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Dr. Shilpi Sarkar

Tutor, RCN, Jamia Hamdard
 Quest for knowledge is an innate
quality of the human being which
makes them distinct from all
creations by God
 Attempt to organize the
knowledge from prehistoric
period gradually led to the
development of educational
 Separate branch of knowledge
gave birth to profession
Concept of Education
• Derived from Latin word- “Educare”
• Meaning – “to Lead out”, “to bring up”, “to
mould”, “to train”
• (Growth from within)
• A deliberate process, intended to bring about
change in the behaviour of pupil in the
desirable manner which makes him successful
to face the future.
Definition- “Education”

“education is the development of all those

capacities in the individual which enables him
to control his environment and fulfill his
John Dewey
• “Education is the all round drawing out of the
best in child and man- body, mind and spirit”
Mahatma Gandhi
Education as a process
• Education as a bipolar process- student
(educant) and teacher (educator)
• Education as a tripolar process- student,
teacher rand enviornment
• Education as multipolar process- new self
learning concept, informal, non formal
education, student centred,
Aims of education
• Main task- keep pace with the knowledge
1 • Utilitarian aim

2 • Vocational aim

3 • Social aim

4 • Intellectual aim

5 • Citizenship

6 • Physical health and wellbeing

• Character development

8 • Moral development
Aims of education
1 • Culture development

2 • Education for leisure

3 • Self realizationn

4 • Mental and emotional development

5 • Autonomous development

6 • Self education aim

• International understanding

8 • Harmonious devleopment
Components of education
• Knowledge • Teaching
• Application of skills • Learning
• Understanding • Initiation
• Comprehension • Instruction
• Expression • Training
• Appreciation • Indoctrination
Characteristics of education
• Education is the purposeful activity
• Education is a delebrate process
• Education is a planned activity based on
• Education process is influenced by the society,
social changes and technological
Types of education


Types of

Non- formal Informal

education education
Nursing education
• Nursing education is the professional
education which is consciously and
systematically planned and implemented
through instructions and discipline and aims
at harmonious development of the student to
render professional nursing care to people of
all ages, in all phases of health and illness in a
variety of setting in a highest possible manner.
Aims of nursing education
• Harmonious development
• Inculcating the right attitude
• Knowledge and skill aim
• Emphasis on the high tech high touch approach
• Prepare student to take up a proactive role in
• Professional development
• Assist to build a promising carrer
• Social aim
• Citizenship
• To prepare global nurses
• Leadership aim
Evolution of nursing education
 1862- Florence Nightingale school of nursing
at St Thomas Hospital, London
 1871- First school of nursing started in Govt.
General Hospital, madras with 6 months
diploma midwives program.
 1890- 1900-Many schools under mission or
govt. were started in various parts of India.
 1897- Dr. B.C. Roy did great work in raising
the standards of nursing & that of male &
female nurses.
Evolution of nursing education..
 1908- TNAI formed to uphold dignity & honor of
nursing profession.
 1909- First College program in Nursing, University
of Minnesota, USA
 1918- Training schools were started for health
visitors & dais at Delhi & Karachi.
 1926- Madras state formed the first registration
council to provide basic standards in education &
 1934- Ph.D in nursing at New york, USA
 1942- ANM program started
Evolution of nursing education..
 1946- First 4-year basic Bachelor Degree
program were established at College of
Nursing in Delhi & Vellore.
 1949- INC was constituted
• 1959:- M.Sc Nsg was started in RAK College
• 1992:- Ph.D in RAK college
‘‘Philosophy is an attempt to think truly about
human experience or to make the whole
human experience intelligible”.
Bright man
Philosophy is the values and believes every
individual has in his life.
“Philosophy is unceasing effort to discern the
general truth that lies behind the particular
facts, discern also the reality that lies behind
• Philosophy is derived from Greek words

– ‘Philos’-love of
– ‘Sophia’- wisdom

• Philosophy is love of wisdom, it is a search of

wisdom and truth, the value and beliefs every
individual has in his life.
• Wisdom =Intelligence + Knowledge.
Branches of Philosophy
METAPHYSICS Study of existence What’s out there

EPISTEMOLOGY Study of Knowledge How do I know about it?

ETHICS Study of Action What should I do?

LOGIC Study of reason Why does this happen?

AESTHETICS Study of Art What can life be like?

POLITICS Study of force What actions are permissible?

Relationship b/w Philosophy And
• Philosophy is a science of knowledge and
knowledge is an antidote of ignorance.
• By eliminating ignorance we bring about
behavior change.
• Philosophy directs education
Relationship between philosophy and
Philosophy Education
Provides prerequisites needed for Always directed by predetermined
formulating objectives of education objectives

Philosophy directs and guides end of education paves a way for the
education beginning of one's philosophic life

Deals with abstract actions of life With active actions of life

help us make better choices among formulate goals, discuss values, and
goals, values and priorities set priorities

The thought which are yet to be Education is learning of established

established and is beyond the thoughts.
established educations or learning.
branches of philosophy

Metaphysics Study of Existence What's out there?

How do I know
Epistemology Study of Knowledge about it?

Ethics Study of Action What should I do?

What actions are

Politics Study of Force
What can life be
Study of Art
Esthetics like?


• Extentialism
• Progessivism
• Behaviourism
• Humanism
• Experimentalism
• Eclecticism
• Reconstructionalism

William James- the founding father

 Emphasis on learning by doing &
learning by experience

 aims at total and desirable change in the
educational systems.
• Rousseau and Aristotle - proponents of
• believes that beyond nature there is no
• oldest philosophy.
• Plato - father of idealism.

• realism is the reinforcement of our common
acceptance of this world as it appears to us.
• “ seeing is believable & knowledge acquired
through senses only is true”

 Youngest philosophy
 20th century philosophy.
 Chief exponent - Soren Kierkegaard (Danish
 The center of existence is man rather than
truth, laws and principles of existence.

• American philosophy
• Revolt against the
formal/conventional/ traditional education.
• Exponents are John Dewey, William James
• became popular in the 1929 ‘s.
• Person behavior is the result of
environmental conditioning.

 The humanist emphasis is on literature. He
has to overcome the conflicts of his own

They accept the naturalistic point of view but

they want the control and utilization of nature
and not submission to nature.

Process of pulling out and putting together of the
useful and essential aspects of various
philosophies of education.
Factors Influencing Philosophy Of
Nursing Education
• Beliefs and values of faculty members regarding God,
man, life, health, disease, nursing etc
• The philosophical values and beliefs of the institution
• The environment where the education takes place
• The student and the life activities
• Health needs of the society
• The culture and background of the people
• Developments in nursing, medicine and allied fields
• Philosophy of nursing service administration
• The goals and objectives of the health care delivery
• The disease pattern, the health awareness and health
facilities available
• The available resources in terms of man, money and

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