A Review of Analytical Techniques For Quantifying Microplastics in Sediments

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CRITICAL REVIEW View Journal | View Issue

A review of analytical techniques for quantifying

microplastics in sediments
Cite this: Anal. Methods, 2017, 9, 1369
Joanne S. Hanvey,a Phoebe J. Lewis,a Jennifer L. Lavers,b Nicholas D. Crosbie,c
Karla Pozode and Bradley O. Clarke*a

In this review the analytical techniques for measuring microplastics in sediment have been evaluated. Four
Published on 23 December 2016. Downloaded on 01/02/2018 10:14:13.

primary areas of the analytical process have been identified that include (1) sampling, (2) extraction, (3)
quantitation and (4) quality assurance/quality control (QAQC). Each of those sections have their own
subject specific challenges and require further method development and harmonisation. The most
common approach to extracting microplastics from sediments is density separation. Following
extraction, visual counting with an optical microscope is the most common technique for quantifying
microplastics; a technique that is labour intensive and prone to human error. Spectroscopy (FTIR;
Raman) are the most commonly applied techniques for identifying polymers collected through visual
sorting. Improvements and harmonisation on size fractions, sampling approaches, extraction protocols
and units for reporting plastic abundance would aid comparison of data generated by different research
Received 29th September 2016
Accepted 22nd December 2016
teams. Further, we advocate the development of strong QAQC procedures to be adopted like other
fields of analytical chemistry. Finally, inter-laboratory proficiency testing is recommended to give an
DOI: 10.1039/c6ay02707e
indication of the variation and reliability in measurements reported in the scientific literature that may be
www.rsc.org/methods under- or overestimations of environmental burdens.

debris are ongoing.8,9 To develop appropriate management and

1 Introduction remediation strategies for this global pollution problem we must
Since the introduction of plastics into western society in the 1950s, have reliable and consistent analytical techniques for measuring
deliberate and accidental environmental release has resulted in plastics in environmental matrices. In this review, we will examine
ubiquitous environmental contamination with plastics debris. As analytical techniques reported in the English language peer-review
a consequence, plastic pollution has been recovered throughout scientic literature for quantifying microplastics in sediments
the planet, in remote regions far from known point sources – such samples.
as Antarctica,1 remote mountain-tops2 and the deep sea ocean There are a wide variety of polymers detected in the envi-
oor3 – environments that should be pristine, free of human ronment, with the main types being polyethylene (PE), poly-
impact. The rst reports of marine plastic pollution in the early propylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS; see Table 1 for a list of
1970s4 were followed by similar reports throughout the world common plastics and their uses). Microplastic debris is broadly
nding widespread, ubiquitous contamination.5,6 Later analysis of classied as either (1) primary microplastics that include
archived samples revealed a dramatic increase of marine plastic production pellet nurdles and microbeads (abrasive particles
debris and microplastics through the late twentieth century.7 incorporated into personal care products) or (2) secondary
Efforts to understand the extent of widespread environmental microplastics which are formed by mechanical and chemical
contamination and subsequent ecological harm caused by plastics breakdown of larger plastic debris and bres released from
synthetic textiles (referred to as microbers).10 Environmental
plastic litter has been broadly categorised within the literature
School of Sciences, Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Remediation, RMIT and it was not until 2009 that ‘microplastics’ were dened as
University, GPO Box 2476, Melbourne, Vic. 3001, Australia. E-mail: bradley.clarke@ plastic particles smaller than 5 mm by the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) International Research
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, 20 Castray
Workshop on the occurrence, effects and fate of microplastic
Esplanade, Battery Point, Tasmania, 7004, Australia
Melbourne Water, 990 LaTrobe St, Melbourne, Australia
marine debris.11–13 Initial reports of microplastics in sediments
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Católica de la Santı́sima Concepción, Alonso de (published in 2004) dened them as being <1 mm (presumably
Ribera 2850, Concepción, Chile as it was micro (m) in size)7 and various authors since have
RECETOX Research Center for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, Faculty of continued to apply this denition.10 Variations in the collection
Science, Masaryk University, Kamenice 753/5, pavilon A29 625 00, Brno, Czech of size fraction makes the comparison of data between regions

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Analytical Methods Critical Review

Table 1 List of common types of plastics (abbreviation) and their common usage

Type of plastic Abbreviation Application of virgin resin Density (g cm3)

Polyethylene terephthalate PET/PETE Disposable beverage bottles, textiles 1.37–1.38

(synthetic bers), tape, Mylar food
packaging and thermal insulation
High density polyethylene HDPE Plastic bags, plastic lumber, fuel 0.93–0.97
tanks, bottle caps, milk crates
Polyvinyl chloride PVC Plumbing pipes, door and window 1.10–1.47
frames, garden hoses, electrical
cable insulation, inatable products
Low density polyethylene LDPE Plastic bags and lms six-pack 0.91–0.92
rings, exible snap-on lids
Polypropylene (expanded or non- PP Bottle caps, rope, carpet 0.89–0.92
Polystyrene (expanded or non- PS Disposable cutlery, dinnerware, and 0.28–1.04
Published on 23 December 2016. Downloaded on 01/02/2018 10:14:13.

expanded) take-away food packaging, building

insulation, refrigerated bins (e.g.,
sh boxes)
Other resins, such as polycarbonate, Other Used for engineering purposes 1.15–1.22
nylon, and acrylic because of their thermal, electrical
and chemical properties. e.g.,
electrical wire insulation

and matrices problematic. The elimination of the 1–5 mm or <1 is listed in Table 2 (please note the size range categories do
mm size fraction from the study designs will underestimate the overlap).
amount and type of microplastic present (e.g., production pellet Analytical approaches applied to measuring plastic debris in
nurdles are typically 2–3 mm while microbers are oen <1 environmental samples are not well-developed.9 Comparison
mm) and the overall conclusions drawn.14 Another further with well-established analytical techniques for quantifying trace
complication is lack of consistency in reporting plastic level pollution could provide valuable strategies related to
concentration (dened as amount per medium), units of microplastics quantitation, but also particularly for quality
abundance (or mass) per mass,15 volume,10 area16 and even assurance/quality control (QA/QC). For example, routine prac-
length.17 In this review, microplastics have been dened as <5 tices in other environmental science would require appropriate
mm consistent with the NOAA workshop consensus denition. eld and laboratory blanks, laboratory control samples, matrix
However, as far as the authors are aware the lower limit remains spikes and recovery standards as part of the analytical process.
undened, although most recognise it as 333 mm due to the One key difference between chemical quantication and plas-
common use of 333 mm mesh nets used in the eld to capture tics quantication is diversity of polymers with respect to type,
plankton and oating debris.13 The smallest size fraction re- size, colour, and morphology combined with the lack of
ported in environmental samples is 1 mm through the applica- homogeneity within environmental samples. This causes
tion of this size-lter, however it is very difficult to visually unique problems (compared to traditional chemical testing) at
detect plastics <100 mm in size even using a microscope.18 Below every stage of the analytical process (sampling, extraction and
1 mm scale ‘nanoplastics’ are the least known area of marine quantication). Most studies evaluated include a visual count-
litter, and constitute a very recent area of the environmental ing procedure as part of the analytical process. Human bias has
science and to date, no studies have successfully accounted for been demonstrated with variable recoveries based upon poly-
nanoplastics in either freshwater or marine environments.19 mer colour with blue fragments having the highest detection
The terminology applied inconsistently through the scientic probability, while white fragments had the lowest.20,21 Further-
literature would benet from harmonisation, aiding consistent more, other factors that impact the quantity reported are the
study objectives related to size fraction and generation of analyst, their experience, as well as other biological material
comparable data sets. A summary of the proposed terminology present in the sample that could be confused with plastic.21
Visual inspection and counting with a microscope is an
important technique as it is cheap and non-destructive for
Table 2 Summary of proposed terminology
sample processing. Visual inspection is an unreliable analytical
Proposed process, particularly in the lower smaller microplastics (<1 mm)
Size range terminology and nanoplastic (<1 mm) range, likely to be generating unreli-
able and incomparable data.14
>20 cm Macroplastic29
Currently there are no universally accepted methods for any
5–20 cm Mesoplastic29
1–5 mm Large microplastic29 of these matrices and the methods available all have potential
1–1000 mm Small microplastic29 biases.9 First steps towards addressing the plastics issue should
<1000 nm Nanoplastic19 include the promulgation of standard approaches and methods

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Critical Review Analytical Methods

for collecting, archiving, and reporting data.22 Studies tend to a fourth section on this topic. This review provides an overview
concentrate on surface sediment debris (e.g. beach surveys) or and comparison of analytical methods applied within the past
buried debris (e.g. core samples), but rarely do they consider two decades for quantifying microplastics in sediments. While
both. Without quantifying the debris in both surface sediment we do provide a summary of the data reported, it is not our
and deeper sediment, a true evaluation of the microplastic intention or aim to summarise the ndings, only the analytical
abundance cannot be achieved. Due to limits in analytical tech- approaches. There is a signicant amount of further work
niques accurately quantifying microplastics in sediments, the required by analytical chemists to harmonise the analytical
percentage of plastic pollution in the microplastic scale is yet to approaches taken with respect to sampling, extraction, quanti-
be accurately determined within these environments. To date, cation and QA/QC approaches so that reliable and comparable
the lower size limit used in microplastic assessment studies is measurements of environmental burdens are reported.
highly dependent on the sensitivity of the sampling and extrac-
tion technique applied and can potentially lead to reports that 3 Analytical methods
underestimate concentrations.23 Numerous problems associated
with the characterisation and quantication of microplastics in 3.1 Sampling
sediments can make inter-study comparisons problematic, if not Collection of appropriate samples is the rst critical step in
Published on 23 December 2016. Downloaded on 01/02/2018 10:14:13.

impossible. For example, method inconsistencies between quantifying microplastics in the environment. Fig. 1 demon-
sampling techniques leading to a variety of sampling units (i.e., strates the various sampling locations around the world, as well
mass, volume, including variations in the masses and volumes, as differing sample types. All plastic debris that is found in the
area and length) reported and also differences in the lower and sediment will have been transported by water movement (rivers,
upper size limit of microplastics implemented.24 Consistent ocean currents28) or air from the emission point-source. It is
analytical techniques are important for not only dening the estimated that there are at least 5.25 trillion particles weighing
extent of the plastic pollution in the environment but in deter- 270 tons at depths between 0.5 and 2 meters below the sea
mining adequate risk mitigation techniques to protect overall surface.29 It is likely that land-based emissions that enter rivers
freshwater or marine environments.25 are a signicant pathway of pollution to the aquatic environ-
ment.30,31 Attention has been focussed on wastewater treatment
2 Studies reviewed plants (WWTPs) as a source of pollution through (1) effluent
discharges (2) sewage overow during high rain events30 (3)
In this review, we have examined reports that have quantied runoff from sewage-based fertiliser land application.32,33
microplastics in sediment and collated the reported analytical However, evidence is mounting that WWTPs are also a source of
techniques (Table 3). We have conned this review to English small microplastics34 and microbers10 with larger micro-
language peer-reviewed scientic studies that have included plastics (e.g., production pellet nurdles) and macroplastics
quantitative measurements of microplastics (<5 mm in diam- removed during the treatment process. The contribution of
eter) within a certain volume of sediment (marine, freshwater) rivers to aquatic pollution could be signicant. For example, the
samples (dened as matter that settles to the bottom of Danube river in Germany is estimated to release 4.2 tonnes of
a liquid). Previous reviews in this eld have included papers plastic debris per day into the Black Sea.35 In Paris, novel data
that broadly dened plastics in the environment using terms on atmospheric deposition rates for microplastics combined
such as ‘marine litter’, ‘marine debris’ or ‘plastic frag- with estimates for sewage effluent36 highlighted the signicant
ments’.23,24,26 We have excluded studies that have reported mass release of plastics, primarily microbers, associated with
microplastics on the beach surface sampled with the naked eye an urban environment (3–10 tons per day) into freshwater
rather than within sediment. Further criteria for inclusion in ecosystems.37 Proximity to urban centres and onshore ocean
this review were that the authors (i) report microplastic particles currents is thought increase the reported concentrations of
within the limits dened by the NOAA workshop (<5 mm); (ii) marine plastics debris and have an important impact on litter
include information on the sampling, extraction and quanti- abundances on coastal beaches;38,39 this is indicative of the
cation techniques used to recover microplastics from within percentage of studies that sampled beach sediment (58%) to
sediment matrices and (iii) due to developments within this determine the extent of contamination (Fig. 1c). Therefore, the
novel eld, were conducted within the past two decades. A total selection of sampling site will have a signicant impact of the
of 43 studies of microplastics in sediments have been evaluated abundance and type of plastic reported (see Fig. 1). For example,
that include data from 18 countries, a global study,27 plus deep- a South Korean north-side beach contained a 100-fold lower
sea samples, mostly from the Northern Hemisphere (Table 3). abundance than two south-side beaches that faced southerly
Generally, there are three main aspects of the analytical wind and currents that were prevalent through the study
process for measuring microplastics in sediment samples; they season.28 Typically, most studies have reported polyethylene as
are: (1) sampling, (2) extraction, and (3) quantication. The the major polymer type detected in beach sediment since the
information provided in each of these sections has been 1970s.40,41 However, this is not always the case and polymer type
collated and is presented in Table 3 along with a discussion can vary signicantly based upon location and point-source.28
below using these headings. Inclusion of QA/QC practice is For example, 90% of the plastics debris recovered from sedi-
missing from most studied evaluated with only 19% including ments in a South Korean study were styrofoam.28 Once in the
or describing QA/QC approaches. Therefore, we have included aquatic environment, it is hypothesized that while initially

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Published on 23 December 2016. Downloaded on 01/02/2018 10:14:13.

Table 3 Summary of articles from the English language peer reviewed scientific literature reporting a quantitative measurement of microplastics particles (<5000 mm) in aquatic sediment

Country Habitat Size range range) Sampling Extraction Quantication QA/QC Reference

Japan, Beach (n ¼ 26) >300 mm Japan (2610 3 sample locations; 8 L Field density separation Visually counted/sorted Kusui et al.,
Analytical Methods

Russia pieces per sand; quadrat (40 cm  (seawater); ltered (0.3 (optical microscope); 2003 (ref. 16)
m2), Russia 40 cm); depth (0–5 cm) mm mesh net) gravimetric
(32 pieces per
USA Beach (9 1–15 mm NA Wrack line & berm; Density separation Visually counted/ McDermid
locations; 2 sites quadrat 61 cm  61 cm; (freshwater) sieved (1, sorted; gravimetric et al., 2004
per location) 5.5 cm depth; eld 2.8, 4.75 mm); dried (ref. 50)

1372 | Anal. Methods, 2017, 9, 1369–1383

sieved (1.15 mm)
UK Estuarine/ >1.6 mm NA Strandline, subtidal; n Density separation Visually counted/ Thompson
subtidal ¼ 5 at each location (NaCl 1.2 kg L1); sorted; polymer et al., 2004
sediment; beach stirred; ltered identication (FTIR) (ref. 7)
(n ¼ 17) (Whatman GF/A 1.6 mm)
Singapore Beach (n ¼ 8) >1.6 mm NA 1 cm surface (n ¼ 4); Density separation Polymer identication LCS (3.45 mm PE/ Ng et al.,
sub-surface (10–11 cm, (hypersaturated (FTIR) PP spiked into 2006 (ref. 51)
n ¼ 4) solution, 1.2 kg L1); sediment), no
ltered (1.6 mm) data recovery
India Marine sediment >1.6 mm 81 mg 10 sampling locations; Density separation Visually counted/sorted Reddy et al.,
(10 locations) plastics per 5 (between high tide (30% NaCl); ltered (1.6 (optical microscope); 2006 (ref. 15)
kg sediment a low water mark)  10 mm) polymer identication
kg samples (each (FTIR); surface
location); depth (0–5 characterisation (SEM)
cm); sieved
USA Beach (18 NA NA Strandline; parallel; Density separation Visually counted/sorted Corcoran
(Hawaii) locations) 150–190 g sampled; (sodium polytungstate (stereomicroscope); et al., 2009
additional samples (at 1 1.4 g mL1); particles polymer identication (ref. 79)
beach) perpendicular to then immersed in 1.2 g (FESEM; FTIR; micro-
shoreline; 1 cm and 10 mL1 sodium ATR)
cm depth; 6 m transect polytungstate &
ethanol : water
mixtures of various
densities, including 1 g
mL1, 0.9549 g mL1,
0.9408 g mL1, and
0.911 g mL1
Brazil Beaches (11 1–20 mm NA Strandline; quadrats Oven dried (100  C); Visually counted/sorted Ivar do Sul
locations) (900 cm  900 cm); 2 sieved (1 mm); sorted 2– et al., 2009
cm depth 5, <10, <15, <20 mm (ref. 80)
(small items) <25, <30,
<50, <100 mm (medium
items); density
separation; seawater;
debris <1 mm not
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Table 3 (Contd. )

Country Habitat Size range range) Sampling Extraction Quantication QA/QC Reference
Critical Review

England Estuary (3 <1000 mm, 1–10 NA Strandline; randomly Density separation Polymer identication Browne et al.,
locations, 2 sites) mm placed quadrates (5 (saturated NaCl) (FTIR) 2010 (ref. 81)
replicates  50 cm  50
cm); depth (0–3 cm)
USA Beach (n ¼ 5) NA NA Transect line 40 m NA Polymer identication Cooper et al.,
(Hawaii) parallel to shoreline; (FTIR microscopy); 2010 (ref. 69)
swaths at 10 m intervals polymer
perpendicular to characterisation (SEM)
shoreline; visible plastic
+ 5 g surrounding

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Brazil Beach (1 >500–1000 mm NA Strandline; 100 m Density separation Visually counted/sorted Costa et al.,
location) transect; depth (0–2 (ltered seawater) 2010 (ref. 82)
cm); 9 replicates;
quadrat (988 cm  988
cm); wire cloths eld
sieving (0.5, 1 mm)
Global Beach sediment <1000 mm 8–124 pieces Strandline; depth (0–1 Density separation, 50 Polymer identication Browne et al.,
(18 locations) per L cm) mL sediment, saturated (FTIR) 2011 (ref. 10)
NaCl, 3 extractions
USA Beach sediment <250–5000 mm 1.34% w/w 3 sampling points per Density separation Visually counted/ Carson et al.,
(Hawaii) (5 locations; 3 location (strandline, 1 (NaCl 1.2 g cm3); sorted; polymer 2011 (ref. 40)
sites) m seaward, 2 m past sieved (0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 identication (FTIR)
strandline); core mm)
sampling (5 cm
diameter, 25 depth)
Belgium Marine sediment >63 mm 170 (49–390) 3 sampling points Density separation, 1 kg Visually counted/sorted LCS; size range Claessens
(three harbours, pieces per kg (strandline, intertidal, sediment, 3 L conc (binocular microscope); ‘similar to what et al., 2011
3–4 sites at each) subtidal zone; parallel); saline solution; stirred; polymer identication was found in (ref. 45)
sediment cores (2–7 cm) settle 1 h; sieved (38 (FTIR) eld’; 68.8–
mm) 97.5% recovery
Portugal Beach (5 >1 mm 190 (29–393) Strandline; two Density separation, Polymer identication Martins et al.,
locations) pieces per m2 quadrats (50 cm  50 concentrated NaCl 140 (m-FTIR) 2011 (ref. 83)
cm; 2 m  2 m) in g L1; stirred
duplicate; depth (0–2 vigorously; ltered
cm); samples sieved in (Whatman GF/C 1 mm)
situ (2.5–3.5 mm)
Canada Freshwater <5 mm NA Parallel to shoreline; 60 Separation into 3 Polymer identication Zbyszewski
sediment m transect; visible categories (<5 mm, >5 (FTIR); surface et al., 2011
debris sampled (within mm and PS); characterisation (SEM) (ref. 67)
1 m); two replicates (2 ultrasonicated in DI
m  2 m) water for 4 min
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Table 3 (Contd. )

Country Habitat Size range range) Sampling Extraction Quantication QA/QC Reference

USA Beaches (n ¼ 8) 2–5 mm NA Visual sample Density separation, Visually counted/sorted Van et al.,
Analytical Methods

collection (macroplastic concentrated NaCl 140 2012 (ref. 84)

< 50 mm); in-eld sied g L1; stirred
(2 mm); 18 replicates; vigorously; ltered
quadrats (1 m  1 m); (Whatman GF/C 1 mm)
surface (1 inch)
Portugal Beach (n ¼ 10) >3 mm 2400/m2 Strandline line; 2  2 Density separation, Visual counting sorting Antunes

1374 | Anal. Methods, 2017, 9, 1369–1383

m; 3–5 replicates; 2 cm concentrated NaCl 140 et al., 2013
depth; eld sieved (3 g L1; stirred (ref. 85)
mm) vigorously; ltered
(Whatman GF/C 1 mm)
Germany Beach (n ¼ 2) >0.45 mm 2 random samples; Density separation, Stereomicroscope; Laboratory Fries et al.,
depth (0–2 cm) NaCl (1.2 g cm3); SEM; Pyr-GC control sample 2013 (ref. 52)
manual shaking; combination with mass (black PE pellets,
ltered (0.45 mm spectrometry (MS) 1  0.2  0.2 m;
nitrocellulose) 10 pieces added
to 175 g
recovery 80–
South Beach (n ¼ 10) >2 mm 980 pieces Strandline line; 50 m Field sieved (2 mm) Visual identied and Heo et al.,
Korea per m2 transect; 10 replicates; sorting 2013 (ref. 56)
quadrat (50 cm  50
cm); depth (0–5 cm)
Italy Subalpine lake NA NA Random grid sampling Density separation, no Visual counting Imhof et al.,
sediment (n ¼ 2) further details provided (microscope); polymer 2013 (ref. 86)
identication (Raman)
India Beach (n ¼ 4) 1–5 mm 69 (12–960) Strandline; quadrats (50 Density separation, Visual counting and Jayasiri et al.,
pieces per m2  50 cm); depth (0–2 NaCl, 140 g L1; oating sorting 2013 (ref. 87)
cm); sieved (1 mm) plastic recovered;
washed; dried
Italy Marine sediment >0.7 mm 670–2200 Supercial sediment (0– Density separation, Polymer identication Method blank; Vianello
(10 locations) pieces per kg 5 cm depth) conc NaCl, 120 g L1; (m-FTIR) ambient et al., 2013
shaken; sieved 32 mm microplastics (ref. 41)
steel wire; resuspended contamination
ltered (GF/F 0.7 mm) from lab and
Germany Beach (3 100–1000 mm NA Upper and lower dri Sieved (1 mm mesh); Visual counted (>1 mm Dekiff et al.,
locations; 6 line; random of upper, density separation (two fraction by naked eye; 2014 (ref. 20)
samples at each) lower perpendicular to step; saturated NaCl; <1 mm microscope);
those; 6 accumulations NaI) polymer identication
and 6 ‘bare’ sediments (TD-Pyr-GC/MS)
sampled; 0.25  0.25 m
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Table 3 (Contd. )

Country Habitat Size range range) Sampling Extraction Quantication QA/QC Reference
Critical Review

Belgium Beach, river >250 mm 1.5 pieces per Parallel to shoreline; 50 Density separation, Visual identication Laglbauer
m2 m transect; random; 3 NaCl, (360 g L1); and counting (light et al., 2014
replicates; quadrats (25 shaking 2 minutes  2; microscope) (ref. 88)
cm  25 cm) sieved (250 mm)
Singapore Intertidal <20 to >5000 mm 37 (12–63) ‘Undisturbed areas’; Density separation, Visual sorting and LCS 500–600 mm Mohamed
mangroves (n ¼ pieces per kg quadrats (1.5 m  1.5 conc saline solution, counting (optical PE spheres into Nor et al.,
7) m); 2–3 m apart; depth (1.18 g L1); shaking microscope); polymer sediment (n ¼ 2; 2014 (ref. 89)
(3–4 cm) (mechanical shaker 2 identication (FTIR) recovery 55–
min 200 rpm); settle 6 72%)
h; sieved 0.1 cm
(remove debris); ltered

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(1.7 mm GF/A)
Germany Beach (n ¼ 3) >1 mm NA ‘Recreation zone’; Sieved 1 mm mesh; Visual counting/sorting Laboratory Nuelle et al.,
random samples 14 km uidisation (saturated (microscope); polymer control sample 2014 (ref. 53)
beach; max 80 m apart; NaCl); density identication (Pyr-GC/ (1 mm size PE,
depth (0–3 cm) separation (NaI 1.8 g MS) PP, PET, PS, PVC,
cm3); shaken 10 s; EPS, PUR;
ltered (nitrocellulose recovery 68–
0.45 mm); matrix 99%); procedural
removal (30% H2O2 blank
Brazil Beach (n ¼ 15) >1 mm 5400 pieces 100  1 m2 trenches; 10 Density separation Polymer identication Turra et al.,
per m3 cm depth sampled; 10 (seawater); sieve 1 mm (Raman) 2014 (ref. 46)
(surface layer samples at 0.1 m depth mesh
reported) intervals until depth
(1.0 m)
NA (deep- Deep-sea >32 mm 1.4–40 pieces Cores; 1000–3500 km Method 1-centrifuge; Visual counting/sorting Woodall
sea) sediment (n ¼ per 50 mL depth; megacorers or density separation, (binocular microscope); et al., 2014
12) boxcorer; 5.7, 7.4 or 10 NaCl or Ludox-TM 40; polymer identication (ref. 43)
cm diameter sieve (32 mm) (FTIR)
Method 2-density
separation; conc NaCl
solution; ltration
(Whatman GF/A 1.6 mm)
Canada Freshwater lake <10 cm NA Parallel to shoreline; 60 Cleaned (ultrasonic Visual counting/ Zbyszewski
(3 lakes; 26 m transect; 10 m bath, DI water); sorting; polymer et al., 2014
locations) interval; visible <10 cm separated by hand into identication (FTIR); (ref. 90)
particles collected 4 categories surface characterisation
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Table 3 (Contd. )

Country Habitat Size range range) Sampling Extraction Quantication QA/QC Reference

Canada Freshwater lake 500–5000 mm Bottom sediment; 2 Density separation (two Visually counted and Corcoran,
Analytical Methods

sediment (2 boxcore samples (7 cm step; distilled water sorted (microscope); 2015 (ref. 73)
cores) diameter); 15  2 cm oating particles polymer identication
samples (depth 30 cm, removed); sediment (FTIR)
150 samples); sieved dried (60  C), density
(0.5, 0.71, 0.85, 1 mm) separated (sodium
polytungstate, 1.5 g

1376 | Anal. Methods, 2017, 9, 1369–1383

cm3); oating particles
Switzerland Freshwater lake 300–5000 mm 1300 (20– Strandline; 4 locations; Density separation; 250 Visually counted Faure et al.,
sediment (3 7200) pieces quadrats (30 cm  30 mL sediment with 7 L (stereomicroscope); 2015 (ref. 91)
beaches, n ¼ 67) per m2 cm) saline solution, 320 g polymer identication
NaCl per L; air ow; (FTIR)
sieve (300, 1000, 5000
mm); over dried at 60  C;
matrix removal (35%
H2O2 with 0.05 M Fe
NA (Pacic Deep-sea 0.3–200 mm 60–2000 Deep sea; boxcorer; 0.25 Sieve (300, 500, 1000 Visually counted with Fischer et al.,
ocean) sediment (n ¼ pieces per m2 m2; subsamples 0–2 cm, mm) some aid of 2015 (ref. 47)
12) 2–20 cm stereomicroscope
Hong Kong Beach (n ¼ 25) 315–5000 mm 5595 (106– Tide line; parallel; 30 m In eld sieve (315 mm); Visually counted and Fok et al.,
15 554) transect; depth (0–4 density separation (tap sorted (microscope); 2015 (ref. 92)
pieces per m2 cm); quadrat 50 cm  water, sonication); wet gravimetrically
50 cm sieved (315 mm)
South Beach sediment 50–5000 mm 46 000 (56– Tide line; divided into Density separation, Visually counted Kim et al.,
Korea (3 locations; n ¼ 290 000) districts (every 30 m); NaCl, 2.16 g cm3; (microscope); polymer 2015 (ref. 28)
21) particles per quadrat (50 cm  50 sieved 4000, 2800, 2000, identication (FTIR;
m2 cm); depth (0–2 cm); on- and 1000 mm; particles >300 mm)
site sieved (1000, 5000 supernatant of 1000 mm
mm) sieved (300, 500 mm)
and ltered (0.75 mm)
Germany River sediment 63–5000 mm 4000 Between wrack line and Oven dried; sieved (63, Visually counted Klein et al.,
(n ¼ 8) particles per water line; 3–4 kg 200, 630 mm); 630 (binocular microscope); 2015 (ref. 63)
kg composite sample fraction visually gravimetrically;
comprising 35–40 separated; density classied by shape;
random samples over separation, NaCl 365 g polymer identication
10–15 m range; quadrat L1; settle overnight; (FTIR)
(30 cm  30 cm); depth ltered (glass bre);
(2–3 cm) matrix removal (H2O2/
H2SO4 1 : 3 ratio)
South Beach sediment 65–5000 mm 670 particles Strandline; triplicate Density separation; Visually counted Nel et al.,
Africa (21 sites) per m2 composite samples; saturated saline (dissecting 2015 (ref. 77)
depth (0–5 cm); 1200 solution; repeated ve microscope); visual
mL subsample taken times
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Published on 23 December 2016. Downloaded on 01/02/2018 10:14:13.

Table 3 (Contd. )

Country Habitat Size range range) Sampling Extraction Quantication QA/QC Reference
Critical Review

sorting (fragments &

bre, colour)
Korea Beach sediment >1 mm Strandline; 6 locations; In-eld sieved (1 mm); Visual counting (naked Blank analysis Song et al.,
(6 beaches; 10 quadrat (50  50 cm); density separation, 50 eye > 1 mm; microscope (distilled water, 2015 (ref. 72)
sites) depth (0–5 cm) mL sand with 33 mL for <1 mm); polymer n ¼ 3)
saturated NaCl; ltered identication (FTIR)
(1.2 mm); oven dried (60

Germany Beach sediment >55.5 mm Strandline; 500 mL; Density separation; Visually counted LCS (200 PE 100– Stolte et al.,
(5 locations; 14 depth (1–2 cm) CaCl2 (1.30–1.35 g (stereomicroscope with 1000 mm 2015 (ref. 64)
sites) mL1); air venting; camera) particles spiked

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017

settle overnight; 55 mm in cleaned
zooplankton lter; sediment;
H2O2 digestion for recovery ranged
matrix removal varied based on
colour; 55%
UK Atlantic ocean >32 mm NA Deep sea; corers; 0–2 Centrifuge; 1.16 spec Visually counted Background Woodall
marine sediment cm and >5 cm gravity, 8 spin cycle (stereomicroscope) microber levels et al., 2015
(n ¼ 2) subsamples (4000 rpm, 5 min); 32 tested (ref. 93)
mm sieve
Spain Marine sediment 63 to >2100 mm 0.90 pieces Core tubes 30 cm  3.5 Manual sieve ($0.063, Visually counted Petri dishes le Alomar et al.,
(n ¼ 3) per g cm; site replicates 1.5 m 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, $2 (stereomicroscope with in work space 2016 (ref. 78)
apart; 8–10 m depth mm); density camera) and checked for
separation; distilled particle
water; mixed 15 m; lter contamination
details not provided
Taiwan Beach intertidal $38 to $4000 32–42 560 Middle of inter-tidal Manual sieve ($0.038, Visually counted Kunz et al.,
(n ¼ 4) mm pieces per m3 zone; quadrat (50 cm  0.125, 1, 2, $4 mm); (stereomicroscope); 2016 (ref. 58)
50 cm); depth (0–5 cm, density separation, polymer identication
5–10 cm), dried 60  C (1.17 g NaCl per cm3); (ATR-FTIR; SR-FTIR)
for 2 days vigorous shaking 30 s
India Beach surface 2–5 mm 24–145 pieces Tide line parallel; Density separation; 1.2 Visually counted Veerasingam
sediments (n ¼ per m2 quadrats (1 m  1 m) kg NaCl per L; stirred; (stereomicroscope with et al., 2016
9) ltered (Whatman GF/A digital camera); (ref. 94)
1.6 mm) polymer identication
USA Estuary, 200–5000 mm 51 (5–117) Tide line parallel; 12 On-site manual sieve Visually counted; LCS recovery Wessel et al.,
intertidal sandy pieces per m2 replicates; quadrats (25 (0.5–5 mm sieve); identication (FTIR) 97.25% 2016 (ref. 59)
sediment (n ¼ 7) cm  25 cm); depth density separation (unknown
(top 3–6 cm) (elutriation; aeration polymer or size)
200 mm)
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Fig. 1 (a) A world view of the locations and year of publications where microplastics have been recorded within sediment samples, (b) the total
number (n) of publications per year, and (c) percentage of studies based upon type of sediment and location.

buoyant, in time plastics will biofoul42 or following ingesting, well known that the strandline (tide-line) will contain an
will sink to the aquatic sediment where it will persist for abundance of marine debris, including microplastics, and so
decades. Due to long-range environmental movement, plastic this area is oen targeted to be part of the transect (56% of
microbers have been detected in deep-sea sediments (1000– studies). This has the strong potential to bias the results, as the
3500 m depth) ranging from 1.4 to 40 pieces per 50 mL (mean  researchers are aiming to nd debris rather than conducting
s.e.: 13.4  3.5).43 The proximity to city, ocean currents, type of a systematic measurement of the environment.
sediment sampled must be considered when choosing an The sediment depth is another aspect of sampling that is
appropriate sampling site. likely to inuence the reported concentrations and apparent
Once the study location is decided upon, the sampling environmental burden of plastics. The majority of studies will
approach on-site is applied. Each study considered in our review underestimate the levels of plastics by only focusing on the
has applied unique methodology for the sampling approach surface layer and not accounting for buried litter.44 Further
and in many instances the methodology is incomplete to allow there are contradictory reports drawing conclusions about the
the reader to fully understand the technique applied which has abundance of plastic with depth. Studying the stratication of
implications for reproducibility. Transects are a common sediment cores to a depth of 25 cm in Hawaii indicates that 50%
approach when conducting a beach survey (14%), with quadrats of microplastic fragments were contained in the topmost 5 cm
of various sizes utilised (51%), potentially the top surface layer of each core, and that the top 15 cm hosted 95% of all detected
of variable depth and then either collected or sieved on site. The plastic particles.40 Similar results were reported at the high-
variation in results from each of these decisions will strongly water line at a Belgian beach, where the top 16 cm layer con-
inuence the results and the comparability of the ndings. It is tained 65% of all microplastics, with 40% detected in the top 8

1378 | Anal. Methods, 2017, 9, 1369–1383 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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cm layer alone.45 While another study demonstrated that the 3.2 Extraction
surface layer accounted for <10% of the total abundance in the
3.2.1 Physical separation. Once the samples have been
sediment column in their sample location.46
collected the microplastics of varying polymer, size, colour,
General sampling strategies are dened as bulk or volume-
morphology must be removed and isolated from what can be
reduced, depending on the type of microplastic accumulation
a complicated matrix. The most commonly applied technique
being investigated. For beach sediments and shorelines, bulk
for isolating microplastics is with on-site sieving which has
sampling – taking a dened volume of sediment,24 usually from
been successfully applied for the large microplastics (>1 mm).
a dened quadrat area and depth – was the most common method Depending upon the nature of the study, the plastics are simply
for sampling beach sediments (n ¼ 22). Marine sediments (n ¼ 6) removed and placed in a collection bag for visual processing at
were collected by bulk sampling, with a box corer or sediment
a later stage. However, this approach is not adequate for small
grab.47,48 Volume-reduced sampling, used by 30% of the studies
microplastics (<1 mm) and further laboratory extraction tech-
reviewed, involved processing sand in situ with 1–5 mm sieves.
niques must be applied.
Further method inconsistencies between these sampling
3.2.2 Density separation. To extract the small microplastics
techniques have led to a variety of sampling units reported.23
(<1 mm) from a sediment sample, the most commonly reported
Reporting units are generally in microplastic abundance per
Published on 23 December 2016. Downloaded on 01/02/2018 10:14:13.

technique is density separation combined with ltration. This

surface area (m2),49 however some quadrats are also sampled to method was applied in 84% of studies examined (36/43; Table
depth, reporting volume in cubic metres (m3),46 mL or L (ref. 7 3). The density separation extraction technique generally
and 50) or weight (g to kg).51 Conversion between measure-
involves four main steps; (1) introduction of aqueous solvent of
ments requires density estimates, leading to assumptions and
specic density, (2) mixing for dened periods of time, (3)
further inconsistencies comparing microplastic abundance
a settling equilibration time and (4) ltering to specic size
between littoral zones.23 The top 15 cm of sediment contains
95% of microplastic particles, with 50% found in the topmost 5
The density separation approach to isolate microplastics
cm.40 Depths sampled across the studies reviewed range from 1
from sediment is possible by exploiting the difference in density
to 5 cm, collected using metal spoons or spatulas, while of polymers. For example, PE/PP have a density lower than water
a rotating drum sampler has been used for sediment subsurface and would be expected to oat on the water surface without
bulk sampling (10–11 cm depth).51 Analysis of pellet distribu-
density modication (Table 1; LDPE 0.91–0.92 g mL1; HDPE
tion below the subsurface involved a number of 1 m2 trenches
0.93–0.97 g mL1; PP 0.89–0.92 g mL1). By increasing the
dug using a shovel, however how sediment was sampled
density of the solvent, it is possible to create a solution where
remained unspecied.46 Across all bulk and volume-reduced
higher density polymers oat (Table 1; PS 0.28–1.04 g mL1;
sampling methods, sediment samples are either stored in PET
PVC 1.10–1.47 g mL1). Common environmental samples (i.e.
drinking bottles52 or glass bottles.20,53
soil, sand) have higher densities (approximately 2.55 g mL1
The current lack of standardisation between sampling and >1.44 g mL1 respectively) than these polymers making
methods hinders inter-study comparison on the reported abun- separation a practical technique for separation.24 The sepa-
dances of microplastics in sediments worldwide.23,26 Differences
rating solution is most commonly a concentrated salt solution
between sampling design could be overcome by rigorous reporting
such as NaCl of varying densities (n ¼ 19/43), the most common
methods on the complete set of sampling details including depth,
being 1.2 g mL1 (50%). Other solutions used include zinc
weight or volume, density and water content details of sediments
chloride (ZnCl2) (n ¼ 1), calcium chloride (CaCl2) (n ¼ 1),
sampled.24 Simple improvements for standardisation could
sodium iodide (NaI) (n ¼ 1), sodium polytungstate (n ¼ 2),
include reporting using SI Units for sediment mass (g) rather than
ltered seawater (n ¼ 4) and distilled water (n ¼ 2). This leaves
volume and reporting dry weight values. a total of 17 out of the 40 density separation techniques that do
Differences in sampling design hinder spatiotemporal not specify a separation uid and 15 that also lack a corre-
comparisons between studies, as microplastic abundance re-
sponding density. The variation in separating uids used in
ported within a number of studies is due to deposition over an
addition to these being unknown in 43% of the density sepa-
unknown time scale.54 Shoreline and beach studies have
ration studies highlights the need for a standardised method
dened quadrat sizes at random or regular intervals along
and appropriate reporting of these methods.
a transect, usually running parallel to the ‘wrack line’ or
Shaking or stirring following the introduction of a separating
‘strandline’, referring to the most recent otsam deposited at
uid is important to ensure polymers can adequately detach
the high tide line.10 It is clear that microplastics are not from the matrix. Shaking of the sample is either done
homogeneously distributed across the shoreline and results can mechanically with a centrifuge57 or mechanical shaker,51 or by
vary widely even within a close geographic distance, however
vigorous manual shaking.58 Stirring was the other preferred
most studies assume small-scale variations within beaches are
method of mixing, done either manually or mechanically
insignicant.55 To date, no clear relationship has been found
(magnetic). Time frames were rarely indicated for stirring,
between the amount of microplastic litter and general survey
which introduces a subjective element in terms of deciding
method, except methods that included the total length of the
when the polymer has sufficiently separated from the matrix.
vegetation line (or ‘berm’) as well as ‘random’ sampling tends to
Aeration,59–61 and inversion48 were other techniques used for
have a higher mean.54 A single study detailed using a random this step.
number generator for quadrat sampling.56

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Settling times aer mixing varied between each study, with material (organic matter, calcium carbonate, etc.) from the
some le to settle for as little as ve minutes,62 and as long as plastic particles.53,63,64
‘overnight’ (assumed to be upwards of 12 hours).63,64 The timing Hydrogen peroxide (30% H2O2) was found to leave polymer
of settling was only specied in seven studies, highlighting the size, shape and resulting spectra unchanged,53 and was deter-
necessity for better reporting of methods. mined to be the best solution to digest samples with higher
3.2.3 Filtration. The most common ltration techniques organic matter, compared to 20% H2O2, 37% hydrochloric acid
among studies are sieving and vacuum ltration (generally dry (HCl), and various concentrations of sodium hydroxide (NaOH).53
sorting and wet sorting, respectively). Dry sorting by sieving can Mixtures of H2O2 and sulphuric acid (H2SO4) (1 : 3) have been
be done before the density separation method to reduce the used to aid in the digestion of organic matter,63 with bleach being
bulk of a sample or separate them into size fractions, or instead utilised to destroy natural debris in another study.34 Mechanical
of the density separation technique. Wet sorting is generally matrix removal is also seen in studies where samples were
conducted aer the density separation method to isolate the ultrasonicated to remove excess matrix from the samples.67–69
oating plastic particles, and is carried out by vacuum ltration. The matrix removal step is only present in 12% (5/43) of
These methods are consistent throughout all studies, with studies, despite it being an important step in the quantication
either one of these methods occurring to isolate polymers. The of microplastics from sediment samples. Its importance is
Published on 23 December 2016. Downloaded on 01/02/2018 10:14:13.

differing factor between these is the lter type and size. based on the content of organic matter that is likely to be
Seventeen studies reported ltering their samples during the ubiquitous throughout all sediment samples, making it neces-
extraction process. Filter types used for wet sorting include sary to ensure all matter is digested before analysis of the
most commonly glass bre lters (Whatman® GF/A, GF/C or plastics. The inconsistencies between studies indicate that the
GF/F; n ¼ 11), but also include nitrocellulose lters (n ¼ 1), matrix removal step needs to be validated and included in all
isopore lters (n ¼ 1), and zooplankton lters (n ¼ 1). Twenty sediment extraction processes going forward. Gravimetric
studies reported using sieving as their method of isolating techniques are likely to overestimate concentration without
polymers during their extraction step, 14 of which used it as matrix removal. A complimentary approach for measuring the
their only sorting step within their extraction process (sans total mass of plastics is through gravimetric analysis. The
density separation). This leaves the remaining 6 studies approaches vary and can include measuring the mass of indi-
combining sieving and ltration during their extraction vidual microplastics particles or measuring the lter paper as
process. Regardless of the method or technique used, the size a whole.16,50
and type of the lter paper is a large inconsistency between all
studies, with no particular size fractions being used to deter-
mine the quantity of ‘microplastics’. It is this that emphasises 3.3 Quantication and identication
the need to clearly dene the size ranges of microplastics in the 3.3.1 Manual counting – optical microscope. The most
environment, with our recommendations listed in Table 1. common quantication technique for microplastics is visual
The typical size categorisation of microplastics diameter use counting and sorting into various categories, typically based
here is <5 mm in diameter here, we endorse the use of large- upon polymer type, colour, size and morphology. Visual sorting
microplastic, small-microplastic, and nanoplastic as being and identication of microplastics under a dissection micro-
three separate categories within this range. With the imple- scope has been a common method reported in terms of quan-
mentation of these three size fractions, more structured tication (n ¼ 27), but has many limitations in terms of
research can be achieved that can be compared between accuracy. Visual counting can lead to either extreme over18 or
researchers, sites, and nations. Another inconsistent analytical underestimations of plastic content,70 based on the extent of the
approach is the pore size of the lter paper used. These range size ranges of plastics in the environment, as well as the risk of
from 0.3 mm (ref. 65) to 5 mm,66 but do not necessarily corre- counting non-plastic particles as plastic. For example, approx-
spond to the size ranges reported in their ndings. For example, imately 20% particles initially identied as microplastics by
one study report using the Whatman® GF/F lter with pore size visual observation, were later identied as aluminium silicate
0.7 mm, and that their smallest plastic particle detected was 15 from coal ash using scanning electron microscope (SEM).32
mm.41 This infers that anything between 0.7 mm and 15 mm is The application of spectroscopy in the conrmation of the
still being captured. This becomes problematic when weighing presence of plastic is extremely important, and can increase the
is introduced as a quantication method, but also begs the accuracy of visual counting. Studies have used a combination of
question as to whether all plastic particles were counted and microscopy and spectroscopy (i.e. microscope and Fourier
measured correctly.32 transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)) to rst count the
3.2.4 Matrix removal. Matrix removal is a process that can potential microplastic particles, followed by either conrming
be applied to the destructive removal of interfering organic or denying that they are plastics.65
matter present in the sample. The difficult task of separating Recovery of visual counting methods is highly unreliable and
polymers from their matrix is aided using solutions to digest quantitation using quality control samples demonstrate that
organic matter; making ltration and quantication more the colour of microplastics with 70–100% recovery for blue,
accurate and less time consuming later. Studies have included violet, green hues and 0–40% recover for yellow, orange, pink
chemical matrix removal as well as physical matrix removal and orange microplastics with transparent microplastics
steps and reported higher ltration rates and a need to remove recovered about 45–63%.64

1380 | Anal. Methods, 2017, 9, 1369–1383 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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3.3.2 Polymer identication (FTIR; Raman; scanning elec- being determining the chemical identity through mass spec-
tron microscope). Spectroscopy is required to conrm the trometry (MS). This is combined with Pry-GC obtains structural
identication of plastics, and their synthesis polymer for information about macromolecules by GC/MS analysis and is
particles <1 mm in size.9 Identication methods used to classify a powerful tools for identication of polymer.53 The major
microplastics from environmental samples include Raman disadvantages are that you determine the mass of polymer per
spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy sample and do not get any information on the number, type and
(including micro-FTIR and ATR-FTIR), and scanning electron morphology of the plastics present in the sample.
microscopy (SEM). These techniques assist in identifying A new technique for quantifying the amount of plastics in
colour, shape, morphology, chemical composition and struc- solid samples has been reported using pressurised uid
ture. Each of these identifying features is important in deter- extraction (PFE).75 Whole polymers (melting, destructive) are
mining the types of plastic pollution that is found in the appropriate for measuring the total amount of plastics present
environment. in a sample but they will fail to capture the morphological
FTIR is used to obtain infrared spectrum of emission or characteristics, that currently can only be captured through the
absorption spectra as well as to collect high spectral resolution labour intensive visual counting.
Published on 23 December 2016. Downloaded on 01/02/2018 10:14:13.

data, which facilitates the determination of the structure of

molecules.71 FTIR is the most common method in the identi- 3.4 QA/QC
cation of microplastics from sediment and water samples re-
ported (23/43; 53%; Table 3). A combination of FTIR and optical Analytical approaches applied to measuring plastic debris in
microscopy has also been utilised (n ¼ 4) (micro-FTIR) in the environmental samples are not well-developed.9 The quanti-
identication of polymers from sediment samples.72,73 The FTIR cation of microplastics from environmental samples has not
analytical method has many advantages in terms of plastic been optimised, and involves many hurdles such as contami-
identication. Based on the high concentration of studies nation, overestimation and underestimation.53 These hurdles
relying on FTIR spectroscopy we are condent that this is an become apparent at the extraction process, where validation
appropriate measure of polymer type within sediment samples. studies and blanks should be included as part of the analytical
One advantage of FTIR reectance spectroscopy is its non- process.
invasive nature, as it allows for samples to be analysed without Only seven studies of the 43-analysed conducted some sort of
destroying the sample. laboratory control sample (LCS) or validation trials. Validation
Raman spectroscopy is a spectroscopic technique based on studies retrieved recovery rates of up to 100% (ref. 61) and as
the interaction of a sample and the consequent changes of little as 54.9%.76 The size range of spiked plastics varied greatly
photons in monochromatic light and has the ability to provide and higher recoveries were reported for the larger spiked plas-
structural information about plastics which can then be inves- tics compared to the smaller size fraction.
tigated to identify their polymer type.74 Raman spectroscopy was Laboratory blanks were used in three of the studies evalu-
only used in two studies, where it was combined to both identify ated, which determined whether contamination from the
and quantify plastics in sediment using Raman micro-spec- laboratory or clothing of scientists was effecting results.57,77,78
troscopy. This allows for a non-destructive identication tool, Determining whether contamination is occurring in the labo-
where particles in the mm range can be quantied. ratory environment is imperative to ensure plastic content is not
SEM gives detailed information about the size and shape of overestimated by counting or weighing said contamination.77
a particle. SEM can assist in identifying inorganic plastic addi- The combination of validation studies and blanks are essential
tives, and gives a clear image of the size and topography of the in reporting ndings of a study, without them the it cannot be
particle. Seven studies employed SEM to obtain identication concluded that the method used was reliable or valid.
information about plastic particles from sediment samples.
Combining SEM with other identication techniques such as 4 Conclusion
FTIR can be advantageous, where certain plastic types could be
particular shapes. A study showed that most of their polyethylene In this review, we collated the analytical approach for measuring
samples were rounded, and most of their polypropylene samples microplastics in sediment. The four primary areas of the analyt-
were fragments.67 This information can help to give an indication ical process that have been summarised; (1) sampling, (2)
of the source of the plastics sampled, i.e. broken down fragments extraction, (3) quantitation and (4) QA/QC. Each of those sections
from large plastic, or primary nurdles.15,67 have their own subject specic challenges and require further
3.3.3 Emerging techniques. Three studies used pyrolysis method development and harmonisation. Specically, improve-
gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) to identify the ments and harmonisation on size fractions, sampling
polymer found in environmental samples. Pyrolysis is a tech- approaches, extraction protocols and units for reporting plastic
nique where a sample is burnt in the absence of oxygen and it abundance would be improve the comparability of data in this
typically applied for thermogravimetric analysis. The decom- research area. The issues facing scientists measuring micro-
position of the polymer related to temperature provide a specic plastics in sediment samples are like other matrices and bio-
signature relative to specic polymers. If combustion is fed into logical samples. Further, we would advocate for the development
a gas chromatography for separation of chemical constituents of strong QA/QC procedures to be adopted like other elds of
analytical chemistry. Finally, inter-laboratory prociency testing

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Analytical Methods Critical Review

is recommended to give an indication of the variation in Klages, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2015, pp.
measurements reported in the scientic literature to this point. 325–340, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-16510-3_12.
While visual counting has been an important technique for 20 J. H. Dekiff, D. Remy, J. Klasmeier and E. Fries, Environ.
beginning our understanding of microplastics in environmental Pollut., 2014, 186, 248–256.
samples, it is labour intensive and prone to human error, and 21 J. L. Lavers and A. L. Bond, Mar. Environ. Res., 2016, 113, 1–6.
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Acknowledgements A. Estrades, K. Gilardi, B. Hardesty, J. Ivar do Sul, J. Lavers,
B. Lazar, L. Lebreton, W. Nichols, C. Ribic, P. Ryan,
The authors thank projects Fondecyt 1161673 (K. Pozo), the Q. Schuyler, S. Smith, H. Takada, K. Townsend,
Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports projects C. Wabnitz, C. Wilcox, L. Young and M. Hamann,
(LO1214 and LM2015051) and the anonymous reviewers for Endangered Species Research, 2014, vol. 25, pp. 225–247.
providing comments on earlier dras of this manuscript. 23 L. Van Cauwenberghe, L. Devriese, F. Galgani, J. Robbens
and C. R. Janssen, Mar. Environ. Res., 2015, 111, 5–17.
24 V. Hidalgo-Ruz, L. Gutow, R. C. Thompson and M. Thiel,
Published on 23 December 2016. Downloaded on 01/02/2018 10:14:13.

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