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Why would you choose a database

system instead of simply storing data in operating system files? When would it make sense not to use a
database system?

- Operating system files lack a few things that each rendition of any application shall have to address:

1.OS files do not provide any dictionary of the data that each file contains. Databases have meta data
about what they store that u can query as data.

2.Each time you access a file in a certain way you will have to implement the logic to open, parse, seek,
compare attribs required, return the set of data to the calling program, write changes, … a long list of
features. Databases use a Structured Query Language (SQL) to access databases that removes virtually
all of this requirement from your application.

3.The OS file does not support locking (presumably at the record level), to allow multiple applications to
make changes to the same ‘file' in a consistent fashion at the ‘same' time.

Databases offer features to applications that GREATLY reduce the amount of effort required to
develope applications in many cases.

When would it make sense not to use a database system?

- if not needed for the user as it can cast a huge amount and overheads of purchasing the database and
maintaining it. then it make a sense not to use database system.

- If the database and applications are simple, well defined, and not expected to change.

- If there are stringent real-time requirements that may not be met because of DBMS overhead.

- If access to data by multiple users is not required.

2. What is logical data

independence and why is it important?

- Data Independence is defined as a property of DBMS that helps you to change the Database schema at
one level of a database system without requiring to change the schema at the next higher level. Data
independence helps you to keep data separated from all programs that make use of it.

You can use this stored data for computing and presentation. In many systems, data independence is an
essential function for components of the system.
3. Explain the difference between

logical and physical data independence.

- 1. Physical Data Independence :

The physical data independence is basically used to separate conceptual levels from the
internal/physical levels. It is easy to achieve physical data independence. With this type of
independence, user is able to change the physical storage structures or the devices which have an effect
on the conceptual schema.

physical storage structure or devices can be changed without affecting conceptual schema

Modification are performed to improve performance

It is not difficult because, we have to only replace the data from one device to another device. No need
to change the data only change the location of data

It provide independence and immunity to conceptual and external schema

- 2. Logical Data Independence is used to change the conceptual scheme without changing the following
things :

External views

External API or programs

Conceptual schema can be changed without affecting external schema

We change/modify conceptual schema when structure of database is altered

It is very difficult because, we have to see that the relationship must not changing, data is not getting
lost and some other factors

It only provide immunity to external schema and application program

4. Explain the difference between

external, internal, and conceptual schemas. How are these different schema

layers related to the concepts of logical and physical data independence?

External Schema: represents data accessed by end users or application programs, it provides customized
information to the end users.

Internal Schema: represents the physical storage of data on a disk or a physical storage device.

Conceptual schema maps internal schema data to the external schema.

- How are these different schema layers related to the concepts of logical and physical data

Logical data independence means changes in the external schema do not necessarily cause changes in
the conceptual schema, and vice versa.

Physical data independence means that changes in the physical schema do not necessarily cause
changes in the conceptual schema.

5. What are the responsibilities

of a DBA?

A database administrator's (DBA) primary job is to ensure that data is available, protected from loss and
corruption, and easily accessible as needed. Below are some of the chief responsibilities that make up
the day-to-day work of a DBA.

• Software installation and Maintenance

• Specialised Data Handling

• Database Backup and Recovery

• Security

• Authentication

• Capacity Planning

• Database Tuning

• Troubleshooting

6. Distinguish between logical and

physical database design.

- The main distinction between logical and physical database design is that logical database design aids
in the definition of data elements and their relationships, whereas physical database design aids in the
design of the actual database based on the requirements gathered during the logical data design.

7. Describe and define the key

properties of a database system. Give an organizational example of the benefits

of each property.

- Database systems must adhere to a set of standards known as ACID. The characteristics of ACID include
atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. When a transaction is finished, the database's state

Atomicity, in which all transactions take place at the same time, does not occur.

The integrity of the contraits must be maintained.

Multiple transactions can be isolated and run concurrently without causing database state

The updates and modifications to the database are stored in and written to disk when the transactions
are committed, and they remain even if the system fails.

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