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Inverted cross
Greetings and welcome to issue #17 of the Inverted Cross. Our headlining article for this issue is a n
adapted version of the Guibourg Mass celebrated by Abbe Guibourg and Madam LaVoison during the
approximate years of 1666—1679 in the Saint-Denis/Paris areas of France.

The guibourg combed through the very

brief mentions found in
son and Sacrilege in Louis
XIV's France' and came up
mass the writings of Anton largely empty as far as ritual
Details are sketchy LaVey, then the translat- content is concerned.
and sometimes contra- ed excerpts of long out of The elements that we know
dictory in reference to print books such as Ar- (or at the very least, based on
the black masses cele- chives de la Bastille and the testimony given by the ac-
brated surreptitiously fragmented transcripts cused as well as independent
in France by Madame from the excellent black witnesses, we can reasonably
LaVoisin, Etienne Gui- mass resource website assume!) to have comprised
bourg and other partic- the Guibourg black mass(es)
ipants between the az3/synagogasatanae/libra are as follows:
years 1666 - 1679. rytopic.html * Parchment piece containing
Moreover, the as well as scattered wik- the renunciation (Please note
'confessions' used ipedia references. I also that while a renunciation was
against the afore named browsed through every a definite part of a Guibourg
persons were often ob- online reference that I mass, we do not have a copy of
tained while the mark could find that pointed the exact wording. I therefore
was under torture toward 'LaVoisin', had to 'ad lib' a bit and insert
and/or forced intoxica- 'Guibourg' and 'black
tion. Because of these a version of a commonly
mass.' In addition, I read used renunciation from the
historical 'facts', find- through the relevant sec-
ing an intact written days of old, circa 1633.)
tions of some rather bor-
Guibourg black mass ing and cumbersome * Parchment piece containing
(IF indeed one ever ex- books such as 'Affair of the wish of the subject
isted!!) would be next to the Poisons' and 'Strange * Chalice No particular type
impossible. I first Revelations: Magic, Poi- was specified, although my
P AGE 2 I SSUE # 17

best educated guess would be any grocery store; if this is celebrant is encouraged to
that it was either a silver chal- not practical, common table use placenta based cosmet-
ice stolen from the church (as salt will suffice.) ics or, if even this is unob-
silver chalices were fairly com- tainable, 'holy' water secret-
mon in the 17th century) or a * Sulfur (Most brands of ed away from your local ho-
simple tin cup of some sort. charcoal contain a trace ly roller's church! Cosmet-
This, however is a very minor amount of sulfur) ics that contain human pla-
detail. Any regal looking con- * Incense of choice (Burnt centa actually exist and are
tainer may be used for this orange peels, red pepper or not purely 'urban legend',
tobacco are fine for this however they are typically
* Knife (Note: This item is purpose.) imported and very expen-
only necessary if a dead fetus
* 'Holy' water (Easily ob- sive! (1.)
is secured. The knife would be
used to drain the blood into tainable from a church dur- Other items which were not
the chalice.) ing public worship time. specified for the Guibourg
* Consecrated 'host' (Simply Just bring some sort of seal- mass(es) in the testimony,
walk into any church service able container!) but which I strongly believe
toward the very end of the pile * Spoon or similar item with based on circumstantial evi-
of shit, accept the 'host' in which to mix the ingredients dence were nonetheless in-
your hand or mouth, then im- corporated in some form or
mediately walk out. Church * Flour (to thicken the mix-
another into the mass would
events are typically open to be:
the public and taking the * Vial or small bottle with a
* Wooden bowl and pestle
'eucharist' with the other folks sealable cap
to grind the 'host.'
present is not a 'crime'!) * Genital secretions of both
* Priest's vestments (Don't
The bottom line to re-
males and females
sweat this item! A simple grad- member here is just to do
* A naked woman for the your best when it comes to
uation gown, cape or long
jacket is fine. Moreover, if 'altar' obtaining and utilizing props.
none of these items are availa- * Bat's blood (This would Satan does not expect you to
ble, simple black clothing is be very difficult for most of spend a good portion of
us to obtain! I have a small your life seeking out one ob-
fine and acceptable)
bat paperweight that I place scure ingredient or another.
* Black candles and holders on the altar for these occa- You need only give it your
for the same (Tapers are sions. Bat bones can be best effort and, if the ingre-
fine. If black candles are purchased on Ebay as well. dient specified cannot be
unavailable to you, royal or As a last resort, an artificial reasonably obtained,
dark blue can be used just bat or photo of a real bat
as well as these are also col-
simply use the next best
can be used. The Dark choice!
ors of Lord Satan) Goat will understand!)
* Red wine (Or grape juice * A fetus, afterbirth or pla-
According to author
if one is a recovering alco- centa substance. Unless one Montague Summers in
holic or if access to alcohol is lucky enough to work in his book, "Witchcraft
is restricted for any other an abortion clinic, it is high- and Black Magic"
reason) ly unlikely this item will be (1946), Chapter . ,
* Sea salt (Obtainable at available for the mass! The

Guibourg celebrated masses Subject: Ad dei nostri, aloud the renunciation as

in a deserted chateau. In Satanas, qui laetificat ju- written on the parchment
both olden and present ventutem meam. (see step 1). The priest then
times, black masses as well takes the paper and burns it
P: Emitte lucem tuam, et
as Satanic ritual in general in one of the candles.
veritatem tuam: ipsa me
has taken place in vacant deduxerunt, et
and disused structures so Participants can either
this may be another thought adduxerunt in montem
Infernum tuum. engage in intercourse or
to consider. Do bear in masturbate at this point of
mind, however, that such S: Sicut erat in principio, et the ritual. The important
buildings are often inhabit- nunc, et semper, et in saecu- aspect of this step is to ob-
ed by unbalanced derelicts la saeculorum. tain male and female orgas-
as well as being structurally Both say: Gloria tibi, mic fluids. The fluids are
unsafe. Caution is strongly Satanas! (See footnote b.) collected onto the spoon or
urged in this regard! in a small dish.
The purpose for the mass
1. Write this renunciation is prefaced with the follow- The priest takes the host
on a piece of parchment: ing declaration. Note that in hand, raises it on high
EGO denego Jesum the word 'child' is used in and declares, "Hic est enim
Christum decipio et alterum the French-English transla- corpus jesu christi!" (See
deum et Ecclesiam Apostoli- tion, yet this only refers to footnote c.) The host is
cam et Romanam et omnia the fetus, afterbirth or pla- touched once to the genitals
mei ipsius sacramenta et ora- centa substance! of the altar/subject (4.) be-
tiones (See footnote a.) fore being placed in the
wooden bowl. It is then
'Astaroth, Asmodeus, princes
2. Align the candles in a cir- ground with the accompa-
of friendship, I conjure you
cle large enough to accom- nying pestle. (5.) The pul-
to accept the sacrifice I offer
modate the mattress/altar' verized fragments are then
you of this child for the
as well as the priest. added to the wine.
things I ask of you, which
3. Fill the chalice approxi- are... (2.)
mately half - three fourths The sexual fluids are then
full with the wine. added to the wine. (6.)
(The personal wish of the
4. The priest should now While doing so, the priest
subject is recited at this
put on his robe. The altar declares, Hic est enim cor-
time by the priest) pus meum (See footnote d.)
woman undresses.
5. The priest and altar
woman (subject) exchange The genitals of the al- Raising the chalice on
the following dialogue: tar/subject are kissed once high, the priest declares,
by the priest after the read- "Hic est enim Calix Ecstati-
ing of the wish. (3.) cus." (See footnote e.)
Priest: In nomine dei nostri
Satanas. Introibo ad altare
dei nostri. The subject then reads The priest then finalizes
the magickal mixture by adding Guibourg and His Associates (6.) Interrogation of
in the fetal/ Original French Archives of Voisin's daughter, Vin-
the Bastille, second half of cennes, 9 October 1680
afterbirth/placenta, bat
1600s, from: it was necessary to have
bone/hair (if used), sul-
sperm from both sexes, Des
fur/charcoal, incense, 'holy' wa- Archives de la Bastille:
Œillets who was menstruat-
ter and flour. (7.) He raises the D'après Des Documents
ing could not give any, but
chalice on high once more and Inèdits
she poured some of her
proclaims with certainty: edited by François Ravaisson, menstrual blood into the
volumes VI and VII, pub- chalice, and the man ac-
"Veni sanctificator, omnipo- lished in Paris, France, 1870s. companying her passing
tens, aeterne Diabolus, et bene- Reprinted: into the alcove behind the
dic hoc sacrificium, tuo Inferno bed with him, Guibourg,
nomine praeparatum." (See syna- dropped some of his sperm
footnote f.) gogasatanae/zacharias.htm into the chalice, On top of
(3.) Davot also said that he all this, Des Œillets and the
had had carnal knowledge of man each put a powder of
The priest then dips his fin- her, and that while saying bat's blood and flour to give
ger into the mixture and draws Mass he had kissed her pri- a firmer consistency to the
an inverted cross sign on the vate parts (emphasis mine) whole compound (emphasis
chest of the altar/subject to in- Bastille Archives, Interroga- mine)
dicate the closing of the Mass. tion of Lesage, Vincennes, 28
The following dialogue is then (7.) The Masses of the Ab-
November 1679. bé Guibourg and His Asso-
(4.) Autograph notes by M. ciates
d'Argenson (1695). Original French Archives of
P. Diabolus vobiscum. ibid., VII, pp. 172f the Bastille, second half of
S. Et cum spiritu tuo. MÉMOIRE AUTOGRAPHE 1600s, from:
P. Benedicat vos omnipotens DE M. D'ARGENSON. Archives de la Bastille:
Diabolus et pax suam sit semper D'après Des Documents
"...Guignard kissed Charmil-
vobiscum Inèdits edited by François
lon's body, and consecrated
S. Et cum spiritu tuo. (See foot- Ravaisson, volumes VI and
the host on her private parts,
note g.) VII, published in Paris,
into which he inserted a frag-
France, 1870s
ment of the host."
Interrogation of La
The candles are then snuffed (5.) Adding the host frag-
Voisin's daughter, Vin-
out and the Mass is closed. A ments to the wine is a devia-
tion from the method used in cennes, 28 March 1680
portion of the complete mixture
is bottled, capped/sealed and the 1970 'Missa Solemnis' it is true that he [Lesage] in
given to the subject. written by Rev. Wayne West, these ceremonies used in-
however the accompanying cense, salt, sulphur and ho-
*************************** ly water which he mixed
Desecration section of the
(1.) I paid over 60 U.S. dollars Missa was used in The black together.... (em
for a very small container of mass based French novel 'La
facial cream containing human Bas' in 1891. I have not been
phasis mine)
placenta and imported from able to determine if it was Approximate English
China. used before 1891. translations
(2.) The Masses of the Abbé a. I deny Jesus Christ the
deceiver and the altar of
god and the church of the
apostles and Roman and all
my own sacraments and

b. P: In the name of our

Lord Satan. I go to the al-
tar of our Lord.
S: To our Lord Satan, who
giveth joy to my youth.
P: Send forth thy light and
they truth: They have con-
ducted me and brought me
to thine Infernal hill
S: As it was in the begin-
ning, is now, and ever shall
be, world without end.
Both: Glory to you, Satan!

c. "Here is the corpse of

jesus christ!"
d. "Here is my body"
e. "Here is the chalice of
f. "Come mighty and eter-
nal Sanctifier and bless this
sacrifice which is
prepared in thy Infernal Note: I do not own or
name!" claim copyrights to any of
g. "Satan be with you. And these sketches! They were
also with you (with your taken from various books
spirit) on the black mass.
May the peace and bless- All photos in the left
ings of almighty Satan be hand column are various
with you always depictions of Abbe Gui-
And also with you (with bourg saying mass. The
your spirit)" top right sketch is of Mad-
am LaVoisin surrounded
by ‘evil’ while the last
sketch is of her unfortu-
nate and untimely death at
the stake.

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