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Exercise 4
During my free time, I had the opportunity to interview Ms. Nguyễn Thị Lan
Anh at a cáfe to get information on her involvement in projects. Through our
conversation, I was able to gather information on Ms. Lan Anh by doing a
Q&A by asking the following questions:
Interviewee: How did you get into this industry?
Lan Anh: Well, before I was just a participant at an event orchestrated by the “Bản Sắc
Việt” company but later I was hooked by their operations, and I later became one of the
managers of the company. Around this period, I had also met with a businessman named
Lê Anh Đức. However, in 2019, I decided to go abroad to Singapore to advance my
knowledge. After coming back from Singapore, I reconnected with Mr. Đức, who I had
met 5-6 years ago, and started working for him as promised beforehand. Currently, I am a
project assistant in the hospitality department at the DCC Investment company.
Interviewee: Since started working for Mr. Đức, what do you enjoy most and do you like
least about the job? Also, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, how would you
rate this job?
Lan Anh: I would say that I adore my current position as a project assistant because, I
am enabled to approach some famous entertainment centers such as Park Hyatt, Intercon,
Sx Senses, and of course let’s not forget to mention Aman. These are brands that I think
not a lot of people will have the opportunity to work with and it’s been a pleasure to work
with them. As for how I would rate the job, I think that the experience is 8/10 and so
currently, I have not gotten any negative opinions on the job.
Interviewee: Did you have any training or special talents or experiences that qualified
you to be a project manager when you started both your jobs?
Lan Anh: Well, before entering the world of project management and assistants, I
experienced anything related to the industry. However, my yearning for observation and
exploration towards the new and beyond led me to take on this profession despite my
lack of experience and knowledge on the subject. Honestly, I think that I will be happy
with myself for my dedication to the job even if I fail as I have worked my hardest.
Interviewee: What do you feel is the most important thing you do as a project manager?
Lan Anh: In my perspective, the most important factors in my job are concentration,
carefulness to capture the information of meetings between investors, partners, and
members. This is important as I must follow up with everything as I am also responsible
for the communication between the parties. Lastly, I will need to have an open mind and
passion for learning new knowledge about projects, linguistics.
Interviewee: Would your past self ever think you would be doing your current job?
Lan Anh: Well, even in the present time, it’s bizarre for me to even think I am working
as a project assistant but it’s a new experience and I am all for it. And currently, I aspire
to bring Aman to Phú Quốc Island.
Interviewee: Are there a lot of differences between being an event manager versus being
a project assistant?
Lan Anh: To me, these jobs are almost entirely different. Firstly, it is without saying that
the atmosphere between the two jobs is completely different. At my previous job, I
mainly had to use my creativity and artistic point of view to plan and design whereas, in
my new job, discipline and concentration are needed to ensure investors and partners
understand the current situation of the project. However, it is to go without saying that
due to my experience in event planning, I was able to be a better member and assistant to
the managers and superiors. Although things had not gone according to expectations, all
the career and work opportunities that I was given have been a blessing in my life.
Interviewee: Could you please tell me about one of your experiences/ mistakes that have
ultimately helped you change?
Lan Anh: A while back when I was still an event planner, I had done a show for DJ
Danic, who is a fantastic artist however due to my optimism, I chose the date on which
most people in Hanoi would be away. This led to the number of sold tickets being lower
than expected. Although the impact of this mistake was not large, this experience had
helped me realize the importance of scheduling.
Interviewee: What would you say is the most important factor towards building a
successful team?
Lan Anh: I think that the manager should be able to connect the members emotionally
and spiritually for effective and efficient teamwork as people will understand and be able
to help each other better. Furthermore, I think a team is only effective when all members
are valued equally and share equal responsibility for the project’s outcome.
Interview: Do you have any suggestions for future project managers, such as any
specific preparations they should make, skills they should learn, etc?
Lan Anh: I think that experimenting and exploring is a good lesson for everyone to
follow and just as I had gone through many job opportunities. Without them, I would
never be able to reach where I am currently. So that’s why I would like to encourage the
new generations to explore and try new things without any hesitance and doubts when
you are still young because it’s the best way to learn.

Exercise 5
After researching PM certification, I was able to gather information on some
interesting certifications:
- Six Sigma Certification: a set of techniques and tools for process improvement by
identifying and removing defects, minimizing variability. This certification uses
not only empirical and statistical methods of analysis but also cost-benefit,
process, plan charts & mapping, cause & effect diagrams, quality function
deployment whilst using an axiomatic design to aid the project’s implementation
and outcome. The following are the stages with the program:
 Yellow belt: for all members.
 Green belt: for members that utilize analysis and statistics.
 Black belt: for all managers.
 Master black belt: for managers who develop strategies, plans, and train the other certifications.
 Champions: suitable for managers who take responsibility for Six Sigma implementation across the
 Executive Leadership: for the CEO and the board of directors who’s responsible for setting up the
vision for Six Sigma implementation and overlook everything that happens within a company.
- International Association of Project Managers (IAPM) certifications: an
international project certification: a global association and certification body for
project managers. Their objectives are to promote quality and knowledge in
project management using a three-level certification program consisting of:
 Certified Junior Project Manager: for students or people who are interested in project
management. This can be served as a method of entry into the world of management when
applying for a job. Furthermore, this certification will help participants get valuable feedback on
skills and traits they are missing.
 Certified Project Manager: candidates will be equipped with knowledge of theoretically planning,
organizing, and project implementation. Through this examination, candidates will be able to learn
the hard and soft factors of management.
 Certified Senior Project Manager: candidates will be equipped with the knowledge and practical
experience of management however this certification will require a minimum of five years of
experience, three of which in a management position.

The path towards project management as a profession may seem difficult

however every step that an individual is willing to take will benefit the result.
It can also be clear that the world has advanced exponentially and so there are
many ways of obtaining the necessary skills and knowledge for project
management such as certifications, camps, workshops… Ultimately, the key
aspect to achieving a profession in project management is dedication and
patience. All you must do is follow these steps to gather your experience in
1. Determine the desired certification
2. Gather the requirements for the certification
3. Revise and prepare for the examination
4. Renew certification (if renewal is required)

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