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The slave Wagon

l y p t i c T o y s #2
Post Apoca
Co n k l i n Art B
And Ashe
h y d er

The Black Sparrow 3

History 3
Description 3

Possibilities 5
Shop Smart 5
This Town Ain’t Big Enough For the Both of Us 5
I Saw What You Did There 5
A Chance Meeting 6
How Many Sides Are There in This Fight? 6
The Compound of Saint Steven 7

People 7
Abigail Wilson, aka The Black Sparrow, Slave Trader 7
Ashland Quill, Escaped Slave 8
Bristol Shaw, Rival Slaver 8
Austin Hope, Potential Buyer 9

Encounters 9
Salvage 10
Rumors 10

The Black Sparrow
History along her route are more than will-
ing to sell prisoners, criminals, or their
Under the white and pitiless sky, own kin into bondage. From cannibal-
there’s a wormscribble track etched cultist to the most stoic dirt-farming
into the hardpan – the yellow dust outholder, every society out in the
pounded by weary feet and watered waste has a need for the goods and
with tears. services purveyed by the Black Spar-
It’s the route that the Black Spar- row, and they need access to the fun-
row runs, signposted with the bones damental resource of the slaver: a
of those who’ve died of redfever, the living human. Abigail will take just
seeping boils, or plain old fear. It’s the about anyone, and for a good price
same looping trajectory she’s made too. Convicts are fine for labor – they
for near a decade now, out from the can chop old tires to feed the fur-
shanties and drug-dens of Rebar City naces or pick through heaps of trash in
– through the pass to the farming search of useful goods. Kids are natu-
outholds, running the gauntlet of the rally obedient and don’t eat a lot, they
cannibal-cults and the machine tribes break easily, they take to training. The
to the hillfolk and beyond, to the very good-looking folk, well, it’s not hard
edge of the domains, where the poi- to imagine what happens to them. The
soned ground nurtures virulent, mon- souls too crazy and mean to work in
strous life. a garbage mine or a cesspool get held
There at the domains, Abigail turns back for bloodsport, or for barter with
and makes her way back – and it’s the likes of the machine tribes. Which
there where her true purpose is re- is the same thing, really.
vealed. She carries useful trade items There are other caravans that brave
like ammunition, food, batteries, slosh- the searing heat and scratching wind in
ing cans of fuel and fresh water – but search of a profit. There are the mer-
these are very nearly a cover. Her real chants with a side business in slavery
mission is to gather a particular re- and the out-and-out slavers who’ll sell
source: not supplies, but people. Abi- whatever their victims were carrying
gail’s merchant caravan is a conduit or wearing, but no one has the com-
of human misery, bringing the foolish bination of experience and hardnosed
or desperate close enough to disappear indifference to suffering that Abigail
into the belly of a closed cage-cart. Wilson possesses.
Her drogues (the foulest bunch of op-
portunistic criminals ever to shiv each
other in the back) act as guards and Abigail Wilson travels with at least
slave-raiders. Over the years that Abi- four wagons, usually more except in
gail Wilson has attracted their ilk, it’s the leanest of times. They’re drawn by
been clear that only the most vicious a motley assortment of whatever her
drogues survive. pet mechanic can keep running
But Wilson does far more than raid – jalopy cars maybe or a black-
the hillfolk for bodies. The people smoke-snorting tractor with 3
dwelling wood-
en-plank wheels - just any crazy con- non-human livestock. A couple slat-
traption of generator and chain. The sided mules draw it and a couple more
lead wagon’s always the biggest, and are stiffening in the wagon bed. Slaves
always armored. These days it’s even who die, or are too sick or weak to
got a little tower on it, clad in sheet- march tend to get thrown in here af-
iron, with slits cut through for her ter the drogues get bored with mauling
sharpshooters. Her lead enforcer, a them.
kettle-bellied muscle mass who goes by Typically the caravan will stop at
the name Dogface, rides there keep- some local gathering place and set up
ing a personal tab on the caravan’s shop for a span, three days to a week
armory. Following that is the Black at most. Wilson’s run this route long
Sparrow’s residence, a (comparatively) enough to be fairly predictable, so by
palatial old vehicle, like a little house the time her tents are up and the
on wheels. The crew calls it “Arvey,” lights strung, people with an inter-
a nickname it’s had since Abigail stole est are gathering. She’ll buy and sell
it from one of her former competitors. slaves, goods, food, crafts, and salvage
Its looks are spoiled by a gun nest atop from the city ruins. She also provides
and patchwork armor on the sides. services including “entertainment”
Somewhere in the middle of the cara- by the best-looking of her slaves. Her
van are the goods wagons, both dry preferred unit of exchange is anything
and human. Guards and overseers ride consumable, bullets maybe, medicine
on these, armed with whips, and the if it’s available – though luxury items
odd scattergun. Compliant slaves well and intact technology from before are
enough to march are chained neck- highly prized. Wilson’s gang of drogues
to-neck and follow the goods wag- provides the first and most visible layer
ons. Slaves who aren’t compliant are of security with Dogface’s overseers and
chained to a wagon, and if one of them taskmasters always an intimidating
happens to fall down the whole coffle presence.
gets dragged across the hardpan for The Black Sparrow’s market and
a couple miles as an instructional ex- slave auction feels something like a
ercise. Last comes the drogue-riders county fair, but the music braying from
and the meatwagon. The drogues are crackling speakers, the lights, even the
a miserable group of hangers-on, a smell of cooking over open fires isn’t
“mercenary force” on a collection of enough to obliterate the seedy under-
roaring, smoke-spewing motorbikes, current of hair-trigger violence and the
armed with whatever, a spear may- odor of despair and corruption that
be or zip gun, it might be a hatchet. always travel with her.
They’re hardly above slaves themselves,
the scum of the scum of Abigail’s op-
eration. The drogues provide some
motivation for laggardly slaves to keep
marching, and serve as a sort of buffer
or early-warning system against
attack from the rear. The meat-
4 wagon manages the caravan’s
Possibilities The Black Sparrow’s walking
market rolls into town just about
the same time the party does and
Shop Smart promptly sets up a bustling market.
The party, low on supplies, sees Abigail undercuts whatever the local
the Black Sparrow’s caravan and merchants charge so prices plummet
stops in to see what she’s got. Abigail and petty crime runs rampant.
greets them with rote cordiality The town itself is sympathetic
and gives away some freebies. She’ll to the abolitionist organization,
try to sell them, but won’t push too Brotherhood of the Phoenix so both
hard in the haggle, just guide the sides are suspicious and aggressive,
party past the human goods. If they and any party misdeeds are likely to
can stomach Abigail’s manner and be blamed loudly on one faction by
her business, she’ll set them up with the other.
whatever they need at a fair price.
Twists Someone important in town has had enough of
Abigail and asks the party to get her to move on.
As they’re walking down the shuffling chain
First they are told to ask her nicely, then offer her
of slaves, a slave calls out in tones of surprise and
money and goods. If the party isn’t successful they
despair. It’s someone they know! If they show
may be shunned by the townsfolk, or harassed, or
interest Abigail starts to wheel and deal. It turns
sold to Abigail in a fit of poetic justice.
out the person is destined for something especially
unsavory – the main course at a cannibal-cult W
revival, or a special delivery for the Tradesman and The Black Sparrow decides to offload some
his unwholesome appetites. of the dead wood that’s been slowing her caravan
down. She offers the party plum positions as
W guards and wants them to dispose of half her
Abigail has been taking heat from both the
drogue riders. No gun battles in the streets,
cannibal-cults and the machine tribes. The cults
please! But the drogue riders really are the scum
are getting tired of snacking on stringy, gamy old
of this poor, scarred, twisted earth. They’re
ex-slave, and the tribes want some real sport to
surprisingly well-armed and see no reason to avoid
honor their gods of iron and petroleum. Who could
indiscriminate carnage.
be tougher (or tastier) than the party? If they buy
provisions from the Black Sparrow, she’ll drug W
‘em and truss ‘em to be traded for passage rights The party gets mistaken for Abigail’s agents by
across the zone. a local purveyor of human stock. He offers them a
string of “choice, absolutely choice specimens.” In
W fact all the slaves are sick, and when their sedative
While Abigail is distracted plotting against
wears off they’ll start coughing out spores. It’s all
or entertaining the party, some enterprising
part of Gansom Crane’s effort to destroy the Black
slaves stage a breakout! It’s chaos all around –
Sparrow and end her reign of commercial terror. If
the drogues are whoopin’ it up, running down
this works, the Brotherhood of the Phoenix has to
fleeing slaves. Party members who pitch in and
let him join!
help Abigail will be rewarded. Those who help
slaves escape, or just stand there and laugh, will
be remembered and marked for untimely ends by
Abigail, if she survives.
I Saw What You Did There
Somewhere out in the wastes
This Town Ain’t Big there’s an enclave of normal-
Enough For the Both of Us looking but psychic dirt
farmers. One of their people 5
has ended up in the Black Sparrow’s the party’s favor, but the caravan itself is too well
guarded for the party to take it on by themselves
penwagon and she telepathically and help is too far away. What they need is a
asks the party for help. She’s been cunning plan and a small tight canon up ahead
may be just what they need to make one work.
using clairvoyance to spy on Abigail’s
operation, and offers the party W
The slavers retreat soon after the fight starts
information on where to find all the but not before grabbing Ashland and a member of
guns, money, drugs, or whatever the party. Why are trips like this never easy?
else she thinks will motivate the W
The party gets Ashland to safety but he
party the most. insists on going back and saving everyone which is
something the party does not have the man power
Twists for. Ashland suggests that if the party stood with
The psychic is a stunningly powerful freak, but the hill tribes they might be willing to bring war on
her enormous mental prowess was bought at the the slavers and take back their people.
cost of her sanity. She is totally unhinged. She acts

How Many Sides Are There

like a normal person until the escape succeeds, at
which point she goes ballistic, screaming insults,
and shooting up the caravan if she’s got her hands
on a gun. in This Fight?
W The party is walking across the
Suspicious behavior on the part of the party
is reported back to the Black Sparrow and the hard pack just minding their own
party emerges from the penwagon to discover an business. As they clear a rise thy
ambush. The psi-slave takes a bullet. Her last act
is to implant a message in a party members brain see a caravan ahead of them. From
and a need to go haring off to her people with it. their position they can see two
W forces of raiders descending on the
The girl is part of a scheme by the caravan. These forces are dressed
Brotherhood of the Phoenix to telepathically
subvert the Black Sparrow’s control. But Abigail is differently, but both seem prepared
somehow protected and it’s not working. The psi- to steal whatever it is the caravan is
girl’s Brotherhood handler wants her to attempt a
risky skin-contact brain attack. She’s begging the
party for help. If they succeed they’ll have Abigail
on their case, as well as the militant abolitionists of Twists
the Brotherhood. The party rushes into the fight to defend
the caravan and part way through the fight they

A Chance Meeting
realize they are defending slavers. Now they have
to find a way to switch sides in the middle of the
fight and make their opponents trust them.
The party literally stumbles onto W
Ashland as he hides out in the desert As the attack starts the party sees a number
from a passing band of slavers who of slaves escape from the caravan. A contingent
from both of the attacking groups go after them
are looking for him. He cries out as well as a small contingent from the caravan.
bringing the slavers towards the To make matters worse, all the commotion has
attracted a sandworm that is bearing down on the
party. The slavers, underestimating fleeing slaves.
the party, decide to try for a bonus
and bring them back too. Both the slave caravans involved in the attack
think the party is mercenaries hired by the other
Twists group and decide they are a particular threat and
dedicate their forces to come after the party.
6 The fight against the slavers easily
goes to
The Compound of Saint People
Abigail Wilson, aka The
Out in the desert not too far
away from the slavers route is a Black Sparrow, Slave
well fortified compound run by the Trader
followers of Saint Steven. This tech-
cult has been hording technology History
Abigail was born in a poor waster farming
for many years while their adepts family and hated every last minute of it. She hated
find ways to make it work again. plowing fields, keeping the crops safe from the
bat rabbits and never seeing anyone she was not
Lately they have been gathering related to. Most of all she hated the dust. She still
slaves to do the work of cleaning hates dust, but has learned that it’s just another
price to pay to make a buck.
and prepping the old tech for She has also learned that it is not just her
repair. These slaves work some of family she hates. It is pretty much any other
the longest and hardest hours in person she has run into who is not giving her
money. As she puts it, “Money or lip, which are
the waste and are treated similar you givin’ me?” She got her introduction to the
to disposable machinery, except the slave trade one night while she was sitting out
in the fields with a shot gun trying to catch a
machines are treated better. particularly clever bat rabbit that had been stealing
bait from the traps she was setting. Suddenly
Twists something big came plowing through the field and
The mother of a young man taken by the cult rather than running, she jammed her shot gun in
has hired the party to break her son out. The only its belly.
way the party has found to slip into the compound Turned out it was an escaped slave from a
is to hide themselves in the next shipment of slaves caravan crossing the plains of Sul just north of the
which Abigail will be bringing in. family farm. The slave begged for her to let him go.
Instead she marched him to the slavers and turned
W him over. She refused the reward offered her and
The disciples of Saint Steven have realized it is
instead asked for a job. She never even said good
cheaper to pay mercenaries to raid the slave trains
bye to her family and never regretted it.
then to pay for slaves. These attacks are harder
Abigail grew up quick and tough in the slave
on the slaves being captured than they are on the
trade. After a few years and a lot of money earned
slave traders who lose a bit of stock. The party is
she put together her own company and set out
approached to make one of these raids, but refuses.
to gather the savages that make their home in
Now they feel obligated to stop whoever the tech
the high plains beyond the hills. She has run that
cultists find to do the job.
route and several others for more than a
W few years now and has a reputation as
After touring the cult’s facilities, someone who can deliver the goods. Most
Abigail’s rival is infuriated at how the of her stock is broken and more than ready
slaves he has sold the cult are treated. He to obey when they get to market.
approaches the party and several other
bands of wanderers to help him wipe the cult Description
off the face of the earth. The rival will smuggle Dark hair, thin face and features
them all in and they will remove the cultists attached to a sack of a body, Abigail is
and free the slaves. The wanderers will get any strong and muscular but not in any way
salvage tech they can find. that makes her look attractive.
She wears rough clothing most
of the time and looks down
on all that frilly, lacy crap
that most women wear
to catch a man. Or, as 7
she puts it, it is easier to catch a man with a snare Description
and shot gun than with a painted face. Short but wiry Ashland is dressed in only a
dirty loincloth. The rest of his clothing and the
Stats and Skills tribal baubles that marked his status have been
Abigail is a hard woman and not a nice person. taken from him. His wrists are cut and scabbed
She can bargain with the best of them, shoot as over where he was bound to the other slaves in the
well as anyone and better them most. She has a line.
gift for cruelty and meaness that goes a long way
to breaking the will of her stock. Stats and Skills
Ashland is clever and a survivor, well practiced
Ashland Quill, Escaped in eluding people and spider crocks that are trying
to catch him. He is not strong, but he is fast and
Slave enduring. He was also one of the best runners in his
tribe, able to cover large amounts of ground quickly
and with little effort.
Up until a few weeks ago Ashland lived among
his tribe mates in the sacred hills of the fire king.
They hunted and gathered among the bones of the
Bristol Shaw, Rival Slaver
old city and in all it was a pleasant life. Sure, there History
were the normal threats, spider crocks were always Bristol Shaw is the son of the man who taught
a problem, but the real danger was slavers. Abigail the trade. As Bristol and Abigail grew up
They would come out of nowhere and snatch together they had a brief romance which ended in
up people without warning. It was so bad that as betrayal when she left to start her own caravan.
a child Ashland and his friends would play slavers Since then he has worked hard for his father, losing
and slaves. He was a small child and not too himself in work to set aside the feelings of rejection
popular with his peers so was always cast in the and betrayal she left him with.
role of a slave which he hated. However, the tricks However, Bristol still cares for Abigail deeply
he learned playing at being a slave and trying to and wants to prove to her that he would make a
escape from the caravan have helped him. worthy partner. He knew her when he was young
A week ago, a few months after the and still sees in her the things his father prized
celebration of his 15th year he and a few other that were not in him. She is strong, decisive and
young men around his age were caught by a female hardnosed about business. She is everything that
slaver know to the mountain folk as the Black he has been taught is good. He sees her as the ideal
Sparrow because of the way she darted in and he could also live up to with her to push him, so
out of the hills. The Black Sparrow bound him and he emulates her. Knowing that the only thing she
tossed him in with the other slaves. He watched as respects is strength and drive he hunts much of
she beat the weak ones and killed a few of his tribe the same areas she does and sells in most of the
mates who tried to defy her. same towns. While he does not have the passion
Ashland decided he had to escape and slowly for slaving and breaking people that she has he is
started working on loosening the rope that bound nearly as accomplished as she is, though he is solely
him to the other slaves. Even though the food they fueled by the drive to impress her.
were given was not much, he saved what he could Bristol’s cause, however, is a lost one.
and despite his small stature he was well suited to Abigail needs another person in her life about as
surviving the endless trek across the hard pack to much as she needs more escaped
the slave markets. slaves. These days, all she sees
A week into the journey he managed to slip him as is competition . She is
his bonds and has up until now managed to actually thinking about raiding
elude his captors. He is not heading his next caravan rather than
back for home, however. He is out going after her own slaves.
to find people who can If she puts his people in
help him save the rest chains then there will be more
of the slaves. money for people to give

Description Description
The inner conflict between the lover and the Austin is sallow and walks with a bit of a limp
slaver in Bristol is easy to see if one is looking for it. from a beating he received as a child slave. He is
When he is on, in front of people, his dark eyes are completely hairless, a small mutation he picked up
hard and cold and he holds himself at attention. He from his father. He has long fingers and a hooked
barks orders and curses, but when he is by himself nose. His clothing is made of soft natural fibers
or among the few people he holds close, his gaze layered with leather. He packs a sidearm and a
softens and his shoulders sag. He has dark hair, is short knife.
fairly tall and cannot grow a beard to save his life.
Stats and Skills
Stats and Skills Austin is a shrewd negotiator getting as much
Bristol is a good slaver but a better business value for his barter as possible when he deals with
man. He leaves most of the physical work to his the slavers. His greatest skill is as an actor hiding
staff and keeps worries about making the books his hatred and true intentions. He is also good at
balance and the money coming in for himself. remembering and reporting what he has seen.

He is not exceptional in any way except for his
dedication to his lost love.

1-14 A machine tribe war party

Austin Hope, Potential done up in face paint, ritual
Buyer scars, and piercings.
15-28 A couple of slavers dragging
History a struggling lad who calls for
Austin is a man who hates slavers with every help.
bone in his body. He grew up the child of slaves
and would be serving as a slave in some wretched 29-42 A poison-jungle nightmare
position today if it were not for the Brotherhood creature, half dire-wolf half
of the Phoenix. This order of abolitionists have mantis with chitinous armor
given up fighting slavery directly, at least for the and seeking jaws.
The order instead buys slaves from their 43-57 Two cannibal cultists lug-
owners and frees them. This is what happened to ging a crate across the waste,
Austin’s mother when he was still too young to “SUPLISE” raggedly stenciled
work. Her owner thought he was getting a deal on its side.
getting rid of the boy who was doing nothing more
than taking up food and the woman who had to 58-71 A squadron of Abigail’s
tend to his needs. What he did not know was how drogues on motorbikes up to
the order really worked. recreational mayhem
They offered freedom to his mother, but they
also offered a home for her and young Austin. They 72-85 Bristol Shaw’s caravan and
have started a community made entirely of freed outriders raiding a farming
and escaped slaves who are training to fight the settlement for slaves.
slavers and protect those who the slavers treat as
cattle. 86-00 A wrecked war machine
Austin has worked as a buyer for the Phoenix exalted into a holy site by the
for several years, but now he is on a different machine tribe Servants of the
mission. As he usually does he meets the caravans Gun.
in the desert to try and buy the slaves who are too
weak to make it to town or too aggressive to be
easily broken. This time he is also scouting for the
first of the Brotherhood’s attacks on the slavers.
Abigail has been targeted because of her cruelty
and disregard for life. The attack will begin as
soon as he gets the sick and wounded out of the
way and he reports to his fellows in the order.
Salvage Rumors
1-10 An assault rifle and a box 1-14 There is a slaver who plies
of armor-piercing incendiary his trades from the waste to
ammunition. It’s probably not the mountain who hates the
a Callahan full-bore autolock, job but does it to impress a
but it was Dogface’s very fa- girl.
vorite gun.
15-28 The followers of St. Ste-
11-21 A dozen grenades.
ven have been buying an
22-32 A thing like a first-aid kit unusual number of slaves
including skull-electrodes and a lately.
little computer. It’s a short-
range telepathy rig, granting 29-42 There is a small town
the user the ability to read the that will buy any unwanted
surface thoughts of a single slave, particularly women
nearby target. and children.
33-43 A toolkit full of common au- 43-57 A slaver known as the
tomotive tools, well-cared for. Black Sparrow will gladly
44-54 A heavy-duty ceramic wa- stop her caravan to trade
ter filter, the kind you can run with travelers.
just the nastiest stuff through 58-71 There is a lady slaver
and still get drinkable water. who plies the wastes who is
55-65 A briefcase-sized drug kit, known for her cruelty and
with substances pharmaceuti- the submissive stock she
cal (aspirin, antibiotics, anti- brings to auction.
shock) and recreational.
72-85 When slavers come to
66-76 A pair of portable radios,
town it usually means a
soldered together out of the
carcasses of at least 5 indi- party of sorts, but trouble is
vidual other radios. A set of never far behind.
tape-wrapped batteries and a 86-00 The Black Sparrow caught
hand charger to accompany. her first runaway slave
77-87 A packet of business pa- when she was only ten.
pers, including some gems
such as blackmail material and
this season’s password to get
through Machine Tribe terri-
88-00 A bottle of hooch! Not only
is it terrible-tasting, it’s half
turpentine. Being struck blind
after drinking it is the least of
your worries.


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