Electric Drives-1

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Time: 1Hour Full Marks: 15

(Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any two from the rest.
The figures in the right margin indicate full marks for the questions.)

1. Answer all questions. [1X5]

a) What are the advantages of electric drives?
b) Define steady state stability?
c) Write the fundamental torque expressions Distinguish between active torque and passive torques?
d) Which type of motors is used for electric car, elevators, hoist, and lathe machine?
e). what is thermal loading of electric machines?

2) A motor has two loads. One has rotational motion. It is coupled to the motor through a reduction gear
with a=0.1 and efficiency of 90%.The load has moment of inertia of 10kgm2 and a torque of 10N-
m.other load has translational motion and consist of 1000 kg wt to be lifted up at a uniform speed of
1.5m/s. coupling between this load and the motor has an efficiency of 85% .motor has an inertia of
0.2kg-m2 and runs at a constant speed of 1420rpm.determine the equivalent inertia referred to the
motor shaft and the power developed by the motor. [5]

3) Derive and explain the expression of heating and cooling of electric motors? [5]

4) A motor equipped with a flywheel is to supply a load torque of 1000N-m for 10sec followed by alight
load period of 200N-m. Long enough for the flywheel to regain its steady-state speed. It is desired to
limit the torque to 700N-m. What should be the moment of inertia of flywheel? Motor has inertia of
10kg-m².Its no load speed is 500rpm and the slip at a torque of 500N-m is 5%.Assume speed torque
characteristic of motor to be straight line in the region of interest. [5]


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