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Unit no 9

Information in Education

9.1 New concept of information explosion

Information explosion is a term used to describe the rapidly increasing amount of published
information and the effects of this abundance of data. As the amount of available data grows,
managing the information becomes more difficult, which can lead to information overload.

9.2 Expanding learning resources

What Are Learning Resources?

For many people, the words educational materials invoke images of large, print,
classroom textbooks with small type, outdated information, and content that
covers the breadth but not depth of a subject. But learning resources are more
than that. They are any tool that helps teachers teach and students learn.

Learning resources include:

 Textbooks (print and digital)

 Workbooks
 Worksheets
 Manipulatives (blocks, beads, etc.)
 Flashcards
 Educator workshops
 Non-fiction books
 Posters
 Educational games


 Websites
 Software
 Online courses
 Activity books
 Graphic novels
 Reference books
 DVDs
 CDs
 Magazines & periodicals

Study guides

 Teacher guides
 Labs
 Models
 Movies
 Televisions shows
 Webcasts
 Podcasts
 Maps & atlases

At the AAP PreK-12 Learning Group we support the development and delivery of
quality learning resources in all media, across all ages, for all educational settings.
Our members provide a rich array of innovative educational materials for formal
classroom instruction and personal learning outside the school, touching virtually
every school, teacher, student, and family. Content can encompass an entire
semester on the works of Shakespeare or provide a deeper dive into a single topic
like multiplying fractions or learning how to juggle.

We acknowledge that students can’t learn from one type of instructional material
alone and believe that it’s the educators, parents, and administrators who can
best determine what content will be effective for learners. Supplemental
resources help teachers differentiate instruction and engage students who, for
whatever reason, need enrichment beyond the core classroom material. No
matter which materials are used, though, parents and educators should hold all
instructional content providers accountable for the quality of their learning
Resources for formal learning must consider reading, language, developmental,
and ability levels; include qualitative and quantitative assessment; and contain
comprehensive teacher guides. In addition, they must be accurate, evidence-
based, objective-driven, and designed to engage today’s students and teachers as
well as aligned to state, district, and curriculum standards. Informal learning
resources must still adhere to quality content and design standards as well as
providing a meaningful education experience.


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