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Unadjusted Net Income 7,410,000

Unrealized loss on foreign currency translation 540,000

Adjustment of profit of prior error 750,000

A deductible is the fixed amount that policyholders have to bear before their insurance policies start contributing and co

Replacement Cost 5,500,000

Deductible Clause - 250,000
Total 5,250,000
Less:Dismantling cost - 100,000
Carrying amount - 1,500,000
Net Sales/Revenue 50,000,000
Less:Cost of Goods Sold 30,000,000
Gross Profit or Loss 20,000,000
Other Income -
Total Income 20,000,000
Less: Expenses
Selling Expenses 5,000,000
General and Administrative expense 4,000,000 9,000,000
Total Operating Income/(loss) 11,000,000
Finance Cost(2,000,000-500,000) - 1,500,000
Share from net income/net loss 3,000,000
Non-operating income/(loss) 2,000,000
Income before tax 14,500,000
Income tax expense/benefit 5,000,000
Net income/(loss) after tax from continuing operations 9,500,000
Discontinued operations gains/(losses), net of tax -
Net income/ loss after tax 9,500,000

Depreciation understatement is a correction to the retained eranings 300,000

Overtstatement of inventory will counter balance itself 200,000
Discontinued operation (disposal of recreational division) 500,000
Litigation loss 250,000
Income from continuing operations 4,000,000
Income from discontinued operations 500,000
Net Income 4,500,000

Unrealized loss on equity investment -FVOCI 1,000,000

Unrealized gain on debt investment -FVOCI 1,200,000
Unrealized gain on futures designated as cash flow hedge 400,000
Transaltion loss from foreign transactions 200,000
Net remeasurement gain on defined benefit plan 600,000
Revaluation surplus during the year 2,500,000
Loss on credit risk of a financialliability at FVPL 300,000
Other comprehensive Income 6,200,000

Net Income 4,500,000

OCI 6,200,000
Total Comprehensive Income 10,700,000
cies start contributing and cover the larger portion of your medical bill.

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