PPR - 9 Month - Certificate in Digital Marketing

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SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Name of School: NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education

Certificate in Digital Marketing

Program Name
Certificate in Digital Marketing

Duration of the Program

9 Months
Program Validity is upto 18 months

24 credits

Objectives of the Program

• To understand how to optimise web presence using on-page and off-page Search Engine Opti-
misation (SEO) techniques
• To write effective ad copy, target relevant audiences using Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
• To be proficient in the Google Ads platform by gaining hands-on experiential learning in a
simulated environment
• To understand different social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pin-
terest, LinkedIn, Quora, Blogs and YouTube
• To devise social media marketing strategy and content strategy for each of the above platforms
• To understand the framework for creating content that is engaging, valuable and shareable
• To leverage an analytics driven decision-making framework and marketing technology stack
for business decisions
• To optimize media mix and budget allocation using marketing technology tools
• To interpret website analytics, search analytics, social media analytics, email analytics and pro-
vide performance insights

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Target Audience

Freshers, Traditional Marketers, Entrepreneurs, Brand and Communication Managers, Sales Profession-
als, Small Business Owners, Individual Influencers

Eligibility Criteria
• HSC/10+2 from a recognized board
• SSC + 2 years of experience

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes for the student will be:

• Creating a web presence which is optimised for search engines using on-page and off-page
search engine optimisation techniques
• Applying best practices to create compelling search ads, display ads, shopping ads
• Applying skills needed to attempt Google Ads Certifications
• Analysing the nuances of different social media platforms and the accompanying content strat-
• Evaluating, analysizing, and optimising social media ad campaigns end to end
• Applying skills required to attempt Facebook Blueprint Certifications
• Applying skills needed to create, distribute and amplify valuable content using content creation
tools and distribution platforms
• Applying a structured decision-making framework to take data-driven decisions
• Applying skills needed to navigate analytics tools like Google Analytics, SEMRush, Facebook
Analytics, etc.
• Applying principles of A/B testing to make optimal business decisions

Unique features of the course

• Synchronous / Live lecture delivery
• Built by academia and industry experts, with a focus on practical learning and application
• Up to date content and study material from leading international course ware companies.
• Hands-on learning of digital marketing skills in a‘ Real World ’simulated environment
• Renowned Faculty from Academia and Industry

Program Pedagogy
• Live Online Sessions
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• Hands-on Learning through a Simulation
• Peer Learning
• Case study Discussion
• Industry Expert Sessions

Program Structure

Quarter 1: Search Engine Marketing

Topics Sub-topics n

Search engines, crawling, indexing, how they work,

Introduction to Search algorithms and algorithm updates
Engine Optimization Keywords - the building blocks of SEO, Keyword Research
Types of SEO - On-site and Off-site

Introduction, Maximizing Relevance, Choosing Target

On-page SEO Search Phrases, Creating high-quality webpages. Other 2

Introduction to Off-page SEO, Link Building, Metrics for

Off-page SEO off-page SEO, Content Marketing for SEO,Social Media’s 2
contribution to SEO

Measuring Success
SEO Analytics and Tools Google Search Central (formerly WebMasters) 2
SEMrush, few more tools

New Website: Design &

Principles of good web design, page elements, landing pages 2

Introduction to Paid Keywords - The building blocks of Search campaigns 6

Search Keyword Match Types: Broad, Exact, Phrase, Broad Match
Modifier (BMM)
Writing compelling ad copies
Using Ad extensions for improving effectiveness
Ad ranking and factors determining the same
Keyword reports - Understanding and fine-tuning campaigns
based on the same.
Auction Process

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Topics Sub-topics n

Google Ads Using Google Ads Editor and Google Trends 8

Ad extensions provided in Google Ads - Introduction, Types,
When to use which extension
Quality Score - Introduction, Importance, Factors
determining QS, QS types, Improving QS
Campaign Drafts and Experiments
Google Ad Account Structure and Account Management

Amazon Marketing Overview of Amazon Marketing Services 2


Display Advertising & What is Display Advertising and how it works. 5

Shopping Ads Difference between Paid Search and Display Marketing
The Google Display Network - Targeting options available,
Using Google Display Planner
Types of Display targeting - Topic, Interest, Keyword, Demo
Reaching the correct audiences using Display Networks
Re-target website visitors using Remarketing

Paid Search Analytics Measuring success 3

Reporting and Optimisation

Programmatic Buying What is Programmatic Buying? 2

Evolution of Programmatic - from remenant to premium
The most commonly used acronyms - DSP, SSP, DMP and
The 4 pillars of Programmatic buying - Data, Inventory,
Technology and Expertise/ Knowledge/ Resources.
Difference between Programmatic, Real Time and Display
How to use Data effectively for Programmatic
Defining KPI's for Programmatic Buying.
Future of Programmatic Buying

Mimic Pro Simulation Faculty to use it as pedagogical tool in-class 4

Quarter 2: Social Media and Content Marketing

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Topics Sub-topics

Social Media V/s Traditional Media

What is Social media and Social media
Introduction to Social Media 4
Social Media Metrics

Social Media Audit

Creating Personas
Goals, Objectives and Metrics
Building a Content Creation Framework
Social Media Content Calendar and Calendar
management tools
Organic Social
Content Creation Platforms: Canva, Stencil,
Social Media Platforms 12
Adobe Creative Cloud, WordPress
Content Strategy for each
Blogs, Guest blogs, Vlogs, Webinars, Videos
Measuring and Analyzing Your Content
Community Engagement & Management
Platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
SnapChat, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube,
Quora, Forums (pagalguy, etc.)

Developing your Personal Brand

How to become an Influencer
Personal Brand Management &
Influencer Marketing & Affiliate Marketing 8
Influencer Marketing
Employee Advocacy
Crisis Response Framework

Social Media Advertising

Creating advertising campaigns on Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn
Types of Ads in the above
Paid Social & Social Media
Social Media Campaign Management 12
Campaign Management
Social Media Analytics and Reporting
Performance Marketing on Social Channels
Remarketing on Social Channels
Social Commerce

Faculty to use it as pedagogical tool in-class

Mimic Social Simulation 4

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Quarter 3: Digital Marketing Analytics

Topics Sub-topics

Evolution of marketing, how it shaped digital

marketing analytics
Introduction to Digital What does a digital marketing analyst do
Marketing Analytics
Data structures, data roles, types of reports 4
Digital Consumer and
Personal and Consumer Data in the digital age
Consumer Data
Stages and implications of CDJ
Target markets and consumer personas

Analytics maturity
Scale and evolution of marketing technology
Data Technologies and
Marketing technology stack 4
Marketing Data Platforms
Tag manager, tags, triggers, variables, version

Measurement and decision-making

Business objectives, SMART goals, metrics and
ROI and Customer Lifetime Value
Measurement Model & Data-
Decision-making framework - Question, Curate, 6
driven decisions
Analyse, Optimize
Data quality, data management, avoiding bias
Data collection and digital data sources - paid,
owned, earned media

Data Analysis Approaches

Summary, Classification, Clustering, Trend
Relativity and A/B testing
Data Analysis 6
Correlation and Attribution
Simple and Multiple Linear Regression
Attribution modeling

Optimizing media mix and budget allocation

Tailor recommendations for various audiences
Decision Optimization and Storytelling: Compelling Data stories
Data Visualization Data Visualization
Tools for Data Viz.
Creating Dashboards using Google Data Studio

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Topics Sub-topics
Metrics, dimensions, KPIs and Website Analytics using Google Analytics, 8
Interpretation for POEM media Organic Search Analytics using SEMrush
Social Media Analytics using Facebook
Mobile App Analytics using Google Analytics
for FireBase
Email Analytics using MailChimp
Paid Media Analytics using Google Ads
Earned Media Analytics using Social Searcher
Competitive research using SEMRush

Mimic Digital Marketing Faculty to use it as pedagogical tool in-class 4

Analytics Simulation:

Q1: Search Engine Marketing

The certificate program delves into search engine marketing in detail. Beginning with a thorough look
at the workings of a search engine, it introduces Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). It then delves
into the importance of Keyword research and strategy. It then progresses to explain various on-page
and off-page SEO techniques. It looks at the contribution of content and social media to SEO. It then
explains how to measure success through reporting metrics and analytics. In the second half, paid
search marketing is explored in detail. Beginning with an understanding of the nuts and bolts of paid
search advertising such as: keyword selection, bidding and auction process, compelling ads, ad ranks
and quality score. It then looks at the display advertising channel and effectively targeting your audi-
ences. Finally, it touches upon Programmatic Buying, an emerging trend.

Q2: Social Media and Content Marketing

The certificate program delves into social media marketing in detail. It begins with an appreciation of
the difference between traditional and social media. It the proceeds to an understanding of various so-
cial media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, Quora.
The program then looks at Content Marketing; first from a strategic perspective and then from a tacti-
cal perspective by discussing content creation platforms and tools. It then looks at how to leverage so-
cial media for community building and growing the community through engagement and effective

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management. It then explains social media as a personal branding tool and using it to become an influ-
encer. The program then progresses to advanced concepts of social media marketing. It begins by ex-
plaining selling on social media, known as Social Commerce. It then demonstrates advertising on var-
ious social media platforms and how to manage campaigns through their lifecycle- launch, sustain,
optimise. How to do Performance marketing on social media is then explained. Measuring success on
social media through metrics is explained. Social media can play a strategic role in crisis communica-
tion, this is explained through the concepts of online reputation management and employee advocacy.

Q3: Digital Marketing Analytics

The certificate program begins with an introduction to content marketing and the narrative power of
storytelling. It then explains a structured framework through which to devise a content marketing
strategy. It looks at the relationship between content marketing and SEO and social media too. It ex-
plains the use of various content creation formats, platforms and tools. The second half of the program
delves into Digital Marketing Analytics, an understanding of which is foundational to digital market-
ing efforts of any nature. It starts with understanding a business’s existing analytics maturity and mar-
keting technology stay. It then talks about the importance of setting SMART goals which can be
measured through metrics and KPIs. Some of the important metrics are measuring ROI through Cus-
tomer Lifetime Value. It looks at how analytics empowers decision-making. Students will learn how
to perform A/B testing, and create dashboards. Analytics of various digital marketing channels,
Paid/Owned/Earned and their interpretation is then explained.

Program Calendar
Live Sessions will be conducted on weekends
Days: Saturday, Sunday
Duration: 2 hours
Quarter 1 Search Engine Marketing

Quarter 2 Social Media and Content Marketing

Quarter 3 Digital Marketing Analytics

Weekly Calendar for Q1,Q2,Q3

Week 1 Live Sessions 1,2

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Week 2 Live Sessions 3,4

Week 3 Live Sessions 5,6

Week 4 Live Sessions 7,8

Week 5 Internal Assessment 1 (15% weightage)

Week 6 Live Sessions 9,10

Week 7 Live Sessions 11,12

Week 8 Live Sessions 13,14

Week 9 Internal Assessment 2 (15% weightage)

Week 10 Live Sessions 15,16,17

Week 11 Live Sessions 18,19,20

Week 12 Term End Exam (70% weightage)

Credit Structure

Quarter 1 8 credits

Quarter 2 8 credits

Quarter 3 8 credits

Total Credits 24

Component Hours Credits

Live Sessions 40 Teaching Hours 4

Internal Assessments 20 Learning Hours 1

Simulation: Playing each round(1.6 20 Learning Hours 1

hours* 12 rounds)

Simulation: Pre-Reads for each round 10 Learning Hours 0.5

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Simulation Learnings Project Submission 10 Learning Hours 0.5

Practicing navigating tools 10 Learning Hours 0.5

Additional Readings: Blogs, Articles, 10 Learning Hours 0.5


Total Credits 40 Teaching Hours + 80 Learning Hours 8

Evaluation Scheme

Quarter 1 100 Marks

Quarter 2 100 Marks

Quarter 3 100 Marks

Evaluation Components

Components Break up Remarks

Internal Assessments MCQ = 10 Marks MCQ questions will focus on skill-based ap-
(30 Marks) (2 marks* 5 ques- titude. Descriptive Questions will focus on
• IA1 (15 Marks) tions) situational/case-let analysis and application
• IA2 (15 Marks) DQ = 5 Marks * 1 of concepts. QB will consist of 2x MCQ
question questions i.e 10 questions for randomisation;
and 2x DQ questions i.e. 2 questions.

Term End Exam 70 Marks DQ + MCQs (same as retail programs)

(70 Marks)

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Total 100 Marks

Exam Policy
• Appearance in Internal Assessment is mandatory.
• Overall passing criteria is 50%, there is no individual passing criterion for IA and TEE
• If student fails to score 50%, resit will be conducted. Re-sit will consist of both compo-
nents: 30 marks and 70 marks.

Course Material:

The course content will be combination of:

1. Stukent’s Digital Marketing Essentials Book: This book combines the fundamentals of digital mar-
keting with its application in various business environments. It simplifies foundational and critical
skills like search engine optimization, website analytics, pay-per-click advertising, and social media
2. Stukent’s Mimic Pro Simulation: Mimic Pro Simulation: Students will benefit with hands-on, expe-
riential learning with Mimic Pro Simulation. Mimic Pro significantly shortens the learning curve
when working with PPC ads, allowing students to apply core principles and get valuable practice.
Students become PPC masters by practicing with a simulated ad budget of up to $50,000.
3. Stukent’s Essentials of Social Media Marketing Book: In this digital textbook, students will learn
state of the art social media marketing principles from a strategic marketing perspective. Students
will learn strategies to manage a company’s social media activities and deliver value. Students will
learn marketing strategies on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and
4. Stukent’s Mimic Social Simulation: Mimic Social Simulation: Students will benefit with hands-on,
experiential learning with Mimic Social Simulation. Mimic Social is the world's first social media
marketing simulation. Students will learn how to write targeted social media ads, perform demo-
graphic targeting, learn social media content promotion strategies, and proper content scheduling.
5. Stukent’s Digital Marketing Analytics Book: Digital marketing analytics is foundational to digital
marketing because it is the language used to optimize and connect results across all digital marketing
tactics (search, social media, email, display, video, etc.). An effective digital marketing analyst is a
vital data translator for a business. Becoming an analyst requires the cultivation of both technical and
soft skills. These skills are taught through this book.
6. Stukent’s Mimic Digital Marketing Analytics Simulation: Mimic Digital Marketing Analytics gives
students hands-on experience applying digital marketing and analytics theory to a business setting. In
this simulation, students play the role of a new digital marketing analyst at Buhi Supply Co., where
they are tasked with helping the company improve the performance of their digital marketing cam-
paigns. Much of the student work involves learning to properly gather and interpret analytical data,
and then using this data to make decisions around budget spending and campaign optimization.
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7. Curated content: A topic-wise mapping of resources consisting of reference links, case studies, videos
will be provided to the teaching faculty. The faculty may add value through their experience and

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