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Introducing a Course
p o s t G ra
Hj ffi : ;j j I jlr"x# xl,. o f G e o g ra p h y

University of Delhi
Course Title: Geography in India
Optional Course Fourth Semester

Geography as a discipline in India canies great u,hile it is

also loaded with many
problerns. As a discipline geography
has nearly 100 y,:ars of existence
within the formal
systetn of university education in
India" Although students are made aware
geographical ideas and concepts
that the emerged from IJSA, canada,
Europe and other
pafts of tllp world, what is India's
contribution to the knowledge of geography
is rarely
brought to light' "fhis course has been
designed so that post graduate students
are well
acquainted with 'their discipline in their

Geography in India
I origin of Geography in India: Ancient and
2' Development of Geography in India:
colonial and post coloniar
3' characteristics of Geography in India:
Diversity and Disparity
4. Geography in India; Contribution and
5. Practice of Geography in India: Theoretical
and Applied.
6' Status of Geography in India: comparisons
and concerns
7. Geography in India within a Globalizing

Select Readings:

Ahrnad, Aijazuddin.
_2004.^"Rethinking geography in the postmodern worrd,,,
Bane{ee-Guha (ed.) space, in Swapna
society, ord'Geography,Iaipur:Rawat pubrications.

Progress of Geographv in India, (1s64-68),,catcufta:

3lil1?li;l;1.,j,?j,l rndian science
Datta' A' and A' De' 2008' "Reimagining impossible
worlds: Beyond circumcised geographical
imagirration s', , progress in Human
i"ogr;plry,32 (5): AOI_ilZ.'
Deshpande' c'D' 1983' "Discovering Indian Geography", in R.p.
Indian Geography; conceprs andApproaclzes, Misra (ed.) Contributions to
New Delhi:-Heritage pubrishers, pp.

l;t *: i fi r:i:r{t t"$!,phy
Lle g:;e rtnr *;:

vi4, , Univ*j'i*ffy.#
(h{ 5,eE.,
#*{hi, $,}r*i$'t[":#
t rd*4 ol qt(ir*J gtpn*g
/.'ie .l ralr l 6*n a,5 " _jl_. _
Didee Jayamal' i99l ' Emerging Trends in Indian
Geography,Jaipur: Rawat publications
Dikshit' K'R' 2006''The,changing
western perspective on geography
Tr crn s a c t i o n s ; J o u r n rr and the Indian context,,,
"i ri
oT t h u tr r'iir i*, d!"
" i* r\'r,*i{rr>, r 2 3 - r 5 5 .

7,:!,*j;X;7,j,2itoffir2;;,riirrY*ir:encounter with reariry" , rransactions.

rournat orrhe
councir of Sociar science
Research. rg72. A survey
fi,fi of Research in Geograpny. New
Indian Council of Social Science
Research. 1g7g. second^nrvey
Delhi. of Research in Geography.New

Indian Council of Social Science

Research. 1g84. Third f,rrvey
De Ihi. of Research in Geography.
council of social science Research.
3i,iil 1999. Fourrh liurvey of
Research in Geography.New

3J'11;"i i*,1t"33; rhemes New Derhi: rndian

councir or sociar
b "?:f{:{,!:*';i:::{,:!ected
anri' t 998' IntJian Geography' A Future
with a Dffirence.New Delhi:
Ailied publishers.
2002' voice of Concern" Indian
5.1,1T;,,1"r' Geography. New Derrri: concept pubrishing

in India: A Languishing social

f;2[;,\vi:;yir,fi",g1nt Science," Economic and potiticar

Rana' Lalita ' 2014' Ancient

Traditions in India.New Delhi:
classical publishing company.

L7l;f#iil":;,X:\::-::ffi l::"'J:iffi:*:" (eds) 2006 cotoniat an,t post-Cotonial

u "The State of South Asian

Geography,, , progress in
]"r\i,^xi:::j. '983' Human Geography,

Singh' R'L' 1996' l'lew Frontiers in Indian

Geography.Ailahabaci: Alrahabad
P'B' Singh (eds') 1ss2. rhe
itil-rl, b*r:l#.una ' Roors of Inctian Geography.varanasi: Benaras

2009. Indian Geographv. perspectives,

i;t[jj;_(ed')' Concerns & Issues,Jaipur: Rawat

:ii::';:,,:?::i;*itr3zir:::;::;,:,;:*i#:",, rrends and prospec ts,,, rransac,ions: rournat

Hi:;;y,:;i#i:ffi" 3:*l]!,f,:"?;:"{K"ryn,: rndian universitv Reporr of rhe (rniversity

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