Ireland's National Parks

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national parks
Prokopenko Alina 10 UIPh
Glenveagh National

Glenveagh National Park is a remote and hauntingly

beautiful wilderness of rugged mountains, pristine lakes,
tumbling waterfalls and enchanted native oak woodland
in the heart of the Derryveagh Mountains in the north
west of County Donegal. At the centre of the Park on the
edge of Lough Veagh is Glenveagh Castle, a late 19th
century castellated mansion, built as a hunting lodge.
Flora: 268+ species
Fauna: 22+ mammal / 106+ birds
Wild Nephin is one of the last intact active
blanket bog systems in Ireland and Western
Europe, with as much as 2000mm of rainfall per
year. The Park also protects a variety of other
important habitats and species. These include
alpine heath, upland grassland, heath and lakes
and river catchments. On the highest peak,
Slieve Carr, alpine heath is found.

Flora: 366+species

Fauna: 16+ mammal / 88+ birds

Wild Nephin
National Park
Connemara National Park

Connemara National Park features 2,000 hectares of

mountains, bogs, heaths, grasslands and forests. It is
the site of many great walks and awesome views.
Western blanket bog and heathland are the
predominant vegetation types. The largest mammal in
the Park is the Connemara Pony. Although a domestic
animal, this pony is very much part of the Connemara
Flora:360+ species
Fauna:17+ mammal / 78+ birds
Burren National
The Burren National Park is located in the southeastern
corner of the Burren and is approximately 1500 hectares in
size. The word “Burren” comes from an Irish word
“Boíreann” meaning a rocky place. It contains examples of
all the major habitats within the Burren: limestone
pavement, calcareous grassland, hazel scrub, ash/hazel
woodland, turloughs, lakes, petrifying springs, cliffs and

Flora: 53+ species

Fauna: 34+ mammal / 95+ birds

South and west of the town of Killarney in Co. Kerry is an
Killarney National Park expanse of rugged mountainous country including the
MacGillycuddy’s Reeks, the highest mountain range in
Ireland. At the foot of these mountains are the famous
Flora: 143+ species
lakes of Killarney. Here where the mountains sweep down
102+ mammal / 116+ birds to the lake shore lies the 10,236 hectare Killarney
National Park. The distinctive combination of mountains,
lakes, woods and waterfalls gives the area a special scenic

Анатомия отличной
Wicklow Mountains
National Park

Wicklow Mountains National Park is situated just south of

Dublin. Covering 20,483 hectares, Wicklow Mountains
National Park has the distinction of being the largest of
Ireland’s six National Parks. It is also the only one located in
the east of the country. The primary purpose of Wicklow
Mountains National Park is the conservation of biodiversity
and landscape.
Flora: 800+ species
Fauna: 28+ mammal / 100+ birds

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