The Last Letter

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Shima is a young girl who is intelligent. She is married to a petroleum engineer who works at a
coastal city. He gets a week-long holidays every month. Shima got pregnant right after the
marriage and in the last month, the fetus died inside her. She spent a year without pregnancy
and the doctor told them that she could get pregnant at any time and there was no problem
with her reproductive system. Two months after the couple’s last checkup, the husband told
Shima on the first holiday “I love you a lot from the core of my heart but I also want children. So
I have decided to get married again.”

Shima was shocked by her husband’s insistence on second marriage. Sheema tried her best to
turn him away from that decision and especially since she had no fault in the delay of
pregnancy. When she saw that he was strangely adamant, she asked him “have you already
chosen a new wife?” The husband said that everything was already done. Shima was shocked
even more when she found out that he was getting married to her best friend and that friend
has demanded he should divorce Shima before their marriage.

Shima got very upset at her husband’s betrayal but she used her wisdom and told her husband
“Give me three days and I will get back to you with my decision”.

After three days, Shima asked her husband “Are you still adamant on the second marriage?”

He said “Yes, and I want it today rather than tomorrow “

Shima smiled and said “I have two conditions. That you should agree to my travel towards my
parents who live in gulf before your marriage. Secondly, you should delay this marriage till your
next holidays.

The husband got immensely happy and signed on the conditions of his wife. Then he travelled to
his work. He was very excited. After his travel he kept communicating with Shima continuously
until a day before the holidays when Shima turned her cellphone off. On the first holiday, when
he reached the apartment, he saw that his wife had left with all their belongings including the
money which he had been saving to buy jewelry for his new wife. He got upset and found an
envelope that had a report saying that Shima was pregnant. It also had a letter saying “When I
asked you a duration of three days I wanted to tell you that I was pregnant. But I saw that you
were going crazy for the second marriage and it broke me. The money that I have taken with me
is my delayed dower. I will send your son’s photo to you. In fact I will allow you to meet him too,
should you decide to visit us. And do not forget that you started the betrayal when you agreed
to all this with my friend without my fault. I reciprocated your deeds and did not wrong you. You
agreed to my travel to my parents and the items that I took was my right in the form of my
delayed dower. Allah says in Holy Quran: “A life for a life, an eye for an eye”

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