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10/04/2022, 12:37 Managing Replicated Objects

Managing Replicated Objects 

Managing Replicated Objects
SSH Keys
Data Backup and Recovery Solutions (/docs6012/data-backup-and-recovery-solutions) / Delphix Replication (/docs6012/data- Enabling Environments
backup-and-recovery-solutions/delphix-replication) / Managing Replicated Objects Enabling dSources
Enabling VDBs
Once the failover process has completed the last step is to enable the objects on the Delphix Engine that Related Topics

received a replica. There are two major concepts:

1. SSH Keys: Public keys need to be re-published on the source, staging, and target environments for the
replicated Delphix Engine, since the replication process does not automatically copy SSH keys.
2. Enabling Replicated Objects: Objects will need to be re-enabled once replication is complete. This
ensures that replication has completed successfully and the configuration of each object is correct.

SSH Keys
If you were previously using a password-less SSH key exchange on your source and/or target environments, you
may need to publish the now-primary engine’s public key for continued functionality.

1. Click Manage.
2. Select Environments.
3. Select any environment.
4. Under Environment Users, click the edit icon () next to the defined user.
5. Click View Public Key to display the public key for the Delphix Engine.
6. Highlight the public key string (starts with “ssh-rsa”) and copy the key to your clipboard (Ctrl+C in
7. On each source and target host within your defined environments, paste the public key into the
environment user’s authorized_keys file, which is normally located in the user’s ~/.ssh/ directory.

Once the public key has been copied to the hosts making up your environments, you are ready to enable the
remaining objects.

Enabling Environments
In order to begin using the environments and related dSources and VDBs, the environments must first be

1. Login to the Delphix Management application.

2. Click Manage.
3. Select Environments.
4. Select an environment that you want to enable.
5. From the Actions menu (...) select Enable. This will initiate jobs that will refresh and enable the
6. Repeat these steps for each environment that you want to enable.

Enabling dSources
In order to again have actively syncing dSources, you must enable them.

1. Login to the Delphix Management application.

2. Click Manage.
3. Select Datasets.
4. Click the dSource you want to enable.
5. From the Actions menu (...) select Enable.
6. Click Enable to confirm.

Enabling VDBs
The final step in the failover would be to enable any needed VDBs.

1. Login to the Delphix Management application.

2. Click Manage.
3. Select Datasets.
4. Click the VDB you want to enable.
5. Click the Configuration tab. 1/2
10/04/2022, 12:37 Managing Replicated Objects

6. From the Actions menu (...) select Enable.

7. Click Enable to confirm that you want to enable the VDB. 

At this time the failover is complete.  All objects previously running on the previous source Delphix Engine should
now be running off of the target Delphix Engine on which the objects were failed over.

Related Topics
Delphix Replication (/docs6012/data-backup-and-recovery-solutions/delphix-replication)

← Configuring Replication (/docs6012/data- Controlled Failover → (/docs6012/data-backup-

backup-and-recovery-solutions/delphix- and-recovery-solutions/delphix-
replication/configuring-replication) replication/controlled-failover)

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