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Communications Surveys & Tutorials

Survey on Aerial Radio Access Networks: Toward a

Comprehensive 6G Access Infrastructure
Nhu-Ngoc Dao, Quoc-Viet Pham, Ngo Hoang Tu, Tran Thien Thanh, Vo Nguyen Quoc Bao,
Demeke Shumeye Lakew, and Sungrae Cho

Abstract—Current network access infrastructures are char- from voice-only services in the first generation (1G) to mul-
acterized by heterogeneity, low latency, high throughput, and timedia services in the third generation (3G). The second
high computational capability, enabling massive concurrent con- wave focused on improvements in quality of service (QoS)
nections and various services. Unfortunately, this design does
not pay significant attention to mobile services in underserved in terms of peak throughput maximization, end-to-end latency
areas. In this context, the use of aerial radio access networks minimization, network connectivity maximization, and user
(ARANs) is a promising strategy to complement existing ter- serviceability, which have been the key challenges for third
restrial communication systems. Involving airborne components to fifth-generation (5G) networks [2], [3]. In recent years, a
such as unmanned aerial vehicles, drones, and satellites, ARANs third wave has begun to address concerns regarding access
can quickly establish a flexible access infrastructure on demand.
ARANs are expected to support the development of seamless to ubiquitous mobile technology services which have become
mobile communication systems toward a comprehensive sixth- integral to our lives, developing from a foundation being
generation (6G) global access infrastructure. This paper provides established by the IoT paradigm in (sub)urban areas with 5G
an overview of recent studies regarding ARANs in the literature. toward Internet globalization in the sixth generation (6G) and
First, we investigate related work to identify areas for further beyond. For this purpose, the International Telecommunication
exploration in terms of recent knowledge advancements and
analyses. Second, we define the scope and methodology of this Union (ITU) has launched the Network-2030 initiative to
study. Then, we describe ARAN architecture and its fundamental discuss potential technologies and innovation [4].
features for the development of 6G networks. In particular, we Internet globalization aims to equip all users with Internet
analyze the system model from several perspectives, including capability [5]. Primary examples include event-based commu-
transmission propagation, energy consumption, communication nications where vast numbers of users assemble in one location
latency, and network mobility. Furthermore, we introduce tech-
nologies that enable the success of ARAN implementations in (e.g., concerts, festivals, stadiums, and squares), which require
terms of energy replenishment, operational management, and a tremendous increase in network service connections for
data delivery. Subsequently, we discuss application scenarios a short time, thereby potentially overloading existing com-
envisioned for these technologies. Finally, we highlight ongoing munication infrastructure. Another important case is disas-
research efforts and trends toward 6G ARANs. ter communications in which network infrastructure may be
Index Terms—6G, access infrastructure, aerial radio access damaged or destroyed and thus rendered unable to provide
network, unmanned aerial vehicles. service, nonetheless communication remains critical to support
search and rescue (SAR) operations. From another perspective,
scheduled communications may iteratively establish services
as planned periodically, such as environmental sensing reports
The Internet of things (IoT) requires most electronic devices in intelligent agriculture and aerial forest surveillance. A fixed
used in our daily lives to have Internet capability. In recent infrastructure is not necessarily suitable for such scenarios,
decades, macro shifts in the technological requirements of mo- which call for a mobile portable infrastructure instead. Finally
bile services have occurred with each network generation [1]. yet importantly, sparsely populated communities (e.g., in iso-
The first wave realizes service heterogeneity transformation lated areas and at sea) especially would benefit from improved
Internet access capabilities for emergency and informational
This research was supported by Korea Electric Power Corporation under communications [6].
Grant R19XO01-41.
N.-N. Dao is with the Department of Computer Science and En-
gineering, Sejong University, Seoul 05006, Republic of Korea (e-mail:
A. Motivation
Q.-V. Pham is with the Research Institute of Computer, Information and Unfortunately, current access infrastructure designs have
Communication, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, Republic of Korea
(e-mail: not comprehensively considered network serviceability in the
N. H. Tu and T. T. Thanh are with the Department of Computer Engineering, aforementioned scenarios. Such serviceability has not been
Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, Ho Chi Minh City 710372, included in the requirements for the most recent telecommuni-
Vietnam (e-mail:,
V. N. Q. Bao is with the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technol- cation technology, 5G [1], [7]. In particular, the ITU IMT-2020
ogy, Ho Chi Minh City 710372, Vietnam (e-mail: specification defines that standard 5G infrastructure is to target
D. S. Lakew and S. Cho are with School of Computer Science and either network performance improvements or QoS such as
Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 06974, Republic of Korea (e-mail:, connectivity, throughput, latency, reliability, energy efficiency,
Corresponding author: Sungrae Cho. and mobility [8]. However, the responsibility of broadening

1553-877X (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 01:04:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials

access to Internet service is commonly seen as a business that completely integrating terrestrial, airborne, and satellite
concern instead of a crucial technical requirement. As a result, communications will play a vital role in 6G wireless systems.
mobile services in underserved areas have not been given In this context, low-altitude platforms (LAPs) complement
significant attention to accommodate these communication underserved areas on the ground with additional connectivity,
needs. while both LAPs and terrestrial networks may benefit from
In reality, these scenarios have been only partially and high-altitude platforms (HAPs) and satellite communications
incompletely addressed, in an unsystematic fashion. The fun- for backhaul links. Giordani et al. [12] speculated on a number
damental advantages of aerial networking infrastructures such of important 6G use cases (e.g., augmented/virtual reality,
as mobility, better channel access, improved coverage, and teleoperation, unmanned mobility, and Industry 4.0) and as-
a higher probability of line-of-sight (LoS) signal propaga- sociated technologies (e.g., full-duplex communications, out-
tion compared to terrestrial networks serve as a promising of-band channel estimation, and sensing-based localization).
foundation to overcome the current challenges. For instance, To provide Internet connectivity to rural areas, Yaacoub et
owing to their quick and flexible three-dimensional (3-D) al. [13] reviewed technologies for front/back-end interface
deployment capabilities, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) connectivity (e.g., 5G, drones/UAVs, satellite, and free-space
have been involved in wireless systems for multiple pur- optics) and the challenges of efficiently deploying electrical
poses such as communication relaying, coverage expansion, grids.
and traffic alleviation [9]. To support various application Motivated by the successes of artificial intelligence (AI) in
scenarios, multiple UAVs may collaborate and establish dif- many engineering disciplines, many believed that AI would
ferent networking topologies including mesh, star, bus, and revitalize 6G wireless systems by providing intelligent solu-
hierarchical architectures with respect to the communication tions [14], [15]. Holographic beamforming, orbital angular
requirements and the capabilities of the UAVs. Conversely, momentum multiplexing, and the Internet of (Bio-)Nano-
satellite communications have been exploited to provide users Things were also identified as promising 6G technologies [16].
with internetworking services in remote areas for the last To accelerate 6G research, the Finnish 6G Flagship program2
decade [10]. In this system, ground stations typically act as recently published 12 specific white papers on various research
transfer nodes that connect to the satellite constellation and themes, for instance, applications of machine learning for 6G
relay communications to user devices. Recently, an ambitious in [17], edge intelligence in [18], 6G broadband connectivity
project (namely Starlink1 ) being constructed by SpaceX Corp. in [19], and massive IoT connectivity in [20]. To efficiently
began establishing a constellation of thousands of small satel- provide operational environments for these foundational tech-
lites in low Earth orbit (LEO) to deliver high-speed broadband nologies, existing mobile systems will need to be supple-
Internet directly to end users across the globe. Individually, mented toward a comprehensive infrastructure in 6G [21].
these solutions have supported several specific applications With an expected extraordinary popularization of Internet
with a basic degree of success. However, there has not been capability on daily-life devices in future 6G networks, vertical
a systematic integration of such infrastructures into mobile and horizontal communication coverage has never stopped
networks as native components that can seamlessly provide expanding to improve serviceability to accommodate massive
global communications. numbers of users and services. To this end, a ubiquitous
The above observation leads to the necessity of study- 3-D coverage model was introduced in [16] and [22] inte-
ing current proposals and reorganizing such aerial access grating different aspects of the architecture such as aerial,
architectures toward a comprehensive access infrastructure for terrestrial, and underground communications into a unified
6G networks. Because airborne objects are involved in these access platform. A combination of existing infrastructures and
systems as primary transceiver components, we introduce an supplemented components forming such a unified platform de-
appropriate definition for this type of infrastructure, i.e., aerial fines comprehensive 6G access infrastructures. Unfortunately,
radio access network (ARAN) (see Fig. 1). ARANs provide the aforementioned technical recommendation documents have
a radio access medium from the sky to end users for Internet not yet focused on standardizing requirements toward these 6G
services using aerial base stations (ABSs). Typical ABSs in- infrastructures.
clude aircraft and airships such as UAVs, drones, balloons, and Directly interacting with end users, radio access networks
airplanes equipped with wireless transceiver antennas, while (RANs) play important roles in infrastructure evolution. Some
the backhaul links may be provided by (miniaturized) satellites surveys over the last decade have been dedicated to reviewing
and terrestrial macro base stations. Conceptually, unification RANs, and recently there have been some speculative studies
of existing systems to form a multitier and hierarchical ARAN on 6G. However, they fail to provide an up-to-date survey on
is expected to help provide a comprehensive and standard ARANs. Several aspects of RAN in 5G networks have been
reference model for future research. reviewed in the existing literature, for example, radio resource
management in [23] and control-data separation architecture
B. 6G Visions Toward a Comprehensive Access Infrastructure in [24]. Considered a key enabling technology to enhance 5G
Specifically, visions of 6G wireless systems are discussed performance and cost efficiency, cloud RANs (CRANs) were
in some recent surveys [11]–[13]. Saad et al. [11] provided well-reviewed in some survey articles such as [25]–[27]. In
a vision of 6G applications and technologies and predicted particular, Peng et al. [25] presented various CRAN archi-
1 2

1553-877X (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 01:04:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials


Low Earth orbit (LEO) communications
Aerial RANs 500 ~ 1500 km

High-altitude platform (HAP) communications
20 ~ 50 km

Low-altitude platform (LAP) communications

0 ~ 10 km
Terrestrial RANs
Terrestrial communications
0 ~ 100 m
Underground RANs
Underground(/water) communications

The core of the Earth – 1500 ~ 0 m

Fig. 1. ARANs in a comprehensive 6G access infrastructure.

tectures, key techniques (e.g., front-end interface compression I.B. Related work
and collaborative processing), and cooperative resource allo- investigation • ARANs in 6G access infrastructure
cation studies for CRAN systems. A comprehensive tutorial • System architecture and reference model
on CRAN optical fronthaul in 5G cellular networks was II. Network • Fundamental features
provided in [26]. As 5G-and-beyond (B5G) networks provide design
• Transmission propagation
communication, computation, caching, and control [28], the
pairing of edge computing and RAN is a promising solution III. System model • Energy consumption

and has been investigated in many research works [29], [30]. analysis • Communication latency
In particular, a Fog-RAN architecture was proposed in [29], • Mobility analysis
IV. Enabling
and the integration of multiaccess edge computing (MEC) and
technologies • Energy refills
RAN was investigated in [30]. Moreover, Because end devices
are increasingly capable of accessing multiple RANs, hetero-
• Operational management

geneous RANs have been studied in many research works [31]. V. Application • Data delivery
Recently, various technologies and network architectures have • Event-based communications
been proposed for B5G and 6G RANs, for example, millimeter
VI. Research • Scheduled communications
Wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) communications in [32],
[33], new radio and unlicensed spectrum in [34], blockchain-
challenges • Permanent communications

enabled RAN (BRAN) in [35], and AI-defined RAN in [36]. Fig. 2. Survey framework and major topic organization.

There have been surveys on aerial communications, but

they are limited and/or specific to particular topics. For in- work are provided in Table I.
stance, satellite and CubeSat communications were discussed
in [37] and [38], respectively, opportunities and challenges
C. Research Scope and Methodology
from the integration of terrestrial and aerial communications
were reviewed in [39], UAV wireless communications and To provide a comprehensive overview of ARAN technology
networking in [40], hierarchical airborne (i.e., satellites, HAPs, in the context of 6G, this study focuses on clarifying a multitier
and LAPs) wireless communications in [41]. Although the and hierarchical ARAN architecture from multiple perspec-
demand for a comprehensive 6G access infrastructure in the tives. The survey framework and major topic organization are
next 10 years is a matter of urgency, we are not aware of illustrated in Fig. 2. In brief, our survey discovered:
any surveys on ARANs, and this motivates us to conduct the • Network design: An extensive review of similar access
present survey. To summarize, the state-of-the-art surveys on infrastructure designs was conducted. To provide a conve-
aerial communications and major contributions offered by this nient reference for readers with different backgrounds and

1553-877X (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 01:04:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials


Main theme
Reference Contributions
5G/6G RANs
[11] X A discussion of emerging applications and key technologies in 6G wireless systems
[12] X Speculation about a set of 6G use cases and technologies
[13] X Opportunities and challenges of providing Internet connectivity for rural areas in 6G
[14], [15] X Roles and applications of AI for 6G wireless systems
[17]–[20] X White papers from the Finnish 6G Flagship program on various research aspects of 6G
[23] X Radio resource management in 5G RANs
[24] X Separation of data and control planes in 5G RANs
[25], [27] X Various aspects of CRAN, including network architectures, key techniques, and radio resource allocation
[29], [30] X Integration of edge computing and RANs, Fog-RAN in [29], and MEC-RAN in [30]
Technologies and architectures for B5G and 6G RANs such as mmWave RANs [32], THz communications [33],
[32]–[36] X blockchain RANs in [35], and AI RANs in [36]
Aerial communications in 5G/B5G/6G wireless systems such as satellite communications in [37], UAV communications
[37]–[41] X in [40], ad airborne communications in [41]
Ours X X A survey on aerial RANs toward a comprehensive 6G access infrastructure

interests, we adopt a logical narrative structure, initially and back-end interfaces, enabling technologies for data
providing a high-level view of ARAN contribution to 6G delivery on these segments have distinguishable features.
access infrastructure. Here, the positions, roles, and rela- The frequency spectrum, communication protocol, and
tions of ARANs are investigated. Afterward, we discuss multiaccess schemes especially are within the scope of
technical ARAN characteristics regarding multitier and our survey. Details are provided in Section IV.
hierarchical system architecture as well as its standard • Application scenarios: We envision emerging application
reference model. From these analyses, the fundamental scenarios that effectively exploit ARAN infrastructures
features that distinguish ARANs from other RANs are in the context of 6G. The applications are classified
derived. Details are provided in Section II. into three categories, including event-based, scheduled,
• System model: We analyze four key technical aspects of and permanent communications. Here, we clarify the
ARANs including transmission propagation, energy con- requirements of these applications and describe how the
sumption, communication latency, and system mobility. advances of ARANs can support them well. In addition,
In particular, transmission propagation modeling deals we note the common problems inherent in these applica-
with path loss formulation in a 3-D wireless environment. tion scenarios that may attract research and interest from
As energy efficiency is essential to maintain sustainable specialist industrial communities. Details can be found in
flight operations, we analyze energy consumption in Section V.
behaviors such as data transmission, data computation, • Research challenges: To drive potential research on 6G
an airborne object’s motion, and hovering. In addition, ARANs, we highlight essential challenges for the suc-
multihop communication latency and on-the-move data cessful development and implementation of ARANs. As
computation time are jointly investigated to identify po- a native component of the comprehensive 6G access
tential end-to-end service delay in ARAN model. Finally, infrastructure, ARANs face challenges in terms of intelli-
we study system mobility and trajectory scheduling for gent radio design, extremely high spectrum exploitation,
ARANs, which is expected to be helpful for future and network stability to enable emerging technologies
research regarding learning algorithms for system opti- and applications in 6G networks. Moreover, security and
mization. These details are covered in Section III. privacy issues are considered as critical issues to protect
• Enabling technologies: Regarding ARAN realization, we user data and system operations. Finally, reputable and
review technologies that could feasibly support ARAN efficient evaluation tools are needed to validate proposals
implementations on three planes: energy replenishment, for ARANs. Details are discussed in Section VI.
operational management, and data delivery. In an ARAN, In summary, the main contributions of this paper are as
energy replenishment is a critical first step toward system follows. The survey serves as a reference framework for inter-
sustainability. The flight components must have either a ested readers, providing state-of-the-art knowledge and studies
self-recharging or a wireless recharging capability besides regarding the emerging ARAN model. Technical foundations
the basic charging station method. Accordingly, these of ARANs are taxonomized systematically from different
typical approaches to charging are discussed. On the op- perspectives such as network design, system models, enabling
erational management plane, we focus on recent advances technologies, and application scenarios. Further, an appropri-
in foundational pillars including network softwarization, ate lesson learned is derived from related work analyses to
mobile cloudization, and data mining technologies sup- conclude each perspective survey. Finally, future challenges
porting ARANs. As the airborne components in ARANs are highlighted to illustrate research trends in ARANs toward
interconnect via different wireless spectra on the front a comprehensive 6G access infrastructure. A flowchart of our

1553-877X (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 01:04:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials

TABLE II altitude of 20–50 km, and LEO communications at the altitude

L IST OF ABBREVIATIONS of 500–1500 km above relative sea-level [55], [56]. Compared
Abbreviation Description to terrestrial and underground(water) RANs, ARANs serve a
3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project organization large coverage space with highly dynamic and mobile users
ABS Aerial base station for in-flight infotainment, aerial surveillance, flying vehicular
AI Artificial intelligence
ARAN Aerial radio access network control, and isolated populations.
BRAN Blockchain enabled radio access network The literature review reveals several aerial communication
CNN Convolutional neural network classes that are closely related to ARANs. The terms related
CNPC Control and non-payload communication
to aerial communications that support mobile networks are
CRAN Cloud enabled radio access network
DA-RAN Drone assisted radio access network summarized in Table III. Briefly, these are drone/UAV assisted
DL Deep learning radio access networks (DA-RANs) focusing on LAP commu-
EH Energy harvesting nications [42]–[44], flying radio access networks (FlyRANs)
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
FANET Flying ad hoc network
aiming at LAP/HAP communications [45]–[48], and satellite-
FCC Federal Communications Commission terrestrial integrated networks (STINs) involving satellite com-
GEO Geostationary Earth orbit munications [51]–[54]. Because each of the similar terms
GPS Global positioning system represents a partial ARAN tier that is used for special appli-
HAP High altitude platform
ITS Intelligent transportation system cations, the interconnection among these systems is weak and
ITU International Telecommunication Union asynchronous. Hence, the introduction of an ARAN definition
IoT Internet of things is a significant contribution toward unifying the aforemen-
LAP Low altitude platform
LEO Low Earth orbit
tioned systems into a common model.
MEC multiaccess edge computing
MEO Medium Earth orbit
MIMO Multiple-input multiple-output B. System Architecture
ML Machine learning
NFV Network function virtualization
Figure 3 shows a wide perspective to demonstrate a detailed
NOMA Non-orthogonal multiple access ARAN architecture in the context of a complete user-core
NR New radio path. Typically, an ARAN architecture comprises (i) a main
PV Photovoltaic segment that is a cross-tier networking infrastructure shared
QoS Quality of service
RAN Radio access network among ABSs at the LAP, HAP, and LEO altitudes, (ii) a front-
RF Radio frequency end interface providing terrestrial and aerial access points that
RIS Reconfigurable intelligent surface gather user connections, and (iii) a back-end interface bridging
SAR Search and rescue
ARAN infrastructure to the terrestrial core networks. Note that
SDN Software defined networking
SISO Single-input single-output LEO communication systems use satellite links to contact the
STIN Satellite terrestrial integrated network terrestrial network through ground stations, while LAP and
T-UAV Tethered unmanned aerial vehicle HAP systems use mobile (wireless) links to contact ABSs and
U-UAV Untethered unmanned aerial vehicle
UAV Unmanned aerial vehicle
the terrestrial base stations (e.g., gNBs and eNBs) directly.
UE User equipment In the main segment of an ARAN, LAP systems are at
UPF User plane function the lowest tier. Drones and UAVs in LAP systems act as
URLLC Ultra-reliable low-latency communications
ABSs, providing connectivity directly to aerial and terrestrial
VSAT Very small aperture terminal
eNB Evolved node B end users or remote base stations using wireless technologies
gNB Next-generation node B such as 5G new radio (NR) and Wi-Fi. Conversely, these
mmWave Millimeter wave ABSs may utilize either satellite technology to connect with
LEO communication systems or wireless technologies to the
terrestrial macro base stations for backhaul transmission to
research methodology is shown in Fig. 2. Common acronyms the core networks. LAPs can be classified by size, range,
used in this survey are summarized in Table II. speed, and endurance. According to the US Department of
the Army [57], LAPs are classified into five categories, i.e.,
II. N ETWORK D ESIGN small < medium < large < larger < largest groups. Most
In this section, we position ARANs in a comprehensive 6G LAPs are relatively lightweight and cost-effective devices that
access infrastructure and analyze them from the perspectives can be deployed quickly and flexibly. However, they have
of system architecture and reference model. relatively low endurance with limited energy and networking
resources. To mitigate these issues, tethered technology can
be considered a feasible approach to either establish a reliable
A. ARANs in 6G Access Infrastructure broadband backhaul through a fiber cable or energize LAPs
In the context of comprehensive 6G access infrastructure, by a powerline connection between the LAPs and terrestrial
ARANs are positioned in the aerial communication layer to stations [58]–[60]. Nevertheless, LAPs effectively support
serve high-altitude and terrestrial users. As illustrated in Fig. 1, time-sensitive and event-based scenarios such as emergency
ARANs encompass three systems including LAP communica- and rescue, aerial surveillance, traffic offloading, and mobile
tions at the altitude of 0–10 km, HAP communications at the hotspots at public gatherings.

1553-877X (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 01:04:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


Access infrastructure
Name Definition Applications
DA-RAN stands for a drone/UAV assisted radio access network, where drones help to Aerial surveillance,
extend the coverage area and capacity of terrestrial access infrastructure. In this context, smart farm, smart
DA-RAN X drones can connect either directly to terrestrial base stations or via a head node in city, environment
(multihop) mesh, star, tree, and chain topologies. Unlicensed/licensed spectrum can be studies, temporary
exploited by drones in DA-RANs [42]–[44]. capacity boost, etc.
FlyRAN stands for flying radio access network, where aircraft and airships equipped Remote populations,
with radio transceivers are utilized as ABSs to provide mobile services in underserved rescue & surveillance,
FlyRAN X X areas. In FlyRAN, the LAP tier exploits the unlicensed/licensed spectrum, while the HAP environment studies,
tier typically exploits the licensed spectrum to avoid unmanaged conflicts with terrestrial temporary capacity
systems [45]–[48]. The term FANET is covered by this definition [49], [50]. boost, etc.
STIN represents a satellite-terrestrial integrated network by which satellite communica- Isolated populations,
tions supplement the terrestrial systems to offer global seamless and ubiquitous Internet emergency & alarm,
STIN X services to users in isolated areas. STIN utilizes the licensed spectrum for ground-air global roaming, large-
connections. The airborne infrastructure includes multiple tiers such as LEO, medium scale Earth studies,
Earth orbit (MEO), and geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) satellite constellations [51]–[54]. etc.
Referred to the definition in Section I-A, ARAN is a multitier and hierarchical aerial Smart farm/city,
access infrastructure combining the FlyRAN and LEO communication systems of STIN temporary capacity
to provide radio access medium from the sky to end users for Internet services through boost, underserved
ABSs equipped with heterogeneous wireless transceivers. The ABSs can be UAVs, drones, populations, rescue
ARAN X X X balloons, and airplanes. The definition of ARAN was first introduced by Song et al. [55] & aerial surveillance,
with the original name AAN (aerial access network) at the IEEE International Conference emergency & alarm,
on Communications (ICC) in June 2020. scalable environment
studies, etc.

Satellite link LEO layer 2

Mobile link

LEO layer 1
Inflight services

HAP Aerial base

Aircraft station
Aerial services


Tethered UAV
Ground Macro Ground Remote Remote IoT and
Core network station base station station base station user services

Core Back-end interface Main segment Front-end interface User

Fig. 3. System architecture of ARANs.

In the middle tier of the ARAN main segment, HAPs technologies in a wide coverage area from high altitude.
are defined by the ITU Radio Regulations (RR) as radio For backhaul transmission to the terrestrial core networks,
stations located at a specified, nominal, fixed point relative HAP systems mostly utilize satellite technology via the LEO
to the Earth3 . 2, 6, 27/31, and 47/48 GHz frequency bands communication systems. In practical situations, some indus-
were assigned for HAP communications in bidirectional HAP- tries have implemented trial projects using lightweight solar-
terrestrial links [61] at three world radio communication con- powered aircraft and airships to provide stable broadband
ferences (WRC-97, WRC-2000, and WRC-12). HAP systems services in rural and remote areas [62].
serve aerial and remote terrestrial end users with wireless
At the top of ARAN main segment, two-layer LEO commu-
3 nication systems consist of miniaturized satellites below (i.e.,
platform-systems.aspx CubeSats) and communication satellites above (i.e., ComSats),

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 01:04:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials

orbiting at an altitude of 500–1500 km. CubeSats aim to For this purpose, only trusted LEO networks are considered
provide low-latency and high-throughput Internet services, satisfactory for network integration. In Fig. 4, the description
while ComSats are designed for high coverage and service of the 5G core components is abstracted significantly, except
availability. These two LEO layers interact with each other the user plane function (UPF), which is the contact point
through interlinks, which provide redundancy, backup, and to access the core networks and other systems (i.e., intranet
collaboration interfaces for dynamic network organization. and Internet). Mapped on the system architecture illustrated in
Compared with other satellite classes, LEO satellites are Fig. 3, the components of the reference model are represented
characterized by lower latency, cost-efficiency, and quick as follows:
production and deployment. Most LEO satellites operate on • User equipment (UE): inflight, aerial, remote IoT, and
Ku, Ka, and V bands to provide Internet connection to terrestrial user services.
aerial and ground stations within tens of ms latency [63]. • ABS: LAPs and HAPs
Unlike the LAP/HAP systems, LEO communication systems • VSAT: ground stations at the front-end interface
typically do not provide services to the end users directly. • Gateway (GW): the ground stations at the back-end
Both fronthaul to the end users and backhaul to the core interface
networks are satellite transmissions through ground stations • LEO systems: CubeSats, ComSats, and their control sys-
and very small aperture terminals (VSATs). To orchestrate tems
intertier networking operations in an ARAN, LEO communi- • gNB: remote and macro base stations.
cation systems additionally support backhaul tunnels allowing In the control plane, a common 5G network management
LAP/HAP systems to connect to the core networks. Recent system is in charge of managing, controlling, and monitoring
years have witnessed several emerging commercial satellite operations of almost all the ARAN components such as
projects on LEO communication systems such as OneWeb, ABS, VSAT, GW, and gNB via C-interfaces of corresponding
Telesat, and Starlink, with hundreds of satellites successfully reference points. In the user plane, ABSs are considered
launched into orbit and thousands of satellite launches planned as 5G gNB-functional components. Therefore, the NR Uu
for the near future [64]. reference points are utilized between ABSs and UEs, while
In ARANs, the front-end interface includes ABSs at the the Xn reference points are defined for ABSs’ interactions and
LAP/HAP tiers, remote base stations, and ground stations between ABSs and gNBs. As a standard 5G reference model,
enabling end users network access the networks. The ABSs gNBs and UPFs are connected via N3 reference points. A
and remote base stations are ARAN access points that provide detailed description of the NR Uu, Xn, and N3 reference points
wireless links directly to aerial and terrestrial users. Mean- can be found in the 3GPP TS 23.501 (version 16.5.0 Release
while, the ground stations are end-points of satellite links from 16) [65] and the 3GPP TS 38.300 (version 16.2.0 Release
LEO communication systems that deliver traffic to and from 16) [68] standards. Conversely, to standardize the translation
the remote base stations. Depending on prevailing circum- between 3GPP messages and non-3GPP messages (i.e., IP
stances, the ABSs and remote base stations may cross-serve packets) on interfaces gNB/ABS–VSAT and GW–UPF, the
both aerial and terrestrial services, as illustrated on the left side Ymx and Ygw reference points are defined in the ETSI TR
of Fig. 3. Conversely, the back-end interface includes macro 103 611 (V1.1.1) standard [66].
base stations and ground stations to accommodate backhaul
traffic toward the core networks. Typically, the macro base
D. Fundamental Features
stations help transfer traffic flows from LAP systems, while the
ground stations support traffic forwarding from (HAP systems The fundamental features that distinguish ARANs from the
to) LEO communication systems; see the right side of Fig. 3. other RAN architectures and help to reinforce emerging 6G
services are described as follows:
• Ubiquity: The LEO communication tier guarantees ser-
C. Reference Model vice continuity across the globe with three advantages,
The ARAN reference model is built by jointly adopting including wide coverage, networking backup/resilience,
the 3GPP TS 23.501 (version 16.5.0 Release 16) [65] and and emergency broadcast, for which the terrestrial infras-
the ETSI TR 103 611 (V1.1.1) standards [66] that were tructure has limited capacity.
released recently by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project • Mobility: The dynamicity of aerial LAP/HAP topol-
(3GPP) organization and the European Telecommunications ogy implementation and the networking overlay among
Standards Institute (ETSI), respectively. Fig. 4 depicts the the LAP, HAP, and LEO communication systems help
ARAN reference model in detail. This reference model is ARANs to adapt flexibly to the requirements of end users
based on the 3GPP 5G standard, where ABSs perform the anywhere on the ground and in the air.
functions of the next-generation Node B (gNB), and the LEO • Availability: Operating in the air at various altitudes,
communication tier is considered a trusted non-3GPP compo- ARANs are not commonly affected by natural and man-
nent [67]. It is worth noting that this model does not cover made disasters capable of rendering terrestrial communi-
non-trusted LEO system interaction because LEO networks cation infrastructures vulnerable and interrupting service.
are considered critical components in ARAN architecture. In In other words, better service availability is provided
particular, mobile service management and control through regardless of the recipient’s terrain (e.g., mountain, sea,
the LEO networks must be handled by the mobile networks. desert, etc.).

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Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 01:04:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Other Network management systems U-interface
Ygw Ymx NR
GW LEO systems VSAT gNB

Data packet LEO tier Ymx Xn

networks UPF UE
gNB Xn Xn
Core network LAP/HAP tiers

Fig. 4. Reference model of ARAN adopting the 3GPP 5G standards.

• Simultaneity: Multitier LAP/HAP/LEO communica- Depending on the channel model, there are two main
tion systems can adaptively self-organize to forward modeling approaches, including empirical channel models
information-centric services effectively across discrete formulated on field measurements, and analytical models that
(aerial and terrestrial) locations on simultaneous multi- analyze the transmission channel under certain conditions
cast and broadcast streams using various wireless access and/or assumptions. Measurement campaigns play an impor-
technologies. tant role in developing empirical channel models. Various
• Scalability: Because ABSs interlink to each other us- measurement campaigns with various environmental and mea-
ing aerial wireless ad hoc technologies and there are surement settings have been conducted, e.g., the configuration
hierarchical networking overlays among LAP, HAP, and of antenna arrays as either single-input single-output (SISO) or
LEO communication tiers, ARANs can quickly establish multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), channel sounding for
scalable topologies for local sites without service inter- narrow-band and wide-band channels, propagation scenarios
ruptions. (e.g., open space and mountains), and evaluation of eleva-
tion angles [69]. Another modeling classification based on
III. S YSTEM M ODEL propagation environments includes three approaches [41]: a
In this section, we discuss four key aspects of ARANs: deterministic model, stochastic model, and geometric-based
transmission propagation, energy consumption, latency analy- stochastic model. In particular, the first approach relies on
sis, and system mobility. the assumption of certain network layouts and is thus suitable
for large-scale fading effects, the second approach takes into
A. Transmission Propagation account multipath components, and the third approach is to
study spatio-temporal channel characteristics in 3-D stochastic
A key challenge in aerial communications is accurately
modeling radio propagation. Indeed, channel modeling is nec-
essary for designing correct waveforms, resource allocation, 1) Deterministic Models: Deterministic channel models are
modulation order, multiantenna techniques, and interference characterized by information on the propagation environment
management [69]. It is widely known that channel characteri- such as terrain topography and the composition of buildings or
zation for cellular networks has been modeled and empirically obstacles. Moreover, ray-tracing software is usually employed
verified. Propagation channels for satellite communications in the literature to analyze deterministic channel models. For
at various frequency bands (i.e., Ku, Ka, and V) were also example, Feng et al. [73] investigated a statistical model for
well-studied [70]. Moreover, many HAP projects for wireless evaluating the path-loss and shadowing of air-to-ground chan-
communications were undertaken in the 1990s and 2000s. For nels in urban areas. The proposed model is analyzed by ray-
instance, the theoretical model of small-scale fading for HAP tracing simulations over different frequency bands, including
propagation channels was investigated in [71], and the appli- 200 MHz, 1 GHz, 2 GHz, 2.5 GHz, and 5 GHz. Unlike the
cation of HAPs for broadband communications, e.g., channel log-distance channel models of terrestrial communications, the
modeling, interference, coding techniques, and resource allo- channel model proposed in [73] is dependent not only on
cation was presented in [72]. Owing to recent technological the distance from the ABS (i.e., UAV in LAP systems) but
advancements, investment in the industry, and the involvement also on the elevation angle. To generalize the channel model
of major tech corporations like Google and Facebook, a in [73] to multiple urban environments, Al-Hourani et al. [74]
significant amount of research has been conducted to integrate proposed a generic model to estimate the path-loss of air-to-
HAPs into B5G wireless systems. As the characterization of ground channels and facilitate radio frequency (RF) planning.
HAP and satellite communications channels has been well In particular, the path loss, 𝜂, for a given ground user is
established, in this subsection we focus on discussing channel computed as
modeling for LAP-enabled communications. 𝜂 = PL − FSPL, (1)

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Angle of depression radio channels. Several interesting results are found by this
work, e.g., max and min delay resolutions of 2184 and 52
ss mod ns, respectively, which correspond to the respective coherence
o - air pa bandwidth of 92 and 3846 kHz (i.e., coherence bandwidth
- t
Gr ound = 1/(5 × delay resolution)). Such findings are necessary for
selecting payload symbols, especially, in frequency-selective

ABS’s altitude
Terrestrial BS’s height

fading LAP systems. A recent channel model proposed in [83]

was dedicated to residential and mountainous desert scenar-
ios. By comparing statistical channel models for these two
environments, it was found that the fading effects observed in
residential settings were less than those observed in mountain-
ous desert settings. This is reasonable because LoS links are
typically available in residential, and the signals reflected from
Fig. 5. Illustration of an experimental setting for ground-to-air path loss the ground can be obstructed well by residential buildings.
3) Geometric-based Stochastic Models: Compared to the
two above modeling approaches, a geometric-based stochastic
where PL and FSPL are the total power loss and free space model is suitable for considering spatio-temporal channel
path loss, respectively. Here FSPL can be calculated from the characteristics and for deriving analytical performance ex-
Friis transmission equation as pressions such as coverage radius and channel capacity. For
example, Cheng et al. [84] investigated a 3-D geometric-
FSPL = 20 log(𝑑) + 20 log( 𝑓 ) − 27.55, (2)
based stochastic model for MIMO nonstationary propagation
where 𝑑 refers to the distance in 3D space between the ABS channels. Particularly, the nonstationarity of LAP communi-
and ground user, and 𝑓 denotes the carrier frequency (in cations was overcome by integrating time-varying angles of
MHz). Bor-Yaliniz et al. [75] proposed a path loss model arrival and departure into the reference model and by consid-
for modern metropolitan scenarios, which may include many ering both line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight components. An
skyscrapers with different heights, and ray-tracing simulations interesting observation from this work is that ABS-specific
were conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed parameters (e.g., moving direction and antenna setup) and
model. A ground-to-air channel model for suburban environ- altitude significantly affect channel stability, demanding more
ments was proposed in [76]. In particular, the total path loss efficient control strategies for the ABS trajectory to render the
was composed of two components, including terrestrial path proposed channel model more stable and less nonstationary.
loss and aerial excess path loss, which is heavily dependent Recently, Jiang et al. [85] considered the presence of interfer-
on the depression angle, as illustrated in Fig. 5. Another ing objects in designing air-to-ground channels and developed
channel model for suburban areas can be found in [77]. The a computationally-efficient method to estimate the angular
measurement was carried out at a radio frequency of 3.9 GHz, parameters such as azimuth/elevation angles of departure and
and the path loss was calculated by a two-ray model. arrival. Unlike [84], [85], the work in [86] does not fix the
2) Stochastic Models: In stochastic channel models, the moving speed of the ABS, thus complicating the channel
fading characteristics of multipaths are taken into consider- model by the directions of transceivers’ motion.
ation. In the literature, the performance of these stochastic
models have been evaluated by empirical measurements or
by geometric analyses via computer simulations. Compared B. Energy Consumption
to the deterministic model, the accuracy of a stochastic model Energy-efficient communications have been one of the most
depends on environmental information and the nonstationary important design requirements in B5G wireless systems. It was
propagation channel. In the multipart papers [78]–[81], dif- recently reported in [87] that the use of drones for package
ferent air-to-ground channels for LAP communications were delivery is relatively energy-efficient compared with ground-
proposed. In [78], a wideband statistical channel model over based delivery provided that the warehouse system is designed
two frequency bands (970 MHz and 5 GHz) was proposed for properly and the drones are used within their endurance
off-shore scenarios. For other terrain types, channel models and ferry ranges. Despite many potentials and applications,
for hilly and mountainous environments can be found in [79], airborne objects, especially those working in the LAP tiers,
and channel models for suburban and peri-urban environments are typically powered by onboard batteries that usually have
can be found in [80]. In the fourth part [81], shadowing limited capacity and lifetime. Several promising technologies
loss, shadowing duration, and small-scale fading statistics were have been developed to mitigate the impact of limited energy
analyzed. By using empirical measurement data, it was shown and battery lifetimes such as wireless power transfer and
that shadowing loss can be modeled as a function of an energy harvesting (EH). However, the implementation of these
aircraft’s roll angle, but it does not correlate with shadowing technologies to massive airborne objects is in practice still
duration. For airport environments, Rieth et al. [82] conducted questionable and will not be available in the foreseeable future.
two measurement campaigns to characterize small-scale results Owing to the importance of energy efficiency in maintaining
(e.g., delay and Doppler spread statistics) and large-scale sustained flying operations for ARANs, the modeling of en-
effects (shadowing and antenna misalignment) of air-to-ground ergy consumption during flight is a critical challenge.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials

Various factors must be considered when developing energy

consumption models for aerial communications. The obvious Lift
examples are UAV types, flying speed, acceleration, payload,
and external factors such as weather conditions. The first
factor is reasonable because UAVs usually travel in highly Drag Thrust
dynamic environments (e.g., weather and wind conditions)
that significantly affect flight capabilities. These factors may
enhance system performance in some cases. For instance,
when a UAV is flying with the wind, it can fly faster but
consumes less energy. Moreover, external temperatures can
also directly affect performance by causing battery lifetime and Moving direction
drain issues. As reported in [88, Fig. 4], UAV consume less
energy when they fly with a tailwind, but they consume more Fig. 6. Four forces occur in UAVs.
energy when flying into a headwind. Moreover, within a wind
speed threshold, the higher the wind speed, the more energy-
efficient the UAV operation. Second, the energy consumption equivalent to that of hovering [89]. Many models have been
of a UAV significantly depends on its flying state, e.g., hover- proposed to consider other factors, for example, motor and
ing, horizontal, and vertical motion [89]. Finally, as the weight propeller efficiencies were integrated in [92], and multiple
of a UAV increases according to the payload, the energy dynamics of UAVs (e.g., electrical dynamics of the battery and
consumption also increases as a function of the payload. As aerodynamics of the rotor-propeller assembly) were studied
empirically tested in [88, Fig. 3] when a UAV is hovering, in [93].
the power consumption increases linearly with increments in 2) Energy Consumption in Horizontal Movement: The four
the payload. Because various factors may affect the energy principal forces lift, weight, thrust, and drag should be consid-
consumption of aerial systems, it is very challenging to model ered for a drone’s flight. Fundamentally, drag consists of lift-
energy consumption for all environmental conditions. induced and parasitic drags and power is needed to overcome
1) Energy Consumption in Hover and Vertical Movement: them. The former is directly prosegmental to the air density,
To model the power consumed during hovering for delivery 𝜎, the square of the drone velocity, 𝑉, and the square of the
services, Dorling et al. [90] considered modeling the power span loading (i.e., the ratio between the lift and wingspan in
consumption of a multirotor helicopter as a function of its total N/m) as [94]
weight, which includes the frame weight, battery, and payload.
The power, 𝑃, required for single-rotor copters to hover was 𝐷 𝑖 = 𝜅(𝐿/𝑏) 2 / 𝜎𝜋𝑉 2 , (6)
mathematically established in [91] as
where 𝜅 is a non-dimensional coefficient, 𝐿 is the lift generated
𝑇 3/2 by the drone, 𝑏 is the wingspan, and 𝑉 is the forward velocity.
𝑃= √ , (3)
2𝜎 𝐴 Because air density decreases at higher altitudes, more lift-
where 𝜎 is the fluid density of the air, 𝐴 is the area of the induced drag is generated, and accordingly, more power and a
rotor disk, and 𝑇 = (𝑀 +𝑚)𝑔 is the rotor thrust where 𝑀 is the greater wingspan are required for the drone to operate. Another
frame weight, 𝑚 is the battery and payload weight, and 𝑔 is form of drag is parasitic drag, which can be estimated as [94]
the gravitational acceleration. Based on this model, Dorling et
al. [90] proposed a new power-consumption calculation for 𝐷 𝑝 = 𝐶𝐷 𝑆𝜎𝑉 2 /2, (7)
multirotor copters on the assumption that each rotor bears an
where 𝐶𝐷 is the parasitic drag coefficient, and 𝑆 is the wing
equal amount of frame, battery, and payload weight. Thus, the
area. Thus, the respective power required to overcome lift-
power consumed by a rotor is modeled as
induced and parasitic drags can be given as
𝑚 3/2 3/2
(𝑀𝑁 + 𝑁) 𝑔  
𝑃0 =
√ , (4) 1
2𝜎 𝐴 𝑃𝑖 = 𝐷 𝑖 𝑉 = 𝜅𝐿 2 / 𝜎𝜋𝑉 𝑏 2 , (8)
where 𝑁 is the total number of rotors. As a result, the total 𝑃 𝑝 = 𝐷 𝑝 𝑉 = 𝐶𝐷 𝑆𝜎𝑉 3 /2. (9)
power consumed by the multirotor copter can be given as
  3/2 3/2 r As a result, the total power needed for the drone to stay afloat
𝑀 𝑚 𝑔 3/2 𝑔3 is calculated as
𝑃=𝑁 + √ = (𝑀 + 𝑚) . (5)
𝑁 𝑁 2𝜎 𝐴 2𝜎 𝐴𝑁
𝜅𝐿 2 𝐶𝐷 𝑆𝜎𝑉 3
To simplify the model further (5), Dorling et al. [90] con- 𝑃 = 𝑃𝑖 + 𝑃 𝑝 = 1
+ . (10)
2 𝜎𝜋𝑉 𝑏
2 2
sidered a linear approximation composed of two parts: one
represents the power consumed to bear the battery and payload The power consumption model (10) has been employed by
weight and another accounts for the power needed for the Zeng and Zhang in [95] to optimize UAV flight trajectory
vehicle to hover. These models are also used to calculate subject to various design constraints imposed by the initial
power consumption during takeoff and landing, that is, the and final locations as well as maximum and minimum velocity
power consumed during takeoff and landing is set to be and acceleration values. This work has played a seminal role in

1553-877X (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 01:04:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials

research on UAV wireless communications. We note that the “physical layer security” to guarantee low latency for secure
power consumption models above are for fixed-wing UAVs, content sharing services in aerial communications. To achieve
while those of rotary-wing UAVs were investigated in [96]. this objective, the ABSs’ trajectories and user associations are
For more details, we invite interested readers to refer to this optimized jointly via an iterative algorithm. The aforemen-
work and the references cited therein. tioned studies agreed that lower latency could be achieved
by an appropriate deployment of ABSs compared to baseline
schemes with fixed deployment.
C. Latency Analysis
To improve the performance of CNPC links, several studies
Along with propagation models and energy consumption, have integrated ultra-reliable and low-latency communications
communication latency is another key feature of aerial com- (URLLC) into LAP/HAP systems. She et al. [100] proposed
munications requiring a thorough study. improved distributed multiantenna systems to maximize hor-
1) Communication Latency: In addition to on-demand izontal communication distance (a.k.a. available range) to
communications, aerial communications have also been im- guarantee the end-to-end delay and total packet loss proba-
plemented to support low-latency services. An example of bility in URLLC-based LAP systems. This work emphasized
this is the use of ABSs as aerial caching servers. In this that the number of antennas at each access point should be
scenario, ground users can directly request content from an optimized to maximize the available range of the ABS. Ren et
aerial caching server instead of sending the request to a al. [101] characterized the achievable data transmission rates
remote server, thus reducing latency and avoiding a network of CNPC links. However, the analysis is complicated by the
bottleneck. Conversely, achieving low latency is also important 3-D deployment of the aerial platforms and the design of
in aerial communications. Along with high reliability and short-packet transmission in URLLC. A notable observation
high security, low latency is a critical requirement for control is that the CNPC’s achievable link rate increases as block
and non-payload communication (CNPC) links for supporting length increases, but this comes at the cost of greater latency.
the management of LAP/HAP systems and avoiding crashes. This work also indicated that leveraging the Shannon formula
Since LEO satellites typically have lower altitude orbits com- directly to compute the achievable rate is somewhat inefficient,
pared to GEO and MEO, LEO communication is highly especially when the block length is small. Another study on
attractive to the industry owing to its ability to provide latency URLLC-based LAP communication was conducted in [102],
on the order of tens of ms. The OneWeb system can provide where an ABS was deployed to transfer URLLC packets
Internet services of 400 Mbps with an average latency of among IoT devices and the block length is optimized.
32 ms, while the Telesat system promises to have latency 2) Computation Latency: Considered as a key technology
between 30 and 50 ms, and the Starlink system can offer in B5G, edge computing (e.g., fog computing and multiaccess
broadband Internet with a latency from 15 to 35 ms, as edge computing (MEC)) has recently received significant
reported in [63]. These aerial platforms (i.e., LAP, HAP, and attention from both academia and industry. Edge comput-
LEO) should be integrated into ARANs to provide Internet ing markedly enables the emergence of delay-sensitive and
services with different latency ranges. While low-tier LAP computationally intensive applications (e.g., human activity
systems aim to provide for event-based scenarios and low- recognition and autonomous driving) as computing resources
latency services, high-tier LEO communication systems are are moved from the cloud to the network edges closest to
designed to provide Internet access across the globe. In the end users [103]. MEC nodes can be deployed at various
middle tier of the ARAN model, HAP systems maintain a RAN locations, including both fixed points (e.g., macro base
balance between service availability, latency, and deployment stations and WiFi access points) and mobile points (e.g.,
cost. moving vehicles and smart phones) [104]. Corresponding to
In general, end-to-end latency can be approximated as twice two types of aerial communications, there are also two MEC
the sum of radio, backhaul, core, and transport latencies. Radio deployment scenarios, as shown in Fig. 7. The first scenario
latency is composed of queuing latency, frame alignment considers aerial computing servers processing computational
delay, transmission latency, and processing latency. In long- tasks migrated from ground users, whereas the second scenario
distance transmission, LEO communications take advantage considers aerial users, who may offload their computational
of the speed of light in space, whereas in optical cables, the tasks to terrestrial computing servers for remote processing.
speed of light is relatively lower, typically 180,000 to 200,000 Different latency sources in MEC systems may include com-
km/s. Using queuing theory, Horani et al. [97] showed that puting, transmission, queuing, and backhaul latencies [105],
the use of ABSs can reduce the queuing delay compared to [106].
that of terrestrial communications and that an ABS’s altitude To minimize the weighted sum energy of the ABS and all
significantly affects latency by contributing to the likelihood the ground users under constraints on completion time, Hu et
of line-of-sight communication links. An analysis of latency al. [107] considered an MEC system to process computational
in uplink mmWave-caching networks was provided in [98], tasks of energy-limited devices and devised an iterative al-
on the assumption that queuing latency accounts for the gorithm. This work reported a trade-off between energy con-
majority of total latency. Based on theoretical analyses, it was sumption and task completion time, i.e., the network consumes
shown that end-to-end latency is reduced when more ABSs less energy as the completion time increases and vice versa.
are deployed in the network, while it increases when user In [108], an aerial relay was deployed to collect and then
density increases. Wu et al. [99] leveraged the concept of forward data generated by IoT devices to an MEC server

1553-877X (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 01:04:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials

Aerial users

in n
Com floadin

ad tio
UAV-assisted ABS

flo ta

of pu

put g

UEs Macro base station Obstacle (e.g., high-rise
equipped with MEC building and mountain)

(a) UAV-assisted edge computing (b) Edge computing assisted UAV communications

Fig. 7. Illustration of two UAV-MEC scenarios.

for remote processing. In this case, the challenges caused by deployed for IoT data collection. Since the locations of IoT
limited computing capability at the MEC server and unstable devices vary over time and an IoT device may be under
transmission links were addressed jointly to enhance system the service coverage of multiple UAVs, the joint problem of
endurance and task completion time. For IoT service provi- UAV deployment, IoT device association, and power control
sioning in aerial communications, the work in [109] proposed is extremely challenging. Simulation results demonstrated that
that UAVs can serve as both computing servers and relays mobile deployment of UAVs can reduce the average total
to minimize the average latency of all the IoT devices. The transmission power by 45% compared to that of the stationary
simulation results of this work revealed that completion time is ABSs. As analyzed by Chetlur et al. [112], increasing the
reduced when the number of UAVs is increased, and the dual number of UAVs can increase network spectral efficiency;
use of both aerial computing and aerial relaying significantly however, this is reduced when the number of deployed UAVs
decreases the completion time compared to a case in which is sufficiently large. Therefore, optimizing UAV placement is
UAVs are used only for relaying purposes. In [110], integrating a critical problem and has been investigated in many research
MEC into LEO communications was shown to be a promising works. For example, Lyu et al. [113] considered the UAV
solution to provide computing services for various scenarios, placement problem to guarantee that each ground user is
especially when ground users are sparsely distributed over served by at least one ABS. In aerial relay communications,
different regions. An illustrative example of a satellite MEC one significant challenge in optimizing UAV placement is that
system is shown in Fig. 7, where UAVs can connect to MEC shadowing on the receiver side depends on the environment.
servers located at ground station via satellite connections. In Chen et al. [114] addressed this dependence by developing
such scenarios, cooperative computation offloading problems a blockage-adaptive algorithm, which they found to be more
can be optimized to reduce both energy consumption and suitable for propagation models than a statistical channel
latency. model for all environments in existing studies.
Much research has focused on analyzing the performance
D. Mobility Analysis of LAP/HAP systems with UAV mobility, e.g., coverage
While terrestrial infrastructures are constructed at prede- probability, secrecy rate, and outage probability. In [115], a
fined locations or follow constrained investment policies, set of ABSs was deployed to serve a ground user, and the
ARANs can be designed for dynamic deployment to optimize coverage performance was analyzed in two scenarios. The
benefits to infrastructure providers as well as to efficiently first considers that the user randomly associates with one
improve QoS for end users. Many studies have shown that the among multiple ABSs, whereas the user associates with the
dynamic mobility and trajectory control of ARANs would of- closest ABS in the second scenario. The use of UAVs for
fer significant advantages such as improving energy efficiency, relaying satellite signals to ground users was considered [116].
supporting data collection applications, and powering energy- In particular, aerial relays are to be deployed in the case in
limited IoT devices. We explicate the benefits of and state-of- which direct communications links between the satellite and
the-art studies pertaining to the optimization of mobility and ground users are not well established (e.g., indoor users). This
trajectory in aerial systems as follows. study reported that the deployment of 3-D aerial relays could
1) System Mobility: Aerial communications play an impor- achieve better performance in terms of outage probability.
tant role in the IoT, typically consisting of a large number In [117], the secrecy capacity and secrecy outage probability
of small, energy- and computation-limited devices. To reduce of a hybrid satellite-terrestrial network with 3-D aerial relays
the power consumption of an IoT network and satisfy QoS was analyzed. These metrics are necessary if eavesdroppers
requirements of IoT devices, in [111], multiple UAVs were exist in the network. To generalize the secrecy performance,

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this work considered three criteria for selecting aerial relay: z

closest, random, and maximum signal-to-noise ratio.
In the high tier of ARANs, the design of satellite con-
stellations is important to ensure global coverage, that is, Angle of elevation
anywhere on Earth being covered by at least one satellite. (Rician fading)
Generally, constellation types and designs are dependent on
Final location
several factors such as coverage requirements, propagation
latency, launch cost, and designated missions. The reason 0
for the first factor is that a GEO satellite has much greater x
coverage than a LEO satellite, and thus multiple LEO satellites Initial
are required to cover the same region of interest. Propagation location
latency is determined mainly by the satellites’ orbiting altitude
and can be quite pronounced for satellite constellations. When
the respective orbiting altitudes of LEO and GEO are set as y IoT devices
900 and 36,000 km, the propagation latency is 3 and 120 ms,
respectively (the speed of light in space is 3×108 m/s). Launch
Fig. 8. Illustration of UAV-enabled data harvesting.
cost, the third factor listed above, is related to the number of
satellites to be deployed. As aforementioned, LEO satellites
are attractive to the industry owing to their lower costs and de- schemes with practical constraints such as initial and final
ployment complexity compared with GEO and MEO satellites. locations, minimum and maximum velocity, and permitted
Finally, the design of satellite constellations should be based altitude ranges. In contrast to [95], You et al. [121] consid-
on the designated mission, and there are multiple constellation ered optimizing the joint UAV scheduling and 3-D trajectory
designs for specific missions. These may include circular problem in Rician fading channels, as illustrated in Fig. 8.
orbit constellations, elliptical orbit constellations, flower con- Particularly, at each time instance, one sensor device can be
stellations, and Walker constellations. Several studies have scheduled to transmit its data to a UAV traveling between two
investigated the design of satellite constellations from a com- predefined locations to maximize the minimum data collection
munication perspective. For example, two classes (with and rate. The use of UAVs for wirelessly powering IoT devices and
without inter-satellite links) of LEO constellation designs to improving the freshness of IoT data was investigated in [122].
support IoT applications were reviewed in [118]. The former To address the non-convexity of the problem, a decomposition
is suitable for delay-tolerant IoT applications, while the latter technique was applied, and a joint dynamic programming
provides seamless connectivity. Papa et al. [119] integrated metaheuristic approach was adopted to solve the trajectory
software-defined networking (SDN) into LEO communication sub-problem. Numerical simulations in this work demonstrated
systems to separate the control plane from the data plane in that data freshness increases linearly with increments in UAVs’
satellite communications, and they further proposed a three- altitudes and the size of collected data. The application of AI
tier SDN-based LEO architecture in which SDN controllers are for optimizing a UAV trajectory has been considered recently
co-located on satellites. A technical comparison among three in various research studies. For instance, echo state networks
LEO satellite constellation systems (i.e., SpaceX, Telesat, and and multiagent Q-learning were adopted to calculate effective
OneWeb) in terms of system throughput and satellite efficiency UAVs’ trajectories and predict ground users’ locations [123],
was conducted in [120]. and a deep reinforcement learning approach was proposed
2) Trajectory Schedule: Besides mobility, the trajectory of to select UAVs’ trajectories in UAV-enabled edge computing
ABSs can be optimized for various purposes. For instance, in systems [124].
collecting IoT data in smart cities and agricultural scenarios,
the deployment of ABSs can assure line-of-sight communica-
tion links for mobile users in emergency rescue operations, E. Summary and Discussion
thus increasing data collection efficiency and saving more of This section presents four key theoretical aspects of an
the energy required by mobile devices to transmit data. In such ARAN architecture, including transmission propagation, en-
cases, UAVs can be regarded as mobile hubs for data collection ergy consumption, latency analysis, and system mobility. In
and processing. Another scenario may include situations where Table IV, we summarize key points of the ARAN system
UAVs are deployed as energy sources to wirelessly power IoT model as well as representative references and their contribu-
devices. Recently, significant research efforts in the field of tions. In particular, three transmission propagation approaches
wireless communications have been dedicated to optimizing for ARANs (i.e., deterministic, stochastic, and geometric-
UAV trajectories. based stochastic models) are reviewed in Section III-A. We
UAV trajectory optimization was investigated in the seminal observe that existing studies mainly focus on channel mod-
work [95]. After developing an energy consumption model, elling in sub-6G GHz frequency bands, while almost ignoring
Zeng et al. considered two UAV trajectory scenarios: un- consideration of THz and non-RF models (e.g., visible light,
constrained and constrained. An interesting result for the neural, and molecular links). As the first attempt, the THz
unconstrained case is that the network was energy inefficient channel model is investigated in [125] assuming that the
regardless of the design objective, thus demanding trajectory placement and power allocation of UAV are jointly optimized

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
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Aspect Sub-aspect Highlights Ref. Contributions

Deterministic models assume certain network The path-loss is comprised of power loss and free
layouts such as terrain topography and obsta- [74] space path loss. The latter is dependent on the carrier
cles. frequency and transmission distance (urban areas).
Stochastic models consider multipath fading Both small-scale and large-scale effects are considered
Transmission Stochastic
effects. [82] for an air-to-ground channel. Respective max and min
Propagation Models
delay resolutions are 2184 ns and 52 ns.
Geometric-based stochastic models consider To cope with the non-stationarity of ABS in aerial
spatio-temporal channel characteristics, and are communications, the channel model considers time-
Stochastic [84]
thus suitable for deriving analytical perfor- varying arrival and departure angles.
mance metrics.
Most of the existing studies model the total The power consumption of a multirotor drone is
power in hover and vertical motion as a func- r
tion of the total weight, including the frame 𝑔3
𝑃 = ( 𝑀 + 𝑚) 3/2 ,
Hover and weight, battery, and payload. 2𝜎 𝐴𝑁
Vertical Moving
where 𝑀 is the frame weight, 𝑚 is the battery and
payload weight, 𝐴 is the rotor disc area, 𝑁 is the
Energy number of rotors, and 𝑔 is the gravitational acceleration.
Consumption Among the four principal forces (i.e., lift, The power needed for the drone to remain aloft is
weight, thrust, and drag), drag is mainly an-
alyzed to compute the energy consumed by 2𝜅 𝐿 2 𝐶𝐷 𝑆 𝜎𝑉 3
Horizontal 𝑃= + ,
horizontal motion, focusing on lift-induced drag [94] 𝜎 𝜋𝑉 𝑏 2 2
and parasitic drag. where main parameters are the wingspan, 𝑏, velocity,
𝑉 , air density, 𝜎, and wing area, 𝑆.
• LEO communications typically have an aver- The establishment of LoS links in UAV communi-
age latency of a few tens of ms, e.g., 15–35 ms [97] cations can reduce the queuing latency compared to
in Starlink and 32 ms in OneWeb. terrestrial communications.
Communication • Low latency is of importance for CNPC links A multiantenna system was proposed to guarantee
Latency LAP/HAP communications. latency and loss probability in URLLC LAP systems.
• In ARANs, the low tiers provide lower la- The achievable rate of CNPC links, which becomes
Analysis [101]
tency, while high tiers provide better coverage. higher at the price of larger latency, was analyzed.
Computation latency would be a critical com- An aerial relay is deployed to facilitate the computation
Computation ponent in ARANs as many compute-intensive of end users, considering the energy-delay tradeoff.
Latency applications are emerging, e.g., virtual reality MEC is integrated into satellite communications to
and data analytics in the sky. better serve sparsely distributed users.
• The system mobility is mainly reflected by UAVs are 3-D deployed for IoT data collection, which
the 3-D deployment of ABSs and constellation [111] can reduce the energy consumption by 45% compared
System designs in (LEO) satellite communications. to fixed BSs in terrestrial communications.
Mobility • ARANs can be dynamically configured and The integration of SDN into LEO communications was
Mobility mobilized to improve the QoS of end users and [119] proposed to reduce the (migration and reconfiguration)
Analysis to benefit service/infrastructure providers. costs of constellation designs.
In the lower tier (LAP) of ARANs, the tra- The UAV trajectory and the problem of user scheduling
Trajectory jectory of ABSs can be optimized for various were considered to maximize the data collection rate.
Optimization purposes, e.g., for reducing energy consumption The problem was solved using a convex approximation
and minimizing the completion latency. algorithm and the decomposition technique.

to minimize the total latency between the UAVs and ground Finally, system mobility and trajectory scheduling of ARAN
users. Consequently, more studies should be conducted on platforms are reviewed in Section III-D. Owing to the fact
ARAN channels to characterize potential scenarios and fre- that ARANs would be configured dynamically and controlled
quency bands in 6G wireless systems. In Section III-B, we adaptively, system performance can be significantly improved
review energy consumption models for UAVs in two modes: when compared with conventional terrestrial/stationary RANs.
hovering as well as vertical and horizontal movements. It
is observed that these models are well-established for both IV. E NABLING T ECHNOLOGIES
fixed-wing and rotary-wing UAVs. However, because more To realize ARANs in 6G networks, we dedicate this sec-
potential technologies and network scenarios that can be tion to reviewing the enabling technologies, including energy
integrated with ARAN infrastructures will be available in 6G, refills, operational management, and data delivery.
more studies should be conducted. For example, the energy
consumption model may vary if UAVs are equipped with
wireless power transfer and/or energy harvesting capabilities. A. Energy Refills
Next, communication and computational latency analysis of As aforementioned in the ARAN access infrastructure’s
ARANs is provided in Section III-C. Similar to energy con- description, typical ABSs face battery storage capacity lim-
sumption models, latency analysis of ARANs is currently itations during flight, which is the primary issue to be ad-
performed in typical 5G scenarios, and thus it should be dressed. [126]. Therefore, research into energy replenishment
carried out in potential network scenarios of future 6G wireless strategies is essential. Aside from energy replenishment at
systems such as massive URLLC and zero-touch services. charging stations, (self-)recharging through energy harvesting

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
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(EH) and RF wireless charging technologies are the most reality, various commercial products empowered by tethered
promising methods, with several advantages in terms of contin- technology have been launched by many companies around
uous provision of energy for ABSs working aloft. Conversely, the world. Tethered UAV (T-UAV) systems are designed with
we can consider the capability of ABSs to use wireless power diverse models, tether lengths, and fight time, as summarized
to serve massive low-power ground devices, especially in in Table V.
isolated and remote areas. An illustration of three primary In academic studies, the work in [136] analyzed and com-
scenarios for energy replenishment is shown in Fig. 9. pared performance between T-UAVs and conventional UAVs,
1) Charging Station: This approach can be divided into referred to as untethered UAVs (U-UAVs). The numerical
three main categories of traditional charging stations, tethered results in this research show that T-UAVs can achieve better
technology, and near-field wireless charging. performance for maximum cellular coverage than U-UAVs.
a) Traditional Charging Stations: For extended mis- Similar observations have been revealed in [59], where T-
sions, terrestrial intermediate charging stations are the basic UAVs with a 120-meter tether length can extend coverage
conventional approach to replenish ABSs’ energy. Kantor et probability up to 30% compared to U-UAVs. The study
al. proposed a patent for a UAV-assisted recharging sta- observed that the relative mission availability and recharging
tion [127]. In this work, a UAV can calculate a flight path times of U-UAVs are approximately 70% and 30%, respec-
and identify a terrestrial intermediate charging base station tively, during operations. Meanwhile, 100% available time
as the most suitable, considering the route characteristics to is achieved by T-UAVs because of the usage of continuous
stop and recharge its batteries and then travel to the next power and data cables. Nevertheless, it is necessary to further
mission location. In addition to the conventional charging consider the mobility and endurance tradeoff to optimally
station model, Sharma et al. proposed the concept of charging select whether tethered or untethered solutions should be used
stations where a UAV’ exhausted batteries are replaced by because T-UAVs have several native drawbacks such as tether
fully charged ones from terrestrial macro base stations [128]. length limitation and strict inclination angle consideration to
To secure the charging process, several recent works have avoid tangling the tether on surrounding buildings or other
successfully incorporated blockchain technology to a system obstacles.
comprised of an ABS swarm and multiple charging stations c) Near-field Wireless Charging: Near field wireless
as investigated in [129], [130]. In an ARAN context, the charging techniques are commonly categorized into two ap-
blockchain technology allows secure peer-to-peer transac- proaches, including inductive charging and magnetic reso-
tions among multiple networking components such as ABSs nance charging [145]. These approaches can be entirely in-
and user devices at different geographical locations. In the tegrated into a single charging station for ABSs. Owing to
blockchain model, transaction information is stored in chained the short range of charging, it is harmless to the human
blocks. Every node in the committed chain can see all the body. Although the boundary between the two strategies is not
transactions, and thus no node can fabricate or change the com- sharply delineated, they usually have distinctive characteristics
mitted data in the chain [131]. In particular, the recent study that can be described as follows.
in [132] deployed a novel application for ABS systems and • Inductive Charging: Inductive charging is a wireless
charging stations by implementing an advanced blockchain. charging method in which a device uses magnetic induc-
The proposed solution is based on a tangled data structure that tion to deliver electrical energy between two coils. The
is equally secure, distributed as conventional blockchain, and inductive charging method operates in the kHz frequency
simultaneously reduces power consumption and latency [133]. band with an effective charging distance generally within
The numerical results in [132] revealed that the solution can 20 cm [146]. Despite the limited transmission range,
eventually provide an ABS swarm and charging stations with at a suitable distance, charging efficiency can be very
optimal cost and significantly outperform the conventional high (up to 90% within 17.5–26.5 cm [147]). In the
strategies. Although blockchain has been proven as a highly context of ARANs, the technology is entirely suitable for
efficient technology for ARANs, these approaches suffer from deployment in charging stations to recharge the batter-
several fundamental limitations, including a consensus mech- ies of ABSs. For instance, a planar coil misalignment
anism consuming significant energy, considerably substan- approach [148] was proposed for an inductive wireless
tial latency from transaction confirmation, and constrained charging system to recharge UAV batteries and reduce the
scalability [134]. Nevertheless, traditional methods of energy weight of onboard components, leading to a cost reduc-
transfer have several limitations such as service interruptions tion and providing a light-weight solution. Meanwhile,
and small operational areas. Obayashi et al. [149] elaborated a recharging prototype
b) Tethered Technology: Recently, tethered technology design with up to 450-W inductive power in the 85-kHz
has been considered as a potential solution for ABS en- frequency band for a fast wireless charging port on a large
ergy replenishment and system performance problems in airborne component like HAPs.
ARANs [58]–[60], [135], [136]. Assisted by the tethered • Magnetic Resonance Charging: Magnetic resonance
connections, ABSs can not only replenish their limited battery charging utilizes magnetic resonance between the trans-
onboard via a stable power supply from ground stations but mitter and receiver antennas and operates in the MHz fre-
can also extend the reliability of their backhaul links [59]. quency bands. Because two resonant coils operate at the
Wrapped into a tether, two typical cables can be utilized same resonant frequency, the energy transfer efficiency
separately, such as power and data transmission cables. In can be significantly high with only slight leakage and

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Terrestrial stations HAP LAP base station

(a) Charging station (b) Energy harvesting (c) RF wireless charging

Fig. 9. Primary scenarios of energy refills in ARANs.


Company Series of products Maximum tether length Flight time

Lifeline [137] Tethered Phantom 4, Mavic Pro, Mavic 2 Pro, Inspire 1 & 2, etc. 60 m 1.5–2.5 h
Neo Tethered System
Acecore [138] 60 m 10+ h
Zoe Tethered System
Ziyan [139] Ziyan’s Tethering System 100 m 24 h
Tethered Drone System [140] Tethered Drone System’s T-UAV 120 m 24 h
Equinox Systems [141] Falcon heavy, medium, and light 120 m 30 d
LiveSkyTM Sentry
Hoverfly [142] 120 m 20–30 d
Orion 2 110 m 24 h
Elistair [143] Safe-T 2 130 m Unlimited
Light-T 4 70 m Unlimited
Eagle Sky Light [144] Aquila 100 100 m Unlimited

immunity to ambient frequency while meeting LoS trans- sources, solar EH is the most popular approach, where LAP,
fer requirements. Magnetic resonance wireless charging HAP, and LEO airborne components can be powered by solar
has also proven its ability to transfer power over longer energy via photovoltaic (PV) cells.
distances with higher energy efficiency than the inductive The amount of available solar energy mainly depends on
charging approach [146]. In the context of ARANs, altitude, geographic location, radiation, the number of daylight
Wang et al. deployed a wireless magnetic resonant power hours, and the day of the year. The solar EH power resource
transfer charging station for UAVs, solving the problems under various conditions such as cruising altitude, cloud types,
of endurance [150]. Meanwhile, Qiong et al. [151] pro- and solar positions can be estimated as [153]
posed an optimal design for magnetic resonance wireless
charging in UAVs. The experimental results in [151] show 

 𝑆𝐺𝜀(𝑦) if 𝑦 ≥ 𝐻𝑢 𝑝 ,
𝑃 𝐸 𝐻 (𝑦) = 𝑆𝐺𝑒 −𝛽𝑐 ( 𝐻𝑢 𝑝 −𝑦 ) 𝜀 (𝑦)

that the energy transmission efficiency of their proposal if 𝐻𝑙𝑜𝑤 < 𝑦 < 𝐻𝑢 𝑝 ,
can be kept stable despite the horizontal movement of the  𝑆𝐺𝑒 −𝛽𝑐 ( 𝐻𝑢 𝑝 −𝐻𝑙𝑜𝑤 ) 𝜀 (𝑦)

if 𝑦 ≤ 𝐻𝑙𝑜𝑤 ,
transmitting and receiving coils. 
where 𝑦 is the cruising altitude of the ABS, 𝑆 and 𝐺 corre-
2) Energy Harvesting: EH is another energy replenishment spond to the PV cell area onboard the solar-powered UAV, and
approach that is especially useful in the context of ARANs the average solar radiation intensity on Earth. 𝛽𝑐 denotes an
given their use of typical airborne components. The EH absorption coefficient modeling the optical characteristics of
strategy is notably efficient for a swarm of ABSs instead of the surrounding clouds. While 𝐻𝑢 𝑝 and 𝐻𝑙𝑜𝑤 are the upper
being limited to standalone devices as in the aforementioned and lower boundary altitudes of the clouds and 𝜀 (𝑦) is the
traditional energy exchange methods. At present, EH is con- energy harvesting efficiency as a function of 𝑦, which can be
sidered to be one of the best potential solutions for energy estimated as
constraint problems, especially in self-powered systems like
ARANs, because it allows the harvest of energy from external 𝜀 (𝑦) = 𝜑 (𝑦) cos 𝜃, (12)
ambient sources such as solar, thermal, wind, vibration, and
kinetic and then converts this energy into electrical current to where 𝜑 (𝑦) and 𝜃 represent the atmospheric transmittance of
support specific energy demands [152]. Among these ambient the cloud at altitude 𝑦 depending on the cloud type, and the

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
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angle between the solar light rays and the PV cell depending by jointly optimizing the amount of solar EH, aerodynamic
on the solar position, respectively. power consumption, capability of the onboard energy storage,
Derived from (11), it is seen that the altitude of an ABS and QoS requirements of ground users [162]. The experimental
influences the solar EH power significantly. Hence, it is nec- results revealed that EH efficiency may be higher when flying
essary to consider a trade-off between EH and communication above the clouds. Furthermore, Zhang et al. [153] exploited
because more energy can be harvested at higher altitudes, an intelligent power approach by combining a reinforcement
whereas the communication path-loss is also larger as analyzed learning mechanism with the impact of a solar-based UAV’s
in Section III-A. There is a variety of research contributions flight altitude. Simulation results demonstrated that this ap-
regarding these issues. In particular, Jashnani et al. emphasized proach could simultaneously improve both communication
that the altitude, payload changes, and flight duration of solar- performance and EH efficiency.
powered UAVs can be affected by its physical dimensions, Conversely, EH strategies from other ambient sources in-
weight, area of PV cells, the aspect ratio of the wing, and max- cluding thermal, wind, vibration, and kinetic, can be seen as
imum battery recharging capacity [154]. The authors estimated complementary ways of utilizing more energy. For instance,
the available solar power in two typical models with an altitude Wang et al. published a patent of a multirotor aerial drone
below approximately 2.5 km for one and a higher altitude for with thermal energy scavenging capability in [163]. The patent
the other. The experimental results on charging capabilities presented a thermoelectric generator that harvests the waste
for an engineering ground model with test UAVs in [154] thermal energy from a processor in a UAV, and then the
showed excellent efficiency for more than 24 h of continuous UAV batteries are recharged to prolong flight time. Bonnin et
operation. Meanwhile, the solar-based UAV prototypes devel- al. in [164] described a comprehensive understanding of
oped in [155], [156] demonstrated a continuous flight potential principles and mathematical formulae for a dynamic soar-
of up to 28 h. In [157], Dwivedi et al. experimented with a ing technique. This technique is inspired by albatross flight
day flight for a solar-based UAV on April 1, 2017, where the behavior, with which they can fly against the flow without
test time was from 9:30 to 18:00. From these measurement flapping their wings, i.e., without having to waste energy.
results, it is recognized that the generated power is less than Meanwhile, Anton is a pioneer in investigating and designing
the power required by the UAV system from approximately novel piezoelectric elements based on UAV platforms [165].
15:30 to 17:10. This can be explained by the throttle being Koszewnik et al. in [166] proposed a common system for
cut and the UAV being directed into an extremely slow glide vibrational energy scavenging using a piezoelectric harvester
maneuver at 0.15 m/s while the available solar power was still integrated into UAV platforms. Experiment results showed that
being generated normally. In addition, the power generated it is possible to extend flight duration using integrated piezo
during this period was utilized to charge the batteries. In [158], patch elements with flexible batteries for each UAV wing.
Wang et al. studied a simulation model of solar cell behavior Moreover, Anton et al. in [167] developed an onboard hybrid
for a solar-powered UAV via the MATLAB/Simulink platform model using solar and vibrational EH. This hybrid approach
where the test time was from 6:00 to 18:00 over three days takes advantage of both EH methods and supports higher
from July 10 to 13, 2017. This included light rain, cloudy, and energy efficiency.
sunny days as three typical weather types. The experimental 3) RF Wireless Charging: RF wireless charging (a.k.a. far-
results demonstrated the impact of light intensity and ambient field wireless charging) operates in various frequency bands
temperature on solar EH efficiency. Meanwhile, Rajendran et from 300 MHz to 300 GHz [146]. From the standpoint of
al. investigated a maximum power point tracker for the optimal estimation, the amount of RF power, 𝑃𝑟 , received from this
operation of solar-based UAVs by demonstrating the impact RF wireless charging strategy is dependent on several typical
of temperature and solar irradiance intensity on various solar parameters such as transmission power, wavelength, and the
module angles [159]. The results showed that approximately distance between transmitter and receiver and can be estimated
45◦ C is the optimal operating temperature, and the solar power following the Friis formula as [168]
rose almost linearly along the tilt angle of this solar module.
From the standpoint of optimization problems, Hosseini et  2
al. considered optimal path scheduling and power allocation 𝜆
𝑃𝑟 = 𝑃 𝑡 𝐺 𝑡 𝐺 𝑟 , (13)
for UAVs, where the UAVs’ wings are equipped with PV cells 4𝜋𝑑
to harvest solar energy and recharge the batteries [160]. The
crucial objectives in [160] were to optimize energy storage where 𝑃𝑡 is the total power of the transmitter, 𝜆 is the
coupled with a flight path trajectory based on the allocation wavelength of the RF signals, 𝑑 denotes the distance between
of available power. However, a sophisticated path-scheduling transmitter and receiver, while 𝐺 𝑡 and 𝐺 𝑟 are the transmitter
algorithm was called for by the constraints of strict moving tra- and receiver gains, respectively.
jectories and flight altitudes. To this end, Sun et al. examined The charging distance of this approach can be much further
a design with optimal joint resource allocation including 3-D than that of near-field wireless charging, i.e., up to several tens
position, power, and subcarrier for a solar-powered UAV [161]. of km. Furthermore, the power inversion efficiency obtained
Unfortunately, the assumption of constant aerodynamic power- is significantly high at up to 84% at 5.8 dBm cumulative
consumption in [161] is unrealistic because it still depends received RF power [169]. In particular, the energy efficiency
on flight velocity. For this issue, they further investigated a parameter, 𝛿, can be estimated by the ratio of the output of
communication system with a multicarrier solar-based UAV usable electrical power, 𝑃 𝐷𝐶 , and the received RF power, 𝑃𝑟 ,

1553-877X (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
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as [168] optimization algorithm to maximize average throughput, with

𝑃 𝐷𝐶 ABSs functioning as an original energy source to supply
. 𝛿= (14)
𝑃𝑟 multiple terrestrial devices. To this end, they designed a
Next, we invoke two ARAN scenarios applying RF wireless harvest-transmit-store strategy.
charging strategies, where ABSs act as either (i) powered A summary of energy replenishment contributions is pre-
devices recharged by terrestrial macro base stations or (ii) sented in Table. VI.
wireless power supply to user devices.
a) ABSs as Powered Devices: This category includes the
B. Operational Management
works wherein ABSs are powered by terrestrial macro base
stations using RF wireless charging technology. For instance, This subsection addresses three foundational pillars relating
the work in [170] investigated a wireless charging method for to operational management planes: network softwarization,
a micro-UAV operating at a frequency of 5.9 GHz, where the mobile cloudization, and data mining.
batteries were replenished via an integrated rectifier antenna 1) Network Softwarization: Network softwarization plays
with approximately 5 W of transmit power. A design for a crucial role in harmonizing network and computational re-
the power receiving side of a wireless charging system for sources across multiple tiers in ARANs [181], a.k.a. software-
ABS applications was proposed in [171]. The results reported defined networking (SDN). To this end, network softwariza-
in [171] indicated that the proposed method achieved an en- tion improves programmable network management control,
ergy conversion efficiency of more than 77%. Long et al. [172] enabling global visibility through a central orchestrator [182],
developed a framework to energize ABSs using a hybrid of [183]. As a result, ARANs are empowered with abilities to
the EH and RF wireless charging methods. The framework (i) provide network operators with enhanced control, situa-
consists of communication and networking architectures as tional awareness, and flexibility, (ii) coordinate interference
well as protocols designed for realizing multidimensional avoidance, and (iii) facilitate interoperability between network
objectives of a charging system to significantly prolong the nodes.
continuous operating lifetime of ABSs. The authors in [173] Typical publications that applied the network softwariza-
conducted research that investigated the possibility of using tion architecture to ARAN were perused. In [184], Zhao et
resonant beam charging to replenish the energy for ABSs and al. proposed an SDN-UAV architecture where SDN-integrated
achieved the anticipated results. Moreover, they considered the UAV-based radio networks are deployed with separate data
joint optimization of the ABSs’ trajectory and the recharging and control planes, and the behaviors of UAVs are controlled
station’s power. Lahmeri et al. in [174] proved that at least by providing network programmability. The results in [184]
6 laser beaming directors per 10 km2 are required to ensure show that a controller can successfully consider circumstantial
probable energy coverage of above 0.9. Meanwhile, Ouyang et information related to a global UAV group to select the
al. solved the problem of jointly optimizing the transmit power most suitable flight path route trajectory and avoid collisions
allocation and trajectory of ABSs [175]. Chen et al. in [176] among multiple UAVs. The work in [185] incorporates SDN
proved the feasibility of this laser approach with an energy deployment in the LAP/HAP tiers, where an SDN controller
conversion efficiency of up to 17.55%. However, this laser based on a monitoring platform can make intelligent opti-
beaming method requires safety measures under Federal Com- mization decisions owing to its ability to learn and synthesize
munications Commission (FCC) regulations in residential and network information gathered by ABSs. In considerations of
industrial areas where human health must be protected and the ABSs’ power limitation, a load-balancing algorithm was
managed. proposed. Xiong at al. [186] studied an SDN structure for
b) ABSs as Power Supply: In this category, once ABSs ABS ad hoc topologies, where the network supports flexible
have more available energy, they can be considered as an aerial data transmission among payloads, adapts to frequent change,
power supply to simultaneously energize massive numbers and improves the security of the network topology. In [187],
of low-power user devices. For instance, the work in [177] the security management of automatic orchestration, deploy-
examined optimal energy allocation in the context of a wireless ment, and configuration in the MEC-LAP/HAP networks was
sensor network energized by dynamic ABSs using RF wire- considered. In this context, an integration of SDN orchestration
less charging technology. By exploiting the ABSs’ trajectory and network function virtualization (NFV) considered several
approach, Xu et al. proposed the first work on characterizing contextual virtual and physical conditions and metrics for
the energy obtainable by terrestrial users through ABS-enabled coordination in ABSs.
wireless power transfer [178]. The authors deployed their A large-scale implementation of conventional SDNs, known
approach among multiple terrestrial users, where the optimal as Loon SDN, has been exploited to optimally interoperate
trajectory subject to flying velocity constraints was considered and coordinate complex networks, especially aerospace net-
to maximize the energy received by users and minimize energy works [188]. Here integrated terrestrial and aerial segments,
consumption. Furthermore, Su et al. [179] recently introduced corresponding to ground and LAP/HAP/LEO platforms in the
a dynamic bipartite matching mechanism, where ABSs act ARAN network architecture, are considered in view of the
as wireless power chargers to replenish the energy of low- packet routing and physical wireless topology. Regarding LEO
power terrestrial devices with maximal charging efficiency. communication systems, the work in [189] deployed a use-
To jointly optimize charging efficiency and communication case study of an SDN-enabled LEO satellite space segment
throughput maximization, [180] applied a time and power that considers dynamically changing traffic demands based on

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
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Ref. Technology Main contributions

[127] Electrical charging for UAVs from stations
[128] Conventional charging station Replacing UAV’s exhausted batteries from charging stations
[132] Optimized costs, security, power-consumption, and low latency for an ABS swarm
Commercial T-UAVs with the various supported maximum tethered lengths up to 130 m as well as the
[137]–[144] capability of unlimited flight duration
Tethered technology The significant out-performance is achieved when using the help from T-UAVs’ energy replenishment
[59], [136] perspectives compared to U-UAVs
[148] A planar coil misalignment to recharge UAV batteries and reduce weight of UAV onboard components
Inductive charging
[149] Fast wireless charging prototype for HAP components at 450-W power recharging in the 85-kHz band
[150] Powering UAV batteries and solving the problems of endurance
Magnetic resonance charging
[151] An optimal design for UAVs to maintain stable energy transmission efficiency
[154] More than 24 h of continuous operation for UAVs
[156] Up to 28 h of continuous UAV operation
[157] The impact of daytime hours of flight for a solar-powered UAV
[158] The impact of light intensity and ambient temperature on solar EH efficiency of UAVs
[159] Solar EH The impact of temperature and solar irradiance intensity on solar-based UAVs for optimal operation
[160] Joint optimal path scheduling and power allocation for a UAV with PV cells
[161] Joint optimal 3-D position, power, and subcarrier for a solar-powered UAV
[162] Joint optimal solar EH, power consumption, onboard energy storage, and users’ QoS requirements
[153] The intelligent power mechanism using ML regarding the flight altitude of solar-based UAVs
[163] Thermal EH Harvesting the waste thermal energy from a UAV processor to prolong flight time
[164] Wind EH A dynamic soaring technique to harvest wind energy and reduce the UAVs energy consumption
[166] Vibration EH A piezoelectric harvester integrated into UAV platforms to extend the flight duration
[167] Solar and vibration EH An onboard UAV hybrid model to support higher energy efficiency
[172] EH and RF wireless charging Prolongation of the continuous operating lifetime of ABSs via combination frameworks
[170] Replenishing batteries via an integrated rectifier antenna with approximately 5-W transmission power
[171] More than 77% energy conversion efficiency via power on the receiving side of ABSs
[173] Joint optimal ABSs’ trajectory and the recharging station power
[174] At least six laser beaming directors are required to ensure the ABSs coverage probability per 10 km2
[175] Joint optimal transmission power allocation and ABSs’ trajectory
[176] RF wireless charging Up to 17.55% of energy conversion efficiency for UAVs via the laser beaming approach
[177] Optimal energy allocation for dynamic ABS networks
[178] Optimal UAV’s trajectory subject to flying velocity constraint for optimal energy efficiency
[179] A dynamic bipartite matching mechanism with maximal charging efficiency for ABS networks
[180] Jointly-optimized charging efficiency and communication throughput maximization

geographical position and end users’ time zones. Recently, this cooperation that develops the ability to reduce latency and
research group has also further investigated an SDN with LEO power consumption as well as improve the scalability and
constellation based on programmable and reconfigurable con- efficiency of end user information exchange in an ARAN.
cepts [119]. Here, programmable SDN controllers that update A similar approach with excellent results between edge and
the forwarding rules of data plane devices are integrated with cloud computing and one more feature at high long term
the control logic. Additionally, the authors in [190] devised performance in online environments for ABS swarms is also
a virtual network based on an orchestration model to realize examined in [195]. Furthermore, a joint optimization in data
virtual resource management for LEO satellite networks. allocation, trajectory, and energy consumption is achieved for
2) Mobile Cloudization: Mobile cloudization encompasses UAV-assisted MEC systems in [196], where a UAV plays the
computing resources at all tiers of the ARAN and responds on role of a computing server to provide computational offloading
demand to the flexibility of network resource allocation [2], from the multiple mobile users’ tasks. One more valuable
[191], [192]. As investigated in Section III-C, the application contribution is found in [197], where the proposed system
of mobile cloudization includes mutual assistance scenarios model belongs to the category of Fig. 7 (b). In this work,
between ABSs and computing platforms; prime examples are the authors envisioned a visual target tracking experiment test
shown in Fig. 7. In these contexts, ARANs benefit from mobile using deep learning (DL) for a trained convolutional neural
cloudization capabilities for computational offloading in terms network (CNN) model. The lower layers of a CNN deployed
of energy efficiency and latency reduction. on a UAV can provide sufficient tracking performance in good
For instance, the issue of offloading highly intensive compu- image quality conditions, whereas the higher layers at the
tational tasks to LAP/HAP tiers with MEC capability to reduce MEC server are used in conditions of poor image quality.
energy overhead and execution delay is reviewed in [193]. In addition, other constraints such as resource sharing among
Meanwhile, the work in [194] studied fog-cloud computing multiple UAVs and bandwidth for communicating between

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
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UAVs and MEC servers are considered as well, showing sig- aspects such as coverage spanning, tracking of targets and
nificant performance benefits from an MEC implementation. infrastructure objects, energy efficient navigation, and image
Regarding cloudization in LEO satellite systems, the authors analysis assessment.
in [198] investigated an LEO satellite constellation with nano- Regarding LEO tiers, Ferreira et al. [209] devised and
satellites and CubeSats using fog computing. To realize fog deployed reinforcement learning for LEO satellite communi-
computing, satellite computers were included in each of the cations. ML decisions based on reinforcement learning were
distributed satellites [199]. This achieved several advantages used to configure a satellite link from an LEO constellation
including (i) delay value of round-trip IoT data transmission to a ground station to promote high throughput, low bit error
time, (ii) data processing time of IoT devices, (iii) orbital rate, bandwidth optimization, and reduced power consump-
distributed database transmission time, and (iv) computational tion. From another perspective, the work in [210] described
load balancing through the LEO satellite IoT System’s orbital the use of a LEO satellite dataset recorded at a terrestrial
distributed computing network. An edge computing imple- optical observatory, used along with ML strategies to produce
mentation in LEO satellite networks is reviewed in [110], higher resolution image recovery on degraded image sets
where a user device without an edge server nearby also and perform image interpretability assessment. Subsequently,
enjoyed edge computing services via satellite links. Moreover, Chen et al. introduced a novel ML application for estimating
to achieve parallel computation in LEO–terrestrial networks, precipitation based on LEO satellite observations, where an
a cooperative computation offloading model was designed ML platform was used to enhance estimation accuracy [211].
and simultaneously integrated with network resources via a Especially in [212], multitier LAP/HAP/LEO communication
dynamic NFV technique. systems in ARANs and ground stations were used to inves-
3) Data Mining: This subsection presents the results of tigate DL algorithms and training method implementation to
our investigation of data mining techniques as another key improve various aspects of network performance.
enabler for achieving optimal targets such as reducing en-
ergy consumption, improving network security, sharing work-
load across an entire network, increasing bandwidth, self- C. Data Delivery
organizing networking configurations, achieving autonomous This subsection provides readers with the enabling tech-
training operations, handling mobile big data, and analyzing nologies that support data delivery in ARANs. In this regard,
mobility [200], [201]. Data mining is defined as the process key technologies for addressing particular issues such as
of applying specific algorithms to extract useful patterns from frequency spectrum, communication protocol, and multiaccess
data to feed further activities such as feature prediction and approaches are introduced.
optimal action decision making [202]. In ARAN architecture 1) Frequency Spectrum: As mentioned regarding the
models, the data is an entire information set located on net- ARAN architecture above, mobile wireless technologies such
work nodes such as LAP/HAP/LEO components and terrestrial as 5G NR and Wi-Fi are considered to support links among
devices. By exploiting the value of data mining, machine ABSs at LAP/HAP tiers and between ABSs and (terrestrial
learning (ML) can provide solutions for simultaneous massive and aerial) users. 5G NR and Wi-Fi operate at various fre-
numbers of user connections in a dynamic, heterogeneous, and quency bands including sub-6 and THz frequencies in both
unpredictable network resource such as ARANs in the context the licensed and unlicensed spectra [213]. Motivated by this,
of 6G [203]. the work in [207] demonstrated that ultra-high-speed wireless
The work in [204] reviewed applications of DL for backhaul can be achieved using 3-D beamforming for ABSs
LAP/HAP components and services where the main appli- in the mmWave bands, significantly improving flexibility and
cation scenarios were feature extraction, planning, situational reducing the comparative cost of wired backhaul in terrestrial
awareness, and motion control. Conversely, the work in [205] networks. The author in [214] proposed a mmWave UAV mesh
surveyed the application of deep reinforcement learning to network using a fast beam-tracking mechanism to provide
address issues emerging in multitier LAP/HAP systems as well ultra-high-speed wireless backhaul between UAVs and relays
as communications such as data rate control, dynamic network for terrestrial base stations. Meanwhile, an efficient channel
access, wireless caching, network security, data offloading, tracking strategy was proposed for mmWave UAV commu-
connectivity preservation, traffic routing, resource sharing, and nications, where the complexity of the downlink channel
data collection. In [206], a deployment of DL for the UAV- tracking was significantly decreased by improving both angle
enabled MEC network was exploited to minimize the energy and Doppler reciprocities [215]. With regard to LEO satellite
consumption and the weighted sum of latency. Meanwhile, the systems, seamless integration of ultra-broadband short-range
work in [40] provided a comprehensive survey on using ABS- wireless network segments into satellite constellations was de-
assisted cellular communications, where ML algorithms were vised to provide multigigabit multimedia to nomadic users via
used for data popularity analysis for trajectory and placement mmWave satellite links [216]. The study achieved advantages
purposes. From the standpoint of cybersecurity, the work of increased throughout and reduced latency in the proposed
in [207] provided a comprehensive research on LAP/HAP network. The authors in [217] introduced two technological
systems and communications from a cyber physical security enablers applying to mmWave satellite-terrestrial communica-
perspective. Furthermore, the authors in [208] provided a com- tions, which were a smart antenna approach and programmable
prehensive survey of multi-UAV systems, where ML is applied intelligent management to enhance mobile broadband access
for fine-grained cyberphysical applications, highlighting key in denser conditions.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
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Furthermore, THz frequency spectrum bands (i.e., 0.1– a) Massive MIMO: It is well known that a large volume
10 THz) higher than mmWave are discussed with regard to of data signals can be transmitted and received simultane-
LAP/HAP/LEO communication links. These THz bands are ously in the spatial domain by equipping many independently
utilized for LEO satellite links [218], using reconfigurable controlled antennas to participate in network nodes, known
intelligent surface (RIS) technology to compensate for the as massive MIMO [225]. Additionally, beamforming, based
high path loss at high carrier frequencies, leading to improve- on a highly directional antenna beam, can be considered as
ments in signal-to-noise ratio, i.e., it significantly improves one of the effective solutions to achieve sufficient antenna
system performance. Meanwhile, [219] explored the use of gain to overcome path loss, handle multipath and interfer-
THz bands between micro-satellites and ground stations, in a ence phenomena, and ensure a high signal-to-noise ratio at
scenario where THz quantum entanglement distribution and output [226].
THz quantum key distribution are suitable for deployment Returning to ARAN networks, Chandhar et al. introduced a
to achieve desirable high performance. In the context of massive MIMO deployment to a LAP-based (e.g., UAV/drone
LAP/HAP communications, the authors in [220] presented swarms) network [227], where multiple single-antenna UAVs
MIMO links in a UAV swarm using orthogonal frequency di- simultaneously communicate with a multiantenna ground sta-
vision multiplexing in the THz band, reaching millimeter-scale tion. This work established the optimal antenna distance
positioning accuracy with respect to separation of dimension, and demonstrated that the ergodic rate per UAV reached
bandwidth, and transmitter-receiver array. a maximal value because UAVs are spherically evenly dis-
2) Communication Protocol: As particularly analyzed in tributed around a ground station with an antenna distance
Section III-C, URLLC communications are considered one respecting an integer multiple number of half a wavelength.
of the most promising protocols to accommodate ARANs’ The authors in [228] provided support for multiuser massive
broad coverage, low latency, and ultra-reliability towards 6G MIMO systems by UAVs, where the UAV downlink control
requirements. Although ARANs and URLLC have a mutual and command channel was considered under realistic 3GPP
supportive relation, this section is dedicated to reviewing assumptions. The results from [228] hold that the massive
URLLC communication as an enabler from the perspective MIMO utilized with UAV communications can significantly
of ARANs. improve system performance across several typical parameters
For instance, the authors in [221] provided an assessment such as spatial multiplexing gain, interference mitigation, and
of short packet communications in a UAV-IoT network, where carrier signal strength. Similarly, a UAV network assisted by
spectrum sharing based on intelligent radio strategies pro- a cell-free massive MIMO architecture where Rician fading
grams and dynamically configures the use of the optimized is examined to obtain a closed-form expression of spectral
wireless channels to avoid user interference and congestion. efficiency was studied in [229]. In addition, user scheduling
This work invokes the concept of deploying blocklengths as and power allocation strategies were proposed and shown to
short as possible to reduce latency and meet URLLC ser- provide superior performance.
vice expectations for reliable communications between UAVs A massive MIMO channel model for LEO satellite systems
and IoT devices. In [222], non-orthogonal multiple access was established in [230], where Doppler and time delay
(NOMA)-based URLLC communications in ARANs without compensation techniques and user grouping algorithms were
any assistance from terrestrial base stations was analyzed. proposed. The study presented a user grouping algorithm aim-
The authors minimized a block error rate by appropriately ing to schedule access for terrestrial end users using the same
narrowing the beam width to improve transmission distance time and frequency resources for various groups. In brief, the
and communication reliability on access links. The beam data rate of LEO satellite systems was significantly improved
width reduction was adopted via a user grouping approach to by massive MIMO model. The work in [231] designed a
reduce coverage of areas with no users. Additionally, the work massive MIMO with downlink transmission for LEO satellite
in [100] investigated a framework for enabling URLLC in the communications, where all participating nodes are equipped
context of LAP/HAP systems with control and non-payload with uniform planar arrays. The maximization of the ergodic
communications, where a modified distributed multiantenna sum-rate was achieved via a low-complexity algorithm for
system was adopted to judiciously optimize UAVs’ altitude, Lagrangian multiplier optimization and provided the expected
the uplink and downlink duration, and the antenna configura- performance improvement.
tion. From the standpoint of LEO satellite segments, the work b) NOMA: The NOMA concept has been widely utilized
in [223] proposed a power-efficient control link algorithm to in various communication schemes as being advantageous for
minimize total power consumption and response reliability enhancing network performance by improving spectrum ef-
by adopting URLLC communications for the satellite links ficiency, increasing capacity, decreasing transmission latency,
in the context of ARANs. In addition, the literature review heightening throughput, and enabling data transmission among
in [224] showed that URLLC communications can support a vast array of UEs that simultaneously request access [232],
ultra-reliability as well as low latency requirements within tens [233]. There are several publications concerned with the
of milliseconds for LEO constellations in ARANs. advantages of the NOMA concept and its integration with
3) Multiaccess: From a multiaccess perspective, massive LAP/HAP/LEO communications. Chu et al. [234] investi-
MIMO, NOMA, and RIS are considered the main tech- gated an LEO-terrestrial network of satellites equipped with
nological enablers to further enhance an ARAN network’s multibeam technology, considering massive access using the
performance. NOMA scheme. Two robust beamforming algorithms were

1553-877X (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 01:04:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
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proposed to minimize total power consumption. Using a RF wireless charging are summarized in Table VI. It is
similar approach, Gao et al. [235] contributed to the NOMA observed that the conventional energy trading techniques such
technique used in LEO satellite communications, achieving a as a charging station and ABS swapping are inefficient and
significantly enhanced performance relating to ergodic capac- less dynamic. Although the energy replenishment techniques
ity, outage probability, and mutual information. of renewable energy sources and RF wireless charging are
In the manner of LAP/HAP communications, Nasir et promising solutions for ARANs enabling sustainable services,
al. [236] deployed a UAV-assisted network to provide a large joint optimization of the charging efficiency and communi-
number of terrestrial UEs with multiconnection capability cation objectives (e.g., throughput maximization and service
using the NOMA technique, where a path-following algorithm availability) considering user mobility and QoS requires fur-
was proposed to reach the optimal max-min rate. The work ther investigation. Next, Section IV-B presents recent advances
in [237] employed beamforming based on the arriving signals’ in operational management, which can be listed as network
angle and an array of antennas using the NOMA strategy for softwarization, mobile cloudization, and data mining. While
HAP networks to improve performance by reducing the bit network softwarization is beneficial for ARANs with the
error rate. A contribution to the integration of MIMO and abilities to (i) provide greater control, situational awareness,
NOMA for UAV-assisted networks can be found in [238], in and flexibility, (ii) coordinate interference avoidance, and (iii)
which, as expected, the outage probability and ergodic rate facilitate interoperability among network nodes, ARANs are
improved. The diversity order and high signal-to-noise ratio further enabled by mobile cloudization with computational
slope were also confirmed. More recently, the integration of offloading in terms of energy efficiency and latency reduction.
NOMA into UAV-assisted visible light communications was Additionally, another key enabler for achieving some optimal
investigated in [239] to maximize the total sum-rate under performance perspectives in ARANs’ scopes towards 6G is
QoS requirements and various constraints. presented in the data mining subsection. Nevertheless, cooper-
c) RIS: The novel concept of RIS has been recently ative resource management in 3-D space is needed for efficient
devised [240], where a joint combination of phase control, utilization of the limited computation, communication, storage,
angles of incident RF signals, and reflecting phases can be and battery capacity of ABSs. More specifically, important
arbitrarily adjusted to create a desirable multipath effect to challenges such as optimal power control, placement of con-
improve the received signal power or mitigate interference. As tent on the ABSs, user device association, ABS trajectory
mentioned in [218] in the high-frequency spectrum subsection, optimization, and computation resource allocation need further
RIS has been integrated into LEO satellite communications at investigation. Ultimately, data delivery perspectives including
THz bands with good results. Moreover, an RIS approximately (i) prospective employment of mmWave and THz frequency
the size of two large billboards could significantly improve spectrums, (ii) URLLC protocol utilization, and (iii) advanced
the signal-to-noise ratio of LEO-terrestrial satellite links as multiaccess based on massive MIMO, NOMA, and RIS are
demonstrated in [241]. Meanwhile, Hua et al. [242] studied a within the review of Section IV-C. As 6G is expected to
UAV-assisted RIS radio system, where a passive beamforming exploit higher frequency bands, designing an effective and
technique was applied by the RIS to enhance UAV trans- efficient mobility management scheme for these frequency
mission. The joint optimization of a UAV’s trajectory, RIS bands deserves to be investigated. Furthermore, an adaptive
scheduling, and RIS phase shift matrix was also considered bandwidth resource allocation scheme considering the distri-
in this contribution. In [243], the joint optimization of active bution of terrestrial users’ traffic, line-of-sight interference,
beamforming toward a UAV, passive beamforming toward the mobility, and positioning of UAVs’ is an important avenue
RIS, and the trajectory of the UAV were achieved in RIS- of future research.
assisted UAV communications. The results in this publication
have demonstrated that this scheme outperforms other bench- V. A PPLICATION S CENARIOS
mark schemes regarding feasibility and efficacy. Furthermore,
As aforementioned in Section II, hierarchical ARAN ar-
the integrating concept among IRS, mmWave beamforming,
chitectures provide heterogeneous communication capabilities
and ML approaches was invoked in the supporting context of
from multiple tiers with distinct functionality and features.
a UAV network [244]. The preliminary results in [244] has
As a result, ARAN supports a broad range of emerging
revealed that the reflection coefficient of an IRS-based UAV
applications and services such as wireless coverage expansion,
can be optimized to achieve maximum downlink capacity,
aerial surveillance, precision agriculture, and commercial de-
and the RL approach can further significantly improve system
livery. Depending on the networking requirements, we classify
performance compared to a scheme without RL deployment.
applications into three categories: event-based, scheduled, and
D. Summary and Discussion permanent communications. The details are described below.
In brief, three key technological pillars for emerging
ARANs including energy replenishment, operational manage- A. Event-based Communications
ment, and data delivery have been reviewed. In particular, Event-based communications define application scenarios
Section IV-A investigates energy replenishment, which is the in which networking infrastructures are temporarily required
foremost limiting aspect in ARAN realization to overcome to provide and/or boost communication services for short
battery constraints. Three primary categories of energy re- duration events. As prime examples in this category, disaster
plenishment in ARANs including charging stations, EH, and and SAR scenarios are investigated.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
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1) Disaster: Emergency management systems currently (e.g., device-to-device, IoT, UAVs, cellular, mobile ad-hoc,
depend on the wireless communication infrastructure. When and satellite networks) inter-linked for post-disaster emergency
large-scale disasters or catastrophes occur in an area, the communication services. These cooperative networks support
communication infrastructures are often severely damaged. recovery and ensure failure detection, failure recovery, and the
Despite some communication components remaining func- localization of failures that occur owing to disasters.
tional, the communication systems have to deal with network 2) SAR: Regarding SAR application scenarios, the authors
congestion. This leads to various problems for emergency in [252] proposed a multiobjective optimization algorithm
service providers, such as difficulty in acquiring real-time for a UAV swarm aiming to find a targeted object and
information from users. To this end, the work in [245] establish continuous communication between the target and
demonstrated that UAVs/drones are suitable for deployment, terrestrial personnel as rapidly as possible. It is recognized
where these networking devices are configured to form an that overall mission completion times have been significantly
impermanent cluster providing base station functions. The reduced prosegmentally to the number of deployed UAVs.
proposed cluster including multiple UAVs forming hexagonal Another work in [253] similarly elaborated on emergencies
cells was investigated. Regardless of the initial deployment where multiple UAVs are assigned for SAR missions as
topology, the UAV clusters self-organize and operate as a rapidly as possible such that the maximum number of people
temporary access infrastructure to provide reliable airborne are saved. The proposed algorithm’s performance has been
communication links. Furthermore, to enhance the ability to compared to other algorithms (e.g., multi-UAV task allocation
detect and secure emergency services in disasters, proposals and opportunistic task allocation) in terms of mission duration
on photogrammetry and geocomputing based on UAV-assisted and survivor rescue rate, and has demonstrated superior per-
functions are investigated in [246]. In these proposals, the formance. Furthermore, the work in [254] described several
UAVs’ main uses are given as (i) regular scheduling to monitor useful mechanisms for sound source enhancement, sound
and map land features and their transformation over time to source localization, and robust communication, where these
anticipate potential hazards and disasters, (ii) observing human approaches were applied to a UAV conducting SAR missions
activities during an emergency, (iii) altering telecommunica- with a microphone array to enhance rescue performance in
tions components when they are damaged in disasters, and outdoor conditions.
(iv) delivering essential materials to disaster-stricken isolated The proposed model in [255] was designed to utilize LEO
areas. For instance, the authors in [247] presented several satellite systems as follows. (i) Life vests are equipped with a
platforms (e.g., UAVs/IoT-based or inter-integration strategies) global positioning system (GPS) receiver to simplify location
for disaster management, where the information harvested services and send information at low cost with high data
by UAVs in disaster-affected areas can be analyzed to make integrity to remote locations, and with health sensors to
timely and correct decisions on the assistance for people in quickly detect any health problems as well as maximize QoS
these localities. A schedule for data collection that especially and delivery probability. (ii) These life vests can be consid-
considers the energy-efficiency of UAVs is also considered in ered an ad-hoc sensor network communicating with an LEO
this contribution. Additionally, UAV applications for assessing satellite system via a satellite master node. (iii) LEO satellite
the damage to cultural heritage sites after earthquakes have terminals are used to provide long-range connectivity between
been also considered in [248]. As an example, the Sulamani a satellite master node and a terrestrial satellite gateway, and
Pagoda in Bagan, Myanmar was severely damaged by a (iv) distress signals are forwarded to a mission control center to
strong earthquake on August 24, 2016. This work revealed assist in planning rescue missions accordingly. The proposed
the classification of the point cloud strategies for UAV-based system’s experimental results demonstrated its capability to
functions intended to distinguish damaged parts of the pagoda improve performance and ensure the high reliability of data
as well as analyze and quantify the level of damage at this transmissions for maritime emergency communications.
architectural heritage site.
With the help of LEO satellite systems, satellite image
analysis enhances disaster detection accuracy improvement B. Scheduled Communications
capabilities to undertake rescue missions, coordinate relief Scheduled communications cover scenarios where the
efforts, and respond to disasters, etc. in a rapid, timely, and ARAN components fly on a predefined path to provide users
efficient manner as well as to identify the extent of the with networking services of a given duration. Two primary
damage. Amit et al. [249] exploited an automatic disaster examples of this category, aerial surveillance and smart agri-
detection system based on DL techniques to analyze images culture, are discussed in this subsection.
collected from LEO satellites. The experimental results mainly 1) Aerial Surveillance: Airborne surveillance using
focus on two disasters (e.g., flood and landslide) in Japan UAVs/drones is well known as a thoroughly complete,
and Thailand and demonstrated an accuracy of 80%–90% flexible, and unique solution for several special use cases
in disaster detection for both. Meanwhile, a framework for such as ensuring territorial integrity and national security,
change detection in flood and fire disasters was introduced resource exploration in dangerous areas, wildfire and oil
in [250]. Based on DL algorithms using satellite images, spill detection, and environmental surveillance. In [256],
81.2% and 83.5% detection accuracy are obtained respectively Rossi et al. proposed a modular embedded sensing system
for flood and fire disasters. Moreover, the work in [251] in which UAVs carried sensors used for measuring reducing
provided an overview of several communication paradigms gases. Furthermore, a monitoring algorithm for gas leakage

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localization was proposed, which considers optimizing 8’s data has been widely utilized in various publications
UAV flight duration and energy consumption. A practical including satellite field support for smart agriculture because
model for an aerial surveillance system using drones was of its high spatial resolution. Particularly, in this contribution,
proposed in [257]. The advantages of this proposed system the tested model for land monitoring attained an accuracy of
are real-time monitoring with audio, extended operating up to 93%. Other works [267], [268] were conducted based
time, and multimode operation at an affordable cost. Inspired on this Landsat 8 data (i.e., satellite-based data). It further
by this work, many reports investigated various interesting encompassed these approaches to LAP/HAP components as
aspects under considerations including surveillance in remote well. Along with the linkage between satellite and drone/UAV
areas [258], extended coverage with an energy-efficient data, larger scale precision monitoring in agriculture has been
routing path scheme under resolution constraints [259], and achieved.
mobility-aware control mechanisms for cooperative drones
via heterogeneous Wi-Fi and satellite networks [260].
C. Permanent Communications
Specifically, the UAV-based model proposed in [258] can
be used where dense foresting obstructs the detection of risks Permanent communications involve application scenarios
and hidden activities, e.g., guerilla activities. By using thermal where networking services are required continuously over
cameras, UAVs can monitor and report minute details of a long period. Prime examples in this category are smart
these hidden activities. The proposed system is suitable for city applications such as urban monitoring, advanced health-
reconnaissance by army forces or for surveillance in remote care services, and intelligent transportation systems (ITSs)
areas that cannot be reached by human beings. In addition, as well as networking infrastructure for remote and isolated
a UAV-based network with the operating scheme proposed areas [269].
in [259] can be deployed in a geometrically complex target 1) Urban Monitoring: In contrast to UAV-based aerial
area. It can capture images of a specified spatial resolution. surveillance applications mentioned in the scheduled com-
The authors of this contribution also investigated the solutions munication category, which focus on control algorithms as
to a routing problem to reduce a UAV cluster’s maximum well as detection of unusual movement, research on urban
energy consumption to attain better coverage. Meanwhile, a monitoring typically focuses on solutions for collecting real-
control problem in a heterogeneous network was examined time multimedia data with surveillance systems. A design for
under three scenarios in [260]. In particular, a cooperative a UAV assisted urban monitoring system under tactile Internet
UAVs-based surveillance system operates under the control of constraints was examined in [270]. This work proposed tactile
a server via ground base stations (access points) through Wi-Fi Internet architecture to determine system elements’ compli-
and satellite communications. Based on the function of UAVs ance with tactile Internet requirements in a 5G ecosystem.
in a cluster under multiple constraints, the control mechanism In addition, Jin et al. [271] proposed four algorithms: (i)
automatically adjusts the distance between the cluster and UAV placement, (ii) addressing the bi-objective fragile bin
access points in terms of Multipath TCP. The results reveal packing problem, (iii) obtaining circles for a complete graph,
that the designed system can operate stably and support robust and (iv) refining UAV candidate routes. In this network, a UAV
bandwidth. cluster functioning as ABSs forms a rectangular boundary in
2) Smart Agriculture: In smart agriculture, farmers use optimal positions to provide reliable, real-time, and feasible
UAVs not only for crop spraying but also for many functions services while operating in a heterogeneous communication
including crop monitoring and disease detection. The primary environment in a smart city. The authors established that their
feature of smart agriculture is to integrate the latest infor- algorithms improve throughput, video quality, and delay in
mation and communication technologies (ICT) such as IoT, video surveillance systems.
big data, ML, and UAVs into farming operations [261]–[264]. 2) Health Care: Applying advanced networking technolo-
In [265] many kinds of UAVs equipped with suitable sensors, gies for healthcare can significantly reduce healthcare ex-
and cases of UAVs being used in smart farming scenarios penditure for both government and citizens, in particular to
were thoroughly reviewed. In particular, multitier ARANs can the elderly who need daily assistance. Recently, electronic
be exploited for many potential agricultural applications, such healthcare (e-health) services provided electronically via the
as weed management, crop health monitoring, plant counting Internet are being gradually formed to provide ubiquitous,
and numbering, pest management, and assessing plant quality. continuous, and personalized medical assistance. The authors
It is clear that an integrated system with the aforementioned in [272] proposed a smart UAV-assisted healthcare architecture
functions would be very useful to farmers. to solve the limitations on the Internet of Medical Things in
Furthermore, smart agriculture applications based on accu- body area networks (BANs). Particularly, a UAV connects to
rate land monitoring for timely support actions to ensure safe multiple BANs via wake-up radio-based communication in
food production need remote sensing and satellite data for a star topology. The UAVs function as data collectors with
cheap and timely paddy mapping. With this as motivation, the efficient power consumption. In [273], the UAVs’ positioning
work in [266] introduced a contribution to the development in a service area was examined to ensure the minimum
of an autonomous and intelligent agriculture system built number of serving UAVs in the network for each patient to be
using available LEO satellite data. A novel multitemporal within their coverage area. Besides, the positioning problem,
high-spatial-resolution classification method was applied to a UAV services are also considered under the constraint that
testbed based on a case study of the Landsat 8 data. Landsat the collected health data must be efficiently processed. The

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authors proved that their particle-swarm optimization-based continuous location updates, more complex navigation strate-
algorithm could significantly reduce the number of UAVs gies must be adopted. Global navigation satellite systems
used for e-healthcare services under data-driven constraints. are the potential candidates that demonstrated two major
Subsequently, for decentralized secure and reliable data link- aspects of ITSs and location-based applications to provide
ing between the UAVs and other entities, a scheme that accurate global position, velocity, and time data where they
applies blockchain-based outdoor medical delivery, namely are supported by LEO satellite systems. The authors in [284]
VAHAK, was proposed in [274]. Performance analysis pa- introduced critical problems that can be expressed as follows.
rameters relating to scalability, bandwidth, latency, and data In addition to classical inertial measurement devices (e.g.,
storage cost were investigated to prove the efficacy of using accelerometers or high/low-grade gyroscopes), there are sev-
VAHAK in health care services. Conversely, the research eral other types of signals and sensors such as barometers,
work in [275] proposed a framework for exchanging medical magnetometers, cameras, mobile network signals, and signals
information when medical devices are distributed in many of opportunity to be considered. Such signals and sensors
scattered locations. Specifically, medical data from patients that are integrated into navigation systems can be assessed
in remote/rural areas are directly transmitted via secure and and used for autonomous mobility to deploy ITS applications
robust satellite links. Similarly, to improve global access to appropriately.
e-health, especially for remote rural communities, Anema et 4) Networking in Underserved Areas: In [285], UAVs were
al. [276] reviewed Canadian space technology applications assigned as intermediate aerial nodes to improve coverage as
using LEO connections for e-healthcare. well as boost the system capacity. In this system, UAVs create
3) ITSs: According to development trends in ITSs, vehicle multiple intermediate links to connect users in macro cells and
components with autonomous properties will be integrated small cells. The proposed system is evaluated according to sev-
into systems forming a large-scale ITS. This leads to many eral performance parameters: network delay, throughput cov-
opportunities for new services as well as new applications erage, and spectral efficiency. Compared to systems without
to be introduced with the support of 6G wireless networks, UAV assistance, it can improve efficiency by up to 38% and
e.g., flying taxi service. In the next-generation ITSs, trans- reduce delays by up to 37.5%. Therefore, this model is suitable
port automation needs to be fully implemented, not only for areas with high demand for connections. Similarly, the
automating the vehicles but also including the automation of foundation of an airborne wireless cellular network was first
remaining components such as roads and end-to-end transport introduced in [286]. By cooperating with local base stations
systems, e.g., terminal communications, field support teams, and LEO satellite communications, the network establishes
traffic police, road surveys, and rescue teams. This can be a large coverage to provide Internet services for sparsely
realized by the large-scale use of intelligent and reliable populated communities (in forests, deserts, at sea, etc.). In
ARAN components [277]. In some congestion prediction such circumstances, the LEO satellites help to transfer data
problems, the proposed algorithms must count the number of between these localities and the Internet [287].
vehicles circulating in many places in a large region [278].
UAVs with cameras used for traffic monitoring as well as
for data collection produce better results than fixed recording D. Summary and Discussion
detectors permanently installed at traffic intersections because This section presents three emerging application scenar-
the targeting mechanism of UAV is based on the true density. ios based on networking requirements including event-based,
Furthermore, UAVs can act as intermediate agents to in- scheduled, and permanent communications. In particular, Sec-
terconnect either among vehicles or to roadside units in the tion V-A represents existing studies primarily focused on
ITSs to improve the overall quality of experience [279]. In approaches to allow clusters of UAVs to self-organize and
particular, a joint optimization of trajectory planning and automatically form network replacements when the current
resource allocation was investigated for critical data deliv- network needs to be supported in providing and/or boosting
ery in UAV-assisted vehicular networks [280]. Adapting to communication services for short duration events. In addition,
situational changes, a low-complexity trajectory design with UAVs/IoT-based or inter-integration strategies are proposed
minimum communication resources is achieved to fully serve for post-disaster management. Moreover, in this model, LEO
all vehicles. By contrast, the work in [281] considered data satellite systems implementing advanced deep learning tech-
caching and trajectory design of UAVs to support ITSs. A niques are taken into account in detecting and managing
convolutional neural network-based approach was utilized to natural disasters. For SAR application scenarios, related works
maximize network throughput for reliable content delivery. focus on optimization algorithms to control a UAV swarm in
In addition, a dynamic positioning technique for 3-D UAV seeking targeted objects and in establishing transparent and
positions was investigated in [282] to optimize vehicular immediate communication links between the targets and ter-
communications’ QoS. Next, the minimum number of power- restrial personnel. In most event-based application scenarios,
limited UAVs in a swarm involved in the optimal routing LEO satellite systems are utilized as an auxiliary support
scheme with strict considerations of communication delay system to enhance the accuracy of the UAVs assigned to
and energy consumption was addressed in densely crowded SAR missions. With scheduled communications mentioned in
vehicular environments [283]. Section V-B, the proposed works mainly focus on detecting
Additionally, to meet the stringent requirements for ITS unusual activities in cases of aerial surveillance and methods
services with improved reliability, positioning accuracy, and for utilizing UAVs to autonomously perform smart farming

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
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jobs for the other sub-group application. Next, Section V-C and higher spectrum utilization to achieve Tbps connections.
provides researches relevant to smart city applications that In this regard, THz and visible light communications are the
require permanent communications to be deployed. In contrast most promising candidates [22], [290]. Although literature
to applications classified as the scheduled communications has witnessed some breakthroughs in this extremely high
application group (Section V-B), smart city applications (Sec- spectrum exploitation for intra-tier and inter-tier communi-
tion V-C) must deal with tremendous amount of data for cations in ARAN, there exist inevitable challenges ahead
storage and analysis. Consequently, related works in this to realize effective and optimal communications. First, high
Section V-C are primarily designed for UAV-assisted models spectrum communications are sensitive to attenuation because
under tactile Internet constraints, UAV position trajectory op- of environmental condition changes, especially within the 3-D
timization approaches, algorithms to improve throughput and space between ABSs and end users. Therefore, an adaptive
video quality, methods to allow UAVs to function as sufficient channel propagation model and estimation should be carefully
data collection systems to decrease operational costs. Finally, considered to react to any environmental changes in real time.
some articles in underserved areas are mentioned to prove In addition, super-narrow beamforming techniques with high
that the multi-tier ARAN networks can improve coverage and direction degree and fast transformation should be further
reduce delay in data transmission, especially in sparsely pop- studied to improve transmission efficiency. Moreover, even
ulated areas. Besides the significant advantages of exploiting though ARANs have advantages in high probability of LoS
ARAN in cost-efficiency 6G scenarios as discussed in [288], signal propagation, a relay solution through RIS cannot be
optimal trade-offs between cost efficiency and technological ignorable in the future research.
facilitation still need further realistic studies. In addition,
telecommunication subscribers may have concerns regarding C. Network Stability
their privacy (e.g., urban surveillance), personal information
In ARANs, ABSs interconnect with each other using aerial
leakage (UAVs often collect data by design), and high-tech
ad hoc technologies and have hierarchical networking overlays
education (e.g., doctors or farmers need to be well-equipped
among the LAP, HAP, and LEO communication tiers. Al-
with high-tech knowledge to efficiently use complicated 6G-
though the high mobility of ABSs and hierarchical networking
driven applications). These concerns can be used as guideline
overlays assist ARANs to adapt flexibly to the requirements
for future investigations on 6G networks.
of airborne and terrestrial end users globally, guaranteeing
VI. R ESEARCH C HALLENGES network stability for such a highly dynamic and resource-
This section specifies and discusses the challenges and open constrained platform is difficult. More specifically, the highly
research issues to spur further investigation of ARANs in 6G dynamic network topology and intermittent connectivity due
contexts. to the high mobility of ABSs in 3-D space, limited resources,
and varying QoS requirements of applications are challenging
A. Intelligent Radio for the network organization design of both intra-tier and inter-
tier communications in ARANs. Thus, the routing protocols
The emerging AI chip revolutions empower communication
and network organization designs for ARANs should consider
devices with high computing capabilities for adaptive reaction
different mobility patterns in 3-D space, traffic characteristics,
to environmental changes in real time. In this circumstance,
available resources, and load balancing among networking
the 6G envisions RANs growth from the current NR (of 5G)
infrastructures as well as multiple backup routes for fault
to the next generation: intelligent radio (IR) [289]. IR defines
tolerance and reliable packet delivery.
RAN capabilities of exploiting advanced AI chip powers
at both user and network devices to intelligently select the
most appropriate algorithms for radio frequency planning, D. Security and Privacy Issues
spectrum sharing, channel modulation/coding/estimation, and Security and privacy are the most critical issues to be
multiaccess schemes. Considered as a native component of resolved for ARANs. The shared wireless links, potential line-
comprehensive 6G access infrastructures, ARANs have to of-sight links among real platforms and aerial platforms and
be designed to embed a flexible federated learning model ground-users, limited resources (energy, computation, etc.)
to orchestrate networking behaviors between the ABSs and at some typical aerial nodes, mobility features, a massive
multiple user devices interactively. In addition, the variety device communications, among other factors, contribute to the
of AI chip classes in user devices is a significant challenge challenge of meeting ARAN security requirements. Crypto-
to building effective learning models according to different graphic solutions are mainly considered to combat network
service requirements. Moreover, the locality of user traffic and security problems at the higher communication protocol layers.
behaviors such as service type, volume, and reliability as well However, conventional cryptographic techniques, for instance,
as mobility should to be studied and exploited owing to their public-key cryptography involving high computation and delay
significant impact on channel communication between ABSs costs in the encryption and decryption processes may not be
and user devices. feasible for dynamic ARANs using resource-constrained aerial
platforms. The high mobility and deployment of UAVs in
B. Extremely High Spectrum Exploitation open areas can also render achieving physical layer security
Continuing the success of 5G in exploiting high spectrum solutions utilizing the inherent features of wireless channels
for Gbps data rates, 6G access networks will expand broader more challenging. In addition, the potential line-of-sight links

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials

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Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 01:04:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2021.3059644, IEEE
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