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Logs from
the Sandbox
Report 001:
The Relief Mission
This report filed by
Joshua Kubli
Cover Art
Jeremy Dwiggins
One (1) Scythia star system map
One (1) New Anatolia colony map
Five (5) personnel readouts
One (1) crew member advisory table
Welcome A Few
Aboard! Assumptions
This is the first entry in the new Captain's Logs from the Science fiction settings vary wildly, but there are a few common tropes
Sandbox series from Occult Moon. Like the Tales from the that we're going to assume for the purposes of this series. Classic fan-
Sandbox series, this series gives Game Masters adventure tasy usually includes elves, dwarves, and orcs, classic science fiction
seeds, this time for science fiction campaigns. usually follows these assumptions.
You can use these supplements with any starship-based The Galactic Confederation: A peaceful star nation. Earth, and
science fiction roleplaying game. Each Captain's Log from many other worlds, are members of the Confederation.
the Sandbox gives you a problem for a starship crew to The Grand Star Navy patrols the Confederation, but their
solve, along with a new location, new friends and new ene- numbers are stretched thin, so the Confederation must
mies. sometimes hire civilian starship captains to assist in relief
and rescue missions.
The Carnifexian Empire: The Carnifexians are aggressive, vio-
lent, territorial reptilians. Enemies of the Galactic Confed-
eration, their ships have stealth systems. Carnifexians
have a rigid code of honor and prefer to use melee
weapons when possible.
The Jaodonite Mercantilium: The Jaodonites are a squat,
four-legged, purple-skinned humanoid species of traders.
Dishonorable and corrupt, their organizational skills are
Technology: Faster-than-light travel is relatively common, as
are energy weapons and anti-gravity technology.
Psionics: Psi powers are fairly rare, and most psionic teach-
ings come from a few organizations like the Order of
Nova Templars or the Star Navy Psionic Operations Divi-
When using a Captain's Log from the Sandbox, simply make note of
what adjustments you need to make to fit your campaign, and you're
ready to go!
Mission Briefing
Captain's Log. We've been contacted by the Galactic
Confederation to carry medical supplies to New Anatolia, an
allied world in the Scythia system. The Scythia system bor-
ders on the violent Carnifexian Empire, and the inhabitants
suffer from an outbreak of an unknown disease.
The disease causes mass panic, violence, and hysteria. We
must pick up the cure from a Zerkolian science ship, and
deliver it to the colonists as fast as possible. Innocent lives
are at stake, and failure is not an option.

Mission Notes: First traces of the New Anatolian virus

were discovered two weeks ago. The colony's chief medic
recorded findings on the illness, but mistook it for a harmless
strain of Aldebaran whooping cough. The virus spread rapidly
through the colony. The virus spread so fast, that it's likely
that the colony's food or water is tainted.
The virus affects multiple species with widely divergent biolo-
gies, suggesting development on a diverse, high-population
1. Colony Power Plant. world, or genetic engineering.
2. Colonial Administration Building. A crack team of scientists from the Zerkolian Foundation for
3. Hospital. Science engineered a cure as fast as possible, but its effec-
tiveness will be hard to judge until administered.
4. Law Enforcement.
5. Hydroponics Farms.
6. Mining and Manufacturing.
7. Apartments.
System Datafile (001)
1. Ashardalis. A sun-baked lump of silicon, with lit- Scythia System. The Galactic Confederation settled
tle value. The Zerkolian Foundation for Science is the Scythia system nearly forty years ago. Nearby worlds
considering installing an automated solar observatory. have valuable minerals and starship factories, and New Ana-
■ Atmosphere: None. tolia provides food for workers on these worlds. The Scythia
■ Gravity: 0.4 Gs system is only a few light-years from the border of the
■ Surface Temperature: 400 Kelvin (126.85° Cel- Carnifexian Empire, but the presence of Grand Star Navy
sius). Outpost Ten kept the Carnifexians away in the past, before
■ Chemical Composition: Silicon 95%, iron 4%, they developed their new stealth technology.
trace elements 1%.
■ Surface Water: None.
■ Native Lifeforms: None.
■ Settlements: None.
■ Hazards: Occasional solar flares.
2. Zeirond. Another dry, barren world, traces of
organic molecules show Zeirond once had native life-
forms; scientists believe it was captured from another,
passing solar system, perhaps a catastrophe for some
native sapient culture.
■ Atmospheric Composition: Carbon dioxide 85%,
nitrogen 13%, trace elements 2%.
■ Atmospheric Pressure: 0.3 atmospheres.
■ Gravity: 0.58 Gs
■ Surface Temperature: 193° Kelvin (-80° Celsius).
■ Chemical Composition: Silicon 77%, iron 13%,
trace elements 20%.
■ Surface Water: None.
■ Native Lifeforms: None.
■ Settlements: None.
■ Hazards: None.
System Datafile (002)
3. New Anatolia. Thriving with native plant and 5. Jedderman. Named for a famous FTL theorist,
primitive animal life, New Anatolia's hydroponics com- this worlds' orbital starship factories produce shuttles,
plex provides food for Ninepence and Jedderman. freighters, and military scout vessels for NovaDream
■ Atmospheric Composition: Nitrogen 66%, carbon Stardrive Corp. The planet is a “greenhouse” world,
dioxide 22%, methane 10%, trace gases 2%. with high atmospheric pressure.
■ Atmospheric Pressure: 0.8 atmospheres. ■ Atmospheric Composition: Carbon dioxide 97%,
■ Gravity: 0.93 Gs ~3% nitrogen, tiny amounts of trace elements.
■ Surface Temperature: 294° degrees Kelvin (21° ■ Atmospheric Pressure: 93 atmospheres.
Celsius). ■ Gravity: 0.88 Gs
■ Chemical Composition: Silicon 65%, iron 12%, ■ Surface Temperature: 693° degrees Kelvin (423°
trace elements 22%. Celsius).
■ Surface Water: 55% surface water. ■ Chemical Composition: Unknown.
■ Native Lifeforms: Lamprey-bats, manta-snakes, ■ Surface Water: None.
vreeths, sk'varren trees. ■ Native Lifeforms: None.
■ Settlements: New Anatolia colony, outside mining ■ Settlements: NovaDream StarDrive orbital starship
camps, New Anatolian Independence League factories.
camp. ■ Hazards: High atmospheric pressure, corrosive
■ Hazards: Multi-species viral plague, political unrest. atmosphere.
4. Ninepence. An inhospitable, airless world rich in 6. Doorway. A “brown dwarf” gas giant, psionics fre-
valuable ores. Run by the efficient Sherillian Mining quently report strange feelings of uneasiness in orbit
Guild, Ninepence constantly needs robot repair parts of this world.
to fix those broken in the mines. ■ Atmospheric Composition: Hydrogen 89%,
■ Atmosphere: None. helium 10%, trace gases 1%.
■ Gravity: 0.66 Gs. ■ Atmospheric Pressure: Varies with depth.
■ Surface Temperature: 38° Kelvin (-235.15° Cel- ■ Gravity: 24.1 Gs.
sius). ■ Surface Temperature: Unknown.
■ Chemical Composition: Iron 55%, silicon 22%, ■ Chemical Composition: Unknown.
magnesium 8%, trace elements 15%. ■ Surface Water: None.
■ Surface Water: None. ■ Native Lifeforms: None.
■ Native Lifeforms: None. ■ Settlements: None.
■ Settlements: Sherillian Mining Guild settlement. ■ Hazards: Occasional radio bursts that cause com-
■ Hazards: Occasional rogue mining robots. munications interference.
System Datafile (003)
Crew Member Advisories

Space Travel Hazards

01-18 Rogue asteroid or bit of space debris.

7. Voorling. A gas giant with faint rings and over a 19-43 Jaodonite Pirates in search of booty.
dozen moons. The fifth moon is quarantined pending
Diseased Refugees. They must be stopped or the plague will
exploration for Forerunner artifacts. 44-75
spread to other worlds.
■ Atmospheric Composition: Hydrogen 88%,
helium 11%, trace elements 1%. 76-94 Smugglers taking valuable ore from Ninepence.
■ Atmospheric Pressure: Varies with depth. A strange interdimensional portal opens near Doorway,
■ Gravity: 22.6 Gs. sucking in nearby ships. Physical laws inside are strange
■ Surface Temperature: Varies with depth. and twisted, but scientific analysis may find a way to open a
■ Chemical Composition: Unknown. portal home again.
■ Surface Water: None.
■ Native Lifeforms: None. Planetary Hazards
■ Settlements: None.
■ Hazards: Grand Space Fleet defense satellites 01-21 Flock of lamprey-bats.
maintaining quarantine. 22-40 Small herd of predatory, venomous manta-snakes.
Unexpected windstorm; dangerous for shuttlecraft and hover
66-82 Vreeth stampede.
Armed members of the “New Anatolian Independence
83-00 League.” They support secession from the Galactic
Mission Complications
Incomplete Cure Artificial Plague One Life For Many
The colony's life support system needs repair, but
The cure is ineffective. It's missing a vital There's evidence that the violent, belligerent
the repair access tunnels are locked. The only
chemical, that can only be obtained from the Carnifexian Empire might have engineered the
one with the codes is the chief life support
greedy Jaodonite Mercantilium. virus.
engineer, who's infected by the plague.
The Twists The Twists The Twists
Multiple canisters filled with the virus are The life support engineer is in a cargo bay,
The crew contacts a Jaodonite ship, but in
hidden throughout the colony. The crew has to surrounded by infected colonists. The crates in
exchange, they want illegal weapons technology.
find them all and isolate them. the cargo bay are highly explosive.
Computer evidence suggests that the life support
The spy is holed up in the station's power
The Jaodonite Mercantilium will trade the vital engineer is addicted to brainchips. They're illegal
plant. The crew must capture the spy without
chemical, in exchange for samples of the virus. in the GC, but the engineer was working with the
damaging the plant.
Carnifexian Spy in exchange for them.
A cloaked Carnifexian warship is coming to The life support engineer suffered a head injury,
Scans reveal that the Jaodonite ship is carrying
pick up the spy. The crew must find the ship and can't remember the codes. She kept a copy
slaves through GC space, in direct violation of
when it de-cloaks, and confront them on this of the codes in the glove compartment of her
act of war. hovercar, which was stolen by fleeing colonists.

Tainted Food Evolution Gone Mad An Old Friend

The colony's hydroponics farm produces food for The disease has leaked out into the local
other colonies in the system, but the food has An old classmate, friend, or lover of one of the
fauna. Local non-sapient lifeforms are now
been tainted with the virus. crew is one of the colony's medics.
causing serious issues for the colonists.
The Twists The Twists The Twists
Several shipments of food have been sent on New Anatolian lamprey-bats, driven mad by the The old friend is safe from the disease in an
automated drone ships that may have been virus, are chewing through the colony's air environmental suit, but one of the infected just
infected. The food drones must be intercepted filters. If they aren't stopped, the colony will punctured the suit. The crew finds the old friend
before other worlds suffer. depressurize, and the colonists will all die. just as they begin to succumb.
Rebels from the “New Anatolian Independence A group of colonists fled the colony to avoid The Old Friend can help refine the cure, but they
League” are caught stealing food crates. They infection, but they've been cornered by vicious can't concentrate until their son is safe. He was
open fire, and then flee with infected food. predators, and their air supply is running low. working in the Administration building.
A delirious programmer ordered the food packing One species seems immune, a nearby herd
The Old Friend first discovered the disease, but
robots to mix safe food with contaminated food. of vreeths (an herbivorous ungulate). Medics
underestimated its severity. They're wracked with
Their orders can't be overriden, and they'll attack could use vreeth blood samples to refine the
guilt over the disaster, and need consolation.
anyone that tries to make them stop. cure, but they're skittish, prone to stampede.
Personnel Datafiles
The Jaodonite The Colony The Carnifexian The Old The Life Support
Captain Administrator Spy Friend Specialist
Description: The Jaodonites Description: A member of Description: A member of a Description: An old friend or Description: An engineer
are merciless entrepreneurs, the peaceful, intelligent disgraced clan, the Carnifex- lover of one of the crew, the specializing in environmental
and this captain is one of the Zerkolian species, the Admin- ian spy has a chance to re- Old Friend studied with them systems, she helps keep the
slimiest. He's perfectly willing istrator normally runs the gain glory for his family by many years ago. They've colony safe and comfortable
to destroy the chemical nec- colony with efficiently, but sabotaging a Confederation grown apart over time, but from the toxic atmosphere of
essary to complete the cure, mercilessly. His sometimes colony. Implants and surgery shared memories link the New Anatolia. A tour in the
rather than give it away. tyrannical approach caused make the spy look like a Ter- two, and the crew member Grand Space Fleet ended
the formation of the New ran male. would feel terrible if anything badly for the engineer, and
Anatolian Independence happened. they started using illegal
League, and he believes they brainchips, even turning to
crafted the plague. strangers for her “fix.”

Stats: Stats: Stats: Stats: Stats:

Body (Weak) Body (Average) Body (Excellent) Body (Weak) Body (Weak)
Speed (Average) Speed (Average) Speed (Good) Speed (Average) Speed (Good)
Mind (Good) Mind (Excellent) Mind (Average) Mind (Good) Mind (Good)
Will (Good) Will (Good) Will (Good) Will (Good) Will (Good)

Skills: The Jaodonite captain Skills: The Administrator is a Skills: The Carnifexian Spy Skills: The Old Friend is a Skills: The Life Support Spe-
knows most of the crew posi- master of logistics, bureau- is an expert with close com- medic, with training as a cialist is skilled and capable,
tions aboard her ship fairly cracy, and social sciences. bat, and pretty good with physician and biologist, and a despite her troubled part. She
well. She's a shrewd negotia- No combat skills to speak of. ranged weapons as well. basic knowledge of environ- has some rudimentary
tor, but not much of a fighter. Zerkolians have unusually He's trained in stealth, but not mental systems. The Old weapons skills left over from
acute senses. too good at it. Friend also shares one of the Basic, and she's a passable
crew members' hobbies, such shuttle pilot as well.
as old Earth history, cooking,
or sports.

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