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{30-01-2019:18:46:28, User : ADMIN 1.Module name :frmmaofrc.

Source File :e:\bumi_daya_plaza\bdp_sql\frmmaofrc.sct->e:\bumi_daya_plaza\bdp_sql\
frmmaofrc.sct->e:\bumi_daya_plaza\bdp_sql\winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed
because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or
established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT *,SPACE(30) ORNUM from GLTPL WHERE 1=0

{30-01-2019:18:46:30, User : ADMIN 1.Module name :frmmaofrc.activate(13)-

>utamacb(24)2. Source File :e:\bumi_daya_plaza\bdp_sql\frmmaofrc.sct->E:\
BUMI_DAYA_PLAZA\BDP_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for
SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.ordat,112),6) as PERNO,a.ttype,a.strec,a.sunst,a.atype,a.
clcomp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) clcomp2,ISNULL(c.adref,SPACE(30))
adref,ISNULL(c.comp3,SPACE(60)) tncomp3,ISNULL(d.bnknm,SPACE(40))
bnknm,ISNULL(d.jurtp,SPACE(5)) jurtp,ISNULL(d.norek,SPACE(15)) acc_bank from maofrc
a left join MSTENA b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd left join msrent c on a.offcd=c.offcd and
a.rntno=c.rntno LEFT JOIN tbbank d ON a.dbank=d.bnkcd where a.ttype in ('R','S')
and a.strec <> 'C' and LEFT(convert(varchar,a.ordat,112),6)='201901' and
a.offcd='GPBD' order by a.ornum

{30-01-2019:19:05:36, User : ADMIN 1.Module name :get_tbgene(7510)-

>frmdatabase.activate(7960)->frmdatabase.activate(10)2. Source File :E:\
bumi_daya_plaza\bdp_sql\frmdatabase.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13
for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client
driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts
failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{30-01-2019:19:05:41, User : ADMIN 1. Module Name : frmdatabase.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(24)2. Source File : e:\bumi_daya_plaza\bdp_sql\frmdatabase.sct->E:\
BUMI_DAYA_PLAZA\BDP_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'CSDATABASE' is not

{31-01-2019:11:04:49, User : ADMIN 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7511)-

>frmftp_setup.showdata(2)->frmftp_setup.init(18)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmftp_setup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmftp_setup.sct3. Error
Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{31-01-2019:11:08:41, User : ADMIN 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7511)-

>frmftp_setup.showdata(2)->frmftp_setup.init(18)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmftp_setup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmftp_setup.sct3. Error
Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{31-01-2019:11:09:14, User : ADMIN 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7511)-

>frmftp_setup.showdata(2)->frmftp_setup.init(18)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmftp_setup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmftp_setup.sct3. Error
Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{31-01-2019:11:13:40, User : ADMIN 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7511)-

>frmftp_setup.showdata(2)->frmftp_setup.init(18)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmftp_setup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmftp_setup.sct3. Error
Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{31-01-2019:15:18:33, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.*,ISNULL(b.names,SPACE(50)) names from mbofrc a
left join G19_msacc b on a.acccd=b.acccd where a.CRNUM='19/CPV/08815
'order by lines

{31-01-2019:15:18:39, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dbseek(8246)-

>frmmbofrc_macashpv.destroy(33)->utamacb(24)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select 1 as Result from G19_msacc where acccd=' '

{31-01-2019:17:03:40, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7510)-

>> Source
File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT ACSTS FROM G19_msacc where acccd=' '

{31-01-2019:17:04:06, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>>utamacb(24)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.* from
tbbank a where dpsbn=1order by bnkcd

{31-01-2019:17:04:23, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(24)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{31-01-2019:17:05:23, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>>utamacb(24)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Protocol error in TDS
stream(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.* from tbbank a where dpsbn=1order by bnkcd

{31-01-2019:17:05:29, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(24)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{31-01-2019:17:05:38, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.activate(11)-

>utamacb(24)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid cursor
state(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.offcd,LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)
[print],a.sptrt,a.ortyp,a.pyalo,a.vcnum,a.chqno,a.gcode,a.acccd,a.crnum,ornum as
myORNUM,IIF(ornum='',crnum,ornum) as
.depcd,a.unidt,a.dpnum,(a.crval-a.pyalo) as
comp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) mycomp2 from macash a left join mstena b on
a.tntcd=b.tntcd where TTYPE='P' and LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)='201901'
and a.offcd='BGKL' order by a.crnum

{31-01-2019:17:06:57, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.load(14)-

>>utamacb(24)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid cursor state(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{01-02-2019:15:28:46, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7510)-

>frmperiod3_filter.showdata(5)->frmperiod3_filter.init(4)2. Source File :D:\
frmperiod3_filter.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: An established connection was aborted by the software in your
host machine.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select bldnm from tbbldg where offcd='BGKL'

{04-02-2019:08:59:33, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcashedt.savedata(147)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server][SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_aptpcash'. Cannot insert
duplicate key in object 'dbo.aptpcash'. The duplicate key value is (00001).(1526)4.
SQL Statement:INSERT INTO aptpcash

{04-02-2019:08:59:55, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcashedt.savedata(147)-

>>utamacb(24)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY
KEY constraint 'PK_aptpcash'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.aptpcash'.
The duplicate key value is (00001).(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT INTO aptpcash

{04-02-2019:09:02:09, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcashedt.savedata(147)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server][SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_aptpcash'. Cannot insert
duplicate key in object 'dbo.aptpcash'. The duplicate key value is (00001).(1526)4.
SQL Statement:INSERT INTO aptpcash

{04-02-2019:09:05:16, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcashedt.savedata(147)-

>>utamacb(24)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY
KEY constraint 'PK_aptpcash'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.aptpcash'.
The duplicate key value is (00001).(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT INTO aptpcash

{04-02-2019:09:05:32, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcashedt.savedata(147)-

>>utamacb(24)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY
KEY constraint 'PK_aptpcash'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.aptpcash'.
The duplicate key value is (00001).(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT INTO aptpcash

{04-02-2019:09:28:13, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcashedt.savedata(151)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server][SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_aptpcash'. Cannot insert
duplicate key in object 'dbo.aptpcash'. The duplicate key value is (28108).(1526)4.
SQL Statement:INSERT INTO aptpcash

{04-02-2019:16:41:19, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacash.activate(10)-

>>utamacb(24)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacash.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is
not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more
times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase
the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6) PERNO,a.strec,a.sunst,a.
clcomp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) clcomp2,ISNULL(c.comp1,SPACE(05))
tncomp1,ISNULL(c.comp2,SPACE(60)) tncomp2,ISNULL(c.comp3,SPACE(60)) tncomp3 from
macash a left join MSTENA b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd left join msrent c on
a.offcd=c.offcd and a.rntno=c.rntno where ISNULL(unidt,' ') IN (' ','N') and
ISNULL(TTYPE,' ') IN (' ','R','S') and
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)='201901' and a.offcd='BGKL' order by a.crnum

{04-02-2019:16:41:48, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacash.load(13)-

>>utamacb(24)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacash.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is
not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more
times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase
the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{06-02-2019:14:13:44, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnent.load(17)-

>runmyform(1004)-> Source File :d:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken
and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection
one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount
to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from
G19_tbanl ORDER BY acate

{06-02-2019:17:08:11, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentd.unload(3)-

>runmyform(1004)-> Source File :d:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken
and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection
one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount
to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT
refno,dcsts,sum(amoun) amoun,sum(otham) otham, max(lines) max_lines,count(lines)
Jml_lines,MAX(accpr) accpr FROM G19_tdldgr WHERE bdgno+jurno='A00008' AND strec <>
'D' GROUP BY refno,dcsts

{07-02-2019:11:29:23, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentd.unload(3)-

>runmyform(1004)-> Source File :d:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken
and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection
one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount
to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT
refno,dcsts,sum(amoun) amoun,sum(otham) otham, max(lines) max_lines,count(lines)
Jml_lines,MAX(accpr) accpr FROM G19_tdldgr WHERE bdgno+jurno='A00008' AND strec <>
'D' GROUP BY refno,dcsts

{07-02-2019:13:06:04, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :ON... (208)->utamatb(24)2.

Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\centupro.mpr->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is
not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more
times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase
the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:UPDATE zus SET
userlock='',photo=''WHERE kd_login='RIZKI '

{07-02-2019:13:06:25, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentd.unload(5)-

>runmyform(1004)-> Source File :d:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken
and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection
one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount
to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT
refno,dcsts,sum(amoun) amoun,sum(otham) otham, max(lines) max_lines,count(lines)
Jml_lines,MAX(accpr) accpr FROM G19_tdldgr WHERE bdgno+jurno='A00008' AND strec <>
'D' GROUP BY refno,dcsts order by refno,dcsts

{07-02-2019:13:44:38, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentd.load(17)-

>>runmyform(1004)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentd.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnent.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\glprog_lib.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT cnvcd,names
FROM G19_tbcur ORDER BY cnvcd

{07-02-2019:13:52:10, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :globalvalid(642)-

>frmjrnentdedt.savedata(8)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host
(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from GL_insdt WHERE lgcod=?zLGCOD

{07-02-2019:13:52:26, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :globalvalid(642)-

>frmjrnentdedt.savedata(8)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from GL_insdt

{07-02-2019:13:52:32, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentd.unload(5)2. Source

File :d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for
SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT
refno,dcsts,sum(amoun) amoun,sum(otham) otham, max(lines) max_lines,count(lines)
Jml_lines,MAX(accpr) accpr FROM G19_tdldgr WHERE bdgno+jurno='A00008' AND strec <>
'D' GROUP BY refno,dcsts order by refno,dcsts

{07-02-2019:13:55:42, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentdedt.savedata(284)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:
,ACDCD,ACCCF) values(?xacccd,?xaccpr,?xamoun,?xcnvrt,?xdescr,?xdueda,?xlines,?
xdcsts,'A','00008','JV ','RIZ','A',?xothrf,?xTNTCD,?xRNTNO,?xDSCR2,?xACDCD,?

{07-02-2019:14:01:19, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentdedt.savedata(284)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:
,ACDCD,ACCCF) values(?xacccd,?xaccpr,?xamoun,?xcnvrt,?xdescr,?xdueda,?xlines,?
xdcsts,'A','00008','JV ','RIZ','A',?xothrf,?xTNTCD,?xRNTNO,?xDSCR2,?xACDCD,?

{07-02-2019:14:07:28, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentdedt.savedata(284)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]String or binary
data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT INTO
,ACDCD,ACCCF) values(?xacccd,?xaccpr,?xamoun,?xcnvrt,?xdescr,?xdueda,?xlines,?
xdcsts,'A','00008','JV ','RIZ','A',?xothrf,?xTNTCD,?xRNTNO,?xDSCR2,?xACDCD,?

{07-02-2019:14:08:59, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : getrate(750)-

>frmjrnentdedt.cbocnvcd.valid(6)->utama(33)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
glprog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message: Alias 'TBCNV' is not found.

{07-02-2019:14:09:49, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentdedt.savedata(270)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY
KEY constraint 'PK_G19_THLDGR'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object
'dbo.G19_THLDGR'. The duplicate key value is (A, 00008, JV.BKL.1901-011
).(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT INTO
G19_thldgr(strec,jurno,jurtp,jursc,bdgno,lline,refno,accpr) values('A','00008','JV
{07-02-2019:14:30:09, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentdedt.savedata(284)-
Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:
,ACDCD,ACCCF) values(?xacccd,?xaccpr,?xamoun,?xcnvrt,?xdescr,?xdueda,?xlines,?
xdcsts,'A','00008','JV ','RIZ','A',?xothrf,?xTNTCD,?xRNTNO,?xDSCR2,?xACDCD,?

{08-02-2019:16:23:56, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message: Field DSCR3 does not accept
null values.

{08-02-2019:16:24:22, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message: Field DSCR3 does not accept
null values.

{11-02-2019:10:42:13, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.load(14)-

>>utamacb(24)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{11-02-2019:14:00:57, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

> Source File : d:\prime_sql\
3. Error Message: Alias 'XAAMOR' is not found.

{11-02-2019:14:58:07, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message: Field DSCR3 does not accept
null values.

{11-02-2019:14:58:24, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message: Field DSCR3 does not accept
null values.

{11-02-2019:15:17:28, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message: Field DSCR3 does not accept
null values.

{11-02-2019:15:17:36, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message: Field DSCR3 does not accept
null values.

{11-02-2019:15:17:37, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message: Field DSCR3 does not accept
null values.

{11-02-2019:15:19:11, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message: Field DSCR3 does not accept
null values.

{11-02-2019:16:30:37, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacash.load(13)-

>>utamacb(24)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacash.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is
not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more
times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase
the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{11-02-2019:16:31:25, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(70)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message :
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is
not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more
times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase
the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acccd,a.names from
G19_msacc a where 1=1 order by acccd

{11-02-2019:16:31:58, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{11-02-2019:16:32:46, User : ADMIN 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7511)-

>update_app(67)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\
update_app.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{11-02-2019:19:44:52, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(70)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message :
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is
not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more
times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase
the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acccd,a.names from
G19_msacc a where 1=1 order by acccd
{11-02-2019:19:45:16, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-
>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{12-02-2019:15:56:51, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamatb(24)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Command contains
unrecognized phrase/keyword.

{12-02-2019:15:58:58, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamatb(24)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Command contains
unrecognized phrase/keyword.

{12-02-2019:16:01:11, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamatb(24)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Command contains
unrecognized phrase/keyword.

{12-02-2019:16:09:03, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamatb(24)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Command contains
unrecognized phrase/keyword.

{12-02-2019:17:24:31, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxavatfvat.load(5)-

>> Source
File : d:\prime_sql\frmxavatfmanual_add.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmxavatf.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenutb.sct3. Error Message: File does not exist.

{12-02-2019:17:26:40, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxavatfvat.load(5)-

>> Source
File : d:\prime_sql\frmxavatfmanual_add.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmxavatf.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenutb.sct3. Error Message: File does not exist.

{12-02-2019:17:27:21, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxavatfvat.load(5)-

>> Source
File : d:\prime_sql\frmxavatfmanual_add.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmxavatf.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenutb.sct3. Error Message: File does not exist.

{12-02-2019:17:53:38, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamatb(24)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Command contains
unrecognized phrase/keyword.
{14-02-2019:18:07:05, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :gennumber(644)-
>frmmsrentedt.savedata(49)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select * from TBCNTR where runcd='OTHERAR' and years='1997'

{14-02-2019:18:07:41, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :gennumber(644)-

>frmmsrentedt.savedata(49)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select * from TBCNTR where runcd='OTHERAR' and years='1997'

{14-02-2019:18:08:17, User : ADMIN 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7511)-

>update_app(67)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\
update_app.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{14-02-2019:18:10:07, User : 1.Module name

>_5ey12wr8t.activate(41)->utamatb(23)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmlogintb.sct-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because
the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established
connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from zus where kd_login='RIZKI '

{14-02-2019:18:49:03, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7518)-

>_5ey1315xe.activate(112)->utamatb(24)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because
the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established
connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB10'

{14-02-2019:19:34:45, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamatb(24)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Command contains
unrecognized phrase/keyword.

{14-02-2019:20:41:15, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamatb(24)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Command contains
unrecognized phrase/keyword.

{14-02-2019:21:50:31, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamatb(24)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Command contains
unrecognized phrase/keyword.

{15-02-2019:09:59:57, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(70)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message :
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Protocol error in TDS stream(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select a.acccd,a.names from G19_msacc a where 1=1 order by acccd

{15-02-2019:10:00:13, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.activate(74)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message:
Too few arguments.

{15-02-2019:10:00:17, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not

{15-02-2019:11:15:55, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrcpv.activate(11)-

>>utamacb(24)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmaofrcpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.ttype,a.strec,a.sunst,a.atype,a.
outsd,a.rntno,a.tntcd,ISNULL(b.comp1,SPACE(5)) comp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) comp2
from maofrc a left join mstena b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd where ttype='P' and
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.ordat,112),6)='201901' and a.offcd='BGKL'order by a.ornum

{15-02-2019:11:16:05, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmmaofrcpv.destroy(7)-

>utamacb(24)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrcpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR' is not found.

{15-02-2019:11:16:23, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrcpv.load(15)-

>>utamacb(24)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmaofrcpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from apsyscon

{15-02-2019:13:51:36, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7518)-

>frmbuilding_filter2.showdata(3)->frmbuilding_filter2.init(5)2. Source File :D:\
frmbuilding_filter2.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT bldnm FROM tbbldg WHERE offcd='BGKL'
{15-02-2019:17:07:33, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7518)-
>_5ez0jbclf.activate(112)->utamatb(24)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{18-02-2019:16:43:33, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dataenvironment.init(15)-

>myreport_form(9066)-> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\_bin\udf_gpbd2_bgkl.frt->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\
prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:DELETE FROM TBTemp where userid='RIZKI '

{18-02-2019:16:43:52, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbnt_form.activate(13)-

>utamatb(24)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\
utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select IIF(a.recst='D','DRAFT','FINAL') sttus,a.
floor,a.deffe,ISNULL(f.vatno,space(20)) vatno from xadbnt a inner join msrent
b on a.offcd=b.offcd and a.rntno=b.rntno inner join tbcgrp c on
a.grpcd=c.grpcd inner join tbbldg d on a.offcd=d.offcd left join
msloca e on a.depdc=e.loccd left join viewTB_xavatf1 f on a.dbnno=f.dbnno
where 1=1 and a.recst='A' and LEFT(convert(varchar,a.dbnda,112),6)='201902' and
a.offcd='BGKL'order by a.depdc

{18-02-2019:17:21:10, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7518)-

>_5f20sxudu.activate(112)->utamatb(24)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{20-02-2019:17:35:40, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxachrg.destroy(13)-

>> Source File
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is
broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the
connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of
ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:UPDATE msrent SET chgst=1 where offcd+rntno='BGKLZ00461'
{21-02-2019:08:51:25, User : ADMIN 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7511)-
>update_app(67)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\
update_app.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{28-02-2019:10:09:00, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dbseek(8258)-

>frmxachrgedt.savedata(196)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select 1 as Result from xachrg where offcd='BGKL' and
rntno=?zRNTNO and chgcd=?xCHGCD

{28-02-2019:10:09:30, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dbseek(8258)-

>frmxachrgedt.savedata(196)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select 1 as Result from
xachrg where offcd='BGKL' and rntno=?zRNTNO and chgcd=?xCHGCD

{28-02-2019:16:19:24, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :>
> Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxachrgedt.sct->d:\
prime_sql\frmxachrg.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmsrent.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * FROM TBCHRG where

{01-03-2019:11:55:23, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmaptpcashedt.savedata(23)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select peri1 from syscon

{01-03-2019:11:55:39, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcash.activate(8)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link
failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.* from aptpcash a where a.pcsno='00083' and
DCSTS='C' order by a.trsno

{01-03-2019:12:10:09, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmaptpcashedt.destroy(15)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\
utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'APTPCASH' is not found.

{01-03-2019:12:10:13, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : utamacb(26)2. Source File :

D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Property MYSEARCHKEY is not found.

{01-03-2019:17:15:49, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrcpv.load(15)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmaofrcpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from apsyscon

{01-03-2019:17:18:13, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrcpv.load(15)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmaofrcpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from apsyscon

{01-03-2019:17:51:52, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.activate(11)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
a.offcd,LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6) PERNO,a.strec,a.sunst,a.
[print],a.sptrt,a.ortyp,a.pyalo,a.vcnum,a.chqno,a.gcode,a.acccd,a.crnum,ornum as
myORNUM,IIF(ornum='',crnum,ornum) as
.depcd,a.unidt,a.dpnum,(a.crval-a.pyalo) as
myUNIDT,ISNULL(b.comp1,SPACE(5)) comp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) mycomp2 from macash
a left join mstena b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd where TTYPE='P' and
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)='201902' and a.offcd='BGKL' order by a.crnum

{04-03-2019:11:30:48, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacash.activate(10)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacash.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt
failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time,
or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)
clcomp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) clcomp2,ISNULL(c.comp1,SPACE(05))
tncomp1,ISNULL(c.comp2,SPACE(60)) tncomp2,ISNULL(c.comp3,SPACE(60)) tncomp3 from
macash a left join MSTENA b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd left join msrent c on
a.offcd=c.offcd and a.rntno=c.rntno where ISNULL(unidt,' ') IN (' ','N') and
ISNULL(TTYPE,' ') IN (' ','R','S') and
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)='201902' and a.offcd='BGKL' order by a.crnum

{04-03-2019:11:30:59, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacash.load(13)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacash.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{05-03-2019:15:28:34, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentd.activate(11)-

>runmyform(1004)-> Source File :d:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken
and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection
one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount
to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.* from
G19_tdldgr a where a.bdgno+a.jurno='A00121'order by jurno,refno,lines

{05-03-2019:16:17:53, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentdedt.savedata(284)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:
,ACDCD,ACCCF) values(?xacccd,?xaccpr,?xamoun,?xcnvrt,?xdescr,?xdueda,?xlines,?
xdcsts,'A','00121','JV ','RIZ','A',?xothrf,?xTNTCD,?xRNTNO,?xDSCR2,?xACDCD,?

{06-03-2019:14:21:37, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

> Source File : d:\prime_sql\
3. Error Message: Alias 'XAAMOR' is not found.

{06-03-2019:14:21:53, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

>utamatb(24)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqamor.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbntinqamor.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'XAAMOR' is
not found.

{06-03-2019:14:24:05, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

> Source File : d:\prime_sql\
3. Error Message: Alias 'XAAMOR' is not found.

{06-03-2019:14:25:37, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

> Source File : d:\prime_sql\
3. Error Message: Alias 'XAAMOR' is not found.

{06-03-2019:14:25:38, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

> Source File : d:\prime_sql\
3. Error Message: Alias 'XAAMOR' is not found.

{06-03-2019:14:25:39, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

> Source File : d:\prime_sql\
3. Error Message: Alias 'XAAMOR' is not found.

{06-03-2019:15:01:28, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

> Source File : d:\prime_sql\
3. Error Message: Alias 'XAAMOR' is not found.

{12-03-2019:19:45:55, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbntinqvat.load(14)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbntinqvat.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{13-03-2019:10:23:39, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxbrent.activate(20)-

>> Source File :d:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken
and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection
one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount
to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
ISNULL(a.usent,SPACE(10)) usent,ISNULL(a.daent,'') daent,ISNULL(a.lasup,SPACE(10))
TOTDN,isnull(b.ornum,SPACE(30)) ornum,isnull(c.vatno,SPACE(30)) vatno from xbrent a
left join viewTB_XAOFRC1 b on a.dbnno=b.dbnno left join viewTB_XAVATF1 c on
a.dbnno=c.dbnno where a.offcd='BGKL' and a.rntno='Z00019' and a.chgcd='BM900' and
a.recst <> 'C' order by a.dbnda

{13-03-2019:19:31:15, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenutb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB31'

{13-03-2019:19:31:29, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>frmget_scope_efaktur.showdata(2)->frmget_scope_efaktur.init(6)2. Source File :D:\
frmget_scope_efaktur.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE
where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB31'

{15-03-2019:09:36:22, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxachrg.destroy(13)-

>> Source File
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is
broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the
connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of
ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:UPDATE msrent SET chgst=1 where offcd+rntno='BGKLZ00016'

{18-03-2019:08:55:21, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT budcd,amoun
tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='29509'

{18-03-2019:10:10:44, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmaptpcashedt.savedata(23)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select peri1 from syscon

{18-03-2019:10:11:07, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmaptpcashedt.savedata(23)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select peri1 from syscon

{18-03-2019:10:11:36, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmaptpcashedt.savedata(23)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct3. Error
Message: Variable 'PERI1' is not found.

{18-03-2019:10:13:14, User : ADMIN 1.Module name :get_field_data(7510)-

>update_app(70)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\
update_app.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPSAA04'

{18-03-2019:10:13:52, User : ADMIN 1. Module Name : update_app(70)2. Source

File : D:\Prime_SQL\update_app.prg3. Error Message: Function argument value, type,
or count is invalid.

{18-03-2019:10:13:53, User : ADMIN 1.Module name :get_field_data(7510)-

>update_app(71)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\
update_app.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE
where fldcd+dtac1='APPSAA05'

{18-03-2019:10:17:17, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmaptpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acccd myacccd,names mynames from G19_msacc a where
acsts <> 'C'order by myacccd

{18-03-2019:10:17:26, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{18-03-2019:10:17:30, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select a.acccd myacccd,names mynames from G19_msacc a where acsts
<> 'C'order by myacccd

{18-03-2019:10:17:33, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not

{18-03-2019:10:17:35, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(4)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'APTPCASH' is not

{18-03-2019:10:17:36, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmaptpcashedt.destroy(15)

2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'APTPCASH'
is not found.

{18-03-2019:10:43:41, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmaptpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acode as myacode,a.names as mynames from G19_tbacd
a where a.acate='T2'order by myacode
{18-03-2019:10:44:00, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-
>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{18-03-2019:10:44:05, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select a.acode as myacode,a.names as mynames from G19_tbacd a
where a.acate='T2'order by myacode

{18-03-2019:10:44:08, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not

{18-03-2019:10:44:37, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(4)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'APTPCASH' is not

{18-03-2019:10:44:38, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmaptpcashedt.destroy(15)

2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'APTPCASH'
is not found.

{20-03-2019:15:34:43, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :>
> Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct-
>d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT TCOD1,TCOD2,TCOD3,TCOD4,TCOD5 from G19_MSACC WHERE acccd=''

{21-03-2019:12:25:48, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqcn.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Variable 'CRNNO' is not

{21-03-2019:12:34:34, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqcn.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Variable 'CRNNO' is not

{21-03-2019:14:34:06, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbnt_form.load(15)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{25-03-2019:10:07:59, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.load(15)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Protocol error in TDS
stream(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT tntcd,comp1,comp2 FROM mstena

{25-03-2019:16:41:01, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmapmpcash.activate(11)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.*,
(opbal+dbamt-cramt) blamt,Isnull(b.bldnm,SPACE(30)) bldnm from apmpcash a left join
tbbldg b on a.offcd=b.offcd where (a.offcd='BGKL' or a.offcd='') order by pcsno

{25-03-2019:16:41:07, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmapmpcash.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmapmpcash.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR' is not found.

{29-03-2019:08:23:18, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcash.activate(8)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmapmpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select a.* from aptpcash a where a.pcsno='00095' and DCSTS='C' order by

{29-03-2019:08:23:26, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmaptpcash.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2' is not found.

{29-03-2019:10:52:28, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcashedt.init(16)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from aptpcash where trsno='29512'

{29-03-2019:10:52:38, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcashedt.init(16)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select * from aptpcash where trsno='29512'

{29-03-2019:10:53:00, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmaptpcashedt.init(18)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message: Alias 'APTPCASH' is not found.

{01-04-2019:10:10:22, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmaptpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acode as myacode,a.names as mynames from G19_tbacd
a where a.acate='T1'order by myacode

{01-04-2019:10:10:27, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{01-04-2019:10:10:31, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select a.acode as myacode,a.names as mynames from G19_tbacd a
where a.acate='T1'order by myacode

{01-04-2019:10:11:01, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acode as myacode,a.names as mynames from G19_tbacd
a where a.acate='T2'order by myacode

{01-04-2019:10:11:05, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{01-04-2019:10:11:08, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select a.acode as myacode,a.names as mynames from G19_tbacd a
where a.acate='T2'order by myacode

{01-04-2019:10:11:33, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.
{01-04-2019:10:12:29, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-
>>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{01-04-2019:10:12:54, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{01-04-2019:10:14:06, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>frmaptpcashedt.blankdata(2)->frmaptpcashedt.init(25)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select gcode from MMTGROUP where gcode=''

{01-04-2019:10:44:45, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcashedt.init(16)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select * from aptpcash where trsno='29997'

{02-04-2019:10:02:30, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>frmxbrent.init(9)-> Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxbrent.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmxachrg.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB78'

{02-04-2019:10:02:42, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>frmxbrent.init(9)-> Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxbrent.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmxachrg.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB78'

{02-04-2019:10:44:52, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbnt_update.activate(8)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_update.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqfinal.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenutb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
a.loccd,a.dbnno,a.runno,a.rmark,a.rmar1,a.rmar2,b.grpcd,c.vatpc,c.pphpc from xbrent
a inner join tbchrg b on a.chgcd=b.chgcd inner join xachrg c on
a.offcd+a.rntno+a.chgcd=c.offcd+c.rntno+c.chgcd where dbnno='TGS.BKL1903-003
' order by a.chgcd

{02-04-2019:10:45:29, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

frmxadbnt_update.destroy(1)->utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbnt_update.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2'
is not found.

{02-04-2019:10:49:41, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5g90n3dwf.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because
the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established
connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB10'

{02-04-2019:10:50:16, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbntinqvat.load(14)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbntinqvat.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{02-04-2019:13:50:04, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A
connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond
after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has
failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT sum(amoun) ttamt, sum(pphvl) ttpph,sum(vatvl)
ttvat,sum(IIF(vatvl>0,amoun,0)) ttdpp FROM xbdbnt WHERE dbnno=?cDBNNO

{02-04-2019:13:50:32, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_update.sct->d:\prime_sql\
baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Variable 'RUNNO' is not

{02-04-2019:13:50:41, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_update.sct->d:\prime_sql\
baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Variable 'RUNNO' is not

{02-04-2019:14:09:19, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbnt_form.load(15)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{02-04-2019:14:09:36, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbnt_form.load(15)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{05-04-2019:10:30:07, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>frmxaofrc.init(6)-> Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrc.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT ORVAL FROM

{08-04-2019:17:03:20, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxavatf.activate(9)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxavatf.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt
failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time,
or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select LEFT(convert(varchar,a.vatda,112),6) as
perno,a.offcd,a.recst+a.vatst mysts,a.recst,a.vatst,a.vatno,a.
comp2,ISNULL(d.grpnm,SPACE(40)) grpnm,ISNULL(c.grpcd,SPACE(2)) grpcd,b.adref
loccd,f.bldnm from xavatf a left join msrent b on a.offcd=b.offcd and
a.rntno=b.rntno left join xadbnt c on a.dbnno=c.dbnno left join tbcgrp d on
c.grpcd=d.grpcd inner join tbbldg f on a.offcd=f.offcd where 1=1 and
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.vatda,112),6)='201902' and a.offcd='BGKL'order by a.vatno

{08-04-2019:17:03:26, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxavatf.destroy(9)-

>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxavatf.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'CSXAVATF' is not found.

{09-04-2019:09:24:54, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>frmxaofrcedt.savedata(22)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select dbnda from xadbnt where dbnno='TGS.BKL1901-006

{09-04-2019:09:25:07, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>frmxaofrcedt.savedata(22)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select dbnda from xadbnt
where dbnno='TGS.BKL1901-006 '
{09-04-2019:09:25:31, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-
>frmxaofrcedt.savedata(22)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message: Variable 'DBNDA' is not found.

{09-04-2019:09:25:52, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>frmxaofrc.destroy(14)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\
frmxaofrc.sct3. Error Message: Variable 'TTORALO' is not found.

{09-04-2019:09:26:11, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmmaofrc.activate(29)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrc.sct3. Error Message: Variable 'ORDAT' is not

{09-04-2019:09:27:31, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5gg0jw0oe.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{09-04-2019:09:40:56, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxaofrc2.activate(11)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc2.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'order'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:order by

{09-04-2019:09:41:01, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxaofrc2.destroy(22)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc2.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2' is not found.

{09-04-2019:14:52:22, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxbrentedt.savedata(47)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxbrentedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmxbrent.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT chgcd,runno FROM xbrent WHERE
offcd+rntno+chgcd='BGKLZ00015BM250' AND perno='201904'

{09-04-2019:14:52:42, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxbrentedt.savedata(47)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxbrentedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT chgcd,runno
FROM xbrent WHERE offcd+rntno+chgcd='BGKLZ00015BM250' AND perno='201904'

{11-04-2019:13:52:00, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxbrentedt.load(5)-

>> Source File :d:\
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: An
established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{11-04-2019:13:52:03, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxachrg.destroy(13)2.

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxachrg.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13
for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:UPDATE msrent SET
chgst=1 where offcd+rntno='BGKLZ00020'

{11-04-2019:14:49:48, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqdraft.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\
Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select myRECST= CASE WHEN a.recst='D' THEN 'NORMAL' ELSE
END ,a.recst,a.tntcd,a.offcd,a.rntno,b.adref,b.comp2,b.comp3,a.grpcd,c.grpnm,a.dbnd
[print],b.vbist,isnull(d.floor,SPACE(5)) as floor from xadbnt a inner join msrent
b on a.offcd=b.offcd and a.rntno=b.rntno inner join tbcgrp c on
a.grpcd=c.grpcd left join viewTB_MSLOCA1 d on a.depdc=d.loccd where (a.recst='D'
or a.recst='P') and LEFT(a.perno,6) >= '201904' and LEFT(a.perno,6) <= '201904'
and a.offcd='BGKL'order by a.depdc

{11-04-2019:14:50:07, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5gi0vle9w.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:
select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB10'

{11-04-2019:15:27:05, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbnt_form.load(15)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{11-04-2019:16:08:08, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5gi0vle9w.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{12-04-2019:09:48:18, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmmstena.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT
INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{12-04-2019:09:48:29, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]String or binary
data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{12-04-2019:09:52:37, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmmstena.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT
INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{12-04-2019:09:55:44, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]String or binary
data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?
{12-04-2019:09:56:30, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-
>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]String or binary
data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{12-04-2019:10:07:12, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmmstena.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT
INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{12-04-2019:11:13:22, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmmstena.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT
INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{12-04-2019:11:14:12, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]String or binary
data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?
{12-04-2019:13:36:28, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-
Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmmstena.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT
INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{16-04-2019:12:12:14, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :>
> Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct-
>d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is
not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more
times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase
the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT

{16-04-2019:13:41:32, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : utamacb(26)2. Source File :

D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Property MYSEARCHKEY is not found.

{16-04-2019:13:43:11, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmaptpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acccd myacccd,names mynames from G19_msacc a where
acsts <> 'C'order by myacccd

{16-04-2019:13:43:26, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{16-04-2019:13:43:28, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{16-04-2019:13:43:30, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{16-04-2019:13:43:37, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select a.acccd myacccd,names mynames from G19_msacc a where acsts
<> 'C'order by myacccd

{16-04-2019:13:44:01, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{06-05-2019:15:24:10, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpvedt.load(6)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT bnkcd,bnknm,norek,tcod1 FROM tbbank ORDER BY

{07-05-2019:14:46:03, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxaofrc2.activate(11)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc2.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'order'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:order by

{07-05-2019:14:46:11, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
> Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc2.sct-
>d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct3. Error Message: Variable
'LINES' is not found.

{07-05-2019:14:46:16, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxaofrc2.destroy(22)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc2.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2' is not found.

{08-05-2019:14:54:36, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcash.activate(8)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmapmpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select a.* from aptpcash a where a.pcsno='00106' and DCSTS='C' order by

{08-05-2019:14:54:46, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmaptpcash.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2' is not found.

{08-05-2019:14:54:49, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmaptpcash.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2' is not found.

{15-05-2019:15:06:47, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxachrg.activate(11)-

>> Source File
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A
connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond
after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has
failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select ISNULL(a.usent,SPACE(10)) usent,ISNULL(a.daent,'')
daent,ISNULL(a.lasup,SPACE(10)) lasup,ISNULL(a.ladup,'')
pc,IIF(a.defst='1','Income','Deffered') as
ULL(a.subcd,SPACE(5)) subcd from xachrg a inner join tbchrg b on a.chgcd=b.chgcd
where a.offcd='BGKL' and a.rntno='Z00019'order by a.chgcd

{15-05-2019:15:06:50, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxachrg.activate(35)-

>> Source File
: d:\prime_sql\frmxachrg.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmsrent.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct3. Error Message: Variable 'DAENT' is not found.

{15-05-2019:15:06:54, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxachrg.destroy(2)-

>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxachrg.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2' is not found.

{15-05-2019:15:07:02, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxachrg.activate(11)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxachrg.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmsrent.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select ISNULL(a.usent,SPACE(10)) usent,ISNULL(a.daent,'')
daent,ISNULL(a.lasup,SPACE(10)) lasup,ISNULL(a.ladup,'')
pc,IIF(a.defst='1','Income','Deffered') as
ULL(a.subcd,SPACE(5)) subcd from xachrg a inner join tbchrg b on a.chgcd=b.chgcd
where a.offcd='BGKL' and a.rntno='Z00019'order by a.chgcd

{16-05-2019:10:26:15, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbntinqvat.load(14)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbntinqvat.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{17-05-2019:17:45:50, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :
>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:UPDATE xadbnt SET
[print]=[print]+1,prnda='20190517'WHERE dbnno='TGS.BKL1905-022 '

{17-05-2019:18:08:39, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbnt_form.activate(13)-

>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\
utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select IIF(a.recst='D','DRAFT','FINAL') sttus,a.
floor,a.deffe,ISNULL(f.vatno,space(20)) vatno from xadbnt a inner join msrent
b on a.offcd=b.offcd and a.rntno=b.rntno inner join tbcgrp c on
a.grpcd=c.grpcd inner join tbbldg d on a.offcd=d.offcd left join
msloca e on a.depdc=e.loccd left join viewTB_xavatf1 f on a.dbnno=f.dbnno
where 1=1 and a.recst='A' and LEFT(convert(varchar,a.dbnda,112),6)='201905' and
a.offcd='BGKL'order by a.depdc

{22-05-2019:12:09:21, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7561)-

>frmxbrent.showdata(12)->frmxbrent.activate(65)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxbrent.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmxbrent.sct3. Error
Message: Variable 'DEFST' is not found.

{27-05-2019:09:17:52, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrc.activate(13)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt
failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time,
or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select LEFT(convert(varchar,a.ordat,112),6) as
clcomp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) clcomp2,ISNULL(c.adref,SPACE(30))
adref,ISNULL(c.comp3,SPACE(60)) tncomp3,ISNULL(d.bnknm,SPACE(40))
bnknm,ISNULL(d.jurtp,SPACE(5)) jurtp,ISNULL(d.norek,SPACE(15)) acc_bank from maofrc
a left join MSTENA b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd left join msrent c on a.offcd=c.offcd and
a.rntno=c.rntno LEFT JOIN tbbank d ON a.dbank=d.bnkcd where a.ttype in ('R','S')
and a.strec <> 'C' and LEFT(convert(varchar,a.ordat,112),6)='201905' and
a.offcd='BGKL' order by a.ornum

{27-05-2019:09:18:02, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrc.load(15)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{27-05-2019:14:21:03, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

>runmyform(1004)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentd.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\glprog_lib.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC
Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the
connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established
connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from G19_msacc where acccd=' '

{27-05-2019:14:21:10, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

frmjrnentdedt.txtacccd.valid(33)->utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentdedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver
13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from
G19_msacc where acccd=' '

{29-05-2019:08:46:19, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT budcd,amoun
tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='31426'

{29-05-2019:08:48:04, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>> Source File :
frmaptpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acode as myacode,a.names as mynames from G19_tbacd
a where a.acate='T1'order by myacode

{29-05-2019:08:48:08, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{29-05-2019:08:48:11, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcasd.activate(17)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcasd.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link
failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.* from aptpcasd a inner join aptpcash b on
a.trsno=b.trsno where a.trsno='31426'order by linno

{31-05-2019:10:31:30, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqcn.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Variable 'CRNNO' is not

{31-05-2019:10:35:41, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : dataenvironment.init(30)-

>printvatgraphic(7322)->frmxavatf_form.savedata(1)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmxavatf_form.sct3. Error Message: File does not exist.
{31-05-2019:10:36:20, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxavatfvat.load(5)-
>>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
Error Message: File does not exist.

{31-05-2019:10:52:19, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dataenvironment.init(15)-

>myreport_form(9107)-> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\_bin\udf_gpbd2_bgkl.frt->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\
prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:DELETE FROM TBTemp where userid='RIZKI '

{31-05-2019:11:21:42, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxaofrc.activate(11)-

>> Source File :
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A
connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond
after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has
failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.ornum,a.dbnno,b.curre,(b.ttamt+b.ttvat)-
(b.pyfee+b.pypph+b.pyvat) outsd,
balan,a.blalo,b.offcd,b.tntcd,b.rntno,iif(a.phalo > 0,(a.pypph-
a.phalo),00000000000000.00) PPHBAL from xaofrc a inner join xadbnt b on
a.dbnno=b.dbnno where a.ornum='R1903817 'order by a.dbnno

{31-05-2019:11:21:50, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>frmxaofrc.destroy(14)->utamacb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\
prime_sql\frmxaofrc.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC
Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT
sum(oralo) ttoralo FROM xaofrc WHERE ornum='R1903817 '

{31-05-2019:15:01:27, User : ADMIN 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7511)-

>update_app(67)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\
update_app.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{31-05-2019:15:16:13, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxbrentedt.savedata(47)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxbrentedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmxbrent.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT chgcd,runno FROM xbrent WHERE
offcd+rntno+chgcd='BGKLZ00020BM900' AND perno='201905'

{31-05-2019:15:17:34, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>frmhero_period4_filter.showdata(6)->frmhero_period4_filter.init(4)2. Source File :
frmhero_period4_filter.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select bldnm from tbbldg where offcd='BGKL'

{31-05-2019:15:17:52, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>frmhero_period4_filter.showdata(6)->frmhero_period4_filter.init(4)2. Source File :
frmhero_period4_filter.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select bldnm from tbbldg
where offcd='BGKL'

{31-05-2019:15:18:11, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7561)-

>frmhero_period4_filter.showdata(6)->frmhero_period4_filter.init(4)2. Source File :
frmhero_period4_filter.sct3. Error Message: Variable 'BLDNM' is not found.

{01-06-2019:15:30:41, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'csTEMP'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from csTEMP
where 1=1order by loccd

{01-06-2019:15:30:44, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{12-06-2019:11:58:33, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :>
>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqvat.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13
for SQL Server][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL
T) values(?xOFFCD,?xdbnno,?xtntcd,?xrntno,?mvatno,?xVATDA,?xcurre,?xVATAM,?

{12-06-2019:11:58:40, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :>
>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqvat.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13
for SQL Server][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL

{12-06-2019:11:58:41, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :>
>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqvat.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13
for SQL Server][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:UPDATE xadbnt SET vatst='T',dn_vatno=?mvatno WHERE dbnno='TGS.BKL1906-005

{12-06-2019:11:58:59, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :>
>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqvat.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13
for SQL Server][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL
T) values(?xOFFCD,?xdbnno,?xtntcd,?xrntno,?mvatno,?xVATDA,?xcurre,?xVATAM,?

{26-06-2019:11:26:44, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Protocol error in TDS
stream(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.*,ISNULL(b.names,SPACE(50)) names from mbofrc
a left join G19_msacc b on a.acccd=b.acccd where a.CRNUM='
'order by lines

{26-06-2019:11:26:47, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid
cursor state(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT sum(otham) otham FROM mbofrc WHERE
CRNUM=' ' and strec <> 'D'

{26-06-2019:11:26:55, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\
prime_sql\frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message:
Variable 'CRNUM' is not found.

{26-06-2019:11:27:00, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\
prime_sql\frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message:
Variable 'CRNUM' is not found.

{26-06-2019:11:27:04, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmbofrc_macashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC
Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid cursor state(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from

{26-06-2019:11:27:08, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

frmmbofrc_macashpv.destroy(15)->utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2'
is not found.

{26-06-2019:11:30:40, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Protocol error in TDS
stream(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.*,ISNULL(b.names,SPACE(50)) names from mbofrc
a left join G19_msacc b on a.acccd=b.acccd where a.CRNUM='
'order by lines

{26-06-2019:11:30:45, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

frmmbofrc_macashpv.destroy(15)->utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2'
is not found.

{26-06-2019:11:30:48, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

frmmbofrc_macashpv.destroy(15)->utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2'
is not found.

{26-06-2019:11:30:48, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

frmmbofrc_macashpv.destroy(15)->utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2'
is not found.

{26-06-2019:11:30:49, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

frmmbofrc_macashpv.destroy(15)->utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2'
is not found.

{26-06-2019:11:30:49, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

frmmbofrc_macashpv.destroy(15)->utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2'
is not found.

{26-06-2019:11:30:51, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.activate(11)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid cursor
state(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.offcd,LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)
[print],a.sptrt,a.ortyp,a.pyalo,a.vcnum,a.chqno,a.gcode,a.acccd,a.crnum,ornum as
myORNUM,IIF(ornum='',crnum,ornum) as
.depcd,a.unidt,a.dpnum,(a.crval-a.pyalo) as
myUNIDT,ISNULL(b.comp1,SPACE(5)) comp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) mycomp2 from macash
a left join mstena b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd where TTYPE='P' and
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)='201906' and a.offcd='BGKL' order by a.crnum
{26-06-2019:11:30:59, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.load(14)-
>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid cursor state(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{28-06-2019:14:41:07, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT budcd,amoun
tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='31791'

{28-06-2019:14:41:11, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

> Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message: SQL: Column 'TT_AMOUN' is not found.

{28-06-2019:14:41:12, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

> Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message: SQL: Column 'TT_AMOUN' is not found.

{28-06-2019:14:41:12, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

> Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message: SQL: Column 'TT_AMOUN' is not found.

{01-07-2019:17:27:36, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT budcd,amoun
tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='31993'

{02-07-2019:13:19:23, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>runmyform(1004)-
> Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmjrnent.sct-
>D:\Prime_SQL\glprog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmutama.sct3. Error Message: File does
not exist.

{02-07-2019:13:20:14, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnent.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message: File does not exist.

{08-07-2019:16:52:04, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>frmbuilding_filter2.showdata(3)->frmbuilding_filter2.init(5)2. Source File :D:\
frmbuilding_filter2.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT bldnm FROM tbbldg WHERE offcd='BGKL'

{09-07-2019:14:42:10, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmsrent.activate(11)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmsrent.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt
failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time,
or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.term1,a.tntcd,a.offcd,a.recst
myrecst,a.locst,a.chgst,rntno,RTRIM(a.comp2)+IIF(a.comp1='','',','+a.comp1) as
+b.comp1) as client,a.name1 myname1, myphone,a.faxno
myfaxno,a.refno,a.lrvda,a.acccd from msrent a inner join mstena b on
a.tntcd=b.tntcd where LEFT(rntno,1)='Z' and a.offcd='BGKL' and (a.recst = 'A')
order by rntno

{09-07-2019:14:50:44, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmmsrent.destroy(1)-

>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmmsrent.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR' is not found.

{09-07-2019:14:50:47, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5iz0jooob.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:
select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB10'

{19-07-2019:09:14:12, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>> Source
File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmapmpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT sum(IIF(dcsts='D',amoun,0)) dbamt FROM aptpcash WHERE pcsno=?
xPCSNO AND recst in ('A','P')

{22-07-2019:16:24:13, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcashedt.init(16)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select * from aptpcash where trsno='32430'

{22-07-2019:19:11:08, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmapmpcash.activate(11)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmapmpcash.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is
broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the
connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of
ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select a.*,(opbal+dbamt-cramt) blamt,Isnull(b.bldnm,SPACE(30)) bldnm from
apmpcash a left join tbbldg b on a.offcd=b.offcd where (a.offcd='BGKL' or
a.offcd='') order by pcsno

{26-07-2019:10:55:50, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmperiod2_filter.sct->d:\
prime_sql\baseclass.vct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select COUNT(offcd) jml_site from tbbldg

{30-07-2019:12:33:47, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :>
> Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrcedt.sct->d:\
prime_sql\frmxaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrc.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because
the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established
connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.dbnno,a.dbnda,a.curre,a.ttamt,a.ttvat,
(a.pyfee+a.pypph+a.pyvat) paids, ((a.ttamt+a.ttvat)-(a.pyfee+a.pypph+a.pyvat))
date1,ISNULL(CONVERT(CHAR(10),b.date2,105),SPACE(10)) date2,b.rmark from xadbnt a
INNER JOIN viewCB_xbdbnt2 b on a.dbnno=b.dbnno where ((a.ttamt+a.ttvat)-
(a.pyfee+a.pypph+a.pyvat)) > 0 and a.RECST in ('A','B','C') and a.dbncd='' and
a.rntno='Z00524' and a.offcd='BGKL'

{30-07-2019:12:33:52, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxaofrcedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver
13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
a.dbnno,a.dbnda,a.curre,a.ttamt,a.ttvat,(a.pyfee+a.pypph+a.pyvat) paids,
date1,ISNULL(CONVERT(CHAR(10),b.date2,105),SPACE(10)) date2,b.rmark from xadbnt a
INNER JOIN viewCB_xbdbnt2 b on a.dbnno=b.dbnno where ((a.ttamt+a.ttvat)-
(a.pyfee+a.pypph+a.pyvat)) > 0 and a.RECST in ('A','B','C') and a.dbncd='' and
a.rntno='Z00524' and a.offcd='BGKL'

{30-07-2019:12:34:33, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : dbseek(8266)-

>frmxaofrcedt.getxadbnt(13)-> Source File : D:\
frmxaofrcedt.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'XXTEMP' is not found.

{02-08-2019:10:09:46, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>frmxadbntinqvat.init(96)-> Source File :D:\
winmenutb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB80'

{02-08-2019:15:12:26, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.load(14)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{02-08-2019:15:12:37, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.load(14)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{02-08-2019:15:13:55, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7526)-

>frmperiod3_filter.showdata(12)->frmperiod3_filter.init(4)2. Source File : D:\
frmperiod3_filter.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{02-08-2019:15:15:50, User : ADMIN 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7511)-

>update_app(67)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\
update_app.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{06-08-2019:15:09:59, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select peri1 from syscon

{06-08-2019:15:10:14, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select peri1 from syscon

{06-08-2019:15:10:41, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select peri1 from syscon

{06-08-2019:15:11:04, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message: Variable 'PERI1' is not found.

{07-08-2019:13:09:51, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : globalvalid(691)-

>frmjrnentdedt.savedata(8)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_INSDT' is not found.

{07-08-2019:17:01:20, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT budcd,amoun
tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='32947'

{10-08-2019:19:33:44, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'csTEMP'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from csTEMP
where 1=1order by loccd

{10-08-2019:19:33:49, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{12-08-2019:21:17:27, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message: File does not exist.

{30-08-2019:15:59:24, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT budcd,amoun
tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='33547'

{30-08-2019:15:59:30, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

> Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message: File does not exist.

{02-09-2019:17:14:17, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmjrnentd.destroy(1)-

>runmyform(1004)-> Source File : d:\
Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2' is not found.
{03-09-2019:15:03:46, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : globalvalid(691)-
>frmjrnentdedt.savedata(8)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_INSDT' is not found.

{04-09-2019:12:21:26, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpvedt.load(6)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT bnkcd,bnknm,norek,tcod1 FROM tbbank ORDER BY bnknm

{04-09-2019:12:35:10, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpvedt.load(6)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:SELECT bnkcd,bnknm,norek,tcod1 FROM tbbank ORDER BY bnknm

{04-09-2019:14:11:48, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpvedt.load(6)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT bnkcd,bnknm,norek,tcod1 FROM tbbank ORDER BY

{12-09-2019:09:50:50, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5ks0hi10g.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because
the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established
connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB10'

{12-09-2019:09:54:00, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>frmbuilding_filter2.showdata(3)->frmbuilding_filter2.init(5)2. Source File :D:\
frmbuilding_filter2.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT bldnm FROM tbbldg
WHERE offcd='BGKL'

{12-09-2019:10:05:48, User : ADMIN 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7511)-

>update_app(67)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\
update_app.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{12-09-2019:14:58:15, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7561)-

>frmxbrent.showdata(15)->frmxbrent.activate(65)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxbrent.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmxbrent.sct3. Error
Message: Variable 'TOTAL' is not found.

{30-09-2019:10:41:37, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmapmpcash.activate(11)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: An established
connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.*,(opbal+dbamt-cramt)
blamt,Isnull(b.bldnm,SPACE(30)) bldnm from apmpcash a left join tbbldg b on
a.offcd=b.offcd where (a.offcd='BGKL' or a.offcd='') order by pcsno

{30-09-2019:10:42:06, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcash.activate(8)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmapmpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.* from aptpcash a
where a.pcsno='K0003' and DCSTS='C' order by a.trsno

{01-10-2019:09:55:32, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT budcd,amoun
tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='34457'

{01-10-2019:09:55:59, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>frmaptpcasd.init(10)-> Source File :D:\
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A
connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond
after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has
failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select bdgon from mmsyscon

{01-10-2019:09:56:05, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>frmaptpcasd.init(10)-> Source File :D:\
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link
failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select bdgon from mmsyscon

{01-10-2019:12:01:37, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash_approved.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct-
>D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT
budcd,amoun tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='34477'

{01-10-2019:19:08:08, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT budcd,amoun
tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='34514'

{01-10-2019:22:46:53, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentdedt.load(10)-

>>runmyform(1004)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\glprog_lib.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT cnvcd,names
FROM G19_tbcur

{01-10-2019:22:47:27, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentdedt.load(10)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT cnvcd,names
FROM G19_tbcur

{01-10-2019:22:47:49, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentd.showdata(3)-

>frmjrnentd.grdgrid1.afterrowcolchange(2)->utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentd.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is
not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more
times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase
the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT dcsts
dcsts,sum(amoun) amoun FROM G19_tdldgr WHERE bdgno+jurno='A00639' AND strec <> 'D'
GROUP BY dcsts

{02-10-2019:06:11:53, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message: File does not exist.

{02-10-2019:11:40:49, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'csTEMP'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from csTEMP
where 1=1order by loccd

{02-10-2019:11:40:53, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{02-10-2019:11:55:44, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>> Source
File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select curcd from tbbank where bnkcd='B02'

{02-10-2019:11:56:36, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select peri1 from syscon

{02-10-2019:12:00:18, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.activate(11)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.offcd,LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)
[print],a.sptrt,a.ortyp,a.pyalo,a.vcnum,a.chqno,a.gcode,a.acccd,a.crnum,ornum as
myORNUM,IIF(ornum='',crnum,ornum) as
.depcd,a.unidt,a.dpnum,(a.crval-a.pyalo) as
myUNIDT,ISNULL(b.comp1,SPACE(5)) comp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) mycomp2 from macash
a left join mstena b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd where TTYPE='P' and
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)='201909' and a.offcd='BGKL' order by a.crnum

{02-10-2019:12:00:21, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.activate(11)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid cursor
state(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.offcd,LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)
[print],a.sptrt,a.ortyp,a.pyalo,a.vcnum,a.chqno,a.gcode,a.acccd,a.crnum,ornum as
myORNUM,IIF(ornum='',crnum,ornum) as
.depcd,a.unidt,a.dpnum,(a.crval-a.pyalo) as
myUNIDT,ISNULL(b.comp1,SPACE(5)) comp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) mycomp2 from macash
a left join mstena b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd where TTYPE='P' and
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)='201909' and a.offcd='BGKL' order by a.crnum

{02-10-2019:12:01:39, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.load(14)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid cursor state(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{04-10-2019:11:07:04, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbntinqfinal.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:UPDATE xbrent SET amoun=?xamoun,date1=?xdate1,date2=?
xrmark,vatvl=?xvatvl WHERE runno='0302778'

{04-10-2019:11:07:11, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_update.sct->d:\prime_sql\
baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13
for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:UPDATE xbrent SET
xrmar1,rmar2=?xrmar2,rmark=?xrmark,vatvl=?xvatvl WHERE runno='0302778'

{06-10-2019:08:57:50, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmmstena.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT
INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{06-10-2019:08:58:08, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]String or binary
data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{06-10-2019:08:59:01, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmstena.activate(10)-

>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmstena.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3.
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: An existing
connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.tntcd,ISNULL(a.usent,SPACE(10))
usent,ISNULL(a.daent,'') daent,ISNULL(a.lasup,SPACE(10)) lasup,ISNULL(a.ladup,'')
ladup,RTRIM(a.comp2)+IIF(a.comp1='','',','+a.comp1) as
nagement',IIF(a.ownst='2','Internal ','External '))
Client_Group,iif(a.grpst='L','Lease',IIF(a.grpst='E','Casual','All '))
Client_Type,ISNULL(b.rmark,SPACE(50)) rmark,email,ISNULL(email1,SPACE(50))
email1,comp1,comp2 from mstena a left join tbgene b on
'TOB'+a.btype=b.fldcd+b.dtac1 where grpst=' ' or GRPST='' order by tntcd

{06-10-2019:08:59:03, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmmstena.destroy(1)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmmstena.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR' is not

{06-10-2019:08:59:05, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5lg0h6l5d.activate(112)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid
cursor state(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{06-10-2019:09:42:37, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :gennumber(644)-

>frmclientedt.savedata(41)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select * from TBCNTR where runcd='TN' and years='1997'

{06-10-2019:17:05:55, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5lg0t1ieo.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{07-10-2019:15:10:56, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbntinqvat.load(14)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbntinqvat.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{11-10-2019:09:45:06, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5ll0hjvnk.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{22-10-2019:09:33:10, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT budcd,amoun
tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='34992'

{24-10-2019:14:05:17, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmapmpcash.activate(11)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.*,
(opbal+dbamt-cramt) blamt,Isnull(b.bldnm,SPACE(30)) bldnm from apmpcash a left join
tbbldg b on a.offcd=b.offcd where (a.offcd='BGKL' or a.offcd='') order by pcsno

{24-10-2019:14:05:21, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmapmpcash.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmapmpcash.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR' is not found.

{04-11-2019:11:33:26, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'csTEMP'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from csTEMP
where 1=1order by loccd

{04-11-2019:11:33:31, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{04-11-2019:11:33:35, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Invalid object name
'csTEMP'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from csTEMP where 1=1order by loccd

{04-11-2019:11:33:41, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.keypress(7)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{04-11-2019:11:33:42, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not

{08-11-2019:11:50:19, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from G19_tbanl

{08-11-2019:11:50:22, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

> Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'TBANL' is not found.

{08-11-2019:11:50:23, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

> Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'TBANL' is not found.

{08-11-2019:11:50:24, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

> Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'TBANL' is not found.

{08-11-2019:11:50:25, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

> Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'TBANL' is not found.

{08-11-2019:11:50:27, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC
Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT
sum(otham) otham FROM mbofrc WHERE CRNUM='19/CPV/15094 ' and strec
<> 'D'

{08-11-2019:11:50:45, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'CSMBOFRC'
is not found.

{08-11-2019:17:51:08, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'csTEMP'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from csTEMP
where 1=1order by loccd

{08-11-2019:17:51:12, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{25-11-2019:13:10:10, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbntinqvat.load(14)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbntinqvat.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{25-11-2019:13:43:12, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5mu0s13jj.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{25-11-2019:13:43:18, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7560)-

>_5mu0s13jj.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Alias
'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{25-11-2019:13:43:26, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7560)-

>_5mu0s13jj.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Alias
'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{25-11-2019:13:43:27, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7560)-

>_5mu0s13jj.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Alias
'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{25-11-2019:13:43:27, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7560)-

>_5mu0s13jj.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Alias
'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{25-11-2019:13:43:29, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7560)-

>_5mu0s13jj.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Alias
'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{25-11-2019:13:43:31, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7560)-

>_5mu0s13jj.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Alias
'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.
{27-11-2019:18:41:46, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmacashedt.load(6)-
>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacash.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT bnkcd,bnknm,norek FROM tbbank ORDER BY bnknm

{27-11-2019:18:41:51, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmbase2.blankdata(20)-

>frmacashedt.blankdata(1)->frmacashedt.init(18)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
baseclass.vct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashedt.sct3. Error
Message: Alias 'CSTBBANK2' is not found.

{27-11-2019:18:41:53, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmbase2.blankdata(20)-

>frmacashedt.blankdata(1)->frmacashedt.init(18)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
baseclass.vct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashedt.sct3. Error
Message: Alias 'CSTBBANK2' is not found.

{27-11-2019:18:41:53, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmbase2.blankdata(20)-

>frmacashedt.blankdata(1)->frmacashedt.init(18)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
baseclass.vct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashedt.sct3. Error
Message: Alias 'CSTBBANK2' is not found.

{02-12-2019:15:42:32, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmacashedt.load(6)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacash.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT bnkcd,bnknm,norek FROM tbbank ORDER BY bnknm

{02-12-2019:21:22:24, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpvedt.load(6)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT bnkcd,bnknm,norek,tcod1 FROM tbbank ORDER BY

{02-12-2019:23:19:34, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT budcd,amoun
tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='36306'
{03-12-2019:09:11:34, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(70)-
>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select a.acccd myacccd,names mynames from G19_msacc a where acsts <> 'C'
order by myacccd

{03-12-2019:09:11:47, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{03-12-2019:13:30:52, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :globalvalid(642)-

>frmjrnentdedt.savedata(8)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT * from GL_insdt WHERE lgcod=?zLGCOD

{05-12-2019:16:24:36, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(70)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acccd myacccd,names mynames from G19_msacc a where
acsts <> 'C' order by myacccd

{05-12-2019:16:25:19, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{05-12-2019:16:26:55, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(70)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select a.acccd myacccd,names mynames from G19_msacc a where acsts
<> 'C' order by myacccd

{05-12-2019:16:27:33, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{05-12-2019:16:27:54, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmjrnentd.unload(7)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'CSTDLDGR' is not

{17-12-2019:11:49:24, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmtribal.savedata(507)-

>>runmyform(1004)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmtribal.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\glprog_lib.prg3. Error
Message: OLE error code 0x80030003: Unknown COM status code.

{17-12-2019:11:49:36, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmtribal.savedata(507)-

>>runmyform(1004)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmtribal.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\glprog_lib.prg3. Error
Message: OLE error code 0x80030003: Unknown COM status code.

{17-12-2019:11:49:37, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmtribal.savedata(507)-

>>runmyform(1004)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmtribal.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\glprog_lib.prg3. Error
Message: OLE error code 0x80030003: Unknown COM status code.

{19-12-2019:20:20:05, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5ni0vn4g1.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{23-12-2019:15:38:02, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbntinqfinal.load(16)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbntinqfinal.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{26-12-2019:18:11:38, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmbofrc.destroy(3)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmbofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrcpv.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT sum(otham) otham FROM mbofrc WHERE
ornum='P1907429 ' AND strec <> 'D'

{27-12-2019:10:47:40, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbnt_form.load(15)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{02-01-2020:08:39:41, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmfaktur.activate(20)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmfaktur.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.* from
mfaktur a where a.offcd='BGKL'order by offcd,serno

{02-01-2020:08:39:55, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmmfaktur.activate(33)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmmfaktur.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message: Variable 'DBNDA' is not found.

{02-01-2020:08:39:59, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmmfaktur.destroy(6)-

>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmmfaktur.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg
3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR' is not found.

{06-01-2020:12:34:59, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbntinqfinal.load(16)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbntinqfinal.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{06-01-2020:14:14:07, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.activate(11)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
a.offcd,LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6) PERNO,a.strec,a.sunst,a.
[print],a.sptrt,a.ortyp,a.pyalo,a.vcnum,a.chqno,a.gcode,a.acccd,a.crnum,ornum as
myORNUM,IIF(ornum='',crnum,ornum) as
.depcd,a.unidt,a.dpnum,(a.crval-a.pyalo) as
myUNIDT,ISNULL(b.comp1,SPACE(5)) comp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) mycomp2 from macash
a left join mstena b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd where TTYPE='P' and
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)='201911' and a.offcd='BGKL' order by a.crnum

{06-01-2020:14:15:14, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrcpv.load(15)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmaofrcpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{06-01-2020:15:27:41, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpvedt.load(6)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT bnkcd,bnknm,norek,tcod1 FROM tbbank ORDER BY

{07-01-2020:08:44:46, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnent.load(17)-

>runmyform(1004)-> Source File :d:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken
and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection
one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount
to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from
G19_tbanl ORDER BY acate

{08-01-2020:19:01:47, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentd.showdata(3)-

>frmjrnentd.grdgrid1.afterrowcolchange(2)->runmyform(1004)2. Source File :d:\
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is
broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the
connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of
ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT dcsts dcsts,sum(amoun) amoun FROM G19_tdldgr WHERE
bdgno+jurno='A00919' AND strec <> 'D' GROUP BY dcsts

{09-01-2020:14:49:48, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>frmbuilding_filter2.showdata(3)->frmbuilding_filter2.init(5)2. Source File :D:\
frmbuilding_filter2.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT bldnm FROM tbbldg WHERE offcd='BGKL'

{10-01-2020:11:07:49, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'csTEMP'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from csTEMP
where 1=1order by loccd

{10-01-2020:11:07:53, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.
{10-01-2020:13:48:43, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-
>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'csTEMP'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from csTEMP
where 1=1order by loccd

{10-01-2020:13:48:45, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{10-01-2020:14:13:53, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpvedt.load(6)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT bnkcd,bnknm,norek,tcod1 FROM tbbank ORDER BY

{29-01-2020:10:46:22, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :
>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:UPDATE xadbnt SET
[print]=[print]+1,prnda='20200129'WHERE dbnno='TGS.BKL2001-013 '

{30-01-2020:19:19:05, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcashedt.init(16)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select * from aptpcash where trsno='37878'

{31-01-2020:16:26:37, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.load(14)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{05-02-2020:17:16:26, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * FROM G20_tdldgr where bdgno=' ' and jurno=' '
and refno=' ' and lines=' '

{05-02-2020:17:16:34, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->D:\
Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * FROM G20_tdldgr
where bdgno=' ' and jurno=' ' and refno=' ' and
lines=' '

{11-02-2020:09:26:50, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(1089)-

>>frmtribal.savedata(85)2. Source File :D:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken
and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection
one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount
to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT
MAX(filnm) max_runno FROM G19_tbrpt

{11-02-2020:09:26:53, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(1091)-

>>frmtribal.savedata(85)2. Source File : D:\
Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{11-02-2020:09:27:05, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(1091)-

>>frmtribal.savedata(85)2. Source File : D:\
Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{11-02-2020:09:27:06, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(1091)-

>>frmtribal.savedata(85)2. Source File : D:\
Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{11-02-2020:09:27:06, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(1091)-

>>frmtribal.savedata(85)2. Source File : D:\
Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{11-02-2020:09:28:58, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmtribal.getbalance(29)-

>frmtribal.savedata(255)-> Source File :d:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Protocol error in TDS
stream(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from G19_dldgr where bdgno='A' and
acccd=' ' order by acccd,accpr
{11-02-2020:09:29:09, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmtribal.getbalance(35)-
>frmtribal.savedata(255)-> Source File : d:\
Error Message: Variable 'ACCCD' is not found.

{11-02-2020:09:29:11, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmtribal.getbalance(35)-

>frmtribal.savedata(255)-> Source File : d:\
Error Message: Variable 'ACCCD' is not found.

{11-02-2020:09:29:11, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmtribal.getbalance(35)-

>frmtribal.savedata(255)-> Source File : d:\
Error Message: Variable 'ACCCD' is not found.

{11-02-2020:09:29:27, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(1089)-

>>frmtribal.savedata(85)2. Source File :D:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid cursor state(1526)
4. SQL Statement:SELECT MAX(filnm) max_runno FROM G19_tbrpt

{11-02-2020:09:29:30, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(1089)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
glprog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmcekprn.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid cursor state(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT MAX(filnm) max_runno FROM G19_tbrpt

{11-02-2020:09:29:31, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :>utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmcekprn.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13
for SQL Server]Invalid cursor state(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT INTO G19_tbrpt
(strec,lasup,ladup,latup,filnm,descr) VALUES ('A','RIZ',GETDATE(),'09:29:31',?

{13-02-2020:13:11:44, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :finaldnnumbering(2299)-

Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqdraft.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenutb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_xadbnt'. Cannot insert
duplicate key in object 'dbo.xadbnt'. The duplicate key value is (TGS.BKL2002-004).
(1526)4. SQL Statement:UPDATE xadbnt SET DBNNO=?mDBNNO,RECST=?cRECST,VATST=?
zUSERID,ladup='20200213',latup='13:11:44'WHERE dbnno='ZZ088666

{24-02-2020:20:33:03, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>frmget_scope_efaktur.showdata(2)->frmget_scope_efaktur.init(6)2. Source File :D:\
frmget_scope_efaktur.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{24-02-2020:20:33:08, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7561)-

>frmget_scope_efaktur.showdata(2)->frmget_scope_efaktur.init(6)2. Source File : D:\
frmget_scope_efaktur.sct3. Error Message: Variable 'RMARK' is not found.

{01-03-2020:12:34:12, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :>
> Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcasd.sct->d:\
prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed
because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or
established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
acccd=' '

{01-03-2020:12:34:16, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>frmaptpcasd.savedata(40)-> Source File :D:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link
failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select MAX(linno) maxln FROM aptpcasd WHERE

{04-03-2020:09:51:27, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>runmyform(1004)-
> Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmjrnent.sct-
>D:\Prime_SQL\glprog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmutama.sct3. Error Message: Variable
'ZDBSERVER_TYPE' is not found.

{04-03-2020:09:51:43, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnent.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message: Variable 'ZDBSERVER_TYPE' is
not found.

{04-03-2020:09:51:45, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnent.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message: Variable 'ZDBSERVER_TYPE' is
not found.

{04-03-2020:09:51:45, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnent.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message: Variable 'ZDBSERVER_TYPE' is
not found.

{04-03-2020:09:51:56, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnent.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message: Variable 'ZDBSERVER_TYPE' is
not found.
{05-03-2020:23:22:18, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-
>frmmacashpvedt.txtcrdat.valid(1)-> Source
File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select lefor from syscon

{05-03-2020:23:22:23, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>frmmacashpvedt.txtcrdat.valid(1)->utamacb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select lefor from syscon

{05-03-2020:23:22:42, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>frmmacashpvedt.txtcrdat.valid(1)->utamacb(26)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message: Variable 'LEFOR' is not found.

{05-03-2020:23:23:07, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>frmmacashpvedt.txtcrdat.valid(1)->utamacb(26)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message: Variable 'LEFOR' is not found.

{05-03-2020:23:23:28, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>frmmacashpvedt.txtcrdat.valid(1)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\
prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error Message: Variable 'LEFOR' is not found.

{06-03-2020:00:00:24, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :
> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.

{06-03-2020:00:00:33, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link
failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acccd myacccd,names mynames,looks from
G20_msacc a where acsts <> 'C' order by myacccd

{06-03-2020:00:00:57, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\
utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{06-03-2020:00:01:21, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\
utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{12-03-2020:18:09:01, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmaptpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select a.acode as myacode,a.names as mynames from G20_tbacd a where
a.acate='T1'order by myacode

{12-03-2020:18:09:06, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not

{01-04-2020:15:43:54, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(70)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message :
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is
not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more
times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase
the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acccd,a.names from
G20_msacc a where 1=1 order by acccd

{01-04-2020:15:43:57, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{04-04-2020:18:13:35, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5qj1126ny.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{05-04-2020:15:41:07, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5qk0x4fmf.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where
{13-04-2020:11:22:48, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-
>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'csTEMP'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from csTEMP
where 1=1order by loccd

{13-04-2020:11:22:53, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{13-04-2020:11:31:21, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dbseek(8265)-

>frmmbofrc_macashpv.destroy(33)-> Source
File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select 1 as Result from G20_msacc where acccd=' '

{13-04-2020:11:31:42, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.activate(11)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is
broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the
connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of
ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select a.offcd,LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)
[print],a.sptrt,a.ortyp,a.pyalo,a.vcnum,a.chqno,a.gcode,a.acccd,a.crnum,ornum as
myORNUM,IIF(ornum='',crnum,ornum) as
.depcd,a.unidt,a.dpnum,(a.crval-a.pyalo) as
myUNIDT,ISNULL(b.comp1,SPACE(5)) comp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) mycomp2 from macash
a left join mstena b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd where TTYPE='P' and
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)='202003' and a.offcd='BGKL' order by a.crnum

{15-04-2020:11:29:14, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcash.activate(8)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmapmpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.* from aptpcash a where a.pcsno='00228' and
DCSTS='C' order by a.trsno

{15-04-2020:11:29:17, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmapmpcash.activate(11)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmapmpcash.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link
failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.*,(opbal+dbamt-cramt)
blamt,Isnull(b.bldnm,SPACE(30)) bldnm from apmpcash a left join tbbldg b on
a.offcd=b.offcd where (a.offcd='BGKL' or a.offcd='') order by pcsno

{27-04-2020:13:14:46, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbntinqfinal.load(16)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbntinqfinal.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{28-04-2020:15:52:03, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmmstena.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT
INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{28-04-2020:15:52:47, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]String or binary
data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{28-04-2020:15:54:18, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]String or binary
data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{28-04-2020:15:58:26, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmmstena.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT
INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{28-04-2020:16:05:00, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmmstena.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT
INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{28-04-2020:16:05:35, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]String or binary
data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{30-04-2020:10:22:05, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmaptpcashedt.init(16)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select * from aptpcash where trsno='40460'

{30-04-2020:10:42:18, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash_approved.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct-
>D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT
budcd,amoun tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='40464'
{30-04-2020:16:31:13, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-
Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmmstena.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT
INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{05-05-2020:16:06:57, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrcpv.activate(11)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmaofrcpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.ttype,a.strec,a.sunst,a.atype,a.
outsd,a.rntno,a.tntcd,ISNULL(b.comp1,SPACE(5)) comp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) comp2
from maofrc a left join mstena b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd where ttype='P' and
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.ordat,112),6)='202002' and a.offcd='BGKL'order by a.ornum

{05-05-2020:16:07:05, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrcpv.load(15)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmaofrcpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from apsyscon

{09-05-2020:09:06:18, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentdedt.init(49)-

>>runmyform(1004)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\glprog_lib.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from G20_TBJDF where JURTP='JV '

{09-05-2020:09:06:22, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentd.showdata(3)-

>frmjrnentd.grdgrid1.afterrowcolchange(2)->utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentd.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT dcsts dcsts,sum(amoun) amoun FROM G20_tdldgr WHERE
bdgno+jurno='A00273' AND strec <> 'D' GROUP BY dcsts

{10-05-2020:11:35:16, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dbseek(1511)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
glprog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select 1 as Result
from G20_msacc where acccd=' '

{10-05-2020:11:42:38, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dbseek(1511)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
glprog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select 1 as Result
from G20_msacc where acccd=' '

{10-05-2020:11:43:38, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dbseek(1511)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
glprog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select 1 as Result
from G20_msacc where acccd=' '

{11-05-2020:16:47:39, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpvedt.load(6)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT bnkcd,bnknm,norek,tcod1 FROM tbbank ORDER BY

{18-05-2020:14:13:11, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5rr0o26sb.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{19-05-2020:13:28:02, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dataenvironment.init(15)-

>myreport_form(9107)-> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\_bin\udf_gpbd2_bgkl.frt->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\
prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:DELETE FROM TBTemp where userid='RIZKI '

{28-05-2020:15:31:38, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT budcd,amoun
tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='40916'

{10-06-2020:10:58:21, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxaofrcedt.savedata(169)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrcedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmxaofrc.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_xaofrc'. Cannot insert
duplicate key in object 'dbo.xaofrc'. The duplicate key value is (R2003715
, TGS.BKL2002-002 ).(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT INTO xaofrc
an,ofset,depcd,vatst) values(?xblalo,?xdbnno,?xfracc,?xfralo,?xoralo,?xotacc,?

{13-06-2020:12:07:46, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmmstena.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT
INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{13-06-2020:12:28:19, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmmstena.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT
INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{15-06-2020:13:48:39, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>> Source
File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxbrentbrw.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB77'

{15-06-2020:13:48:46, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxbrentbrw.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB77'

{18-06-2020:20:16:48, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>> Source
File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqvat.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select comty from msrent where offcd+rntno='BGKLZ00732'

{18-06-2020:20:17:03, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqvat.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select comty from msrent where offcd+rntno='BGKLZ00732'

{18-06-2020:20:17:38, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7561)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqvat.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message: Variable 'COMTY' is not found.

{18-06-2020:22:22:11, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dataenvironment.init(15)-

>myreport_form(9107)-> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\_bin\udf_gpbd2_bgkl.frt->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\
prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:DELETE FROM TBTemp where userid='RIZKI '

{18-06-2020:22:22:58, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dataenvironment.init(15)-

>myreport_form(9107)-> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\_bin\udf_gpbd2_bgkl.frt->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\
prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:DELETE FROM TBTemp where
userid='RIZKI '

{24-06-2020:11:24:03, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmmstena.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT
INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{24-06-2020:13:04:48, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dataenvironment.init(15)-

>myreport_form(9107)-> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\_bin\udf_gpbd2_bgkl.frt->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\
prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:DELETE FROM TBTemp where userid='RIZKI '

{25-06-2020:09:35:08, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5st0iozt2.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{25-06-2020:09:45:10, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :>
>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqfinal.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13
for SQL Server]TCP Provider: An established connection was aborted by the software
in your host machine.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:UPDATE xadbnt SET dbncd='C',cclda=GETDATE() WHERE
dbnno='TGS.BKL2006-065 '

{25-06-2020:09:46:11, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqfinal.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select dbnno from xaofrc where dbnno='TGS.BKL2006-065

{25-06-2020:12:40:55, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5st0qb1tc.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{25-06-2020:15:38:30, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbnt_form.load(15)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{25-06-2020:16:25:45, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>> Source File :D:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken
and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection
one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount
to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select types
from tbchrg where chgcd='BM910'

{25-06-2020:16:26:05, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxachrg.destroy(13)2.

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxachrg.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13
for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client
driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts
failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:UPDATE msrent SET chgst=1 where

{29-06-2020:09:02:07, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmaptpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acode as myacode,a.names as mynames from G20_tbacd
a where a.acate='T1'order by myacode

{29-06-2020:09:02:10, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{29-06-2020:09:02:13, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select a.acode as myacode,a.names as mynames from G20_tbacd a
where a.acate='T1'order by myacode

{29-06-2020:09:02:38, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{29-06-2020:09:03:00, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{29-06-2020:11:25:05, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>> Source
File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select COUNT(trsno) trsno_cnt from aptpcasd where

{29-06-2020:11:25:14, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select COUNT(trsno) trsno_cnt from aptpcasd where trsno='41615'

{29-06-2020:15:27:04, User : 1.Module name

>_5sx0wxgqg.activate(38)->utamacb(25)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmlogintb.sct-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from zus where
kd_login='RIZKI '

{30-06-2020:10:21:40, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5sy0jpqjf.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because
the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established
connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB10'

{30-06-2020:10:21:45, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbntinqdraft.load(26)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbntinqdraft.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{30-06-2020:10:22:18, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqdraft.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\
Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select myRECST= CASE WHEN a.recst='D' THEN 'NORMAL' ELSE
END ,a.recst,a.tntcd,a.offcd,a.rntno,b.adref,b.comp2,b.comp3,a.grpcd,c.grpnm,a.dbnd
[print],b.vbist,isnull(d.floor,SPACE(5)) as floor from xadbnt a inner join msrent
b on a.offcd=b.offcd and a.rntno=b.rntno inner join tbcgrp c on
a.grpcd=c.grpcd left join viewTB_MSLOCA1 d on a.depdc=d.loccd where (a.recst='D'
or a.recst='P') and LEFT(a.perno,6) >= '202006' and LEFT(a.perno,6) <= '202006'
and a.offcd='BGKL'order by a.depdc

{30-06-2020:14:56:32, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbntinqfinal.load(16)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbntinqfinal.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{30-06-2020:19:10:12, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(70)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message :
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is
not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more
times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase
the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acccd,a.names from
G20_msacc a where 1=1 order by acccd

{30-06-2020:19:10:17, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{30-06-2020:19:10:43, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(70)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaccinq.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message :
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is
not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more
times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase
the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acccd,a.names from
G20_msacc a where 1=1 order by acccd

{30-06-2020:19:11:00, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not

{01-07-2020:09:27:32, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select a.* from tbbank a where dpsbn=1order by bnkcd

{01-07-2020:09:27:35, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{01-07-2020:11:41:42, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.activate(11)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
a.offcd,LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6) PERNO,a.strec,a.sunst,a.
[print],a.sptrt,a.ortyp,a.pyalo,a.vcnum,a.chqno,a.gcode,a.acccd,a.crnum,ornum as
myORNUM,IIF(ornum='',crnum,ornum) as
.depcd,a.unidt,a.dpnum,(a.crval-a.pyalo) as
myUNIDT,ISNULL(b.comp1,SPACE(5)) comp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) mycomp2 from macash
a left join mstena b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd where TTYPE='P' and
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)='202006' and a.offcd='BGKL' order by a.crnum

{01-07-2020:12:31:40, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpvedt.load(6)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT bnkcd,bnknm,norek,tcod1 FROM tbbank ORDER BY

{01-07-2020:18:13:11, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbnt_update.activate(8)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_update.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqfinal.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenutb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
a.loccd,a.dbnno,a.runno,a.rmark,a.rmar1,a.rmar2,b.grpcd,c.vatpc,c.pphpc from xbrent
a inner join tbchrg b on a.chgcd=b.chgcd inner join xachrg c on
a.offcd+a.rntno+a.chgcd=c.offcd+c.rntno+c.chgcd where dbnno='TGS.BKL2006-001
' order by a.chgcd

{01-07-2020:18:13:16, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

frmxadbnt_update.destroy(1)->utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbnt_update.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2'
is not found.

{02-07-2020:11:14:09, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5t00hme3i.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{03-07-2020:11:20:47, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(70)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acccd myacccd,names mynames from G20_msacc a where
acsts <> 'C' order by myacccd

{03-07-2020:11:21:08, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{03-07-2020:11:21:13, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(70)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select a.acccd myacccd,names mynames from G20_msacc a where acsts
<> 'C' order by myacccd

{03-07-2020:13:53:02, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>frmmaofrc_post.postingor(3)-> Source File :
frmmaofrc_post.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB21'

{03-07-2020:13:53:10, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>frmmaofrc_post.postingor(3)-> Source File :
frmmaofrc_post.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE
where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB21'

{03-07-2020:14:07:16, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmaptpcashedt.savedata(23)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: An established
connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select peri1 from syscon

{03-07-2020:14:07:22, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmaptpcashedt.savedata(23)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select peri1 from syscon

{03-07-2020:14:07:40, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmaptpcashedt.savedata(23)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct3. Error
Message: Variable 'PERI1' is not found.

{03-07-2020:14:08:04, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmaptpcashedt.savedata(23)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcashedt.sct3. Error
Message: Variable 'PERI1' is not found.

{03-07-2020:14:56:28, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5t10uyops.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{07-07-2020:15:37:27, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmbofrc.destroy(3)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmbofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT sum(otham) otham FROM mbofrc WHERE ornum='R2005457
' AND strec <> 'D'

{20-07-2020:18:49:00, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacash.load(13)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacash.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is
not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more
times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase
the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{20-07-2020:18:52:16, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmmacash.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'CSSYSCON' is not

{20-07-2020:18:52:18, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmmacash.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'CSSYSCON' is not
{20-07-2020:18:52:18, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmmacash.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'CSSYSCON' is not

{20-07-2020:18:52:26, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmmacash.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'CSSYSCON' is not

{10-08-2020:14:06:16, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :
>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:UPDATE xadbnt SET
[print]=[print]+1,prnda='20200810'WHERE dbnno='TGS.BKL2008-022 '

{10-08-2020:14:08:03, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbnt_form.activate(13)-

>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\
utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select IIF(a.recst='D','DRAFT','FINAL') sttus,a.
floor,a.deffe,ISNULL(f.vatno,space(20)) vatno from xadbnt a inner join msrent
b on a.offcd=b.offcd and a.rntno=b.rntno inner join tbcgrp c on
a.grpcd=c.grpcd inner join tbbldg d on a.offcd=d.offcd left join
msloca e on a.depdc=e.loccd left join viewTB_xavatf1 f on a.dbnno=f.dbnno
where 1=1 and a.recst='A' and LEFT(convert(varchar,a.dbnda,112),6)='202008' and
a.offcd='BGKL'order by a.depdc

{18-08-2020:12:38:05, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrc.activate(13)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is
not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more
times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase
the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.ordat,112),6) as PERNO,a.ttype,a.strec,a.sunst,a.atype,a.
clcomp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) clcomp2,ISNULL(c.adref,SPACE(30))
adref,ISNULL(c.comp3,SPACE(60)) tncomp3,ISNULL(d.bnknm,SPACE(40))
bnknm,ISNULL(d.jurtp,SPACE(5)) jurtp,ISNULL(d.norek,SPACE(15)) acc_bank from maofrc
a left join MSTENA b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd left join msrent c on a.offcd=c.offcd and
a.rntno=c.rntno LEFT JOIN tbbank d ON a.dbank=d.bnkcd where a.ttype in ('R','S')
and a.strec <> 'C' and LEFT(convert(varchar,a.ordat,112),6)='202008' and
a.offcd='BGKL' order by a.ornum

{12-09-2020:14:50:23, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbnt_update.activate(8)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_update.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqfinal.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenutb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
a.loccd,a.dbnno,a.runno,a.rmark,a.rmar1,a.rmar2,b.grpcd,c.vatpc,c.pphpc from xbrent
a inner join tbchrg b on a.chgcd=b.chgcd inner join xachrg c on
a.offcd+a.rntno+a.chgcd=c.offcd+c.rntno+c.chgcd where dbnno='TGS.BKL2006-010
' order by a.chgcd

{12-09-2020:14:50:28, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

frmxadbnt_update.destroy(1)->utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbnt_update.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2'
is not found.

{13-09-2020:12:22:49, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxaofrc2.activate(11)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc2.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'order'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:order by

{13-09-2020:12:22:58, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxaofrc2.destroy(22)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc2.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2' is not found.

{06-10-2020:11:31:51, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmbofrc.destroy(3)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmbofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrcpv.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT sum(otham) otham FROM mbofrc WHERE ornum='P2006567
' AND strec <> 'D'

{06-10-2020:11:31:52, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrcpv.activate(11)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrcpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link
failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.ttype,a.strec,a.sunst,a.atype,a.
outsd,a.rntno,a.tntcd,ISNULL(b.comp1,SPACE(5)) comp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) comp2
from maofrc a left join mstena b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd where ttype='P' and
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.ordat,112),6)='202009' and a.offcd='BGKL'order by a.ornum

{06-10-2020:11:32:13, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmmaofrcpv.activate(26)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrcpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message: Variable 'ORDAT' is not found.

{06-10-2020:11:33:20, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7526)-

>frmperiod3_filter.showdata(12)->frmperiod3_filter.init(4)2. Source File : D:\
frmperiod3_filter.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{07-10-2020:12:17:47, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmclientedt.savedata(181)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmstenaedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmmstena.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT
INTO mstena
cl_npwps,cl_pphst,cl_txcom,cl_txad1,cl_txad2,cl_txad3,OWNST) values(?

{08-10-2020:14:20:08, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmtribal.getbalance(29)-

>frmtribal.savedata(255)-> Source File :d:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Protocol error in TDS
stream(1526)4. SQL Statement:select * from G20_dldgr where bdgno='A' and
acccd=' ' order by acccd,accpr

{08-10-2020:14:21:31, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(1089)-

>>frmtribal.savedata(85)2. Source File :D:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid cursor state(1526)
4. SQL Statement:SELECT MAX(filnm) max_runno FROM G20_tbrpt

{08-10-2020:14:21:34, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(1089)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
glprog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmcekprn.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid cursor state(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT MAX(filnm) max_runno FROM G20_tbrpt

{08-10-2020:14:21:36, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(1089)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
glprog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmcekprn.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid cursor state(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT MAX(filnm) max_runno FROM G20_tbrpt

{08-10-2020:14:21:37, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(1089)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
glprog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmcekprn.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid cursor state(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT MAX(filnm) max_runno FROM G20_tbrpt

{08-10-2020:14:21:43, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(1089)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
glprog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmcekprn.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Invalid cursor state(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT MAX(filnm) max_runno FROM G20_tbrpt

{23-10-2020:11:18:34, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>frmxaofrc.init(6)-> Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrc.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT ORVAL FROM

{06-11-2020:11:40:36, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpvedt.load(26)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrcpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrcpv.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT bnkcd,bnknm,norek FROM tbbank WHERE dpsbn=1 ORDER BY

{06-11-2020:11:40:46, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpvedt.load(26)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmaofrcpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrcpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:SELECT bnkcd,bnknm,norek FROM tbbank WHERE dpsbn=1 ORDER BY bnknm

{08-11-2020:11:39:43, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxbrentedt.savedata(47)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxbrentedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmxbrent.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT chgcd,runno FROM xbrent WHERE
offcd+rntno+chgcd='BGKLZ00850BM400' AND perno='202011'

{08-11-2020:11:40:04, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxbrentedt.savedata(47)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxbrentedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT chgcd,runno
FROM xbrent WHERE offcd+rntno+chgcd='BGKLZ00850BM400' AND perno='202011'

{08-11-2020:11:40:47, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxbrentedt.savedata(47)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxbrentedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT chgcd,runno
FROM xbrent WHERE offcd+rntno+chgcd='BGKLZ00850BM400' AND perno='202011'

{08-11-2020:11:41:17, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxachrg.activate(11)-

>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxachrg.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3.
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select ISNULL(a.usent,SPACE(10)) usent,ISNULL(a.daent,'')
daent,ISNULL(a.lasup,SPACE(10)) lasup,ISNULL(a.ladup,'')
pc,IIF(a.defst='1','Income','Deffered') as
ULL(a.subcd,SPACE(5)) subcd from xachrg a inner join tbchrg b on a.chgcd=b.chgcd
where a.offcd='BGKL' and a.rntno='Z00850'order by a.chgcd

{08-11-2020:11:41:33, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxachrg.destroy(13)-

>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxachrg.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3.
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link
failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:UPDATE msrent SET chgst=1 where

{08-11-2020:11:42:10, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7560)-

>_5wl0o3df2.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Alias
'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{08-11-2020:11:46:21, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>open_period_valid(377)->frmxadbntgen.savedata(18)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntgen.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select peri1 from syscon

{08-11-2020:11:46:51, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>open_period_valid(377)->frmxadbntgen.savedata(18)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntgen.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select peri1 from syscon

{08-11-2020:11:47:41, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqdraft.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\
Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select myRECST= CASE WHEN a.recst='D' THEN 'NORMAL' ELSE
END ,a.recst,a.tntcd,a.offcd,a.rntno,b.adref,b.comp2,b.comp3,a.grpcd,c.grpnm,a.dbnd
[print],b.vbist,isnull(d.floor,SPACE(5)) as floor from xadbnt a inner join msrent
b on a.offcd=b.offcd and a.rntno=b.rntno inner join tbcgrp c on
a.grpcd=c.grpcd left join viewTB_MSLOCA1 d on a.depdc=d.loccd where (a.recst='D'
or a.recst='P') and LEFT(a.perno,6) >= '202011' and LEFT(a.perno,6) <= '202011'
and a.offcd='BGKL'order by a.depdc

{11-11-2020:15:33:03, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbnt_update.activate(8)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_update.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqfinal.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenutb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
a.loccd,a.dbnno,a.runno,a.rmark,a.rmar1,a.rmar2,b.grpcd,c.vatpc,c.pphpc from xbrent
a inner join tbchrg b on a.chgcd=b.chgcd inner join xachrg c on
a.offcd+a.rntno+a.chgcd=c.offcd+c.rntno+c.chgcd where dbnno='TGS.BKL2007-003
' order by a.chgcd

{11-11-2020:15:33:08, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

frmxadbnt_update.destroy(1)->utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbnt_update.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2'
is not found.

{11-11-2020:15:33:12, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbnt_update.activate(8)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link
failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
a.loccd,a.dbnno,a.runno,a.rmark,a.rmar1,a.rmar2,b.grpcd,c.vatpc,c.pphpc from xbrent
a inner join tbchrg b on a.chgcd=b.chgcd inner join xachrg c on
a.offcd+a.rntno+a.chgcd=c.offcd+c.rntno+c.chgcd where dbnno='TGS.BKL2007-003
' order by a.chgcd

{11-11-2020:15:43:03, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrc.load(15)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is
not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more
times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase
the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from syscon
{12-11-2020:18:19:40, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :
>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:UPDATE xadbnt SET [print]=[print]+1,prnda='20201112'WHERE
dbnno='TGS.BKL2009-014 '

{12-11-2020:18:30:29, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbnt_form.activate(13)-

>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\
utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
IIF(a.recst='D','DRAFT','FINAL') sttus,a.
floor,a.deffe,ISNULL(f.vatno,space(20)) vatno from xadbnt a inner join msrent
b on a.offcd=b.offcd and a.rntno=b.rntno inner join tbcgrp c on
a.grpcd=c.grpcd inner join tbbldg d on a.offcd=d.offcd left join
msloca e on a.depdc=e.loccd left join viewTB_xavatf1 f on a.dbnno=f.dbnno
where 1=1 and a.recst='A' and LEFT(convert(varchar,a.dbnda,112),6)='202009' and
a.offcd='BGKL'order by a.depdc

{23-11-2020:15:39:18, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbnt_update.activate(8)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_update.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqfinal.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenutb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
a.loccd,a.dbnno,a.runno,a.rmark,a.rmar1,a.rmar2,b.grpcd,c.vatpc,c.pphpc from xbrent
a inner join tbchrg b on a.chgcd=b.chgcd inner join xachrg c on
a.offcd+a.rntno+a.chgcd=c.offcd+c.rntno+c.chgcd where dbnno='TGS.BKL2011-030
' order by a.chgcd

{23-11-2020:15:39:23, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

frmxadbnt_update.destroy(1)->utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbnt_update.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2'
is not found.

{26-11-2020:15:15:53, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>frmget_scope_efaktur.showdata(2)->frmget_scope_efaktur.init(6)2. Source File :D:\
frmget_scope_efaktur.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{01-12-2020:13:54:16, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxaofrc2.activate(11)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc2.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'order'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:order by

{01-12-2020:13:54:21, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxaofrc2.destroy(22)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc2.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2' is not found.

{02-12-2020:13:34:14, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>frmacashedt.txtcrdat.valid(1)-> Source File :
frmmacash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select topor from syscon

{02-12-2020:13:34:45, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>frmacashedt.txtcrdat.valid(1)->utamacb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select topor from syscon

{05-12-2020:16:19:01, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpvedt.load(6)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT bnkcd,bnknm,norek,tcod1 FROM tbbank ORDER BY bnknm

{04-01-2021:22:07:31, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxaofrc2.activate(11)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc2.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'order'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:order by

{04-01-2021:22:07:34, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxaofrc2.destroy(22)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc2.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2' is not found.

{06-01-2021:10:17:09, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>get_tbgene(8013)->frmmsrentedt.savedata(123)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmsrentedt.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB74'

{06-01-2021:10:17:28, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>get_tbgene(8013)->frmmsrentedt.savedata(123)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmsrentedt.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB74'

{06-01-2021:10:27:12, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7561)-

>get_tbgene(8013)->frmmsrentedt.savedata(123)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmsrentedt.sct3. Error
Message: Variable 'RMARK' is not found.

{18-01-2021:11:48:30, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmtribal.load(6)-

>runmyform(1004)-> Source File :d:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken
and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection
one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount
to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT cnvcd
from G20_tbcur ORDER BY cnvcd

{18-01-2021:11:48:54, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_5yl0lrloc.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{18-01-2021:17:38:44, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>frmbuilding_filter2.showdata(3)->frmbuilding_filter2.init(5)2. Source File :D:\
frmbuilding_filter2.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT bldnm FROM tbbldg WHERE offcd='BGKL'

{22-01-2021:10:35:48, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>frmxaofrc.destroy(14)-> Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrc.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT sum(oralo) ttoralo FROM xaofrc WHERE ornum='R2100574

{22-01-2021:10:35:54, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrc.activate(13)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrc.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link
failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select LEFT(convert(varchar,a.ordat,112),6) as
clcomp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) clcomp2,ISNULL(c.adref,SPACE(30))
adref,ISNULL(c.comp3,SPACE(60)) tncomp3,ISNULL(d.bnknm,SPACE(40))
bnknm,ISNULL(d.jurtp,SPACE(5)) jurtp,ISNULL(d.norek,SPACE(15)) acc_bank from maofrc
a left join MSTENA b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd left join msrent c on a.offcd=c.offcd and
a.rntno=c.rntno LEFT JOIN tbbank d ON a.dbank=d.bnkcd where a.ttype in ('R','S')
and a.strec <> 'C' and LEFT(convert(varchar,a.ordat,112),6)='202101' and
a.offcd='BGKL' order by a.ornum

{22-01-2021:10:52:51, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrcpv.load(15)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmaofrcpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{22-01-2021:10:53:10, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrcpv.load(15)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmaofrcpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{22-01-2021:10:53:34, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrcpv.load(15)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmaofrcpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{25-01-2021:13:49:24, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxachrg.destroy(13)-

>> Source File
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is
broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the
connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of
ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:UPDATE msrent SET chgst=1 where offcd+rntno='BGKLZ00020'
{28-02-2021:17:51:35, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-
>_5zq0zsx9a.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{05-03-2021:22:39:10, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxaofrc2.activate(11)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc2.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'order'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:order by

{05-03-2021:22:39:15, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxaofrc2.destroy(22)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc2.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2' is not found.

{11-04-2021:13:15:15, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Command contains
unrecognized phrase/keyword.

{11-04-2021:13:15:20, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Command contains
unrecognized phrase/keyword.

{11-04-2021:16:15:08, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Command contains
unrecognized phrase/keyword.

{14-04-2021:14:24:55, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_60z0sv6nn.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{26-04-2021:11:06:26, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>frmbuilding_filter2.showdata(3)->frmbuilding_filter2.init(5)2. Source File :D:\
frmbuilding_filter2.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT bldnm FROM tbbldg WHERE offcd='BGKL'

{05-05-2021:09:50:12, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentdedt.savedata(284)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:
,ACDCD,ACCCF) values(?xacccd,?xaccpr,?xamoun,?xcnvrt,?xdescr,?xdueda,?xlines,?
xdcsts,'A','00251','JV ','RIZ','A',?xothrf,?xTNTCD,?xRNTNO,?xDSCR2,?xACDCD,?

{16-05-2021:15:50:20, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Command contains
unrecognized phrase/keyword.

{02-06-2021:14:57:28, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentd.unload(5)-

>runmyform(1004)-> Source File :d:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken
and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection
one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount
to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT
refno,dcsts,sum(amoun) amoun,sum(otham) otham, max(lines) max_lines,count(lines)
Jml_lines,MAX(accpr) accpr FROM G21_tdldgr WHERE bdgno+jurno='A00316' AND strec <>
'D' GROUP BY refno,dcsts order by refno,dcsts

{10-06-2021:14:07:33, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_62k0i41pi.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{21-06-2021:11:07:56, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxachrg.activate(11)-

>> Source File
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is
broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the
connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of
ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select ISNULL(a.usent,SPACE(10)) usent,ISNULL(a.daent,'')
daent,ISNULL(a.lasup,SPACE(10)) lasup,ISNULL(a.ladup,'')
pc,IIF(a.defst='1','Income','Deffered') as
ULL(a.subcd,SPACE(5)) subcd from xachrg a inner join tbchrg b on a.chgcd=b.chgcd
where a.offcd='BGKL' and a.rntno='Z00835'order by a.chgcd

{21-06-2021:11:08:22, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxachrg.destroy(2)-

>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxachrg.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2' is not found.

{21-06-2021:11:08:43, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxachrg.activate(11)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxachrg.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmsrent.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is
not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more
times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase
the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
ISNULL(a.usent,SPACE(10)) usent,ISNULL(a.daent,'') daent,ISNULL(a.lasup,SPACE(10))
pc,IIF(a.defst='1','Income','Deffered') as
ULL(a.subcd,SPACE(5)) subcd from xachrg a inner join tbchrg b on a.chgcd=b.chgcd
where a.offcd='BGKL' and a.rntno='Z00835'order by a.chgcd

{21-06-2021:11:08:56, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxachrg.destroy(2)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxachrg.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2' is not

{22-06-2021:11:00:52, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbntgen.load(6)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbntgen.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT grpcd,grpnm,pisah FROM tbcgrp ORDER BY grpcd

{22-06-2021:11:01:09, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbntgen.load(6)-

>>utamatb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbntgen.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:SELECT grpcd,grpnm,pisah FROM tbcgrp ORDER BY grpcd

{03-08-2021:14:15:28, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentd.showdata(3)-

>frmjrnentd.grdgrid1.afterrowcolchange(2)->runmyform(1004)2. Source File :d:\
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is
broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the
connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of
ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:SELECT dcsts dcsts,sum(amoun) amoun FROM G21_tdldgr WHERE
bdgno+jurno='A00467' AND strec <> 'D' GROUP BY dcsts
{26-08-2021:10:50:13, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :>
>utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxadbnt_form.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Command contains
unrecognized phrase/keyword.

{31-08-2021:12:58:15, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxaofrc2.activate(11)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc2.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'order'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:order by

{31-08-2021:12:58:21, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxaofrc2.destroy(22)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxaofrc2.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2' is not found.

{02-09-2021:12:56:44, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrc.load(15)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmaofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message
:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is
not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more
times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase
the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{02-10-2021:13:17:22, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT budcd,amoun
tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='53396'

{04-10-2021:11:19:12, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT budcd,amoun
tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='53443'

{12-10-2021:12:04:42, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_6600omy07.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not
possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times
and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the
number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where

{20-10-2021:13:27:31, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT budcd,amoun
tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='53808'

{04-11-2021:11:22:31, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmbofrc.destroy(3)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmbofrc.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrcpv.sct->d:\
prime_sql\winmenucb.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT sum(otham) otham FROM mbofrc WHERE
ornum='P2104567 ' AND strec <> 'D'

{04-11-2021:11:22:53, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmaofrcpv.activate(11)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmaofrcpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is
broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the
connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of
ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select a.ttype,a.strec,a.sunst,a.atype,a.
outsd,a.rntno,a.tntcd,ISNULL(b.comp1,SPACE(5)) comp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) comp2
from maofrc a left join mstena b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd where ttype='P' and
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.ordat,112),6)='202105' and a.offcd='BGKL'order by a.ornum

{04-11-2021:11:23:21, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.load(14)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{04-11-2021:11:23:57, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.load(14)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenucb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from

{04-11-2021:15:03:31, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

>runmyform(1004)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentd.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\glprog_lib.prg3. Error Message: Alias is not found.

{04-11-2021:15:03:34, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

frmjrnentdedt.txttcod2.valid(2)->utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentdedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message: Alias is not found.

{15-11-2021:10:55:47, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

>> Source File
: d:\prime_sql\frmxachrg.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmsrent.sct->d:\prime_sql\
winmenutb.sct3. Error Message: Variable 'MYHOVTY' is not found.

{01-12-2021:13:52:45, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

>runmyform(1004)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentd.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\glprog_lib.prg3. Error Message: Alias is not found.

{01-12-2021:13:52:50, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

frmjrnentdedt.txttcod1.valid(2)->utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentdedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error Message: Alias is not found.

{02-12-2021:12:47:20, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The
connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to
recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the
value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL
Statement:select * from G21_tbanl

{02-12-2021:12:47:39, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC
Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The
client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all
attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of
recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT sum(otham) otham FROM mbofrc WHERE
CRNUM='21/CPV/36857 ' and strec <> 'D'

{02-12-2021:12:47:55, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC
Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The
client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all
attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of
recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT sum(otham) otham FROM mbofrc WHERE
CRNUM='21/CPV/36857 ' and strec <> 'D'

{02-12-2021:12:48:17, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dbseek(8265)-

>frmmbofrc_macashpv.destroy(33)->utamacb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select 1 as Result
from G21_msacc where acccd=' '

{16-12-2021:14:16:06, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxadbntinqfinal.sct->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\
Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
h+a.pyvat paid, (a.ttamt+a.ttvat)-(a.pyfee+a.pypph+a.pyvat) outsd,
c.prnnm,a.vatst+' '+a.dn_vatno myvatno,a.dn_vatno as VATNO,a.vatst,e.bldnm,a.dnno2
from xadbnt a inner join msrent b on a.offcd=b.offcd and a.rntno=b.rntno inner
join tbcgrp c on a.grpcd=c.grpcd inner join tbbldg e on a.offcd=e.offcd where
1=1 and a.recst='A' and LEFT(convert(varchar,a.dbnda,112),6)='202112' and
a.offcd='BGKL' order by a.perno,a.tntcd

{16-12-2021:14:16:12, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

frmxadbntinqfinal.destroy(11)->utamatb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmxadbntinqfinal.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR'
is not found.

{16-12-2021:14:16:14, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7559)-

>_67t0js697.activate(112)->utamatb(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg-
>d:\prime_sql\winmenutb.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:
select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB10'

{27-12-2021:12:23:32, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT budcd,amoun
tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='55495'

{04-01-2022:09:42:42, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentdedt.savedata(284)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:
,ACDCD,ACCCF) values(?xacccd,?xaccpr,?xamoun,?xcnvrt,?xdescr,?xdueda,?xlines,?
xdcsts,'A','00888','JV ','RIZ','A',?xothrf,?xTNTCD,?xRNTNO,?xDSCR2,?xACDCD,?
{04-01-2022:09:42:47, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmjrnentdedt.savedata(284)-
>>utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]String or binary
data would be truncated.(1526)4. SQL Statement:INSERT INTO
,ACDCD,ACCCF) values(?xacccd,?xaccpr,?xamoun,?xcnvrt,?xdescr,?xdueda,?xlines,?
xdcsts,'A','00888','JV ','RIZ','A',?xothrf,?xTNTCD,?xRNTNO,?xDSCR2,?xACDCD,?

{12-01-2022:11:03:33, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxbrentedt.savedata(47)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxbrentedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmxbrent.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver
attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed.
Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery
attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT chgcd,runno FROM xbrent WHERE
offcd+rntno+chgcd='BGKLZ00460BM200' AND perno='202201'

{17-01-2022:09:38:18, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(8655)-

>_68r0ixctl.activate(112)->utamatb_sql(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb_sql.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb_sql.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from
TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB10'

{17-01-2022:09:55:32, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxbrentedt.savedata(110)-

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxbrentedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\baseclass.vct->d:\
prime_sql\frmxbrent.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]
[SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_xbrent'. Cannot insert
duplicate key in object 'dbo.xbrent'. The duplicate key value is (0362411).(1526)4.
SQL Statement:INSERT INTO xbrent

{03-02-2022:10:44:27, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acode as myacode,a.names as mynames from G22_tbacd
a where a.acate='T5'order by myacode

{03-02-2022:10:44:40, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{03-02-2022:10:44:47, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link
failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acode as myacode,a.names as mynames from
G22_tbacd a where a.acate='T5'order by myacode

{03-02-2022:10:44:50, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not

{03-02-2022:10:44:51, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(4)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'MBOFRC' is not

{03-02-2022:10:44:53, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name :

frmmbofrc_macashpvedt.destroy(19)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmmbofrc_macashpvedt.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'MBOFRC' is not found.

{03-02-2022:10:44:57, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dbseek(8265)-

>frmmbofrc_macashpv.destroy(33)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\
prime_sql\frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for
SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select 1 as Result from
G22_msacc where acccd=' '

{03-02-2022:10:44:58, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.activate(11)2.

Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver
13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
a.offcd,LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6) PERNO,a.strec,a.sunst,a.
[print],a.sptrt,a.ortyp,a.pyalo,a.vcnum,a.chqno,a.gcode,a.acccd,a.crnum,ornum as
myORNUM,IIF(ornum='',crnum,ornum) as
.depcd,a.unidt,a.dpnum,(a.crval-a.pyalo) as
myUNIDT,ISNULL(b.comp1,SPACE(5)) comp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) mycomp2 from macash
a left join mstena b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd where TTYPE='P' and
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)='202201' and a.offcd='BGKL' order by a.crnum

{21-02-2022:10:15:45, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(8655)-

>_69q0jynrz.activate(112)->utamatb_sql(26)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\winmenutb_sql.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb_sql.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: An established
connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select rmark from TBGENE where fldcd+dtac1='APPCTB10'

{21-02-2022:10:15:53, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxadbntinqdraft.load(26)-

>>utamatb_sql(26)2. Source File :d:\
utamatb_sql.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from syscon

{21-02-2022:10:16:34, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(8656)-

>frmhero_period4_filter.showdata(6)->frmhero_period4_filter.init(4)2. Source File :
frmhero_period4_filter.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_XXX' is not found.

{21-02-2022:10:26:12, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxbrent.activate(20)-

>> Source File :d:\
Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.perno,ISNULL(a.usent,SPACE(10))
usent,ISNULL(a.daent,'') daent,ISNULL(a.lasup,SPACE(10)) lasup,ISNULL(a.ladup,'')
(a.amoun+a.vatvl) TOTDN,isnull(b.ornum,SPACE(30)) ornum,isnull(c.vatno,SPACE(30))
vatno from xbrent a left join viewTB_XAOFRC1 b on a.dbnno=b.dbnno left join
viewTB_XAVATF1 c on a.dbnno=c.dbnno where a.offcd='BGKL' and a.rntno='Z00592' and
a.chgcd='BM200' order by a.dbnda

{21-02-2022:10:32:18, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxachrg.activate(11)-

>utamatb_sql(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmxachrg.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\
utamatb_sql.prg3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select
ISNULL(a.usent,SPACE(10)) usent,ISNULL(a.daent,'') daent,ISNULL(a.lasup,SPACE(10))
pc,IIF(a.defst='1','Income','Deffered') as
ULL(a.subcd,SPACE(5)) subcd from xachrg a inner join tbchrg b on a.chgcd=b.chgcd
where a.offcd='BGKL' and a.rntno='Z00592'order by a.chgcd

{21-02-2022:10:32:37, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxachrg.activate(35)-

>utamatb_sql(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxachrg.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\
utamatb_sql.prg3. Error Message: Variable 'DAENT' is not found.

{21-02-2022:10:33:04, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxachrg.activate(11)-

>>utamatb_sql(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxachrg.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmsrent.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb_sql.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select ISNULL(a.usent,SPACE(10)) usent,ISNULL(a.daent,'')
daent,ISNULL(a.lasup,SPACE(10)) lasup,ISNULL(a.ladup,'')
pc,IIF(a.defst='1','Income','Deffered') as
ULL(a.subcd,SPACE(5)) subcd from xachrg a inner join tbchrg b on a.chgcd=b.chgcd
where a.offcd='BGKL' and a.rntno='Z00592'order by a.chgcd

{21-02-2022:10:33:07, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmxachrg.destroy(2)-

>utamatb_sql(26)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmxachrg.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\
utamatb_sql.prg3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR2' is not found.

{21-02-2022:10:33:14, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmxachrg.activate(11)-

>>utamatb_sql(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmxachrg.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmmsrent.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamatb_sql.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select ISNULL(a.usent,SPACE(10)) usent,ISNULL(a.daent,'')
daent,ISNULL(a.lasup,SPACE(10)) lasup,ISNULL(a.ladup,'')
pc,IIF(a.defst='1','Income','Deffered') as
ULL(a.subcd,SPACE(5)) subcd from xachrg a inner join tbchrg b on a.chgcd=b.chgcd
where a.offcd='BGKL' and a.rntno='Z00592'order by a.chgcd

{05-03-2022:12:05:40, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :>
> Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcasd.sct->d:\
prime_sql\frmaptpcash.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed
because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or
established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
acccd=' '

{05-03-2022:12:06:05, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(73)-

>>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcasd.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select a.acode as myacode,a.names as mynames from G22_tbacd a
where a.acate='T1'order by myacode

{05-03-2022:12:06:07, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not

{05-03-2022:12:06:10, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(4)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR3' is not

{05-03-2022:12:06:11, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmaptpcasd.destroy(9)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmaptpcasd.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'MYCURSOR3' is
not found.
{06-03-2022:07:05:45, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dbseek(8265)-
>frmmbofrc_macashpv.destroy(33)-> Source
File :D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmbofrc_macashpv.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmmacashpv.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select 1 as Result from G22_msacc where acccd='

{06-03-2022:07:06:00, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmmacashpv.activate(11)-

>utamacb(26)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpv.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utamacb.prg
3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link
failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.offcd,LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)
[print],a.sptrt,a.ortyp,a.pyalo,a.vcnum,a.chqno,a.gcode,a.acccd,a.crnum,ornum as
myORNUM,IIF(ornum='',crnum,ornum) as
.depcd,a.unidt,a.dpnum,(a.crval-a.pyalo) as
myUNIDT,ISNULL(b.comp1,SPACE(5)) comp1,ISNULL(b.comp2,a.payee) mycomp2 from macash
a left join mstena b on a.tntcd=b.tntcd where TTYPE='P' and
LEFT(convert(varchar,a.crdat,112),6)='202202' and a.offcd='BGKL' order by a.crnum

{06-03-2022:07:14:14, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select peri1 from

{06-03-2022:07:14:33, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select peri1 from

{06-03-2022:07:14:52, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :get_field_data(7525)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]The connection is broken and
recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one
or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to
increase the number of recovery attempts.(1526)4. SQL Statement:select peri1 from

{06-03-2022:07:14:55, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message: Variable 'PERI1' is not found.

{06-03-2022:07:14:56, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message: Variable 'PERI1' is not found.

{06-03-2022:07:14:56, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message: Variable 'PERI1' is not found.

{06-03-2022:07:14:56, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message: Variable 'PERI1' is not found.

{06-03-2022:07:14:57, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message: Variable 'PERI1' is not found.

{06-03-2022:07:14:57, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message: Variable 'PERI1' is not found.

{06-03-2022:07:14:57, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message: Variable 'PERI1' is not found.

{06-03-2022:07:14:57, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message: Variable 'PERI1' is not found.

{06-03-2022:07:14:57, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : get_field_data(7527)-

>open_date_valid(395)->frmmacashpvedt.savedata(29)2. Source File : D:\Prime_SQL\
prog_lib.prg->D:\Prime_SQL\prog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmmacashpvedt.sct3. Error
Message: Variable 'PERI1' is not found.

{06-03-2022:08:35:41, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :

> Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmapmpcash.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL
Server]Invalid object name 'aptpcast'.(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT budcd,amoun
tt_amoun FROM aptpcast WHERE trsno='57283'
{06-03-2022:09:48:33, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : globalvalid(691)-
>frmjrnentdedt.savedata(8)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_INSDT' is not found.

{06-03-2022:10:22:59, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dbseek(1511)-

>frmjrnentdedt.txtrefno.valid(21)-> Source
File :D:\Prime_SQL\glprog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select 1 as Result from G22_thldgr where
bdgno+jurno+refno='A00118JV.BKL2202-015 '

{06-03-2022:10:23:19, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :dbseek(1511)-

>frmjrnentdedt.txtrefno.valid(21)->utama(33)2. Source File :D:\Prime_SQL\
glprog_lib.prg->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select 1 as Result from G22_thldgr where
bdgno+jurno+refno='A00118JV.BKL2202-015 '

{06-03-2022:10:43:52, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :globalvalid(642)-

>frmjrnentdedt.savedata(8)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from GL_insdt WHERE lgcod=?zLGCOD

{06-03-2022:10:44:04, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :globalvalid(642)-

>frmjrnentdedt.savedata(8)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL
Server]Communication link failure(1526)4. SQL Statement:SELECT * from GL_insdt

{06-03-2022:10:44:27, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : globalvalid(643)-

>frmjrnentdedt.savedata(8)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_INSDT' is not found.

{06-03-2022:10:44:56, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : globalvalid(643)-

>frmjrnentdedt.savedata(8)-> Source File :
baseclass.vct3. Error Message: Alias 'CSTEMP_INSDT' is not found.

{06-03-2022:10:46:11, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(70)-

>> Source
File :d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->d:\prime_sql\
frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]TCP
Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond.
(1526)4. SQL Statement:select a.acccd myacccd,names mynames from G22_msacc a where
acsts <> 'C' order by myacccd

{06-03-2022:10:46:25, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmlookup.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3.
Error Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{06-03-2022:10:46:29, User : RIZKI 1.Module name :frmlookup.activate(70)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File :d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message :[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Communication link failure(1526)
4. SQL Statement:select a.acccd myacccd,names mynames from G22_msacc a where acsts
<> 'C' order by myacccd

{06-03-2022:10:46:52, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmlookup.destroy(1)-

>>utama(33)2. Source File : d:\prime_sql\
frmlookup.sct->d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentdedt.sct->D:\Prime_SQL\utama.prg3. Error
Message: Alias 'MYLUCURSOR' is not found.

{06-03-2022:10:47:14, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmjrnentd.unload(7)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message: Alias 'CSTDLDGR' is not

{06-03-2022:10:47:16, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmjrnentd.unload(15)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message: Variable 'REFNO' is not

{06-03-2022:10:47:16, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmjrnentd.unload(16)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message: Variable 'MAX_LINES' is
not found.

{06-03-2022:10:47:17, User : RIZKI 1. Module Name : frmjrnentd.unload(20)2.

Source File : d:\prime_sql\frmjrnentd.sct3. Error Message: Variable 'CREFNO' is not

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