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Grade 8 Health Unit: Self-Esteem & Body Image

Health Education 8.5
(a Locate and evaluate, according to student-generated criteria, both sources of and
) information about healthy weights, body image, and self-esteem.

(b Investigate and evaluate common adolescent and adult eating and exercise habits.

(c) Determine reasons for specific eating and/or exercise habits/patterns (e.g., time, access,
preferences, allergies).

(d Evaluate personal habits and practices that influence body image satisfaction (e.g.,
) clothing, tanning, piercings).

(e) Discuss body image to include one's feelings, attitudes, and perceptions towards his/her
body and physical appearance.

(f) Investigate the motivations for and the consequences of being satisfied or dissatisfied
with how we look.

(g Explore the different attitudes and behaviours related to self-perception (e.g., body
) image satisfaction, body image investment, body image behaviour, body image
perception) and how difficulties in one or all of these areas creates disturbances in body

(h Understand the pressures/influences that promote unrealistic images of desirable body

) shape and weight.

(i) Analyze the relationships between self-esteem and body image.

(j) Analyze techniques used by industries (e.g., plastic surgery, weight loss products, diets)
and the mass media to influence judgement and values about the way we look.
Dat Less Out Indica Asses Key Learning Activities Instructional Equip
e ment/
on com tors smen Questions Strategies
Plan Resour
Titl es t related to ces/
ned e this Lesson Techno
to logy
1 Self- 8.5 A, I Grou What is self Grand discussion with students Grand https:/
este Esteem? /
p about what is self-esteem and discussion
em docs.g
activi the influence of emotions.
ty Direct com/
Have a sheet about what makes teaching prese
Form the student happy. ntatio
ative What makes the student sad. I do, we do, n/d/
asses they do 1s3TV
smen XyedY
Definition about high and low self vWm2
esteem F6Wvi
I am statements activity
2 Body 8.5 D, I, Indivi What is Grand discussion with students Grand Power
Imag body image Point
G dual about different bodies discussion
e for
What does a negative and Direct er
Form positive body image definition teaching (Lesso
ative n2
asses Body
smen Image
t )

3 Nutri 8.5 C, B, Grou Nutrition Favorite Fast Food Meal Direct https:/
tion affecting /
F p - Calories Discussion
effec self-esteem www.
ts on Proje - Fat
and body nutriti
self- ct - Salt I do, we do,
este image? onix.c
- Nutrition value they do om/
and Sum - Ways to change it search
body mativ - Compare it to the food that Project ?
imag e q=tom
could be used to make it based
e ato
nmen %20sa
t, uce
4 Medi 8.5 E, G, Proje How Are we - Media (using magazines) I do, we do, -See if
a influenced the
J ct - Need to find photos of fake they do
influ by self- school
ence Rubri people and realistic people and Project
esteem and has a
on c discuss about what is real and based
self- body magaz
mark what is fake
este image? ines
ed - Have the students write about laying
and what makes them happy about aroun
their bodies d
5 Medi 8.5 J, H, Proje Media -Find a product that falsely shows I do, we do,
a influence on
F ct how it makes people feel bad they do
Proje self-esteem
ct based about themselves or can make
and Body
image them better in a short period of Direct
Rubri (maybe 2-3 time. teaching
c lessons) Examples:
based - Weight loss products Project
- Plastic Surgery based
- Workout programs
- Different diets
6 Talki 8.5 B, D, No How can we -Questionnaire Direct -I will
ng talk about create
E, F asses - Have the students with a sheet teaching
abou self- the
t smen with a number of questions on it.
esteem? questi
self- t, -Students will be asked to circle Personal
este ons
looki the number if it is true for them. response
em closer
ng for -After the questionnaire, teacher to the
engag is going to ask everyone to come date
emen hand their sheet in. to see
t how
-The teacher will ask all students
to stand at the back stude
to it.
7 Is 8.5 B, D, No Boys vs Girls Possible break the students into -Need
ther vs LGBTQ to
E, F asses groups.
e Self- create
differ smen See if there is a female teacher
Esteem? questi
ence t, that the female students
s (Use ons
looki somewhere to talk about their
betw Meaghan) for
ng for self-esteem. the
peop engag -The class come together and class/
le emen discuss the difference and group
t and s to
discu answe
ssion r and
8 Do 8.5 I, G Note How laws -Laws that have changed? Direct -
laws are Power
takin -Looking at the mall in Lloyd or teaching
affec changing to Point
t g for other malls
meet create
peop the -Companies prompting body Grand
le societal by
stude positivity Discussion
needs teach
nts er
9 Healt 8.5 C, F, Rubri Healthy -Have the students split into Project I will
hy Habits for have
I c groups of 2-3 and have them orientated
Habit body image to
Proje based select one of their topics:
and self- create
ct and - Physical Activity I do, we do,
esteem an
worth - Positive affirmation they do examp
the - Healthier food Habits le for
most - Meditation the
of the - Therapy stude
unit nts to
- Questioning Media
- Writing out your thoughts

What the project should have is:

What is it?
Who developed it?
How does someone start?
How can it help someone?
What type of effects does it have
on someone?
Who can do it?
Would this be something you?
would want to try?

10 Outsi 8.5 F No Effects of -Talk to administrators about an Presenter

de unhealthy
asses outside source coming in and
pres self esteem
enta smen having a conversation with I think it
tion? t if I students about eating disorder, would be
can self-esteem, and body image. important to
get a have the
prese students
nter prepare
questions or
prior to the
coming in
11 Last 8 No Compliment -Meaghan discussed this idea Grand
day circle?
.5 asses with me and I would like to end discussion
the smen the unit where students are
unit t receiving compliments from the I do, we do,
entire class they do
I Am Statement
Name:_____________ Date:____________

 It is important to treat ourselves with kindness and respect

 Come up with 4 positive I am statements that you are willing to share
o Ex) I am funny with friends
o Ex) I am worthy of love
o Ex) I am brave to chase after happiness
 When Mr. Saretsky says, the class will roam and share their statements with each other
 When someone shares their statement with you say YES YOU DO!

I am… I am…

I am… I am…
Body Image Sheet
Name:_____________ Date:_____________
Body Image Sheet
Name:_____________ Date:_____________
Completion Rubric
Name/Group:______________ Date:__________________

Complete Expectations Missing

Handed In
The project is
handed in on time
to the teacher
Design allows the
reader can see the
information clearly
The information is
present and
relevant to the
The information is
grammarly correct
and follows proper
sentence structure
Questionnaire for Self-Esteem and Body Image

1. I think everyone is perfect? Y or N

2. I have a positive outlook on my body image? Y or N

3. I have a high self-esteem? Y or N

4. I do not compare myself to people on the internet? Y or N

5. My body image has a positive influence on my self-esteem?

Y or N

6. When I look in the mirror I have a high self-esteem? Y or N

7. I have a favorite part of my body? Y or N

8. I have positive habits that help with my body image and self-
esteem? Y or N

9. I have supports that can help when I have low self-esteem?

Y or N

10. I know someone who might be dealing with low self-esteem

and body image? I think everyone is perfect? Y or N
Healthy Habit Rubric
Name/Group:______________ Date:__________________

Criteria E A B IN
Excellent Adequate Multiple
content; all demonstration of
questions Missing nearly
Content questions have content; Some have been all the required
been answered points may be missed or are content
in detail; lacking detaillacking detail
Poor volume
Clear Poor volume
and unclear;
speaking; loud Mostly clear and and unclear at
no effort put
volume, good volume, times;
Presentation dramatic good delivery; mediocre
delivery, very enjoyable to delivery;
not well
entertaining to watch lacking
rehearsed and
watch appeal
has the
required Presentation Presentation is
Presentation has
number of on is under 8 under 5 slides
the required
slides and slides and and missing
number of slide
graphics; graphics; graphics;
and graphics;
Attractive and Design is Design is
Design consistent Inconsistencies s
unattractive unattractive
colour scheme and and
design; One or
is used; inconsistent; disorganized;
two slides
interesting Difficult to Difficult to
difficult to read
transitions; read read
Easy to read
Individual I was engaged I was helpful OR I was I was gone or
and helpful engaged when somewhat sick for
Effort while creating creating the helpful OR majority of the
the project. project. engaged when project.
creating the

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