Food Pyramid, Nutrition

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Charlotte López


The Food Pyramid is designed to make healthy eating easier.
Healthy eating is about getting the correct amount of
nutrients – protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and
minerals you need to maintain good health.
The first food
pyramid was
OBJECTIVES created in the
1. To describe issues and giving suggestions to promote 1970s in Sweden.
good healthy habits.

2. To analyze the main supplementary ideas about a

reading related to nutrition.

Total Points: /62

KWL CHART. Answer questions under each column

 Under K column. write “What do you know about this topic?”

 Under W column. write “What do you want to learn about
this topic?”
 At the end of the module write under L column “What
you learned about the topic?

What I know? What I want to What I learned?

Balanced diet is a key to stay healthy. Follow the "Healthy Eating Food Pyramid" guide as you pick your food.
Grains should be taken as the major dietary source. Eat more fruit and vegetables. Have a moderate amount
of meat, fish, egg, milk, and their alternatives. Reduce salt, fat/ oil, and sugar. Trim fat from meat before
cooking. Choose low-fat cooking methods such as steaming, stewing, simmering, boiling, scalding, or cooking
with non-stick frying pans. Also reduce the use of frying and deep-frying. These can help us achieve balanced
diet and promote health.

Since different foods have different nutritional values, it is not possible to obtain all the nutrients we need from
a single food. According to the Healthy Eating Food Pyramid, we have to eat a variety of foods among all food
groups as well as within each group in order to get different nutrients and meet our daily needs.
ACTIVITY 1 Write true or false. Score: 5 points
1. You need to make huge changes to eat healthier ___F__
2. The food you eat affects your health. ___T_
3. Your environment only includes your school. __F__
4. Eating healthy avoids obesity. ___T__
5. You have to change your lifestyle all at the same time. ___F___

Eating habits
ACTIVITY 2 Look at the pictures and write if they are healthy or unhealthy food and explain
why. Score 15 points (APPRECIATION)

Salmon It is healthy, since it is nutritious. Besides being rich in

calcium, it contains minerals such as selenium or
magnesium, essential fatty acids, proteins and also
vitamins B12 and B6.
It is unhealthy, as fats and oils are heated and change,
and in doing so they produce chemicals that can cause
heart disease and cancer.

Fried Pork
They are very healthy. These provide a lot of fiber,
vitamins and minerals without any fat. Because of the
richness in fiber in vegetables, a salad is laxative,
prevents or improves constipation. In addition, fiber
contributes to lower cholesterol and good glycemic
control, which is beneficial in the case of cardiovascular
diseases and diabetes.
Vegetable salad
Fried meats are unhealthy because cooking meats at
high temperatures, such as on barbecues or in skillets,
could increase the risk of kidney cancer, according to a
recent study.
Fried meat and dressings
And dressings are also unhealthy because Processed
dressings are high in saturated fats, sugars, and sodium,
which are harmful to the body. A high level of saturated
fat raises cholesterol and blocks arteries.

Whole grains contain dietary fiber that helps us feel full

and protects us from constipation. Eating a diet rich in
whole grains also helps reduce the risk of developing
heart disease and diabetes.
Fruits and grains
Complete the sentences with the given words: dishes, variety, bland, service, post, healthy,
dessert. ( /5 points) (APPRECIATION)

1- I try to eat ____healthy____ food. I avoid things like chips and candies.
2- Sarah hates it when the food is too_____bland____She likes spicy flavorful dishes.
3- Mario says the __service___ is too slow here.
4- It is important to eat ______________ of fruit and vegetables.
5- Isabel cooks new dishes every week and would _post variety___ pictures of them online.

ACTIVITY 3 Grammar practice – Quantifiers

Choose the correct
quantifier. /10 points

1. They have had ________________ homework in mathematics recently.

a. many b. lots of c. several
2. How _________ time do you need to finish the work?
a. many b. few c. much

3. There are _____________ students in the library.

a. too many b. too much c. very little
4. Have you visited _____________ foreign countries?
a. much b. very little c. any

5. Although he is very ill, he did not take __________ medicine.

a. much b. many c. very few

6. _________________ people know as much about linguistics as John does.

a. much b. many c. a little
7. They say ________________ knowledge is a dangerous thing.
a. a lot of b. many c. several

8. He's having __________________ trouble passing his driving test.

a. several b. lots of c. many
9. I spend __________________ my time reading novels.
a. a lot of b. many c. several

10. He knows _______________ English, but he knows enough English to manage.

a. many b. a little c. very few
Choose the correct quantifier. ( 12 points)

1-3. We are going to be late. There is too much (much / many) traffic.

Yeah, the amount __ (amount / many) of people driving is incredible.

I've never seen these ______________ (much / many) cars.

4-5. Can you bring soda to the picnic? I don't have __ any __ (some / any).

Yeah, I think I've got ____ some _____ (some / any) leftover from the party.

6-9. How do you feel about your new job? Do you have as ___many___much /
many) responsibilities as you used to?

The job is great. I have about the same amount (amount / much) of

work to do as before, but I have __many (less / many) stress and

some (some / fewer) problems.

10-12. How do you think you did on the test? I think I did ____________ (much / a ittle) better than last time,
maybe even a lot.
What about you? ________________________________________.

Test Your Knowledge

Create a healthy menu for breakfast using the food pyramid and illustrate it.
(15 points.)

Criteria Excellent Good Needs
3 2 Improvement

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