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Jenna Trumble


I. Describe the Class

There are 28 students in the 3rd grade class. 7 of them are English learners. 3 students are
learning disabled and 6 are gifted.

II. Subject/Skill:

Science: Students will be learning about planets

III. Objective(s)

Students will be able to identify all planets.

Students can work together in groups.
Students can analyze the planets.
Students can show what they have learned to each other.
Students will be able to summarize what they have learned and put it into a project.
Students can create a project based on what they have researched.

IV. Procedures

1. Introduce the lesson to the students in the classroom with showing pictures and
identifying the planets that we will be talking about. Also, explain what will be
expected of them to have learned and understood by the end of the lesson. Also
give definitions that the class might not know for example the milky way.
2. Students already need to know that we live in a solar system and that there is
more than just earth in our solar system. I will define that the sun is a star, and it
is the largest star. I will also introduce all of the planets.
3. I will have a power point that has very basic information about the planets. This
will be just enough information for the students in the class to get an idea of the
planet. I will teach the class about the different colors of the planets and the
placement of them.
4. I will talk to the students throughout the lesson about what they think about the
planet we are talking about. I will also engage the students by playing a cool
video about the planets that is engaging. I will be able to tell how the students are
doing by asking guided questions about what is on the screen for example, how
many moons do you think Jupiter has? This will invite them to take a guess and
learn that other planets have different amounts of moons in the solar system.
5. For the cooperative learning they will be split into groups and be given either
planets, moon, or sun to research. When they are researching, they will be asked
to make some sort of project whether that be a PowerPoint or a physical diagram
that they made. When it is all done and due the class will set up their projects and
walk around like a museum with all kinds of facts about the planets. At the end
the students will vote to see which team won and they will get a prize.

V. Materials

1. Computers
2. Projector
3. PowerPoint
4. Pictures of planets
5. Video of Saturn
6. Markers
7. Glue sticks
8. Scissors
9. Printer
10. Paper
11. Poster boards
12. Computer for teacher
13. Science book about planets

VI. Grouping Structures

Group will consist of 10 so each child will get one planet, the sun, and the moon. The last
group will be smaller with only 8 and they will just do the planets. The class will be able
to learn, do research, and work a little bit on their project but, if the child needs more
time to work on their work they must complete it at home.

VII. Modifications

English Language Learners: These students will be mixed up into different groups where
their classmates will speak to them in English. I will also have cards for the students to
know what planet they might have. This will help them see the name of the planet in
English and their other language.
Dyslexia: For the children who have this the cards will come in handy because they will
have pictures of the item on it. They can also ask their classmates to remind them what
they have, or they can ask the teacher.
Gifted: The students will be split up into the three different groups so that they can help
their classmates and can work with their other classmates.

VIII. Assessment
1. Based on how the groups present their projects and communicate with each other
I will be able to assess how well each of them understands the planets, sun, and
moon. I will know that they have met the objectives by observing how they
interact with their groups and how the information looked up connects to the
planet, sun, or moon the child had.
2. I will then be able to give them homework. The homework will be on what they
learned from another group and their own group. This will help me understand
where the students are with learning about this specific subject. The homework
will be guided questions about what they learned.

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