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Idioms | Lesson 18

cut corners | burn the midnight oil | hit the road | barking up the wrong tree | hit the sack

Example Dialogue

Simon : I’m dozing off...

Jackie : I guess it’s time to hit the sack.

Simon : Right! I’m behind schedule, so I’ve been burning the midnight oil the whole

Jackie : You definitely need a rest.

Simon : To be honest, I’m extremely annoyed with the company. They’re definitely barking
up the wrong tree. I’ve been given tasks that I have never done in my life on this
job. It is Steve’s job to sort out all the documents. And they’re blaming me for falling
behind! I just don’t have enough time!

Jackie : That is horrible. Maybe you should... I don't know... Cut corners?

Simon : I thought about doing this. But it’s a responsible job; I have to do everything right.

Jackie : How about asking your co-workers for some help?

Simon : I tried, but the only person who could help me was Jack. And he hit the road last

Jackie : If I were you, I’d talk to the head of the department.

Simon : That actually sounds good.

Try to figure out the meaning of these idioms.

cut corners | burn the midnight oil | hit the road | barking up the wrong tree | hit the sack

Idioms | Lesson 18
cut corners | burn the midnight oil | hit the road | barking up the wrong tree | hit the sack

Example Passage

Carl is an excellent employee. His colleagues respect him a lot. He knows how to cut corners

while still doing a good job. Moreover, Carl is hardworking: he will burn the midnight oil

even if his colleagues insist he doesn’t.

Carl never accuses or scolds people for their mistakes, as he knows how easy it is to bark up

the wrong tree at times.

Unfortunately, due to putting in long hours at work, Carl has a habit of hitting the sack once

he comes back home. As a consequence, he misses meetings with his friends and doesn’t

have any hobbies.

However, every weekend Carl hits the road with his backpack and a couple of friends. They

go hiking, mountain climbing and camping.

Again, try to figure out the meaning of these idioms.

cut corners | burn the midnight oil | hit the road | barking up the wrong tree | hit the sack

Idioms | Lesson 18
cut corners | burn the midnight oil | hit the road | barking up the wrong tree | hit the sack


cut corners | to do something the easiest, fastest, or cheapest way

Our budget has been reduced this month. We’ll have to cut corners!

They've had to cut corners to repair their car on such a small budget.

burn the midnight oil | to stay up working or especially studying, late at night

I’m burning the midnight oil in hopes of getting a promotion.

I have an exam tomorrow, which is why I'll be burning the midnight oil


hit the road | to depart; to begin one's journey, especially on a road trip

I better hit the road or I’ll miss my flight!

She has to hit the road very early in the morning.

barking up the wrong tree | to make the wrong choice; to ask the wrong person

Tanya didn’t do any mistakes. You’re barking up the wrong tree.

If you think he's guilty, you're barking up the wrong tree.

hit the sack | go to bed

I’m so tired. I’ll hit the sack early today.

She's going to hit the sack - she's exhausted.

Make sure you can understand the meaning of these idioms.

cut corners | burn the midnight oil | hit the road | barking up the wrong tree | hit the sack

Idioms | Lesson 18
cut corners | burn the midnight oil | hit the road | barking up the wrong tree | hit the sack


Fill in the blanks with the correct idioms (in the correct form) to complete the dialogue.

1 | This brand . As a result, the products aren’t very high quality.

2| and never ever come back!

3 | He already. I think it’s a bad idea to wake him up.

4 | I had to when sewing my dress. It came out pretty well, though.

5 | My dad frequently when I was a child. I remember, because he would never

read bedtime stories to us.

6 | Officer, you’re ! I have an iron-clad alibi!

7 | I’d better go home and . I’m exhausted.

8 | It’s about time we ! The weather is clear.

9 | Louise was all along. Katy didn’t take her purse.

10 | I won’t anymore! It’s bad for my health.

APPLICATION: Create your own sentences using these idioms.

cut corners | burn the midnight oil | hit the road | barking up the wrong tree | hit the sack

Idioms | Lesson 18
cut corners | burn the midnight oil | hit the road | barking up the wrong tree | hit the sack


Fill in the blanks with the correct idioms (in the correct form) to complete the dialogue.

(Sean and Otto are talking on the phone.)

Sean : Sorry for not coming to your party! I’ve been at my company. I was
extremely tired.

Otto : Well, you were missing out!

Sean : I know, I know. I once I stepped inside my flat. I was too sleepy to
text you.

Otto : You could have called me on your way home.

Sean : Otto, you’re ! I didn’t mean to...

Otto : Okay, okay. I understand.

Sean : Thank you. I should learn to in this job.

Otto : Yeah, there always are faster ways of doing things.

Sean : Are you still mad Otto?

Otto : No! You could have already. You’re coming for a visit, aren’t you?

Sean : Yes! I’ll finally get some rest.

APPLICATION: Create your own dialogue using these idioms.

cut corners | burn the midnight oil | hit the road | barking up the wrong tree | hit the sack


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