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Qua!ity KAIZEN-1
10 Apr2012
(COntrOi chart}
Vers:on‐ 2

Controi Chart

Control chartis a usefui management toolfor

manufactur:ng processes.Howeveら correct knowledge
and strong eagerness are required to use it effectively.

First of a‖ ′learn what is a control chart. Next′ learn how

to rnake a control chart and how to read inforrnation from
it. At last′ understand considerations for using control

Training cOntents

[II Circle Of Process Control Using Control Charts

lllI Meaning oftthree Sigma(3σ )ContrOl charts

II‖ l Frequentlv‐ Used Control Charts and their Usage

llV]HOW tO Make a Control Chart

iVI HOW tO Read and Judge lnformation on Control Charts

IVII Notes for Systematic Use of Control charts

IV‖ I COnfirrnation of using control Charts Appropriately


[ll Circle Of Process Controi using cOntroi Charts

()Recaiculation of the
contro‖ Ines(r necessary)

C)Judge the contro:status

Illl Meaning of Three Sigma(3σ )ContrO!charts

lo Purpose of Control Charts

▲︱日l g 面 0

1)USe a cOntrol chart as a measure

to examine the qua‖ tv of a
production process.

2)Whether the productlon process L

norma:or abnorma‖ ty can beiudged
most econom:cal:v.

Judgment by control::nes{meaSure〕
2012ノ 5/9

2.Two typeS Of Errorin Judgment Judgment mistakes

must be‖ mled to 3
(1}lSt type of ErЮ r:Hastv mistake tiFneS Out of 1000
Corrective action is taken ln the process bv judgments wlh control
mistake′ though itis not necessary to take
the action

(2)2nd type of Error:careless mistake

Corrective action is not taken bY OVer:ooking′
though it:s necessary to take the action.

A manager who controb pЮ duction processes i

shou:dn′ t be a hasty person or a care:ess person.

Two:ines drawn where abnorrna:ities are detected rnost

economica‖ v are ca‖ ed contro:‖ rnit‖ nes.
{Upper&Lower controHimit:ines)

3.Population{Production Process)and sample Means

Relationship between quality distribution of popu:ation
and distribution of samp!e rneans

Fig.6 Population X

ttin→ ‖
σ:Standard deviation
lSt samp:ing/ Standard
of population
:Wsampling/ deviation c

X2 n pieCes
/ 1` ]1占
s:Standard deviation
Fig.7 °
fSample mean x

ng ‖
・ 11潔 冨 ↑ 『

Distribution of sampie meanT

Distribution of population x
PrOduction process〕


There are on:vo.2670 probabilitv that mean vaiue ofthe
samples of n pieces randomiv extracted from a certain
process tpopulation)gOes Out of x=3σ

3 times out of 1000 times⇒ it rare:v happens.

5。 Setting cOntrol Lirnit Lines

it is appropriate to draw
:f the process is contro‖ ed
iim:tlines at t 3σ 。
there are few possib‖ ities that
Upper control‖ rnit
a dotted■ on the contro!chart
UCL=頂 +3σ goes out of=L3σ ‖nes.
Lower control‖ mit
LCL=x‐ 3σ

VVhen plotted x goes out of

the:irn:t lines′ it can be
iudged that some abnormality
occurred in the process.


6.Appropriate Sample Number“ N″

L is uneconomica:to use

".鯉 ギ
進出別 毬鼎
器蝋肌椰 :¬
is preferable. norrnal distribution。

Most econonlical . :fn=4 or rnore′
n=4is o■ en usedi becomes norma:
Sarnp‖ ng Fig.1l Fig.12


xl=41:F i14 1
X2 ■ 熟 X5 Xl■ ■ ■ ■

II‖ l FrequentlY‐ USed Controi Charts and their Usage

l.Frequent:v‐ Used Contro:Charts

Control chart with mean value and the range

は cha咸 )

Variab:e Control chalt with individua:measurement

Rs chart)
{cOnunuOus Data) (X・

ContЮ i chart w‖ h median(central value)and

the range(X・ R chart)

Discrete Va:ue Reiect rate∞ ntrol chaFt(P Cha威

〔 , Reiect number control chart(Pn Chart)
Controi chartfor number of defects for each unl
(u Chart)

ContЮ :cha託 おr number of ddeds(c chartl

2012ノ 5/9

Usage fbr prOcess contro:
For control Use it when the process ana:YSiS and
purpose standardizatiOn are comp:eted and the
prOcess qua‖ ty satisfies quality

Usage lbr process control preparation

① Use■ for process anattSL
Data→ Stra‖ nca‖ On{4M)→ Grouping
For analysis
→Draw control charts‐)check dlsperslon
purpose →Cause analysis‐ )Action→ standardization
② Use■ for process capab‖ ty studY
扇rkerAIIWorker B

塵 ↑
睡 This uCL&LCL can be used fbr

IiVI HOw to Make a Contro:Chart?


l)Decide the purposec

Use it fbr prOcess analYSiS Or for prOcess contro:?

2)Decide characteristics.
Choose the characteristic vaiue to be able tO achieve the

3)Decide the rnethOds Of cO‖ ect:ng data.

・VVhat works are done in the process?
・How does the products f:ow in the process?
・Whatsamp‖ ng rnethod is app‖ ed?
・VVho′ when and hOw many sampies are cO‖ ected?
・VVhat rneasuring rnethod is used for rneasurement.

2.Mak:ng a Control Chart

There are two optiOns.

optlon l:Analy2e the past data with a contro:chart.

Option 2:Make a control chart for a certain process for the nrst time

For option 2′ it is necessary to fb‖ ow the procedures shown belo‐

2.1.Making a control chart for data ana:YSiS

Control chart with rnean va:ue and the range

Procedure l Co‖ ect data

―Use relatively recent data
―Co‖ ect 100 or rnore pleces as many as possible
‐The number of groups{k):20-30

Procedure 2 Make groups

―Size of one group n:2-5 n=4 is often used.

Procedure 3 Fil:itin on the data sheet.

Refer to Tab!el
2012ノ 5/9

Procedure 4 Calcu:ate mean x for each group

Xノ n case of Table-1
lSt group〔 38.3● 38.9+39。 4438.3)ノ 4=38.72
Procedure 5 Calcuiate total mean
X=Σ X/k k:number of groups
Ex.ln case of Table-1

{38,72+39.1+・ ・・・
Procedure 6 calcu:ate range R lbr each Group.
R=( the group‐ the group)
Ex in case of Table‐ 1
Procedure 7 Calcuiate mean R
R=Σ R/k k:number of groups case of table-1
R=(1.1+1.3+・ ・・+1.4)/30=1.57

Procedure 8 ① Caに uhte cOntЮ !‖ m■ s for x cha威

鞘 讐ittorforX‐ R cha威 li]『 襴 i「緩 難吾

n A2 D3 D4 case of tabl(卜 1

2 1.880 3.267 n=4 use Lctor A280。 729

A2R=0.729 x l.567=1.142
3 1.023 2.575
UC卜 38.888+1.142=40.030
4 0.729 2.282 LCL=38.388‐ ■.■ 42337.746

5 0.577 2.115 ② Caに uhte cOntrol‖ mi“ for R cha威

Center:ine C卜 R
Upper controllimit uCLD4 R
Lower contro‖ :mit LCL=D3R(UnneCessary)
Ex.ln case oftable‐ ■
n=4 use LCtor D■ 2.228
UC卜 2.282)(1.567=3.58
LC卜 unnecessary

2012ノ 5/9

Procedure 9 Draw controll:nes

CL ‐


Procedure 10 PIot each ;『 oupヽ xand R. Fig.17

2)P chart… l Defect市 e rate contro:chart

1}When the size of subgroups L constant.

ReiectiOn rate P

=Number ofreieCted goodsノ Number ofinspected goods=rノ N

Procedure l Co‖ ect data.
‐Co:iectsample and check the number ofr● eCted goods and
accepted goods based on the inspectingstandard.
‐Co‖ ect data of more than 20:ots.

(The numberofsubgroupis 20 or more。 )

Procedure 2 Make groups

‐Number of one subgroup N=50‐ :■ ore than 100
‐Average number of defectivesin each subgroup:
1‐ 4 or moreis appropri薇 .

Procedure 3 Ca:cuiate rerectiOn rate

‐R● ectiOn rate
Number ofrtteCted goods(r〕
Number ofinspeded goods〔 n)


Procedure 4 Caiculate the mean rate of reieCtiOn

: =聖 響営
Total 聾雲里望望雲望
No.ofinspected 空

in case ofTable■ 3

Procedure 5
:l:」 茸吉
:器 l滉 l鰐
Upper∞ ntЮ l‖ mtt LCL=P― コ師 (1ゃ )/n
in case of Tabie‐ 3

3X ・ 0.0240

UCL=0.0333+0.0240・ 0.0573
LCL=0.0333‐ 0.0240=0.0093

Procedure 6 Draw controliimit ilnes Refer to Tab!e3

Procedure 7 PIot the reieCtiOn rate P on the controi chart

Refer to Table 3
郵協 盤”露 盤詔聖 P 爾鶏留”協覇”
2 4よ ‘ 0 め “虐””r ¨

鰯議 ¨
, ,

牲躍燿燿″ ″””“養 “”″””

咸お“ 鳴β ′だ24



2}P chart‐ 2 Defect市e rate contro:chart

{2}When the size of subgroups is different.
VVhen the slze of subgroups is difFerent′ control‖ nes shouid be calculated for
each group.

① Exact method〔 The caに datbn“ vett troubLsomel

P‐ Chart(Exact method}
Subgroup slze″ n″ is direrent

① SImple method(The calcu:aJon is easien)

Average ofthe subgroup size`1■ “can be app‖ ed in the fo‖ owing cases,
Change ofthe subgroup size“ n"≦ 1′ 2・ 2 times for average ofthe gЮ up size'Pn“
Ю o


d P

R  n

Sub‐ group




n=471.66 Min.n=300,Max.n=600
each of n ls o.63∼ 1.272 timeslbr n. P=440/14150=0.0311

3}Other types of contro:charts

Pn chart Use it on:y when the size ofthe group isthe same.
CL=average of reiected No。 =No.of reiectノ SiZe of group
Reiect number
control chart

C chart use:ttO cOntrolthe Number of defects that appear on

the product.
Control charts for ―
The number ofgroup″ n″ is constant.
number of defects ―
The group is consisted ofthe same unit numbers.
CL=Average ofdefects Number=C
UC卜 C‐ -3「

x‐ Rs chart App:v carefu‖ y to get the efFect as the controi chart

Control chart vvith x chart: Rs chart:
the individua! CL=T CL=Rs
measurement UCL=T+E2Rs uCL=D4Rs
LCL=,一 E2Rs LCL=unnecessary

2.2.App‖ cation of Control Charts to Process Control

l)Origina:purpose of control charts

Find abnorrnalitv in the process.

→ Remove causes fbr abnorma:itv.
→ Maintain manu彙 ョ cturing process in the state of control.

2〕 Determination of controHevels

(1)Decide controlleveis based on enough process analysis.

① The work standard forthe process ofthe obiect must be made.
② Dedde control:evels based on the resuL ofthe analygs wtth enough data.
③ Do not use datafrom the controi chartthatis notin the state of contro:.

(2}Use neither standard va!ue northe ldeal value as a control‖ rnit.

Appiv data in the process ofthe state of control.


The same as Fig。 1

3)ContrO:Circie in process

)Recaiculation of the
control:Ines(lf necessary)

② P:otT&R

③ Judge the controlttatus

IVI HOW tO Read and Judge inibrmation on control Charts

l.How to iudge the state of control
The contro:chart is not effect:ve on:v by drawing。

itis irnportant to read information expressed bY dOtS and:ines.

Reading the result deternlines if the control chart is effective
for process contro:.

HOW dO YOu iudged itif YOu are a

managerin this process?

2012/5ノ 9

1)What Cases are abnorrna:?

1〕 When dOts appear on one side ofthe center‖ ne cont:nuousiv

Abnormai ucL Abnormai _ Abnorma:Fig.23
1■ 2



r the prOcess is in the state of∞ ntro:,the probab‖ ity of a dot exceeding CL is lr2.

Probabi‖ ty that 5 dots

oontinuously 9o above lr2 x lr2 x l′ 2

CL: x lr2 x lr2 x lr2

Why lr2 x lr2 x l12 x lr2 x lr2 x2=1′128=0.0075

ab■ orma: ヨ1′ 32=0.03
ltis expected to itis expected to
ltis expected to happen happen only 3 tiFneS happen only 3 times
only 3 times every 100 every 200 umes. every 400 times,

{2}When rnanv dots appear on one side ofthe CL.

U 〓

x は

ヱ 86
10 out of llpoints 12 out of 14points 13 out of 17pOints

{3}When dOtS Show consecutive uptrend or downtrendo Fig.25

72 UCL

t 70

{4)When dOtS Show periodic change.

│卜 ‐
一二■壁聖壼主 一 ‐ oι L UCL

二 :5、 D

A,卜 ‐ニ ‐‐ 二 ‐
ー 一

2012ノ 5/9

(5)When dOtS appear nearthe control‖ rnlt‖ nes

‐一uCL〔 3o)

3 out of 7 continuous dots 2 out of 3 dcts

The probab‖ ity that a dot goes out of 2σ linesis approx.0.05。

(l happens On:y51mes every 100‖ mes.)
it happened 2 times out of 3 times.― →There is something abnormal.

6}When dOtS go out of 3σ :ines

ふ │ UCL〔 3σ )

ミ )ム 0 X

LCL(3σ }

The probabi:ity that a dot goes out of 3σ ‖nesis oniv 3 timesin 10oO times.

2}Judgment whether the controHines should be extended in the

1.When 25 or FnOre dots are continuousiv in the controllim:t iines.
2.When max.l dotin continuous 35 dotsls out of the control‖ mit‖ nes。
3.When max.2 dots in continuous 100 dots are out of the control‖ m:ti:nes.
Howeveら ana:yze the cause and take actions forthe dots 80ne out ofthe limit


A Contro:chart thatis complete:y in the state of


2.Re:atlonship between movement and distribution shape of dots

l}periOdiC change
ICeneral causel
① Pettodに change in process
② Reguhrね ctor′ s change in
the process

Ex.① !n machining:The operatbn sttua」 on and the temperature of oil are


②in manual opera● on:■ redness′ day shn or ntht shift a腱 腱hted.
2}A pOint gone out ofthe control‖ nes extremeiv.

ICeneral causel
Other products enter
the process.

Another series of
cause has entered

熟R contro:chart: P controi chart:

Ex. Ex.
:f R contro!chartis in the state of ① Change in methods of
control division
① Dirに ulty Of measuttment ② Changein wpes of
② Change in reading sca!e of product
test fixture or measuring ③ Change in basた
instrument distribution of product
③ Measureris diffettnce
④ Movement ofdも tttbu● on ha
certa:n per:od


4)Unstable state Fig.33

Multip!e causes
are combined
and happened

Tcontro:chart R contro!chart P control chart

Ex.:f R control chartis in the Ex.:nstability in high state: Ex.instab‖ ity in high statel
state of control ① Unski!:ed worker ① Unsh‖ ed wOrker
① ExcesJve Adiustment Of ② M破 ture Of matenal ② Cardessness
machine ③ MachnefOr whた h repairお ③ :ncom口 eteness of
② Unsu■ aЫ e poJ● oning of maintenance
the lig and,xture. ④ Macttne underinstaЫ ‖
ty ④ Patts and deた cJve
③ A difFettnt bt m破es. and breakdown nnaterials
④ DifFe“ nce of measu"ng ⑤ !nstab‖ tyin bw state: ⑤ Bttakdown of
instrument ⑥ E対 stence of a shlに d worker measuring instrument
⑦ Uniform of product

5)Change in leve: ICeneral causel

(D influence of a cause
豆、 /

Fio■ │ in the process

I・ .1 increases as time
goes by.
(D The cause ofa
change settles down
¬ at a certain state
「「 after the change

X controi char[ R controi chart

Ex. Ex.
① Acceptance of new matenal change to bw ttvd:
② :mprovement of super宙 sors ① improvement of parts
qualLγ ② improvement of work method
③ lmprovement of workerヽ 熟ll or ③ :mprovement of worker′ s shl!
attention or attention
④ Changein maintenance dan
⑤ introducuOn Of process control Change to hthた Vel:
① Condkbn oppoJtetothe
above― mentioned

2012/5ノ 9

6}Stab!e state when distributions are mixed.

Only a sma:i number of dots

ftt r王 士運習士」曽
=___ Two different
distributions kept the
sarne relative
position and the ratio.

x control chart R control chart P contro:chart

Ex. Ex.
① The raw matenalorthe
① 馴fFerence of bt of raw ① Samp:ing is not random.
worker are constant materia:. ②LotfЮ m two or more
differences.The distribution
② The same as X chart. difFerent populations
③ The same as X chart. ③SeLctbn Oflot h the
② AL昭 e amount of patts
④ nesameasxcha威 . former process
mixed in the process
C)he same as X chart.
③ BL change that otten
happens due to automatic
④ DifFerence oftest equipment
or gauge

7}Unstab:e state when two distributions are mixed.

This state has severai
types of distributions
in the product.
They change
mutua‖ y.

X contro:chart R contro:chart P contro:chart

Ex. Ex. Ex.

① Change in dist面 btton due to C)Two or mOre raw ① !nsurldent process

difFerence of raw materiai and matenais′ workers′ controifor a series of
worket etc. machines,and machine manufacturing lots.
② Breakdown of equipment or adiuStments ② Characte● sucthat has
automatic control unit ()Deterioration ofjigs trend of a‖ good or a‖

③ Excesjve process adiustment ③ hsumdent ixture bad

④ Cardessness on temperature ④ M破 ture Ofraw mate‖ al ③ Sam口 ing JZeに
and ume adiuStment ()Loose chucking. various!y different.
⑤ Sampling methodis bad ⑥ Workeris tiredness ④ Samp‖ ng iS not random
⑥ Mistakes h Jo憤 ing data


8)Overlapped distribution{Stratification is necessary)


VVhen sampling is
done like one piece
from each worker or
one piece from one

machine at the time

Change in the method
of sampling.
of stratifica‖ on l DistributionNo.` The randonl sampling
is not done.

[ach dot gathers near the centerline and it

doesnit go off sO much of the centerline.The
dispersion is abnorma‖ y sma‖ .

Such movement of dots shows thatitis

necessary to make stratification.

9)Trend [(3enera:causel
X control chart:
The center of distribution
moves gradua‖ y.

P control chart:
The extension of distribution
gradua‖ y grows or becomes
P contro:chart:
A defective rate increases or
decreases gradua‖ y.

X contro:chart R control chart P contro:chart

Ex Ex Ex.
① wear― out oftods′ Jts Trend to increase: Trend to r:se:
and ixtures ① Wea■ out of cut● ng tod ① A worse mate● alis used
Screv4 support too:′ wears ② ne workers work
out of gaugelirnproper Trend to decrease: worsens.
maintenance of test ① Workeris s‖ ‖improves
equipment and seasona! gradua!:y. Trend to descent:
:nluence ② EfFect of maintenance口 an C)lmprovement of workers
irnprovement skill and attention

2012ノ 5ノ 9

10}Sudden change in the:evel

IGeneral causel
When separate the dlstributiOn Fig.39 Generall協 a new
factor enters
suddenly in the
process.:t means
distribution sett!ing
down to a new
X contro!chart R contro:chart
When R control chartisin the state of The cause of changing to either:
control: thatis upper orlower:
① The wpe ofthe materb!changes. ① Changein mot市 atbns of worker
② The worker changes. ② The worker changes.
()The inspector changes. ③ The material orthe machine etc.
④ The measurement toolchanges. change.
⑤ The machine orthejLs change. The cause of raising level:
⑥ Assembly or work methods change. ① Workers careLssness
② !nsufficient maintenance
③ ∪niformity decreases.

IVil Notes for Systematic use of Contro:

1.Considerations for Systematic use

Clear Checkpoints
Checkpoints rnust be decided′ and
the net of control rnust be insta‖ ed

Organization and
Atmosphere Contro:Standards
Systematic Manageria!standards fbr
The atmosphere of using
using contro:charts rnust be
contro:charts must pervade maintained.
the organization enough.

:nformation System′
and Forrnat for
:nfOrFnatiOn Transfer
The re:ationship between information
system and controicharts must be
adiuSted in the organi2atiOn.

2012ノ 5/9

2。 Considerations for r yOu canl make use of∞ ntrol chat

some∞ nsideratlon points are m:ssing
using control chart

The prirnary purpose of

control charts is the
removal of abnorrnality.
use cOntrOl charts not
checking persons′ but use Make work standards and
it for help:ng work.
control standards before
us:ng controi charts.
Senior managers should iook
at control charts that are nOt Draw contЮ ‖iml lines
stratified.Lower ciass on process control charts and
managers should iook at plot data on it.
contЮ i charts that are stratifted.
Controi charts are useless when
drawn vagueiv.
丁ake actions.
Cla“ ″the cOntrol purpose.
control charts must be
used for taking actions.

IV‖ I COnfirrnation of using control Charts AppropriatelY

l.Viewpoints for Checking Control Charts

Check p● ints
Is the characterlstic value appropriate?

2 To what work is the control chart applied?

t there any confusion in removing abnormai causes′ adiuStment,or

4 Are control standards used fbr the control chart appropriate:v?
5 isn=t there change in the types of abnormal causes?
6 Isn't there a change in process capabilitv?

7 Shouid th:s controi chart be continued ln the future?

8 is the method fbr taking actlons appropriate?is the standard of the action
method good?:s the result ofthe actions good?
9 Are the type ofthe contro:chart′ the drawing methods′ the grouping′
the control‖ m:ts,samp‖ ng′ and the measuring method apprOpriate?

10 Are the work standards appropriate:v revised?


2.:ntroduction stage and Contro:Stage

The number ofcontro:

charts decreases to some
:evelin the contro:

三o〓0 一
0﹄PCOo ﹂0 ﹄00E Dc o〓ト

tries to


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