Nelson Mandela's Life Timeline: Luz Adriana Barrios Liñàn - February 26, 2022

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Nelson Mandela`s life timeline

Luz Adriana Barrios Liñàn | February 26, 2022

Mandela dedicated to this

country to commemorate his
He was awarded the Nobel tirelees struggle an
peace prize. internacional day of
He was arrested and remenbrace was creaed in
sentenced. has name on July 18th

1918 2 1962 3 1990 4 1993 5 1994 6 2009 7 5-Dic-2013

July 18 he was

Nelson M ran for office in the

country`s first democratic, and
south African`s president He died in his dedication to
this same year he was voted as
gave in and set the peace and reconciliation
south Africa`s very first black
troublemaker face continues to bear fruit South
president, considering himself
Africa and worldwide.
the president of all south

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