My 20 Lessons of Mind-Training II (W. R. Borg, Aubanel)

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20 I.

^11 documents tor our students'
personal use onh'. Hie;' cnnnot be
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20 I^S880N8

UliirLl - IrsininA
I^v Ñ. 6orZ

- II —

14 HiZIiLsIZ Hoaü (káZar), Dublin
átt reserves m al! eonotnes
His ?Lcult^ ot Observation ... ... 7

Ltsinor^ ... ... ... ... ig

8LVMI-^ ^L88OX
blow to Rsrnsrnbsr blninbsrs ... ... 20

blow to tismsillbsr twists ... ... 2Z

os Observation

V/e consist not onlz^ ok rninb but ok

inatter, sensitive matter, in constant
toucb v/bb beings anb tbings vbicb
inbusncs our lives anb vvitb vvbieb it is to
our interest to be well acquainted.
bar too okten, we are content to kollow
our patbs, blin6 to all tbat like can teacb
us. ^Vs nse6 to recapture a kacult^
cbilbren possess ok being capable ok
an intense keeling ok v/on6er, V/e nesb
also to recapture tbe enquiring ininb, tbe
7 —
20 H880N8 O? lVll^vH^^IbbblO

tbirsk kor unberskancling anü tbe craving

kor bnowlcclge tbat was ours wben we
were cbilbren.
We are in toucb wikb Le outside world
kbrougb tbe medium ok our bvs senses,
sigbt, bearing, toucb, tasks and smell. We
bave ko tabs care not onl^ ok our organ
ok sigbt but also ok tbose ok our otber
senses, in orb er tbat tbe inkorwatiou tbe^
give us ma^ be reliable. Ik tbe^ are ailing,
^ou sbould consult a specialist iwmsdi-
Vou sbould aim, witb tbe bslp ok
constant exercise, to obtain precise, swikt
and complete reactions krom zmur sense
organs, tbe sensations given b^/ one com­
pleting ancl corroborating tbose produced
b^ tbe otbsrs.
Vou sbould gradually develop tbe babit ok
metbodicall^ training ^our powers ok
observation b^ splitting up tbe object tbat
Mu examine into its bilkerent parts. Wben
>our senses bave rscsiveb tbis inkorma-
8 —
^1V 20 IK880bl8 OI- kvIMV-IR/KIblH,

tion, it sboulb be brougbt bskore your

intelligence tor zubgement, so tbat it may
bisco ver tbe wby's anb wbsrekore's ot
tkings anb tbsir beeper anb bibbsn
I sball now suggest some exercises
wbicb you most mobiky in tbe way most
probable to you pcrsonaby.
Rías? /cr>?QiOLHO^.—In some streets
tbe rigbt sibe biñers in appearance anb
cbaracter krom tbe lekt. kor instance you
see on one sibe üne sbops anb people
leisurely strolling along tbe pavement anb
on tbe otber large banks anb people
burrying about tbeir business, lake a
walk along one ok tbs streets in your town
anb make a mental note ok any biñersncs
between one sibe anb tbe otber. Returning
boms, try to tkink ok tbe reason kor tbis
8xcoM ^ake an atlas
anb carekully stuby tbe map ok a country
ok wbicb you know sometbing ok tbs
20 IOk' lVlI^Ok^/illsNv'r'.

bistor^ ancl economic like. Llose tbe Lilas

ancl ir^ to clraw tbe map krom memory,
not in detail but in rouZb outline uncí in
proportion. Hen aslc ^ourselk in wbat
WL^ it8 sbaps ancl position bave inñusneeá
its ciestin^.

lina» —It is essential

ibat ^ou slioulcl be well acquainted witb
all tbe people wbo are arounll ^/ou.
wbetber tke^ are ^our suborllinates,
equals or superiors, klvsr^one ^ou rnest
sboulcl be a subject kor close siu6^. His
Zensral appearance will Zive ^ou a
valuable clue to bis qualities anb elekects.
Has exercise I arn ZoinZ to Zive ^ou,
sboulcl be practiseb conscientiously. It
will bslp zmu to be elkectivel^ observant.
llroceell inetkollicall^ anrl in tbe
kollowinZ orller: —
1. Memories tbe name (witb its
correct spellinZ) an6 tbe aclclress ok tbe
person vou wisb to stucl^.
2. Ouess bis aZe.
K4V 20 s Ok

Lowpare Ki8 keigkt witk ^oui8.

4. Examine KÍ8 dead in detail—Ike
wa^ ke dos8 KÍ8 kair, die 8daps ok KÍ8
korskead, e^s8, nose, moutk, KÍ8 ckin,
ckeeks and ears, tke colour ok KÍ8 kair,
e^s8, complexion and tke pla^ ok KÍ8
ksature8. Lxpress in a word ^our
5. Ok8erve KÍ8 kands.
6. klotics tke colour and st^le ok kis
clotkes; judge tke ta8te witk wkick tke^
are ckossn, tksir condition ok wear and
7. 8tudz^ KÍ8 walk, k'or a moment Lx
^our attention on tke 8ound ok KÍ8 8tep8
80 tkat ^ou ma^ recognise tkem again.
8tud^ KÍ8 gestures.
8. 8tud^ KÍ8 voice. His accent ma^
indicate KÍ8 origin, a skgkt inllection, a
kault in pronunciation ma> give Kim
awa^ in man^ waz'8.
9. 8um up in a 8impls 8sntencs Ike
impresión ke give8 >ou. ^.8k ^our8elk ok
ii —
20 l_L88OM op lVIMO Ht/iIbUblO

bis sver^/ action, wbat bis reason 18, wbat

bis motive Í8, bis possible reaction to tbis
or tbat remarle.
>Vbsn bomeward bound, tr^ to rem­
ember wbat vou bave learned. Do not
assume an unlimited kaitb in ^our
judZement before verik^inZ wbat 8sem8
apparent to ^ou. b>one ok ^our con-
e1u8ion8 sbould be eon8idered 8ound
until confirmed and ^ou sbould tabe
ever^ opportunity ok comparing conclu-
8ion8 witb Ids kaet8.
Hie best wa^ to perkeet ^our MdZement
and powers ok ob8ervation i8 to exerei8e
tkem. practice malees perfect is an adaZe
wliieli is especially true ok mind-traininZ.
Wesson live requires about twelve da^s'
stud^. Ibe tbird exercise ok Ibis lesson
sbould be practised eacb da^. In ds-
velopmA ^our powers ok observation ^ou
will also Zrsatlzr improve z^our natural
memory and ^ou must practise tbis lesson
conscientiously bekore movinZ on to
lesson six.
12 —
5IX1I-I b^880^I


b4an^ people complain either ok saving

a back memory or ok bavinZ no memory
at all, anb tbeir bn8lne88 appolntrnent8,
tbe NLine8 ok tlieir krienb8 anü tbe
preeiou8 1s88on8 tkat experience teacbe8
tlistn 8ta^ in tlieir bsa68 no longer tban
water in a 8ieve.
Hie kact i8, ok cour8s, tliat everyone
ba8 8uñicient memory to taire liiin tbrougb
like but tbat onl^ a kew people bnow bow
to mabe U8e ok tbe re8ource8 ok tbi8
woncierkul kacult^. 1o-ba^ I 8ball teacd
^/ou tbe rule8 wbicb govern inenior^, anc!
13 —
tdV 20 ^880^8 Ob

wben ^ou bave understood Idem I will

reveal tbe various wags iu wbicb to
perkorm tbe most dMcult keats ok
lo remember an^tbing implies bavin g
a Mental image ok it stored in tbe sub­
conscious mind and recalling it to bgbt
akter a certain period ok time. In order to
remember tbe street in wbicb our botel
is wben we visit a town kor tbe krst time,
we must impress it upon our minds. Ik we
bavs been walling along, completely
absorbed in tbinling ok tbe krisnds we are
going to see, or ik tbe cbanging scene ok
people walling bitber and tbitber in tbe
street bas engaged our attention and
prevented our maling a note ok tbe land-
marls on tbe wa^, it is kairlg certain tbat
we sball not recognise tbe road wben we
see it again. It is generally admitted and
all ressareb into tbe subject ok memory
tends to conbrm tbis, tbat kbe first
impression, deeply and clear and unbur-
riedl^ imprinted on tbe mind, is tbe real
14 —
K4V 20 H88O^8 Ob

be^ to memory. ldnkortunatel^ tbis lav/ is

so obvious tbat one considers it as a
commonplace tact ot little significance.
In order to malce an indelible impres­
sion on ^our min6 zmu sbould process
as koUows:
1. Oive tbe wbole ok >our attention
to tbe object ok z^our stud^ and do not
allow ^our mind to be distracted b^ an^
outside subject. Ik ^ou wisb to remember
wbat ^ou read, do not allow ;mur wits to
wander, t^. later lesson on concentration
will belp ziou kurtber bers).
2. ^ppl^ successively ^our dilkerent
senses to tbe object in order to know it
krom all angles.
Ik vou v/isb to remember tbe name ok
someone just leaving ^our oñlce write it
down, at tbe same time spelling tbe word
out loud so as to bave audible, visual and
Muscular memories to rsinkorcs tbe
original impression.
rs —
lvlv 20 H88ON8 Ok' ^H^O-Hr.^1^1^6

z. lVIentall^ split up tbe object into

its component parts. In a lace, kor
instance, detail and anales tbe diñersnt
4. 'krv to grasp tbe signibcance ok
wbatevsr z-ou wisb to remember. Ik it is
a poem in a korsign language tabs note
ok tbe sense ok eacb ok tbe words.
5. bet ^our mind dwell kor a certain
time on tbe image ^ou wisb to retain in
vour memory in order to allow it to sinb
deeply into ^c>ur mind.
Ibs system all too kre^uentl^ employed
b^ scbool bo^s, ok committing tbings to
memory b)' Monotonous repetition, is
nsitber tbe onl^ nor tbe most intelligent
mstbod (we mention it as a last resort)
but it is one to wbicb we must nsvsrtbs-
less accord a certain importance, be it
ever so small.
kact mentally registered in tbis wa^
is easily retained, but sbould ^ou wisb to
strengtben tbe impression, it is as well to
16 —
KIV 20 H88ON8 0?

recall it krom time to time, at lengtbening

Hie best wa^ in wbicb to kelp ^ourselk
to recall sometbing to mind, is to recreate
tbe mental atmospbsrs in wbicb tbe
impression was received.
I am pulling m^ brain to determine
ok wkat I was tbinbing last 8unda^, some-
tbing I promised m^selk not to korget. I
was sitting bv tbe window, kor it was bol
and sultry, drinbing a cool drinlc witb
Zreat enjoyment. I pulled a newspaper out
ok poclcet and began to read just as tbe
orcbestra started placing tbe Hungarian
kibapsodv, a piece I particularly like. I
start to bum tbe first bars ok tbs melody,
and suddenly I clearly recalled tbat tbe
sometbing was an apparatus kor electrical
beating wbicb I wisbed to instal in mv
^Ve bave all bad similar experiences
to wbicb perbaps we bave not attacbsd
tbs importance tbe^ deserve. It is only
— 17 —
Iviv 20 lkL880kl8 Ok^

nece88ar^ to 8^8temat!^e ike procs88 in

Older io take a great 8tep forward in
developing memory.
V/e 8kail now deal witk tke wa^ in
wkick to recall, wken nece88ar^, 80ine-
tking we wi8k to do in tke near future.
V/ken ^ou leave Ike olkce, tkat Í8 in
two kours' time, ^ou niu8t remember to
colleet ^our watck wkick ^ou kave taken
to ks repaired.
It Í8 onl^ eleven now, but con8truet
tke 8eene: irnagine tkat it Í8 8triking one
o'clock and tkat ^ou are now putting on
Xour kat. Iu8t a8 ^ou 8dut z^our <Mce
door z^ou are arre8ted b^/ tke idea tkat
Mu kave 8ometking to do wkick Í8 ont-
8ids ^our U8ual routine. Vou tkink a
moment, wonder wkat it can be, and keel
in z^our pocket kor z^our watck. It Í8 not
tkere, >ou are at once relieved ok ^our
uncertainty and Ka8ten to tke watck-
— 18 —
btV 20 bL88ObI8 o? briblO-Hr.^IblIblO

V/ben one o'clock eomes ^'ou will kncl

tbat ^/ou automatieall^ M tlilOUZb tbe
little seene Lat ^ou imaeineb two bours

pk^ond /^??nic:L7io^.—^r^ to re­

member witb preeision:—(a) a verbal
orcler kounb), (b) a painting (si§bt),
le) tbs obour ok a perkume (smell), (c/>
a poem (si§bt an6 souncb, (e) tbe toueb ok
a eoin (toueb), in suck a wa^ as to reco§-
nise tbsw amon§ man^ ok tbelr binb.
Irain ^ourselk mslbobicab^ to rem­
ember tblnZs ;'ou must 60 iu tbe kuture.
kractise tbis at obb moments eaeb cla^
aub witbout kail anb ^ou will be
astomsbsb tbe result.
8w<t^ tbis lesson kor a weeb bekore
passing on to tbe next.

ru —
8^V^H-I I_k88Ol^

ksmsmlrsr k>Iumbsr8

It i8 ver^ dikkcult to remember

Numbers are in kact abstract and we
cannot tbinb ok tbem apart krom tbe
objects wbose value tbe^ cienote. Hie
number 10 bus no signikcancs in our
minds apart krom tbinlcing ok it as ten
units ok sometbinZ, tbe ten spots on a
domino kor example.
I^ven wben we eonneet numbers witb
concrete ideas, it is impossible kor us to
bave a really exact idea wben tks^ start
assuming a certain sire. In a crowd ^ou
— 20 —
!VlV 20 1^8801-18 Ok

ma^ L8^ yourself ok bow man^ people

^ou tbinlc it con8Í8t8, an6 ^ou will 6n6
tbat tbe most carekul survey will give z^ou
onl^ a ver>' rougb e8timate.
One ok tbe conclition8 ok memorising
an^tbing, Í8 to register a clear image, one
quite cli8tinct krom oilier image8 witb
wbicb we migbt be libels to eonku8e it,
ancl a8 number8 leave onl^ a vagus
impre88ion on tbe minO, it is not sur-
pri8inZ tbat we cannot easily recall tbem.
^8 numbsr8 are 80 cliñicult to retain
we 8ub8titute worcl8 kor tbem, wbicb are
kar ea8ier to remember, in 8ucb a waz^
tbat tbe memory ok tbe worcls recall8 at
once, anO witbout ambiguity, tbe memory
ok tbe corre8pon6ing number8.
1bÍ8 Í8 clone b^ ob8erving tbe kollowing
1. lo eacb bgurs Í8 388igne6 one or
two con8onant8 a8 8bown in tbe kollowing
pbonetical table.
—— »
IV,V >0 I OI> Vllbll, I It^IlSipsU .

'j 88 IN js8t
o s o 88 in oit^ (sokt c)
l g 8,8 in Aisd e)
/ 8 88 in sit« 6--- oil 8,8 in vdilu
sil 88 in gdsll
4 88 in ton fk 88 in KÍNA
j <1 NS in Ü0 0 8,8 in 0884 <>>»»> c)
7--- l 88 ÍN gNNii
2 — n 8,8 in IN NS s nk 88 in linir or
3 — m 88 in minos l, iinlior
SK in Most (i»r<I 8> i V 88 in vsilozi
4 — -Ng 8,8 in 8ONF, 8ill§ I 5 88 in kun
l or in 8MAsr
x> as in xnrosl
5 — I ss in lion S---
t> ns in bont

kor example, tire number 172 will be

representes b^ Hiss or Hbl,
2. ^be8e consonants ones 6eei6e6
upon, wor6s ma^ be kormeá from tbem
bs/ free use ok vowels la, s, i, o, u, ^),
consonants libe K an6 V/ ancl all sounds
an6 compound sounds ILs m, not use6
in tbe table ok equivalents, Ibus ILl^l
can be ^oKe^ or OLIss OeaLobl,
3. In korminZ tkese substitute worcls
7ou sboulcl tbinlc onl/ of tbe souncls tbe/
represent as abstract from tkeir spellinx.
— 22 —
20 14 880188 Os ^IIXO Ilt/XIXII8O

kbe word HlOÑOV6»^ÑI2 is reduced

to tbe number 8, k being tbe on!z^ sound
included in tbe table ok equivalents.
In following tbess rules gou will kind
tbat a number bas man^ possibilities as
kar as words are concerned but a word
bas onlg one equivalent in bgures. ^be
figures ma^ easily be rernernbered b^
learning tbis mnemonic
8ir Ibomas blewton lVl^steriousl^ Oained
0 12 3 4
Condon, lust Carrying kour karcels.
Z 6 7 8 9
It ma^ also belp to remember tbe
numbers b^ tbinbing ok tbe sbapes ok
tbeir equivalent letter, kor instance, bl
bas two strobes, tbres, 1 and k are
sometbing in sbape libs 1 and 8.
He system ok replacing numbers b^
words is capable ok tbe most varied
application; ^our divers occupations will
enable ^ou to discover new ones ever^
23 —
20 HWON8 O?

In tbe same wu^, we can remember an

address, tbe number ok a bis or a ear.
Vou will sometimes bave lo use cerium
conventions, 8uek us putting a 0 bekors
«lutes ver^ sbortl^ bekore tbe 8irtb ok
Lbrist, ulso kor negative number8 and
bekore tbe denominator in tractions;
otberwise, ^ou ms^ become contused.
Vou could ulso lsuve out tbe figures
representing tbe bundreds in dutes tbut
are well lrnown. ^bese are speciul cuses
upon wbicb ^ou Ma^ exercise ^our
— Iranslats
tbe cur numbers tbut ^ou see in tbe street
und tbe dots ok dominoes taben out ok u
box ut random (tbis is un excellent
exercise kor developing mental agility),
kvcr^da^ translate sometbing wbicb
migkt be usskul, sucb as a telepbons
number or an bistorical date, a ble num­
ber or un^ otker number tbat ^ou need
to remember.
Do not pass on to tbe next lesson kor a
24 —
to ksmsmbsr l-ists

Ik I read a dundred 066 word8 to ^ou,

at random, and Leu L8d ^ou to repeat
tdem in tds same order, akter dearinZ
tdem onl^ once, ^ou would no doubt
tdind tdat I wa8 asding z^ou to 60 tde
dlevertdele88 it Í8 a keat ok memory
8Ímllar to tdis, L8 well L8 0tliers even
more extraordinary, tkat z^ou will de adíe
to aeeompIÍ8d a8 8oon a8 ^ou dave
rna8tereci tdi8 1s88on.
Ids poet 8ilnoni6e8 WL8 attending a
banquet wden a kriend 8snt word tdat de
20 ^880^8 Ob

vvÍ8bed to 8pealc vvitb dim. V/Liist Le WL8

talking kv tbe doorway v/itb biz friend,
tbe ceiling ok tbe banqueting ball cra8bed
down UPON tbs bead8 Ok tNL §US8t8, v/itb
tlie re8ult tbat not even tbeir kaWi1is8
could recognise tbsm. 8imonids8 v/a8
able, bovvever, to identity all bi8 com-
panion8 bg tbe pines occupied b^ eacb at
tlis table.
1bi8 keat gave birtb to "topology"
einploveo bg all tbs great plulo8opber8
ok anticiuit^ but notably bg Oeero anb
Ouintillian. Ibe 1aw8 ok tbougbt anü ok
8ULLS88 bavs remained unebangscl
tbrougbout all time.

Lxainins tbe room gou are in at tbe

moment and number tbs variou8 8eetion8
in tbe kobovving order:
1. Ibe door.
2. Ibe corner on tbs rigbt a8 gou
come in.
3. Ibs adjacent wall.
26 —
20 QL88OM O?

4. Ids following corner.

5. Ids wall facing Ike door.
6. Hre following corner.
7. Hre following wall.
8. Ike following corner.
9. Hre ceiling.
lO. Ike floor.

8upp08e tbat von widr to remember a

li8l ok lO article8, kor example:
l. Obair.
2. Loaf.
3. klowsm.
4. ^ermometer.
5. Orange.
6. /rir-gnn.
7. Lamp.
8. Lottie ok perkurne.
9. Ooclc.
lO. bearskin rug.

lVIentall^ place one object in eack ok

tire ten po8ition8 in tbe above li8t, i.e.
— 27 —
lVIV 20 I.L88O^8 0k

1. Hie cbair before tbe door.

2. Ike coat in tbe kollowing corner
(sitber on tbe Loor or on 8oms piece ok
kurnitnre in tbat corner) and 80 on. Die
image8 are quickly kormed and easily
Von will tben be able witbont dMcult^,
(1) to repeat tire Ii8t ok objects krom
beginning to end in it8 correct order,
(2) tben in it8 rever8e order, (3) name tire
object on being given tbe nnrnbsr, and
(4) give tbe nnrnbsr ok an^ object
K4ors extraordinary 8tiII, z^on will be
able to repeat tbi8 exerci8e witb diñsrent
object8 and tbe same 8ection8 or 8ub-
divi8ion8 ok tbe room witbont conku8ion.
Having now tbe msan8 ok retaining ten
words, z^ou can equallv well remember a
bnndred, ik ^ou bave taken tbe trouble
to prepare a bnndred sections. Split tbem
up in tbe same order in ten dikterent
room8 wbicb are well known to zmu, tbe
28 —
K4V 2tt QL880M O?

brat always being assigned to tbe

numbers 1 to 10 inclusive, anotber, tbe
second, always assigned to objects num-
kered 11 to 20, uncí so on.
Mz' mstbod ok localising will be ok ver^/
great value to z^ou. It will enable ^ou to
bx in ^our mind matters to wbicb z^ou
bave to attend, work tbat bas to be bone
and appointments tbat must be bept.
Ibis metbod will be an ever open note-
boolc, a pen always to band.
Vou can learn it in ^our moments ok
relaxation and in a verz^ sbort time ^ou
will derive immense benebt krom it.
Hers b^ wa^ ok suggestion are some
exercises wbicb ^ou sbould tr^.

//ow to rememLer « Z»t o/ c/i^connectecZ

Exceptions to tbe rules ok grammar .

8ince tbese words are kre^uentl^ concrete,
tbe case is a simple one and does not
require an^ special explanation.
IVtV 20 QL88OK8 0?

Lount^ town8 or province or 8tats

Lapital8 : 1ds8e or older town8 can be
repre8ented bz/ 8orne detail ok tdsir
armorial bsaring8 (a dagger kor ldondon),
or 8OML example ok tkeir manukacture la
teapot kor 8taikord8dirs, or a tilm kor
Hollywood), b^ 8OMS notadle monument
(a bridge kor Avignon) or a word 8Ímilar
in 8ound (a bed kor Ledkord, a elotde8
peg kor Winnipeg), or b^ 8oms di8torical
rskerenee, (a tea part^ kor Lo8ton). V/ord8
wdicd are more ab8tract 8dould de treated
8imHarl^ and are be8t remembered b^ Ids
U86 ok 8Mlbol8.
to remenr-er a .sequence 0/
large number, eon8!8ting ok man^
6§ure8, 8kould be given b^ a 8erie8 ok
word8, eaed word repre8enting two
tigure8, i.e. tds number 1,392,211,252 b^
lolVl Lrowbl wedH Oowl8l amoblé.
1 Z 9 2 211 252
Ide 52 card8 in a paed b^ word 8
corre.8pondmg to number8 1 to 13 kor
— 30 —
IV1V 20 H88ON8 0?

spades, tbe numbers 21 to 33, 41 to 53,

61 to 73, kor bearts, diamonds and clubs
r/ovv to remember poetrv.
Von can learn a sonnet, tor example,
assigning tbe most important word in
sack line or bemisticb to one subdivision
ok z^our room, blaturall^, tbis is not tbs
most intelligent approacb to tbe cbarm
ok poetry, but in case ok necessity it is a
system vvbicb will beat all records kor
ñoiv to remember a boo/r.
Vou can eitber learn to recall tlis
cbapter beadings or commit to memory
a more precise sense ok tlis contents b^
localising tbs main idea ok eaclr para-
b/orv to remember a §peeeb vorr /rave
/reare/ or /rave to mabe.
^ou slrould localise its dikkersnt parts
in tbe order in vbicb ^ou wisli to deliver
— 31 —
VIV 20 bk88Obl8 Ok VII^V-kk^IVIMO

— prepare
your bundred 8ub-divi8ion8 8lowly and
carekully, about twenty a day.
Iben practi8e, 8ole1y ou concrete word8,
remembering tbsin in tbeir direct and
rever8e orders, naming an object at tbs
mention ok it8 number, and tbe number
on being given tbe name ok tbe object.
^t tbs end ok about a week, wben you
bave tborougbly mastered your 8ub-
divisions, you may attempt any one ok
tbe preceding sxsrcÍ8L8 wkicb mo8t
appeal8 to you.
1bi8 lesson sbould be studied kor about
twelve days. Ik you experience any diffi
culty, tbsn you sbould eitber make your
bs8t attempt atprogress Report 2, men­
tioning your problem8 in an accompany­
ing letter, or you sbould write to U8
bekors attempting your report, giving
kull detail ok your difficulties.

83 --

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