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To the Ambassador of the United States of America:

More than a year ago, the young soldier Bradley Manning, was arrested for an alleged
crime of leaking military secrets. Among these were classified documents on U.S. wars
in Iraq or Afghanistan, and diplomatic cables from U.S. embassies around the world.
The leak of the video "Collateral Murder," in which two U.S. AH-64 Apache
helicopters opened fire on a group of civilians in Baghdad killing 12. Among those
killed were two Reuters journalists; photographer Noor-Eldeen and his driver, Saeed

Arrested in Bagdad and jailed in Kuwait, he was transfered to the military brig at
Quantico, where he remained in total isolation 23 hours a day, locked in a cell 3'60 x
1.80 meters, without pillows or blankets, and no personal effects, was stripped of his
glasses, and forced to sleep naked for 7 hours daily. To justify this treatment, the army
claimed that it was a necessary measure to prevent a possible suicide. Manning's lawyer,
David Coombs, replied
that it was a violation of military rules because the staff psychiatrist ruled out that risk.

Among the many charges of which he is accused, is collaboration with the enemy, for
which he could be sentenced to death. And the truth is that the cables allegedly leaked
by the young man exposed horrific and reprehensible acts. Thanks to the actions of
these brave whistleblowers we discovered that we were being deceived by our own
leaders. The truth is that Manning has had the courage to offer the world information
that belongs to us, which should have been transparent and that governments have kept
hidden. And we're not willing to be silent in our support for those who risk everything
to provide us information about what is done in our names, and which should be
transparently available to us through official channels.

After being held for nine months in grueling isolation at the Quantico brig, on the 20th
of April 2011, Bradley Manning was transferred to the military prison at Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas. In early May, his lawyer reported that his conditions of detention
have been eased. But Bradley Manning has already endured more than a year of
imprisonment without trial, under extreme conditions which have been deemed by some
to be torture, and no one has been prosecuted for it. Articles 5, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 19 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights had been violated. For a country that boasts of
supporting the ideals of freedom and democracy, we want answers about the Manning

Yours faithfully,






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