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Story 1:

Some malware reads registry key values and looks for substrings in them that suggest a virtual machine

 The Smoke Loader banking trojan, checks registry key values in System\CurrentControlSet\
Enum\IDE and System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\SCSI to search for substrings that match QEMU,
VirtualBox, VMware, or Xen virtualization products (Source)
 FinFisher verifies that HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\MachineGuid does not
equal "6ba1d002-21ed-4dbe-afb5-08cf8b81ca32 (Source)
 CozyCar checks the registry key values in SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\
CurrentVersion\Uninstall for security products (Source)

Story 2:

Top ransomware how they use registry keys

1. Maze (aka ChaCha ransomware) Maze ransomware, first spotted in 2019, quickly

rose to the top of its malware class. ...

T1112: Modify Registry

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v
fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f --- enable remote desktop

T1547.001 - Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder

T1012 - Query Registry

2. Conti (aka IOCP ransomware) ...

T1012 - Query Registry: Conti ransomware first checks the computer name belonging to the
victim, via the registry:

T1562.001 - Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify ToolsThe threat actors disabled Windows
Defender by adding the below to an already linked GPO.
T1547.001 - Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder

3. REvil (aka Sodin, Sodinokibi ransomware) ...

T1547.001 - Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - a couple RunOnce registry keys and then
immediately rebooted the system into Safe Mode with Networking
aDTFUAIa7j :

4. Netwalker (aka Mailto ransomware) ...

Registry Run Key (T1547.001): Place a value on RunOnce key

Modify Registry key (T1112): Create its own registry key in \SOFTWARE\

T1547.001: A registry key will be set to maintain persistency of the payload on the host in
the following: ‘HKLM/software/’ and ‘HKCU/software/’

T1112 Registry Modification HKLM\Software\CLasses\cmdfile\shell\open\command

5. Clop ransomware.
T1562.001: Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify Tools: Clop, disables
Windows Defender in the beginning of its execution. Cybereason detects the
malicious commands executed to silently modify related registry keys:

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