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Roll No.

SAP ID 500060941
Mid Semester Examination, March 2021
Online – Through Blackboard Learning Management System

Course: Health, Safety and Environmental Regulations Course Code: CLEL 4003
in International Energy Sector (Hons 5)

Programme: BA LLB (Hons) Energy Laws Semester: 8th

Time: 02 hrs. Max. Marks: 50

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Instructions: All Questions are Compulsory

S. No. Marks CO
1 Discuss the salient features of The Gas Cylinder Rules, 1981. 10 CO2
Ans. According to the section XVI of Gas cylinder Rules 1981, “Gas cylinder” or
“Cylinder” means any closed metal container intended for the storage and transport
of compressed gas, designed not to be fitted to a special transport or under‐carriage,
and having a volume exceeding 500 ml but not exceeding 1000 litres.

Features of the Gas Cylinder Rules 1981:

 The gas cylinder rules pertain to the filling, storage, handling and
transportation of gases in gas cylinders exceeding pressures of 1.5kg/cm at 15
degree C or 2.5 Kg/cm at 50 C.
 The rules regulate the manufacture of cylinders, valves and regulators,
marking, stamping and colour coding of cylinders, storage, handling,
transportation of gas cylinders, testing of cylinders and also the procedure for
appointing competent person authorized to undertake the testing and
inspection of gas cylinders.
 The rule says that No person shall fill any cylinder with any compressed gas
or import, possess or transport any cylinder so filled or intended to be filled
with gas.
 The test and inspection certificates required to be obtained from the
inspecting authority in respect of cylinders and valves inspected and certified
by it in accordance with the approved design and specification.
This rule give some regulation on the safety of the cylinder-
i. Cylinders manufactured in India, if fitted with safety relief devices in their
bodies, shall have such safety devices manufactured and maintained in
accordance with IS: 5903.
ii. Cylinders containing obnoxious or poisonous gases shall not be provided
with any safety device.
iii. Cylinders manufactured in foreign countries, approved for use in this
country, if fitted with safety relief devices shall have these devices fully
maintained in accordance with the requirements of the specifications to
which they were originally made
2 Define term steam pipe. List the acts/omissions which are treated as cognizable
offence under-The Indian Boiler Act,1923. 03+07 CO1
Ans. Steam pipe may refer to: A pipe designed to carry pressurized steam from a boiler to
the working components, i.e. the steam engine(s) or turbine(s). Such piping usually
includes valves to control the routing of the steam, or to stop the flow altogether.

The following acts/ omissions are treated as cognizable offence under the act.

A) Failure to report any accident to boiler or steam pipe to inspector within 24

B) Tampering with safety valves.
C) Allowing a person to get inside the boiler without affecting disconnection
D) Fraudulent engraving of registry on a boiler.
E) Absence of duly qualified boiler attendant
F) Operating the boiler at pressure higher than that allowed in the certificate.
G) If it is not registered or not having valid certificate.
H) Carrying out structural alteration, addition or renewal in or to a boiler without
prior sanction of Chief Inspector .
3(a) Discuss the role of NDMA in disaster management. 05
3(b) Write short notes on- (i) Mock Drill and (ii) Emergency Inventories. 2.5+2.5
Ans. A) The Disaster Management Act, 2005 mandates the National Disaster
Management Authority (NDMA) to lay down policies and guidelines for the
statutory authorities to draw their Disaster Management ( DM) Plans. NDMA
will concentrate on prevention, mitigation, preparedness, rehabilitation and
reconstruction and also formulate appropriate policies & guidelines for
effective and synergized national disaster response and relief.

Disaster Management can be defined as the range of activities designed to maintain

control over disaster and emergency situations. It provides a framework for helping
at risk persons to avoid or recover from the impact of the disaster. Disaster
Management deals with situations that occur prior to, during, and after the disaster.


• To reduce or avoid the human, physical & economic losses suffered by individuals,
by the society, and by the country at large.
• To reduce personal suffering.
• To speed recovery
• To provide protection to victims or persons whose lives/ property are threatened by
armed conflict, tribal animosity, religious persecutions etc.
(B) (i) Mock Drills the emergency plan should be rehearsed regularly by
conducting Regular mock drills to keep the emergency team members refreshed with
their roles during an emergency. Should be conducted to check the response of the
mutual-aid members. Based on the shortcomings observed during mock drills, the
emergency plan should be updated. Mock Drill should be conducted every
Month/bi/tri monthly/ at least once year.

(ii) Emergency Inventories:

It is necessary for every petroleum installation to maintain a minimum inventory of
various emergency consumables and equipment for fire Fighting, medical, pollution
control and safety. A list of these inventories should be a part of the Emergency plan.
Regular physical check of stock levels of these inventories should be done against
this list and immediate action should be taken to replenish them if required.
4 Explain different steps followed for conducting HSE Audit. 10 CO3
Ans. An effective Safety audit is one that has be proven to ensure that the business has a
safety program in place to reduce incidents and mitigate safety risk to their workers.
Most importantly, “in place” means policies and procedures that have been tested,
trained, and demonstrated in practice, as evidenced by the audit program.

The 5-step safety audit steps below outline provide a management summary and
structured approach towards the development of an effective safety audit.


 A safety audit is a form of test, and therefore, a test plan needs to be

established prior to test execution.

 The key components of an Audit Plan are the basic documentation of the:
“who, what and where.”

 The team for a comprehensive internal audit comprises a member each from

1. Operation

2. Engineering/Maintenance,

3. Technical services/Technology,

4. HSE and any other specific discipline if required.

 The chief of the installation through an office order nominates the team.

 The Chief of HSE nominates the team for a mini audit in consultation with
individual departments. The team comprises of two members–one from the
area/department to be audited and the other from HSE.

 The programme of such audits is published by HSE through procedures audit

schedule published by him every month.

 The planning step is the key to the entire process, since the audit plan defines
the procedures and sets the safety test baseline.


 To start with, the team gets organized and holds a kick-off meeting to discuss
the plan of action.

 They try to collect all relevant data of the area/plant/department they are
going to audit.

 The team visits the area and talks to various personnel there to get feedback
about their plant/area.

 The team checks the various systems/procedures and records.

 The safety aspects of the plant are checked using checklists. These checklists
could be standard lists made as part of a written audit procedure and
supplemented by specific checklists made for special systems/equipment by
each team before starting the audit.

 Checklists are very useful as they save a lot of time and also to ensure that all
aspects or subsystems have been looked into and not missed inadvertently.

 In case of mini audits, the two-men team goes to the area where audit is to be

 The team ensures the compliance of the procedure under audit by using a
standard checklist made for the particular procedure

 They check the level of compliance to each checklist item by talking to the
plant personnel and seeing the situation in the field and rate the item on a 1-5
scale (1 is least compliant, 5 full compliance).

 The overall compliance level is indicated in percentage.


After conducting the audit, the audit team will integrate test results and information
into a concise audit report.
 After completing an audit, the team prepares a draft report, which is
presented to the custodian/manager of the area and his team.

 After discussion, the final report with action plan for implementing the
agreed recommendations is issued by the leader of the audit team to the
concerned action parties with copies to top management team.

 In case of mini audits, the audited checklist is itself the report. This is issued
to the concerned custodian/manager of the area immediately on the same day
after the audit is done.


 The effectiveness of the audit lies in the degree of implementation of the

agreed recommendation.

 Therefore, it is essential to monitor the implementation programme.

 HSE plays a pivotal role in monitoring the recommendations of various

audits and presenting the implementation status to the top management.

 Record of an audit report is maintained with the custodian and HSE till all the
recommendations agreed to be implemented are liquidated.


 An effective workplace safety audit is essential to business continuity,

employee protections and morale, along with the requirement to demonstrates
compliance with all guidelines.

 It is important that all employees have a transparent understanding of the

audit, and their safety status. Workers have been trained in safety procedures
and adherence to those procedures is essential in reducing workplace

 The proper communication of audit results creates an awareness of the

company’s safety efforts and the collaborative safety results achieved by
supervisors and line employees.

 The published audit results affirm that the company has invested in an
effective safety program to reduce incidents and mitigate safety risk to their
5 Discuss the major objectives of accident investigation. 10 CO3
Ans. Accident Reporting and Investigation
In spite of good systems in place and people taking precautions while doing their
work, the possibility of, accident cannot be ruled out.
It is necessary that each organization should have a good accident reporting and
investigating system in place.
Many people, at times, tend to look at accident investigation as an exercise to collect
some facts for the sole objective of putting blame or hanging someone for his errors
and omissions to set an example.
For this, accident investigation should be a learning process to prevent accidents and
for many other purposes.

Some of the several objectives of an accident investigation are listed below, the
rationale of each being self-explanatory:
 Define the root cause (s) of the accident to take appropriate corrective
 Define management error
 Satisfy company rules and identify violations of company procedures
 Satisfy insurance requirements
 Prevent further accidents
 Define operating errors
 Satisfy regulatory requirements
 Provide protection against litigation
 Comply with workers compensation rules
 Provide answers to address anticipated public concerns
 Satisfy news media
 Research purposes

Thorough investigation of an accident is an essential step toward the prevention of

accidental losses of our precious resources including the people, property and
environment. A good and systematic investigation is therefore an important HSE
management tool.

I, Pintu Ram understand that submitting work that isn’t my own may result in
failure in this paper and I may also be subject to Disciplinary Proceedings as
per the Academic Integrity policy of the University.

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