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This documentmust be read in congnchion with the applicable policies available on Uimati
Experience energy

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naia Tane Ofeave

Applicable to all tul time employees working in India

10 Paid holidays in a calendar year (1 Jan to 31 Dec E HOLIDAYS

Fixed Holidays are definedfor all branche

Flexi Holidaysmay e hosen tromhe 5e Holiday

Tor celebrating certain fesivals
across all branches, based on one's preference

Flex Holidays must be avaled in the same calendar year They must be applied at least 7 days in advance
New Joinees Flexi HolidayS are applicableto associates who join before 01 July
Fred holidays are determined by the Project (SwON location Refer to a s for details

G o a Dranch has 10fued halicayS

Holidey ist may be viewed via the pat
Periodic time-off for
vacations, to unwindand

Credit Cycle Leave Rules

End of each Unutlized leave may be
Entitement Quarter on pro accumulated up to 48
16 working days rata basis days um Duration
perFY day
Apr-31 Mar)

Empioyees are encouragedto utilize their Earnedleaves for better work life harmony
tisadvised that earned leaves must be availed in the year of entitlement
They must be plannedwellin advance withoutimpacting project deliverablesandtimelines
Confirmed employees may avail advanced earned vacation up to the prorated entitlement for that year
IfEL 3 consecutive days Tax benefit may be claimed under Leave Travel Allowance(LTA

Eaned Leave
Policy mey be viewedviathe peth i 2
Credit Cycle
Beginning ofeach
Quarter on pro
rata basis Days off from work for personal
reasons, at a shortnotice for a
Leave Rules short term absence
Must be availedin
7 working days per FY year ofentitlement
(1 Apr 31 Mar) Minimum& Maxmum
Min 0.5 day
Max-3 consecutive days

M ede e5TCS Tnd

SICK LEAVESS Days off from work in the event of
own illiness, injury, medical treatment
and/or recuperation

Credit Cycle Leave Rules

Beginning of
Unutilized leave may be
each Quarter on accumulated up to 44 days Minimum
pro rata basis 0.5 day
10working days
(1 Apr 31 Mar)

f Sick leaves =3 days, medicalcertificate should beuploaded in Global ESS

in case of planned treatment SL maybe appliedin advance t may aiso beapplied after avaling the
same(within 3 working days ofreporting back)
Sick Leave Policy may be viewed via the pati

Associates reporting backfrom Leave of duraton 30 calendari days or longer are tequred to iD the Leave End
Reporting Form (LERF) in Global ESS.
the LERF is not approved wilhin 15 days of leave end
date the
aSsignmentstatis would be chariged to Stop-Pay LERF
Multiple applications ofdifferentleavetpesfor cons must be avoide
Ensureleaves are appliedand approv elsn Global ESS
Timesheet leavesare generated for e oruhichthere are notimesheetrecords andno approved leaves This mightlead to
deduction of leave balance and/or Stopa y
Usage of leaves mustnot violatetne principiesPurpos for ihich they are provided

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