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Unit - 6

Alternative energy sources

Q1) Explain hydrogen gas and flowing energy.


1. Hydrogen Gas

In contrast to different types of flammable gas, hydrogen is a totally spotless consuming fuel. Once created, hydrogen gas cells radiate possibly water fume and warm air when in use. The significant issue with this type of elective energy is that it is for the most part gotten from the utilization of gaseous petrol and petroleum derivatives. Accordingly, it very well may be contended that the outflows made to extricate it neutralize the advantages of its utilization.

2. Flowing Energy

While flowing energy utilizes the force of water to produce energy, similar as with hydroelectric techniques, its application really shares all the more practically speaking with wind turbines by and large. The most widely recognized type of flowing energy age is the utilization of Tidal Stream Generators. These utilization the active energy of the sea to control turbines, without delivering the misuse of petroleum products or being as defenseless to the components as different types of elective energy.

Q2) Write a note on alternative energy sources.


Biomass Energy

Biomass energy arrives in various structures. Consuming wood has been utilized for thou-sands of years to make heat, however later progressions have additionally seen squander, like that in landfills, and liquor items utilized for comparable purposes.

Wind Energy

This type of energy age has gotten progressively famous lately. It offers a lot of the very advantages that numerous other elective fuel sources do in that it utilizes an inexhaustible source and creates no waste.

Petroleum gas

Gaseous petrol sources have been in need for various many years, however it is through the movement of pressure strategies that it is turning into a more practical elective energy source. Specifically, it is being utilized in vehicles to lessen fossil fuel byproducts.


Rather than biomass energy sources, biofuels utilize creature and vegetation to make energy. Fundamentally they are energizes that can be gotten from some type of organic matter. They are inexhaustible in situations where plants are utilized as these can be re-developed consistently.

Atomic Power

Atomic force is among the most plentiful types of elective energy. It makes various direct advantages as far as emanations and proficiency, while likewise boosting the economy by making occupations in plant creation and activity.

Sun oriented Power

At the point when the vast majority consider elective energy sources they will in general utilize sun-oriented force for instance. The innovation has advanced greatly throughout the long term and is presently utilized for huge scope energy creation and force age for single homes.

Q3) Write a note on natural gas.


a) Natural gas is a fossil energy source that framed far below the world's surface. Gaseous petrol contains a wide range of mixtures. The biggest part of flammable gas is methane, a compound with one carbon molecule and four hydrogen particles (CH4).

b) Propane, which comes from both gaseous petrol preparing and unrefined petroleum refining, is the most well-known option in contrast to flammable gas. Propane is plentiful, and furthermore, when contrasted with flammable gas, is a more practical and effective alternative.

c) Burning flammable gas for energy brings about less outflows of virtually a wide range of air poisons and carbon dioxide (CO2) than consuming coal or oil based goods to favorable to duce an equivalent measure of energy.

d) Natural gas power plants produce power by consuming petroleum gas as their fuel. All flammable gas plants utilize a gas turbine; petroleum gas is added, alongside a surge of air, which combusts and extends through this turbine making a generator turn a magnet, making power.

e) Natural gas likewise discharges practically no sulfur, which means it is eco-more amiable and runs more proficiently than different powers.

A CNG fuel framework moves high-pressure gaseous petrol from the gas tank to the engine’s admission complex or ignition chamber. The pressing factor is then decreased to a level viable with the motor fuel infusion framework, and the fuel is brought into the admission complex or ignition chamber, where it is blended in with air. The fuel-air blend is then packed and lighted by a sparkle plug.

Compacted flammable gas (CNG) vehicles work similar as gas fueled vehicles with flash lighted inner burning motors. The motor capacities the same way as a gas motor. Gaseous petrol is put away in a gas tank, or chamber, regularly at the rear of the vehicle.

Q4) Write a note on LPG.


a) A combination of hydrocarbons (butane and propane in India), LPG is a spotless fuel since it consumes neatly in ovens with not very many emanations.

b) Auto LPG is absolutely Lead and Benzene free and is cleaner and leaves no buildup. Considerably less carbon store on the motor and furthermore the existence of Engine oil is improved which doesn't weaken. Aegis Auto gas in lieu of Petrol.

c) by and large, utilizing LPG as a fuel is thought about better for the climate. This is because the ignition of LPG is more finished and proficient than petroleum fuel, which implies that the measure of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons is considerably less.

d) While car makers in India produce a set number of Auto LPG variations, a vehicle can without much of a stretch be fitted with a LPG transformation unit which permits it to run on both petroleum just as Auto LPG. ... At the point when melted petrol gas (LPG) is utilized in inner ignition motors, it is named as Auto LPG.

e) Though petroleum vehicles cost less in the underlying years attributable to low deal value, interest and upkeep cost, low fuel cost and prevalent mileage give both diesel and CNG operations an edge over the long haul.

It has an octane rating somewhere in the range of 90 and 110 and an energy content (higher warming worth—HHV) that is between 25.5 MJ per liter (for unadulterated propane) and 28.7 megajoules per liter (for unadulterated butane) contingent on the real fuel creation.

Autogas is the third most famous car fuel on the planet, with roughly 16 million of 600 million traveler vehicles controlled utilizing the fuel, addressing under 3% of the all-out piece of the pie. Around half of all autogas-energized traveler vehicles are in the five biggest business sectors (in slipping request): Turkey, South Korea, Poland, Italy, and Australia.

Fig 1 Propane Station

Q5) What is bio diesel?



Biodiesel is a fluid fuel frequently alluded to as B100 or perfect biodiesel in its unadulterated, un-mixed structure. Like petrol diesel, biodiesel is utilized to fuel pressure start motors. See the table for biodiesel's actual attributes.

Biodiesel execution in chilly climate relies upon the mix of biodiesel, the feed-stock, and the petrol diesel qualities. As a rule, mixes with more modest per-centages of biodiesel perform better in cool temperatures. Normally, ordinary No. 2 diesel and B5 perform about something similar in chilly climate. Both biodiesel and No. 2 bite the dust sel have a few mixtures that solidify in freezing temperatures. In winter weather, fuel blenders and providers battle crystallization by adding a virus stream improver. For the best chilly climate execution, clients should work with their fuel supplier to guarantee the mix is fitting.

Biodiesel is a type of diesel fuel got from plants or creatures and comprising of long-chain unsaturated fat esters. It is normally made by artificially responding lipids like creature (fat), soybean oil, or some other vegetable oil with a liquor, producing a methyl, ethyl or propyl ester.

Biodiesel's Physical Characteristics

Specific gravity 0.88

Kinematic viscosity at 40°C 4.0 to 6.0

Cetane number 47 to 65

Higher heating value, Btu/gal ˜127,960

Lower heating value, Btu/gal ˜119,550

Density, lb/gal at 15.5°C 7.3

Carbon, wt% 77

Hydrogen, wt% 12

Oxygen, by dif. Wt% 11

Boiling point, °C 315-350

Flash point, °C 100-170

Sulfur, wt% 0.0 to 0.0015

Cloud point, °C -3 to 15

Pour point, °C -5 to 1

Table 1 Biodiesel Physical Characteristics

Fig 2 Biodiesel Production Process

Bioethanol fuel is principally created by the sugar fermentation process, despite the fact that it can likewise be produced by the chemical process of responding ethylene with steam.

The primary wellsprings of sugar needed to create ethanol come from fuel or energy crops. These harvests are developed explicitly for energy utilize and incorporate corn, maize and wheat crops, squander straw, willow and mainstream trees, sawdust, reed canary grass, rope grasses, jerusalem artichoke, myscanthus and sorghum plants.

The standard fuel utilized as a petroleum substitute for street transport vehicles is bioethanol. There is additionally continuous innovative work into the utilization of civil strong squanders to deliver ethanol fuel.

Q6) What is bio-ethanol?


Bio – ethanol

The guideline fuel utilized as a petroleum substitute for street transport vehicles is bioethanol. Bioethanol fuel is fundamentally created by the sugar aging cycle, in spite of the fact that it can likewise be produced by the synthetic interaction of responding ethylene with steam.

The principle wellsprings of sugar needed to create ethanol come from fuel or energy crops. These harvests are developed explicitly for energy utilize and incorporate corn, maize and wheat crops, squander straw, willow and well-known trees, sawdust, reed canary grass, string grasses, jerusalem artichoke, myscanthus and sorghum plants. There is additionally progressing innovative work into the utilization of city strong squanders to deliver ethanol fuel.

Q7) How bio-ethanol is produced?


Bioethanol Production

Ethanol can be created from biomass by the hydrolysis and sugar aging cycles. Biomass squanders contain an intricate combination of starch polymers from the plant cell dividers known as cellulose, hemi cellulose and lignin. To deliver sugars from the biomass, the biomass is pre-treated with acids or chemicals to diminish the size of the feedstock and to open up the plant structure. The cellulose and the hemi cellulose segments are separated (hydrolysed) by compounds or weaken acids into sucrose sugar that is then aged into ethanol. The lignin which is likewise present in the biomass is typically utilized as a fuel for the ethanol creation plants boilers. There are three standard techniques for extricating sugars from biomass. These are concentrated corrosive hydrolysis, weaken corrosive hydrolysis and enzymatic hydrolysis.

By mixing ethanol with gas, we can likewise oxygenate the fuel blend so it consumes all the more totally and diminishes contaminating discharges. Ethanol consumes to deliver carbon dioxide and water. Ethanol is a high power fuel and has supplanted lead as an octane enhancer in petroleum.

Ethanol is a combustible lackluster fluid. When utilized as an elective fuel, ethanol is alluded to just as Bioethanol. Bioethanol is oftentimes utilized as engine fuel or as an added substance in gas and is a possibility for more "inexhaustible" energy.

Ethanol fuel mixes are generally sold in the United States. The most widely recognized mix is 10% ethanol and 90% petroleum (E10). Vehicle motors require no changes to run on E10 and vehicle guarantees are unaffected moreover. Just adaptable fuel vehicles can run on up to 85% ethanol and 15% petroleum mixes (E85).

Q8) Write a note on gasohol and hydrogen fuels in automobiles.


Gasohol and hydrogen fuels in automobiles

Gasohol is a term utilized for the combination of 10% ethyl liquor (likewise called ethanol or grain liquor) with gas. Ethanol raises the octane rating of sans lead vehicle fuel and fundamentally diminishes the carbon monoxide delivered from tailpipes. The combination of gas and ethanol is known as gasohol. The principle advertisement vantage when utilizing gasohol is that the higher oxygen content of ethanol takes into account more prominent efficiency and decrease of pollutant emissions. A fuel comprising of a mix of ethyl liquor and unleaded gas, particularly a mix of 10% ethanol and 90 percent gasoline. A combination of petroleum (gas) and liquor (for example commonly ethanol at 10%, or methanol at 3%), utilized as an elective fuel for vehicles and other vehicles in numerous nations. The ethanol is gotten as a biofuel by aging of agri-social yields or harvest buildups, for instance sugar stick squander.

A hydrogen vehicle is a kind of elective fuel vehicle that utilizes hydrogen fuel for rationale power. Hydrogen vehicles incorporate hydrogen-powered space rockets, just as cars and other transportation vehicles. It tends to be utilized in vehicles, in houses, for versatile force, and in a lot more applications. Hydrogen is an energy transporter that can be utilized to store, move, and convey energy delivered from different sources. The motivation behind why hydrogen is wasteful is on the grounds that the energy should move from wire to gas to wire to control a vehicle. This is at times called the energy vector change.

Q9) Why is hydrogen powered cars bad?


Hydrogen power modules have awful hypothetical and pragmatic productivity. Hydrogen stockpiling is wasteful, vivaciously, volumetrically and as for weight. It has a horrible well-to-wheel proficiency subsequently. Simple approaches to get enormous amounts of hydro-gen are not 'cleaner' than fuel.

Fig 3 Fuel Cell Car

Q10) Why modification is needed in bioethanol?


Bioethanol Modification Octane Number

The octane number of a petroleum fuel is characterized as a proportion of the opposition of the fuel to strange ignition - known as "thumping". The higher the fuel octane number, then, at that point the more uncertain it turns into that the motor will be defenseless to "thump". The "thumping cycle" is brought about by the fragmented ignition of the petroleum fuel in the motor chamber, which makes an unexpected thump or blow the cylinder, which throughout some stretch of time will genuinely harm the vehicle motor. By adding an ethanol E10 mix to petroleum, we can build the octane number of the petroleum fuel by two. Along the lines bio-ethanol is named as an "octane enhancer".

Air Fuel Mix

The air/fuel blending proportion that is needed for 100% petroleum fills all together for complete ignition is about 14.6 air: 1 fuel. This implies that 14.6 Kg of air is needed for the total burning of 1 Kg of non-oxygenated petroleum fuel.

Fuel Filters

It could be important to change the vehicles fuel channel all the more regularly as ethanol mixes can release strong stores that are available in vehicle gas tanks and fuel lines.

Cold Starting

Ethanol mixes have a higher dormant warmth of dissipation than 100% petroleum and along these lines ethanol mixes have a less fortunate virus start capacity in Winter. Hence a few vehicles have a little petroleum tank fitted containing 100% petroleum for beginning the vehicle in chilly climate.

Motor Modifications for Ethanol mixes of 14% to 24%:

Changes to chamber dividers, chamber heads, valves and valve seats

Changes to cylinders, cylinder rings, admission manifolds and carburettors

Nickel plating of steel fuel lines and gas tanks to forestall ethanol E20 erosion

Higher fuel stream rate injectors to make up for oxygenate characteristics of ethanol

Biodiesel Modification

Practically all cutting edge diesel motors will run biodiesel cheerfully gave that the biodiesel is of sufficiently high quality. As a rule, biodiesel requires considerably less motor change than bioethanol.

Elastic Seals

For certain more seasoned vehicles elastic seals utilized in the fuel lines might require supplanting with non-elastic items like VITONTM. This is because of the way biodiesel responds with elastic. On the off chance that a low mix is utilized (5% biodiesel for instance) the centralization of biodiesel isn't sufficiently high to cause this issue.

Cold Starting

Cold beginning can now and then be an issue when utilizing higher mixes. This is expected to biodiesel thickening more during chilly climate than fossil diesel. Courses of action would need to be made for this, either by having a fuel warming framework or utilizing biodegradable added substances which diminish the thickness. This impact is just an issue with higher mixes.

Oil Changing

It was seen that during many field preliminaries that motors running on biodiesel would in general require more continuous oil changes. This was by and large the case with mixes above 20%.

Q11) How bio ethanol perform?


From electric vehicles and propane vehicles to gaseous petrol-controlled transports and trucks that sudden spike in demand for biodiesel, the present choices for elective fuel vehicles are tremendous. Expanding the utilization of elective powers and vehicles will assist with lessening shoppers' fuel costs, limit contamination and increment the country's energy security.

With an end goal to decrease reliance on oil and regular fills for cars, the car business utilizes elective powers. These energizes offer cleaner energy and enjoy the benefit of being made in the United States. Elective energizes, for transportation applications, incorporate the accompanying:

 Biodiesel

 Electricity (counting power from sun-oriented energy)

 Ethanol

 Hydrogen

 Natural Gas

 Propane

In many occurrences, vehicles utilizing elective fills require the vehicle to join extra innovations

Most elective powers can possibly diminish the measure of carbon dioxide delivered into the environment. The impact that a fuel has on fossil fuel by products relies upon a few components, including the manner in which it consumes, the material from which it is fabricated, and the measure of fuel it takes to create or refine it.

What is the main elective fuel to oil?

Regular Gas, though it's a non-renewable energy source, flammable gas offers two clear advantages as an elective fuel – it's broadly accessible, and it's known to consume a lot of cleaner than petrol-based powers. It's likewise by and large less expensive than fuel.

Q12) Write a note on emission attributes.


Emission attributes

With an increment in the admission temperature, ignition staging advances and pinnacle heat discharge rate builds, which brings about higher in-chamber burning temperature. Subsequently, CO emanation lessens with expansion in consumption temperature for both the powers.

Burning attributes

Start and warmth discharge qualities of LTC burning cycle are depicted by examination of start delay, in-chamber pressure, pressure rise rate, ringing power, heat discharge rate, beginning of ignition, burning staging, burning length and ignition productivity.

The constituents of biogas are basically methane and carbon dioxide, with more modest measures of hydrogen sulfide, dampness and siloxanes. The molar part of carbon dioxide (CO2) is high, which goes from 40% to 60% contingent upon the wellspring of biogas, so biogas is a low-calorific-esteem fuel.

Burning of powers in fixed (non-transport) ignition sources brings about the accompanying ozone harming substance (GHG) emanations: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O)

Fig 4 SI Engines Performance Characteristics curves

Q13) Give the difference between electric and hybrid vehicle?


Hybrid Vs. Electric Cars:

The primary contrast between a half breed vehicle and an electric vehicle is that the crossover com-bines an inward burning motor and electric motor(s) to send capacity to its wheels. Be that as it may, the electric vehicle draws power from a solitary wellspring of the electric motor(s) to impel the vehicle.

While mixture vehicles offer better eco-friendliness or longer distances/ranges, electric vehicles are still yet to arrive at that potential. All things considered, electric vehicles dirty lower outflows contrasted with half and half vehicles who are subject to an inner burning motor.

Key Components of Hybrid Electric Cars:

The following are the primary parts which assist with producing ability to impel the cross-breed vehicle:

Inner Combustion Engine:

In a normal petroleum motor, fuel is infused into the interior burning chamber. Here, fuel blends in with air and is touched off by a flash attachment.

Electric Traction Motor:

This engine draws power from the battery pack and sends capacity to the wheels.

Electric Generator:

This sort of engine creates power from the recovering energy while slowing down, which re-energizes the battery pack. Some electric generators go about as both drive and re-generative capacities.

Footing Battery Pack:

The pack stores power to control the electric engines and it additionally re-energizes through the electric generator.

Sorts of Hybrid Cars:

Auto organizations utilize diverse half and half plans to either accomplish most extreme eco-friendliness or to keep the cross-breed vehicle costs as low as could really be expected. The following are the various sorts of cross breed vehicles:

1) Parallel Hybrid

2) Series Hybrid

3) Plug-in Hybrid

4) Two-Mode Hybrid

5) Mild-Hybrid

Fig 5. Types of Hybrids

Fig 6. Emission Characteristics curves

Q14) Write a note on application of fuel cell.


Stockroom logistics

Many organizations with huge stockroom and dispersion needs are going to hydrogen energy components to control clean trucks, forklifts, bed jacks, and then some.

Worldwide distribution

Energy components brag both the reach and force needed for long stretch shipping and nearby conveyance. Organizations like Nikola, Hyundai, Toyota, Kenworth, and ups are as of now fabricating hydrogen controlled semi-trucks and vans.


Hydrogen power is being considered for other public transportation applications, including hydrogen energy unit transports. A few significant urban communities including Chicago, London, and Beijing have tried different things with hydrogen fuelled transports.


Hydrogen power device trains have now showed up in Germany, and in the following five years, different models are relied upon to come to Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, South Korea, and the United States.

Individual vehicles

Nine of the significant car producers are creating hydrogen energy component electric vehicles (hfcevs) for individual use. Remarkable models incorporate the Toyota Mirai, Honda clarity, Hyundai Nexo, and BMW i hydrogen next.


A few trial projects like the pathfinder and Helios models have investigated utilization of hydrogen power devices in aviation. These long-range automated vehicles used a crossover framework with hydrogen energy components which were recharged by electrical force from sunlight-based exhibits, taking into consideration hypothetically endless day and night persistent flight.

Reinforcement power generation

At a nearby level, fixed energy units are utilized as a feature of uninterruptible force supply (ups) frameworks, where consistent uptime is basic. The two emergency clinics and server farms are progressively looking to hydrogen to meet their uninterruptible force supply needs.

Portable power generation

Hydrogen offers flexible choices for versatile force age. Indeed, probably the soonest hydrogen power devices were created by Nasa to give power to rockets and transports in space.

Automated arial vehicles (uavs)

From bundle conveyance to look and protect activities, numerous new uses of uavs (for example drones) are essentially restricted by the force and reach given by conventional batteries. Both military and private industry intend to defeat these difficulties with hydrogen energy components that gloat up to multiple times the scope of battery-based frameworks. Power devices additionally have a higher energy to mass proportion and can be refuelled shortly.

Boats and submarines

Hydrogen energy components have discovered their direction into various marine applications. A few boats like the energy observer even use on board sun-based boards and wind turbines to create their own hydrogen for a power device framework.

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