WER015 Final Report Assignment 1

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Akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknikutveckling

Västerås, den 5 Oktober. 2010

Thermal Engineering

Projektarbete utfört av group 4: Teacher: Jan Sandberg

Photchara, WER015, pps10001@student.mdh.se
Sarut, WER015, swg10002@student.mdh.se
In this study we are going to design how many boiler we have to install and how to manage
them during the year to reach the optimum cost. To solve a problem we have developed
combinations of boiler capacity installation. In addition we also stimulate the running period
of each boiler to find the best combination. The optimization is completed by a simulation
based optimization procedure, Microsoft Excel, which calculate various costs factor and
energy consumption in each period. The optimum results are confirmed the using
Table of contents

Table of figures...........................................................................................................................3
Limitation of study..................................................................................................................4
Optimization Method..............................................................................................................5
Efficiency Calculation..........................................................................................................18
Total Cost Calculation..........................................................................................................19
Main text...................................................................................................................................22
Under titles in different levels...............................................................................................22
Table of figures
Figure 1 Power production for the first case...............................................................................5
Figure 2 Power production for the second case..........................................................................8
Figure 3 Power production for the third case............................................................................11
Figure 4 Zoom-in of the third case...........................................................................................11
Figure 5 Power production for the forth case...........................................................................15
Figure 6 Zoom-in of the forth case...........................................................................................15
Figure 7 Total cost of first case.................................................................................................21
Figure 8 Setting up solver parameters......................................................................................21
Figure 9 Optimization of Case 2...............................................................................................23
Figure 10 Optimization of case 2..............................................................................................23
Figure 11 Optimization of case 3..............................................................................................23
Figure 12 Optimization of case 4..............................................................................................24
Figure 13 Construction cost sensitivity of case 4.....................................................................24
Figure 14 Fuel cost sensitivity of case 4...................................................................................25

Table 1 Cost Description............................................................................................................5

Table 2 Fuel Consumption........................................................................................................19
Table 3 Case comparison..........................................................................................................24
There are always more than one production unit in a district heating system. The load duration
curve is very pointed (rather high load for a short time) and it is unlikely to find one unit that
can manage the peak load (often 90 % of the installed load) and that is possible to regulate
down to the minimum load (7-8 % of installed load). More production units increase the
availability and one may choose a cheap boiler with rather expensive fuel for the peak load
and a more expensive boiler with a cheaper fuel for the base load. To achieve an acceptable
reliability one often installs a stand by capacity corresponding to the largest boiler in the

In this exercise we will examine a district heating system with 100 MW installed load with
hot water boiler for the maximum load calculated by the load curve.

 Find the best performance of boiler
 Find the number and capacity of boilers after optimization
 Compare the total energy production
 Find heat energy production cost per MWh
 Make a simple sensitivity analysis if;
o Fixed costs varies between 70-150%
o Fuel cost varies between 70–200%
 Draw a total energy ratio diagram

Limitation of study
An experimental study has been performed on the 8 953 MW steam boilers that burn 3 types
of fuel compose of oil, wood, and coal to optimize boiler efficiency. Cost calculation is
consider economic criteria includes construction cost, staff cost, fuel cost, auxiliary power
cost, and interest rate as shown in table 1.

Fixed cost Variable cost

Tax and Insurance Fuel cost
 Oil 1,5% of construction cost  Wood - 145 kr/MWh
 Wood and Coal 2,0% of construction  Coal - 450 kr/MWh
cost  Oil - 550 kr/MWh
Auxiliary power cost
 380 kr /MWh
Construction cost
 Interest rate 5% for 20 years
Staff cost for 6 persons
 3 600 000 kr /year
Table 1 Cost Description
The variable cost for a boiler is SEK per kW and varies with the size.

Optimization Method
From the data given in excel Oil has lowest construction cost while has highest fuel cost. In
another Wood has high construction cost while has lowest fuel cost. So both Oil and Wood as
boilers have been choose for developed optimization methods by using Wood as much as
possible while Oil used as small as possible to produce the energies.

First Case
For this case we use 2 boilers, one for Oil as peak load and another for Wood as base load.
According to Figure 1,

Figure 1 Power production for the first case

1. Point A to B
At zero hour we run Wood Boiler at maximum load all the time and make up other
load with Oil Boiler until Oil cannot be operated at lower than minimum capacity,
10% of full capacity at point A. At this point to save fuel cost, we reduce running load
of Wood Boiler following the Oil Boiler run at the minimum load, point A to B. Now
we can shut down Oil Boiler and start up Wood Boiler only to produce the load until it
reach at minimum load of 25%,
2. Point B to C
We shut down Wood Boiler and start up Oil Boiler again, run it until end of year,
8760th hour. We have also a Standby Boiler in case of the largest boiler cannot work.
We have chosen Oil Boiler, because it has lowest cost compared with others two,
wood and coal.
Limitation of Boiler Capacity
To set up the Limitation of Boiler Capacity, first condition we assume that the maximum
capacity of Oil Boiler has to be greater than or equal to the minimum capacity of Wood Boiler
(0.25) at point C from figure 1.

Pmax.oil-cap. >= min.wood-load * Pmax.wood-cap. ---- Eq. a_1

The second condition is the summation of both main boilers has to be equal to the maximum
load curve.

Pmax.oil-cap. + Pmax.wood-cap. = 89.53 MW ---- Eq. a_2

From solving Eq. a_1 and a_2 we get possible maximum capacity of Oil Boiler and minimum
capacity of Wood Boiler.

Pmax.oil-cap. >= 17.906 MW

Pmax.wood-cap. <= 71.624 MW

For the third condition Oil Boiler must be able to run at minimum load curve, 6.303 MW.

min.oil-load * Pmax.oil-cap. <= 6.303 MW ---- Eq. b_1

Then we can get possible minimum capacity of Oil Boiler and maximum capacity of Wood
Boiler, with min.oil-load = 0.1.

Pmax.oil-cap. <= 63.03 MW

Pmax.wood-cap. >= 36.97 MW

Load Calculation and Condition in Excel for the First Case

Wood Boiler
 0th to point A,

Ppart = Pmax.wood-cap.

 Point A to B,

Ppart = (Load_Curve) – (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil-cap.)

IF condition in Excel: Load_Curve – Pmax.wood-cap. <= (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil-cap.)

 Point B to C,

Ppart = Load_Curve
IF condition in Excel: Load_Curve <= Pmax.wood-cap.

 Point C to 8760th hour,

Ppart = 0

IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= (min.wood-load * Pmax.wood-cap.)

Oil Boiler
 0th to point A,

Ppart = Load_Curve - Pmax.wood-cap.

 Point A to B,

Ppart = (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil-cap.)

IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood-cap. <= (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil-cap.)

 Point B to C,

Ppart = 0
IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= Pmax.wood-cap.

 Point C to 8760th hour,

Ppart = Load_Curve
IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= (min.wood-load * Pmax.wood-cap.)
Second Case
The second case has been applied from the first case to reduce energy production from oil and
replace it by using the energy production from wood between point B and C. And another
thing of this case is instead of using only one Oil Boiler we use 2 Oil Boilers as peak load and
run them as the same ratio from each boiler. But disadvantage of this case is we have to install
2 of Oil Boiler so the construction cost will be more expensive than the big 1 Oil Boiler as
shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2 Power production for the second case

Limitation of Boiler Capacity

From solving the optimization cost for the first case we got the combination of each boiler
capacity, there are 17.906 MW for Oil Boiler and 71.622 MW for Wood Boiler. So this
second case we just want to separate Oil Boiler from the first case to 2 smaller Oil Boiler.
Then we assume the total of both small boilers must be equal to 17.906 MW.

Pmax.oil 1-cap. + Pmax.oil 2-cap. = 17.906 MW

Load Calculation and Condition in the Second Case

Wood Boiler
 0th to point A,

Ppart = Pmax.wood-cap.

 Point A to B,

Ppart = (Load_Curve) – (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil 1-cap.) - (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil 2-cap.)

IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve – Pmax.wood-cap. – (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil 1-cap.) <= min.oil-load * Pmax.oil 2-cap.
 Point B to C,

Ppart = (Load_Curve) – (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil 2-cap.)

IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil 2-cap.) <= Pmax.wood-cap.

 Point C to D,

Ppart = Load_Curve
IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= Pmax.wood-cap.

 Point D to 8760th hour,

Ppart = 0
IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= (min.wood-load * Pmax.wood-cap.)

Oil_1 Boiler
 0th to point A,

Ppart = (Load_Curve - Pmax.wood-cap.) * ((Pmax.oil 1-cap.)/( Pmax.oil 1-cap. + Pmax.oil 2-cap.))

 Point A to B,

Ppart = min.oil-load * Pmax.oil 1-cap.

IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve – Pmax.wood-cap. - (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil 2-cap.) <= (min.oil 1-load * max.oil-cap.)

 Point B to D,

Ppart = 0
IF condition in Excel: Load_Curve - (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil 2-cap.) <= Pmax.wood-cap.

 Point D to 8760th hour,

Ppart = Load_Curve * ((Pmax.oil 1-cap.)/( Pmax.oil 1-cap. + Pmax.oil 2-cap.))

IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= (min.wood-load * Pmax.wood-cap.)
Oil_2 Boiler
 0th to point A,

Ppart = (Load_Curve - Pmax.wood-cap.) * ((Pmax.oil 2-cap.)/( Pmax.oil 1-cap. + Pmax.oil 2-cap.))

 Point A to C,

Ppart = min.oil-load * Pmax.oil 2-cap.

IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve – Pmax.wood-cap. - (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil 1-cap.) <= (min.oil 2-load * Pmax.oil-cap.)

 Point C to D,

Ppart = 0
IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= Pmax.wood-cap.

 Point D to 8760th hour,

Ppart = Load_Curve * ((max.oil 2-cap.)/( max.oil 1-cap. + max.oil 2-cap.))

IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= (min.wood-load * Pmax.wood-cap.)

Third case
In this case we change how to run both oil boilers. Instead of running both oil boilers as the
same load ratio we run Oil_1 Boiler at full load at the beginning and run Oil_2 Boiler to
produce other load. When Oil_2 Boiler is run at its minimum load we just shutdown it then
run another oil boiler. The reason is to use Oil_1 Boiler as much efficient as possible as
shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.


Figure 3 Power production for the third case


Figure 4 Zoom-in of the third case

Limitation of Boiler Capacity

For this case we use the same condition with the second one. We also do the optimization cost
and the combination of boiler capacity is 71.622 MW for Wood boiler, 7.913 MW for Oil_1
Boiler, and 9.992 MW for Oil_2 Boiler. And the optimization cost for this is cheaper than the
second one only 1 Kr/MW-h.

Load Calculation and Condition in the Third case

Wood Boiler
 0th to point A,

Ppart = Pmax.wood-cap.

 Point A to B,

Ppart = Pmax.wood-cap.
IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood-cap. – Pmax.oil_1-cap. <= (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil_2-cap.)

 Point B to C,

Ppart = Pmax.wood-cap.
IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood-cap. <= Pmax.oil_1-cap.

 Point C to D,

Ppart = Load_Curve - min.oil-load * Pmax.oil_2-cap

IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood-cap. <= min.oil-load * Pmax.oil_1-cap.
 Point D to E,

Ppart = Load_Curve
IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= Pmax.wood-cap.

 Point E to F,

Ppart = 0
IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= min.wood-load * Pmax.wood-cap.

 Point E to 8760th hour,

Ppart = 0
IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) - Pmax.oil_1-cap. <= min.oil-load * Pmax.oil_2-cap.

Oil_1 Boiler
 0th to point A,

Ppart = Pmax.oil_1-cap.

 Point A to B,

Ppart = Pmax.oil_1-cap. - Pmax.wood-cap. - (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil_2-cap.)

IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood-cap. – Pmax.oil_1-cap. <= (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil_2-cap.)

 Point B to C,

Ppart = Load_Curve - Pmax.wood-cap.

IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood-cap. <= Pmax.oil_1-cap.

 Point C to D,

Ppart = min.oil-load * Pmax.oil_1-cap

IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood-cap. <= min.oil-load * Pmax.oil_1-cap.

 Point D to E,
Ppart = 0
IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= Pmax.wood-cap.

 Point E to F,

Ppart = Pmax.oil_1-cap.
IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= min.wood-load * Pmax.wood-cap.

 Point E to 8760th hour, reduce,

Ppart = Pmax.oil_1-cap. – (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil_2-cap.)

IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) - Pmax.oil_1-cap. <= min.oil-load * Pmax.oil_2-cap.

Oil_2 Boiler
 0th to point A,

Ppart = (Load_Curve) - Pmax.wood-cap. - Pmax.oil_1-cap.

 Point A to B,

Ppart = (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil_2-cap.)

IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood-cap. – Pmax.oil_1-cap. <= (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil_2-cap.)

 Point B to C,

Ppart = 0
IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood-cap. <= Pmax.oil_1-cap.

 Point C to D,

Ppart = 0
IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood-cap. <= min.oil-load * Pmax.oil_1-cap.

 Point D to E,
Ppart = 0
IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= Pmax.wood-cap.

 Point E to F, run following load curve.

Ppart = Load_Curve - Pmax.oil_1-cap.

IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= min.wood-load * Pmax.wood-cap.

 Point E to 8760th hour, run at minimum load.

Ppart = (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil_2-cap.)

IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) - Pmax.oil_1-cap. <= min.oil-load * Pmax.oil_2-cap.

Forth Case
We develop this case from the third one. Instead of choosing Oil_1 in third case we just
choose wood as Wood_2 Boiler. And at ending of year we run only Wood_2 Boiler again. For
the capacity of Oil Boiler we don’t want to use it so much. The only thing choosing oil and
locate it as peak load is to make up this peak in short time. Because oil has lowest
construction cost but in otherwise it has highest of fuel cost. This case is our cheapest cost per
MW-h as shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6.


Figure 5 Power production for the forth case


Figure 6 Zoom-in of the forth case

Limitation of Boiler Capacity

The condition that we use for this case is only letting capacity of Oil Boiler equal to minimum
load of Wood_1 Boiler.

Pmax.oil-cap. = min.wood-load * Pmax.wood_1-cap.

Pmax.wood_1-cap. + Pmax.wood_2-cap. + Pmax.oil-cap. = 89.53 MW

Load Calculation and Condition in the Forth Case

Wood_1 Boiler
 0th to point A,

Ppart = Pmax.wood_1-cap.

 Point A to B,

Ppart = Pmax.wood_1-cap.
IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood_1-cap. – Pmax.wood_2-cap. <= (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil-cap.)

 Point B to C,

Ppart = Pmax.wood_1-cap.
IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood_1-cap. <= Pmax.wood_2-cap.

 Point C to D,

Ppart = (Load_Curve) - min.wood-load * Pmax.wood-cap

IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood_1-cap. <= min.wood-load * Pmax.wood_2-cap.
 Point D to E,
Ppart = Load_Curve
IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= Pmax.wood_1-cap.

 Point E to 8760th hour,

Ppart = 0
IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= min.wood-load * Pmax.wood_2-cap.

Wood_2 Boiler
 0th to point A,

Ppart = Pmax.wood_1-cap.

 Point A to B,

Ppart = (Load_Curve) - Pmax.wood_1-cap. – (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil-cap.)

IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood_1-cap. – Pmax.wood_2-cap. <= (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil-cap.)

 Point B to C,

Ppart = (Load_Curve) - Pmax.wood_1-cap.

IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood_1-cap. <= Pmax.wood_2-cap.

 Point C to D,

Ppart = min.wood-load * Pmax.wood_2-cap.

IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood_1-cap. <= min.wood-load * Pmax.wood_2-cap.

 Point D to E,

Ppart = 0
IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= Pmax.wood_1-cap.

 Point E to 8760th hour,

Ppart = Load_Curve
IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= min.wood-load * Pmax.wood_2-cap.

Oil Boiler
 0th to point A,

Ppart = (Load_Curve) - Pmax.wood_1-cap. - Pmax.wood_2-cap.

 Point A to B,

Ppart = min.oil-load * Pmax.oil-cap.

IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood_1-cap. – Pmax.wood_2-cap. <= (min.oil-load * Pmax.oil-cap.)

 Point B to C,

Ppart = 0
IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood_1-cap. <= Pmax.wood_2-cap.

 Point C to D,

Ppart = 0
IF condition in Excel:
(Load_Curve) – Pmax.wood_1-cap. <= min.wood-load * Pmax.wood_2-cap.

 Point D to E,

Ppart = 0
IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= Pmax.wood_1-cap.

 Point E to 8760th hour,

Ppart = 0
IF condition in Excel:
Load_Curve <= min.wood-load * Pmax.wood_2-cap
Efficiency Calculation
When we run boiler the efficiency is not constant, it very with Part Load (P part). And the
formula of Part Load Efficiency is.

η partload=η full∗[0.6+0.8∗( P part /P full) – 0.4∗(P part / P full)2] --- Eq. 1

Example 1 We are running 30 MW Wood Boiler which has maximum capacity of 50 MW.

η full=0.87 , P part=30 MW , P full=50 MW

η partload=0.87∗[0.6+ 0.8∗(30 MW /50 MW )−0.4∗(30 MW /50 MW ) 2]

η partload=0.81432 Ans.

Energy Consumption Calculation in 1 hour (MW-h)

In this assignment we calculate Power Input in every 1 hour during a year. In otherwise we
could say calculated Power Input is MW-h in each hour.

Power Input in each hour (MW) * 1 hour = Energy Consumption in each hour (MW-h)

We can find Power Input from the Efficiency Equation.

( Power Output (P part))

η partload=
(Powe r Input )

( P part )
Power Input= ---- Eq. 2
( η partload )

Substitute Eq. 2 in Eq. 1

Power Input=(P part)/(η partload=η full∗[0.6+0.8∗( P part /P full )– 0.4∗(P part /P full)2])
---- Eq. 3

Example 2 From example 1, we will get Power Input by using Eq. 3.

( 30 MW )
Power Input=
( 0.81432 )

Power Input=36.84 MW

And from this Power Input we will get Energy Consumption in 1 hour.

36.84 MW∗1 hour=36.84 ( MW −h )

Fuel Consumption Calculation in period of time (MW-hfuel)
To calculate Fuel Consumption in period of time we use “SUM ()” function in Excel to sum
up all of Fuel Consumption in a year. According to the first case we will get the Fuel
Consumption in a year as shown in Table 2.

Oil input Oil_Safe input Wood input

hour (MW) (MW) (MW)
1 19.46304 82.3241
2 19.40851 82.3241
3 19.35415 82.3241
4 19.29997 82.3241
5 19.24596 82.3241
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
8756 8.232142 0
8757 8.230652 0
8758 8.229157 0
8759 8.227659 0
8760 8.226156 0
oil sum oil_safe sum wood sum
input input input
35638.9 0 331451
MWh-fuel MWh-fuel MWh-fuel

Table 2 Fuel Consumption

Highlights are the yearly fuel consumption, for oil is 35638.9 MW-h fuel and for wood is
331451 MW-hfuel.

Total Cost Calculation

In this assignment there are 5 costs that we have to pay in a year. There are interest rate, fuel,
construction tax, auxiliary power cost and the last one is staff cost.
1. Interest Rate
This cost come from loaning money from bank and we have to pay back equally money to
the bank in each year.
2. Fuel Cost
This cost has been calculated from total energy produced of each boiler per year.
3. Tax and Insurance
This cost has been calculated from energy capacity of each boiler.
4. Auxiliary Power
This cost come from electricity that we use to operate the boiler, such as to convey coal to
the boiler or to pump oil fluid in the system.
5. Staff Cost
We use only 6 persons to operate our plant and the cost for them is 600 000 Kr per year.
So for 6 persons, Staff Cost is 3 600 000 Kr per year.

Finding Optimization Cost

It is impossible to find Optimization Cost by using mathematical method, so in this
assignment we use “Data Solve” function to solve the Optimization Cost. And we have
example what parameters we have to use. Figure 7 is our result for the first case.

Figure 7 Total cost of first case

Now we want to find the optimization of total cost per MW-h (cell U9145 in figure 7). By
changing oil capacity (cell U121). And we also set up the constraints, 17.906 <= oil capacity
<= 63.03. Then we put all of this data in Data Solver (figure 8), we get the minimum cost per
MW-h equal to 282.98 Kr/MW-h from figure 7.
Figure 8 Setting up solver parameters
We have done the optimization from each case as showing.

Case 1 - 1 oil boiler 1 wood boiler

50 Oil_1
40 Wood_1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 9 Optimization of Case 2

Case 2 - 2 oil boiler 1 wood boiler

40 Wood_1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 10 Optimization of case 2

Case 3 - 2 oil boiler 1 wood boiler

40 Wood
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 11 Optimization of case 3
Case 4 - 1 oil boiler 2 wood boiler
40 Wood_1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 12 Optimization of case 4

We also make the compariton table to find which is the cheapest case.


Wood 1 17,91 17,91 71,62 52,10
Wood 2 - - - 24,41
Oil 1 71,62 71,62 17,79 13,02
Oil 2 - - 10,11 -
Oil 3 (Standby) 71,62 71,62 71,62 52,10
Cost (kr/MWh) 283,97 283,08 281,44 239,24

Table 3 Case comparison

Finally we found that the forth case is the cheapest one. So we have also analyse sensitivity
curve with variation of both Construction Cost and Fuel Cost as shown in figure 13 and 14
restpectively. Base load ratio in both figures is the ratio of the biggest load to total load.

Sensitivity of Construction Cost Variation

0.5830 Base Load Ratio
Power (Base Load Ratio)
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Figure 13 Construction cost sensitivity of case 4
Sensitivity of Fuel Cost Variation
Base Load Ratio
0.5830 Power (Base Load Ratio)
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
Figure 14 Fuel cost sensitivity of case 4

In this study, boiler size, fuel type and fuel consumption in period of time are optimized using
Microsoft Excel based on an hourly operating cost. This method is suitable for complicate
problem analysis because errors are less than integration method.

 From construction cost sensitivity curves in figure 13 it’s very less variation of base load
ratio. But for fuel cost sensitivity curve in figure 14 we can see bigger change of base load
ratio about 3 times comparing with another one. Because the construction cost is very small
comparing with fuel cost. But this changing is also very small comparing with boiler size
changing. From this fact we can conclude that our case has very low size variation of boiler
when either construction cost or fuel cost.

The methodology described in this study provides an important and systematic approach for
design and analysis combination of boiler. The analysis shows the lowest energy production
cost is expected for the boiler. In addition the optimization gives the overview of results
obtained by the different combinations of parameters. This is useful in choosing the solution
to a given problem. In contrast analyzing all possible size by stimulation energy consumption
of each boiler is time consuming. Thus, by using stimulation based approach, we obtained the
optimum point at a lowest energy production cost.

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