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In 2000 the Barcelona City Council approved a new urban planning ordinance aimed at
transforming the old industrial area of Poblenou, with obsolete factories that had long ago been
abandoned or were simply not very productive, into a magnet for new activities. This new
ordinance allowed for a new land designation called 22@, which substituted the traditional
industrial designation 22a. So, terrain in the 22@ zone, which is basically the whole south-
eastern quadrant of the city, from Gran Via to the beltway and from the Olympic Village to
Rambla de Prim, which is the equivalent of 115 blocks in the Eixample, allows more
construction, more public spaces or green areas and subsidized housing as long as the
previous industrial activity is replaced by offices or other business services and equipment
related to new technology and knowledge.
The transformation of this part of the city bets for a high quality, compact, mixed and
sustainable urban model, so that the resulting city can be more balanced, more hybrid, more
environmentally efficient.

The competition just be developed in the block between the streets Pujades, Llull, Roc Boronat
and Llacuna, in which there is an important element: a passage that should be preserved.
The competition aims to encourage the reflection on a neighbourhood currently under a definite
development, with the introduction of a new building typology: the so-called "hybrid building".
This typology should challenge the high-rise typology, turning into a skyscraper, in an attempt to
concentrate in a single building, services which are scattered over the city. The goal is to create
a container, with different spaces and activities, whose main characteristic is complexity.

With the crisis suffered by the concept of the office building as juxtaposition of homogeneous
floor plans, and with the aim to economically optimize the land use, appears a new type of
building in which spaces and programs accumulate with no homogeneity. It is a new space
mainly characterized by a diverse functional density, the discontinuity of the section and the
uniqueness of their presence. This type of space does not seek for the independence of the
typologies, but for a bigger interaction between public and private areas, and for a bigger
relationship with the road infrastructure. In general we can say that these new spatial concepts
are the result of the combination between economic interests and the problems of public

The problems to be solved within the skyscraper will mainly be:

- The vertically mixture of different activities due to the land value on the site where they are
- The connection between public and private functions, the need for a new communal space
and its articulation with the street.
- The uniqueness of the skyscraper in the city.


Height: 150 meters above ground

Number of storeys: 40 above ground floor
Area per floor: approx. 1,000m2
Building area: 40,000 m2
Parking: 200 spaces below ground floor

URBAN PARAMETERS in the rest of the block

Height: 20 meters above ground

Building area: 60,000 m2 (including the skyscraper)

future arquitecturas s.l.

Rafaela Bonilla 17 28028 Madrid Spain

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