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by Diane W. Hawkins, M.A.

Restoration in Christ Ministries, PO Box 479, Grottoes, VA 24441 :: 540-249-9119 :: ::

Spirit of Death Renunciation

This renunciation is designed to be used in connection with prenatal healing for individuals with DID but can
be adapted for situations outside of that context. It should be used whenever the developing fetus is exposed
to anything that has to do with death, whether personally or by the mother or anyone within earshot of the
fetus. You may adapt the questions to fit situations occurring after birth.
Ask the person:
1. Do you forgive your mother or any other person who considered ending your life in the womb?
2. Do you forgive your mother for her thoughts or attempts to end her life and yours along with it?
3. Do you renounce all death wishes and/or agreements or alignment with death that any part of you made?
4. Do you desire the Most High God to break and to nullify with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ all
covenants or agreements with death that were made for you by any of your ancestors?1
5. Do you desire to break any triad2 or quadriad that was formed as a result of such a covenant?
6. Are you willing to embrace the life that God gave you?
7. Do you desire to be completely disconnected from the Spirit of Death and all of its cohorts and
underlings, including Abaddon, Mot, Hades, and Janus?
8. Do you renounce, and desire to be completely disconnected from, Thanatos, the Son of Death and any
granting of life that he gave you?
9. Do you desire to break all connection to the Underworld and the gods of the Underworld?
10. Do you desire the Most High God to bring back to you any part of you that was taken by the Spirit of
Death to the Underworld or any other place?
11. When all parts of you are returned, do you desire the Most High God to close all portals or access ways
to the Underworld?
12. Do you desire to break all ungodly relationship bonds3 with:
a. Any ancestor involved in making death covenants that affected me;
b. The sacrifices that empowered them;
c. All participants in the covenant-making ceremony;
d. All members of any triads or quadriads formed as a result of them;
e. Anyone suggesting to abort me;
f. The Spirit of Death and the Son of Death, Thanatos;
g. Abaddon, Mot, Hades, and Janus;
h. Any entity that held any part of you in the underworld
i. Every person or entity with whom these were in ungodly relationship bonds.

This would be predisposing them to abortion and sacrifice within the cult.
This involves a spiritual connection between the person and the spirit of the ancestor making the covenant and a cosmic being.
See “Breaking Ungodly Relationship Bonds” included in this manual or available as a free download at http://www.rcm-

Pray to the Most High God:
On the basis of the word of _________’s testimony and the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, whom
________ claims as personal Savior, I ask You, Most High God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to
honor his/her requests and to:
1. Break and to nullify with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ all covenants or agreements with death that
were made for ________ by any of his/her ancestors;
2. Break any triad or quadriad that was formed as a result of such a covenant;
3. Disconnect ________ from the Underworld and its gods, including the Spirit of Death, the Son of Death,
Abaddon, Mot, Hades, Janus, and all of their cohorts and underlings;
4. Return to _________ any part of him/her that was taken into captivity in the Underworld or any other
5. Close all portals or access ways to the Underworld once all parts are returned from there;
6. Break all ungodly relationship bonds4 with:
a. Any ancestor involved in making death covenants that affected me;
b. The sacrifices that empowered them;
c. All participants in the covenant-making ceremony;
d. All members of any triads or quadriads formed as a result of them;
e. Anyone suggesting to abort him/her;
f. The Spirit of Death and the Son of Death, Thanatos;
g. Abaddon, Mot, Hades, and Janus;
h. Any entity that held any part of you in the underworld
i. Every person or entity with whom these were in ungodly relationship bonds.
7. Pass judgment on all removed entities, send them to the destination of Your choosing, fill the evacuated
places in ________ with Your Holy Spirit, and close and seal with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, the
portals and orifices they used for access to him/her.
8. Seal this work, nullify all curses for breaking these ties, and declare there is to be no retribution or

See “Breaking Ungodly Relationship Bonds” available as a free download at

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