhizium flavoviride Gams & Rozsypal (Deutero-
grasshopper control programmes (mainly in the Sahel mycotina: Hyphomycetes) have been isolated from
and northwest Africa) amounted to over 400 million several locust and grasshopper species (Bridge al.
U.S. dollars (OTA 1990). 1993), and oil-based biopesticides suitable for ap­
Until the mid-1980s the principle strategy for plication using ultra-low volume techniques are being
controlling locusts and grasshoppers was to use developed and tested (Bateman et al. 1993; Lomer et
persistent synthetic chemical insecticides. Because of 1993; Lomer et 1al.995£). Field trials with the
the long activity of the spray residue, persistent biopesticides have demonstrated effective control of
insecticides are effective even when direct contact rate both locusts and grasshoppers under natural field
between spray and target insect is low (as occurs in conditions (Douro-Kpindou et al. 1995; Kooyman &
some environments occupied by grasshoppers in the Godonou 1995; Lomer et 1al.995a, b).
Sahel (Lomer et al. 1995a) and with some aerial It has been shown that spray residues from the
application (Prior & Streett 1995)) (Brader 1988; biopesticide have only limited persistence (Carruthers
Prior & Streett 1995). However, because of concern et al. 1995). However, secondary cycling of the
about environmental damage and hazards to human pathogen (i.e. horizontal infection) after a spray
health and livestock, persistent chemical insecticides application has been measured in the field during
are no longer applied. Non-persistent chemicals, with biopesticide trials on sahelian and Australian grass­
virtually no residual activity, are now used instead hoppers (Lomer et al. 1995a; Baker et al. 1995;
(Brader 1988). Because these chemicals kill largely as a C. Lomer, M. Thomas & S. Wood, unpublished data;
result of direct spray contact only, they are much less respectively). Here, we investigate the importance of
effective and often require several applications within this for both locust and grasshopper control using two
a season or extensive blanket spraying to achieve novel population dynamics models. One model pre­
satisfactory control (Brader 1988). This results in dicts the effects of the biopesticide on the grasshoppers,
increased cost and environmental damage of the Hieroglyphus daganensis Krauss and Zonocerus variegatus
control programe (Brader 1988; OTA 1990; Kremer (L.), two key pest species from slightly different
1993). ecological zones in sahelian and subtropical Africa

Proc. R . Soc. Lond. B (1995) 259 , 265-270 265 © 1995 T he Royal Society
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266 M. B. Thom as and others Biocontrol o f locusts and grasshoppers

(Steedman 1990). The second model predicts the through time of infected cadavers placed on the soil
effects of the biopesticide on the Desert Locust, surface. This technique did not affect the rate of
Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal). Mathematical details are cadaver break up and decay (M. Thomas, S. Wood &
kept to minimum because the aim of this paper is to C. Lomer, unpublished data) but effects on host
examine the consequences of the host-pathogen in­ behaviour, as with most cage experiments, cannot be
teraction for biological control. A more thorough discounted.
presentation and in-depth analysis of the models will From these experiments, the transmission coefficient
be published elsewhere (M. Thomas, S. Wood & for an individual cadaver was observed to change
C. Lomer, unpublished data). through time (see figure 1). This pattern of infectivity
relates in part to variations in spore availability as the
cadaver breaks up and decays but the exact pattern of
2. H O R I Z O N T A L T R A N S M I S S I O N the infection profile is determined by both biotic and
A key parameter in host-pathogen models is the abiotic factors and the interactions are complex
transmission coefficient. This describes the probability (M. Thomas, S. Wood & C. Lomer, unpublished
of a successful infection resulting from contact between data). However, these measured infection profiles do
a susceptible host and an infective propagule (i.e. free provide a phenomenological representation of the net
living spore or virus particle, or infective host in the infectivity of a cadaver under real field conditions (and
case of directly transmitted diseases) (Anderson 1981). thus include the effects of factors such as microclimate,
Unfortunately, few models contain measured estimates pathogen isolate and host susceptibility on infection).
of this parameter because of problems with manipu­ The essential features of these profiles are that the
lating and monitoring both insect and pathogen infectivity of an individual cadaver has both build up
populations (but see Dwyer 1991; Dwyer & Elkinton and decay phases, and lasts for several weeks. As
1993; Goulson et 1al.995). In the presentdetailed in figure 1, these infectivity profiles after death
study, by
defining cadavers as the infective units, we were able to are well characterized by a gamma function multiplied
capture the essential temporal and spatial aspects of by a constant, and enter the models described below
disease transmission under field conditions without accordingly.
monitoring the pathogen population per se. This
enabled us to measure transmission coefficients for the 3. H O S T - P A T H O G E N M O D E L S
two grasshoppers in their natural environments during
held trials in Benin and for Desert Locust in held cages H. daganensis, like many sahelian grasshoppers, has
in southern Niger. The experimental procedure just one generation per year. In the model for this
(described in detail in Carruthers et al. 1995) used species, we assume that nymphs hatch at the onset of
sequential exposure of populations of uninfected hosts the rains. The pathogen is sprayed 30 days after
in held cages to bioassay for changes in infectivity eclosion when insects are 3-4 instar (the normal stage
at which a chemical pesticide might be applied). Those
insects contacted directly by the spray take 12 days to
die and as cadavers then become infective and initiate
new infections. This process continues until the end of
the wet season (90 days) when any surviving grass­
hoppers lay eggs and die. Grasshoppers pass through
the dry season in egg diapause during which time
pathogen is lost from the system. For Z. ,
which has essentially the same life history, we use the
same model but the timing of the seasons differ because
this species occupies more humid zones. The key
biological differences between these species and differ­
ences between environments with respect to disease
transmission, are contained within the individual
time / d infection profiles. For both species, infection risk per
Figure 1. The transmission coefficient or infectivity profile for healthy individual t days after spraying in season i is
H. daganensis. Infectivity profiles for this and the other species therefore given by:
were fitted with a first- or second-order gamma function,
= /?d+U e_ct, where j = 0 or 1, /?It(t)
determines the total
= f j G(t— x)fii(x— t ) dx. (1
magnitude of infection and c controls the timescale of the Jo
infectivity profile. Best-fit parameters (least-squares objec­
tive) for the grasshoppers were: H. daganensis = 0.4±0.006, f and G(. ) are defined in the legend of figure 1 and r
c = 0.11+0.01 and j = 1; Z. variegatus /? = 1.8+ 0.5, is the time from infection to death. The infection rate
c = 0.03 + 0.01 and j = 0. For the desert locust, S. gregaria, of healthy grasshoppers is:
measured infectivity was not unequivocally declining by the
end of the experiment, we therefore fitted a gamma function H,(t)I,(t)+ 5 ( 0, 0)H,(0)k, < » 0
to our data, but chose the value of c at the upper end of its 0
95 % confidence interval and refitted /?. This yields a very
conservative infection profile, with c = 0.037, ft = 3.0 and where 5(0,0) is a Dirac delta function, Hf(t) is the
j = 1- population of healthy grasshoppers t days after spray­

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Biocontrol o f locusts and grasshoppers M. B. Thom as and others 267

ing in season i,and k( is the proportion hit directly by

from infection to death was eight days. Mature adults
the spray (initial spray contact rate). The population are modelled as laying some fixed number of eggs per
of healthy hosts within a season is governed by: day, b. Instantaneous daily infection risk for any
dHi/d t = - p i(t). (3) individual is therefore given by:
rt 7
Differentiation of (1) turns the within season system /(£ )= /? G{t—x) 2P
j Fj(x ~ 8) Ajdx, (5)
into a numerically tractable set of delay differential J 0 j= 1
equations, by the ‘linear chain trick’ (MacDonald
1978; Blythe et al. 1983). where P, is the proportion of infected locusts which
survive other sources of mortality long enough to
We describe between season dynamics from the end
expire from infection, fift) is the number of stage
of season i to the time of spraying in season / + 1 by:
locusts infected per unit time at time t and A-} is the stage
HM ( 0 ) = r t Ht{ T ) + f ti (4) j mass divided by adult mass. Individuals within a
stage are treated as identical except for their age,
where riand f are normally distributed random
which determines their time of maturation from the
variables representing host reproduction and immi­
stage only. The instar populations are then governed
gration with mean R and F, respectively, and standard
by the fundamental balance equations for structured
deviation 20% of the mean (the standard deviation
populations (Gurney et al.1983), and can be
allows for some between-year variation in these
numerically tractable by the same method used for the
variables that is likely to occur in response to changes
grasshopper equations (MacDonald 1978; Blythe et al.
in weather and food quality). T is the duration of the
wet season after spraying. We neglect exogenous
density dependence on the grounds that for control we
want to keep numbers well below those at which this 4. R E S U L T S AND D I S C U S S I O N
becomes important.
For the desert locust we use a second model to We use equations (1)—(3) to examine the total
investigate the potential of the biopesticide for use in a mortality of grasshopper populations when sprayed
‘preventative control’ or ‘upsurge elimination’ strat­ with a biopesticide with different initial spray contact
egy (Bennett 1976), as opposed to swarm control (see rates (see figure 2). This figure illustrates two important
Prior & Streett (1995) for an up to date analysis of points. First, the biopesticide acts in a density-
strategies in locust and grasshopper control). In this dependent manner. This results in high density
model we target a population of desert locusts in a populations suffering proportionately greater mortality
restricted breeding area (i.e. the build-up phase of a for any given spray contact rate. Second, for both
discrete gregarious population before migration). We grasshopper species, the pathogen is extremely efficient
assume that adults arrive at a site and start to breed. and even very low spray contact rates result in high
We apply the pathogen after 30 days (allowing time for mortality by the end of the season. This suggests the
detection of the population and for a spray team to be possibility for developing novel control strategies based
deployed) and assume that sprayed individuals become on low-level pathogen applications.
infective cadavers. We follow the course of the epizootic The long-term consequences of this additional
for three continuous locust generations (the possible mortality (see figure 3) are measured by the relative
number of breeding generations at the same site advantage of the biopesticide over a chemical assuming
(Roffey & Stower 1983)) and examine what effect the that the chemical pesticide and biopesticide have the
biopesticide has on the size of the peak population; same initial spray contact rate of 50% and the contact
reducing the size of populations and hence restricting with either spray is lethal (i.e. a simplifying assumption
migration of large populations is likely to reduce the ignoring sublethal effects of either spray). The relative
spread of outbreaks (Bennett 1976; Prior & Streett advantage is measured as the ratio of the predicted
1995). This strategy could also apply to other locust frequency of spraying with a non-persistent chemical
species, such as the red locust and the African pesticide to the frequency of spraying with a Metarhi-
migratory locust, which have well defined permanent zium-based biopesticide for a spray action threshold of
breeding areas where damaging swarms first develop 10 m-2 (there are no good estimates of economic
(Joyce 1985). threshold densities for Sahelian grasshoppers; 10 m“2 is
In the locust model the infection mechanism is the an arbitrary figure representing intermediate to high
same as that for grasshoppers, but we explicitly grasshopper densities). This ratio is examined as a
included the six nymphal instars, because infection function of R\the mean finite rate of increase, and F\
caused by the cadavers of different instars may be very the mean number of grasshoppers that arrive in an
different. The final instar is divided into a pre- area independent of the grasshopper density last year.
reproductive (27 days) and a reproductive (23 days) There are few estimates of R for Sahelian grasshoppers.
stage (Norris 1952; Steedman 1990). Pre-adult instar However, population dynamic studies of Z. variegatus
durations were 6, 6, 6, 7 and 13 days (Steedman 1990), have suggested a range of values up to 10
and pathogen independent mortality risk was 0.04 per (Chapman et al. 1979, 1986) so this was selected as an
day for the pre-adult instars (Roffey & Stower 1983). upper limit for both species. Similarly, no accurate
Instar masses were 35, 65, 160, 600, 1100 and 1750 mg estimates of F are available so a range of 0—1 m-2 was
(Steedman 1990). Eggs took 12 days from laying to selected to represent localized movement of these
hatching (Norris 1952; Steedman 1990) and the time species which exist in relatively discrete populations in

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(a) (b)

Figure 2. ( a)The expected proportion of H.daganensis killed 90 days after spra

fungus, Metarhizium flavoviride, as predicted by the model given in the text and using the experimentally determined
parameters, c and ft. The proportion killed is shown as a function of the proportion hit directly by spraying, k, and
the initial grasshopper density H0.(b) Is the same as (a) but for the grasshopper species Z. v

Figure 3. Predicted frequency of spraying with a non-persistent chemical pesticide divided by frequency of spraying
with a Metarhizium flavoviride based biopesticide, as a function of R, the mean finite rate of increase, and F, the mean
number of grasshoppers that arrive in an area independent of the grasshopper density last year. ( ) Is for H. daganensis
assuming spraying occurs when the density is above a spray action threshold of 10 m-2. {b) Is for Z. variegatus again
assuming spraying occurs above a density of 10 m-2.

specific habitats (C hapm an^ al.1979, 1986; and vegetation type can cause large variation in
1990; M. Thomas, S. Wood & C. Lomer, unpublished fecundity and survival of desert locust (Ashall & Ellis
data). 1962; Jackson etal. 1978). As expected, pe
For this range of values, the biopesticide is between lations increase as reproduction increases and as spray
6-13 times more efficient than the non-persistent efficiency falls (see hgure 4 a). Note, however, that the
chemical pesticide for both grasshopper species. The estimates are if anything too high because of the very
spray frequency of the chemical pesticide is insensitive conservative nature of the infection profile estimation.
to F but increases proportionally with R, necessitating Figure 4 b shows how many times a non-persistent
several sprays a year at higher The frequency of chemical pesticide would have to be applied to achieve
biopesticide applications increases with both F and R the same level of control as a single application of the
but always reduces the grasshopper population below biopesticide. As with the grasshopper studies, this
the threshold by the end of the season so that it never figure shows the biopesticide to be far more effective
requires application more than once a year. The than a non-persistent chemical. An important extra
contour plots are complicated by the fact that although advantage of the biopesticide is that peak densities do
application of a conventional non-persistent pesticide not persist for very long and for the range of parameters
varies smoothly with R, the system controlled by a shown in figure 4, expected final densities were
biopesticide tends towards multi-year cycles, the substantially less than 1 m~2 except at very low
frequencies of which change quite sharply as F and R fecundity and high initial hit rate, where expected final
vary: we will explore this issue in more detail elsewhere densities were higher but less than 5 m-2.
(M. Thomas, S. Wood & C. Lomer, unpublished These theoretical and experimental results dem­
data). onstrate that locust and grasshopper control with the
For desert locust we use equation (5) to investigate Metarhizium-based biopesticide could be highly effec­
how control efficiency varies with initial spray contact tive. A key component in this is the fact that
rate and reproductive potential of the pest (weather grasshoppers and locusts infected with go

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(a) (

Figure 4. (a) Peak population densities (as adult equivalents, by mass) shown as a function of fecundity; b (the number
of viable eggs per adult per day), and initial spray contact rate, k\ for a population of Desert Locust, gregaria,
allowed to reproduce for three generations and sprayed with pathogen on day 30. The number of times the same
population would have to be sprayed with a conventional non-persistent pesticide to keep densities below the peak
level achieved by the pathogen.

on to provide secondary sources of pathogen. The long Vegetaux of CILSS, the Comite Inter-Etat de Lutte contre la
infection profile of infected cadavers, together with Secheresse au Sahel and funded by CIDA, ODA, DGIS and
subsequent cycles of infection provide a biological SDC.
mechanism for enhancing the persistence of the
biopesticide. Thus, under natural field conditions REFERENCES
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team, particularly Ignace Godonou and Comlan Gbongboui of locusts and grasshoppers. In Microbial control of grass­
for assistance in the field. This work forms part of the research hoppers and locusts (ed. M. S. Goettel & D. L. Johnson).
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Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (1995)

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