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A Research Paper
Presented to
The Faculty of the MAPEH and Humanities Department
Leyte Normal University


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Physical Education



Ma. Estiphannie Cajudo

French Rigo Caldosa
Marvie Angeli Caples
Tricia Ann Huyatid
Aidell Valeriano

July, 2021
Page i

Table of Contents ii

Abstract iii


I Introduction

Background of the Study _

Statement of the Problem _

Theoretical Framework _

Scope and Limitation _

Significance of the Study _

Definition of Terms _

II Review of Related Literature

Summary of the Chapter _

III Methodology _

Research Design _

Research Setting _

Research Participants _

Research Sampling _

Data Collection Procedure _

Data Analysis Procedure _

Quality Control Plan 20

Ethical Consideration 20

Summary of the Chapter 21

References 22


As we approach the 21st Century a widely spread virus in China has

shocked the world as its death toll continues to rise. Before the end of 2019, The
World Health Organization announced a virus named Novel Corona Virus
(NCoV). As it progresses to spread, it has changed to Corona Virus Discovered
in 2019 (CoViD-19), it abruptly spread not just in Wuhan, China also to other
residing countries. After a couple of months, it widely affected the living of almost
all people around the world. 

People around the world observed the strict implementation of social

distancing, school closures, and quarantine. It caused abrupt anxiety even
among teachers. (Toquero-Talindong, 2020).

Right now, we are living in what is probably the worst nightmare of our life
to worldwide schooling. The pandemic disturbs the existence of many young
individuals, their folks, and teachers. Extreme efforts should be implemented at
any rate to diminish the effect through distant learning ways (Toquero-Talindong,

This situation has changed the way of learning of students. Schools and
universities change their curriculums and start online classes. Those students
who lack internet access are free to choose between online and modular learning
curriculum. A sudden change in learning modality affects students not just to
them but also to those parents and teachers.
As we proceed to go up against the problems brought by the pandemic,
the Department of Education (DepEd) addresses challenges among the essential
instruction through the Learning Continuity Plan (LCP), which is already
implemented in the academic year 2020-2021. The LCP becomes a significant
response and a commitment to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of our
learners, teachers, and staff within the time of COVID-19 whereas finding ways
for instruction to proceed in the midst of the emergency for the future academic
year (DepEd, 2020).

Currently, we are observing this new way of learning teachers with online
classes do their class in Google Meet and other software while those who
choose modular learning teachers undergo home visitation to still get in touch
with their students.

Background of the Study

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 ( or SARS – CoV2) is an

infectious disease that was first identified in the province of Hubei, China in
December 2019. The world Health Organization declared the disease as
pandemic on March 11, 2020 as the virus spread across 110 countries. To date,
it has infected more than 11.5 million people worldwide and has caused more
than half a million deaths. Due to its infectious nature, governments all over the
world were forced to implement strict quarantine and lockdown measures to curb
the spread of the disease. This changes brought the sudden shift in learning due
to the pandemic, DepEd adapt a based modular learning which is a form of
distance learning that uses Self – Learning Modules (SLM) based on the most
essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided.
In foreign and local countries, online platforms and modules are being
observed. This sudden change has brought chaos and confusion to students and
parents. Attending to children and youth educational needs during the crisis is
essential. The documents intended to support education leaders at various levels
of education governance. May it be in public or private educational organizations,
in formulating adaptive, coherent, effective, and equitable education responses to
a crisis that will significantly disrupt educational opportunities globally (Reimers,

Aside from international response created by foreign countries, the

Philippines has also made a step to conquer this pandemic. Department of
Education (DepEd) proposed a program that helps students learn using modules.
. Based on the survey conducted by the department, majority of the respondents
preferred to use modular distance leanring as the mode of learning of the
students (Koenig, 2019).Considering that the department particularly, the
teachers, parents, and students are new to this way of learning, various
challenges were experienced by them. Give an overview about the experiences
of parents, teachers, and students about the modular distance learning as
implemented by DepEd because of the shift from traditional face to face
classes .Follow up study was created by Toquero and Toledong (2020) in the
conduct of the study they collected data from Filipino teachers’ practices on how
they deal with anxiety due to the COVID-19 outbreak. It includes information
seeking, preventive measures, and other coping mechanisms to deal with anxiety
during the quarantine period. Results exposed that teachers practice virtual
learning, communicate with the professional community, adhere to quarantine
requirements and find purposeful activities to deal with anxiety due to the
suspension of national school-related activities in the country brought by the
pandemic (Toquero-Talindong, 2020).
In the search for related studies, only limited studies about the
experiences of teachers, parents, and students about modular distance learning.
Previous studies focused only on a specific group of individuals, from previous
studies focused only on the experiences of teachers, therefore our study will
delve and explore the experiences of students with special needs. Current
situation regarding this topic has been unexplored due to this researchers has to
go through hard times reading related literature.

Statement of the Problem

The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic leads to the closure of schools which
caused the shift from traditional face-to-face classes to modular distance
learning. Everyone needs to adapt to the current way of learning to continue the
education. Students with special needs, are new to this learning set-up where
they are most affected by the situation. Thus, this study explored the lived
experiences of this individuals as they undergo modular distance learning.

Specifically, this study sought answers the following research questions:

1. What are the experiences of the Students with special needs as they
undergo modular distance learning as implemented by DepED?
2. How the current situation shaped them as students in times of pandemic?
3. What are their coping strategies on the problems encountered in the long
run of the implementation of the modular distance learning?
4. How are the experiences of students with special needs similar to each
Theoretical Framework

Cognitivism Learning Theory

Cognitivism, as proposed by the name, centers on psychological cycles of

the brain, for example, thinking, memory, review, and critical thinking. Like
behaviorism, cognitivism is tied in with learning through affiliation; in any case,
the accentuation is put on inner preparation instead of the outer climate.

As opposed to behaviorism, affiliations depend on making joins between

new understandings and earlier information. Cognitivism likewise contrasts with
behaviorism by recognizing that students cycle and encode data in an
unexpected way. Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) is a significant remain of
cognitivism that declares that noticing others, particularly one's companions, is
the best type of information securing. So how would we interpret cognitivism in
the study hall? Cooperative critical thinking, conversation-based exercises, and
shared instruction are ideal movement arranges that empower social
communications that improve learning. To help the making of mental affiliations,
it is significant that data is pieced into gatherings, and discrete sections of
information are connected. To additional information affiliations, make certain to
tie hypothesis back to genuine models. Different strategies for affiliation may
incorporate utilizing memory helpers, analogies, or viewable prompts.

This type of learning theory will be useful since we are dealing with the
cognitive skills of our student respondents’ .Regarding on how they adapt in
answering their learning modules.
Modular Learning Theory

We describe a hypothesis to represent the procurement and eradication of

reaction rate (conditioning) and example (timing). This secluded hypothesis is an
advancement of parcel hypothesis (Kirkpatrick, 2002; Kirkpatrick and Church,
2003) that adds a differentiation among example and strength recollections, just
as contributing shut structure conditions. We describe the hypothesis utilizing
conditions identified with a stream chart and show it by an application to a test
with rehashed acquisitions and eliminations of a different prompted span method
utilizing rodents. The boundary gauges for the hypothesis depended on an
adjustment test from the information, and the expectations for various proportions
of execution on an approval test from a similar information (cross-approval). The
hypothesis' expectations were like forecasts dependent on the dependability of
the conduct (Guilhardi, 2020).

This type of theory will be useful to our study since we are dealing on
modular learning. Furthermore, this theory can be the passage to acquired
proper response to this arising pandemic.

Student Development Theory

According to Long, D. (2012).Students' advancement speculations fall into

four wide groups of hypotheses. Psychosocial speculations center on the self-
intelligent and relational elements of students' lives. These speculations portray
how students' viewpoints of their personality and society develop through the
contentions and emergencies they experience. Intellectual primary speculations
clarify how students think, reason, put together, and make the sign of their
encounters. These speculations are frequently consecutive, with intellectual
improvement unfurling by stages as students expand upon past encounters.
Individual climate intuitive hypotheses center on how the student's conduct and
development are straightforwardly influenced by the instructive climate. This
group of hypotheses is utilized widely in scholastic exhorting and vocation
administrations. Humanistic-existential speculations portray what students settle
on choices that mean for themselves as well as other people. Instructors and
other understudy issues experts occupied with assisting abilities with utilizing this
group of speculations. The most powerful understudy improvement speculations
are momentarily and shortsightedly portrayed in this section. They give critical
settings to understudy issues examination and rehearse and support a significant
number of the instructive encounters and projects that student issues experts

This theory will also help the researcher to classify the developments on

Scope and Limitation

Further, the researchers propose to conduct this study with students with
special needs in San Miguel Central School of San Miguel, Leyte. The
researchers chose these schools, considering its proximity to the researchers’
residences because of the pandemic protocols and prohibitions to go to other
barangays. The students from these schools were the participants of this
research. They were randomly selected from among those who will be present in
school to get their modules during the conduct of the study, through the
assistance of the school heads of these school.

Significance of the Study

This study likewise seeks to recognize Special students lived experiences

about module learning in the following school.
The results of this study will benefit the Academic Institution, Parents,
Students, and Future Researchers. 

 Academic Institution. This study may provide new knowledge and awareness

to the school administration and staff about the life experiences in Module
Learning which will be their basis for some instructional innovations.

Teachers. This study will help them learn new knowledge and awareness about
the lived experiences in module learning which will be their basis for some
instructional innovations.

Parents. This will help the parents of the students involved in this study to adjust
and deal with module learning difficulties. To create strategies to help their child.

 Students. This will give the students insights to overcome problems and

challenges they face in module learning.

Future Researchers. This study can be a source of information for future

researchers and other people in formulating different strategies in coping with
problems faced in module learning.

           The researchers understand the extent of the constraint of this

investigation; however, this study chose to focus only on gathering information
about the Teachers Parents, and Students' live experiences in Module Learning.

Definition of Terms

The terms are defined conceptually and operationally to give the readers a clear
understanding of the terms as to relate to the context of the study.
Modular Distance Learning. One of the tool solutions to assist teachers in
teaching (Roselina, 2014; Andayani, Pratiwi and Priyatni, 2017).

Student-centered learning. This refers to a wide variety of educational

programs, learning experiences, instructional approaches, and academic support
strategies that are intended to address the distinct learning needs, interests,
aspirations, or cultural backgrounds of individual students and groups of
students (EdGlosarry, 2015).

Self-instructional Module.   It is a way of learning at your own pace about a

new topic (Digital Promise, 2015).

Phenomenological Study. Phenomenology is the study of structures of

consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view. The central
structure of an experience is its intentionality, its being directed toward
something, as it is an experience of or about some object (Summer, 2018).

Stimulus–response theory. Establishment of a new response to a stimulus that

had not previously elicited that response naturally suggested that conditioning
was a matter of forming new stimulus–response connections (Britannica, 2018)

Gestalt Theory. Applies to problem solving and perception. However, it can be

used in all aspects of education (Christoper, 2014).
Coping theory. further understands the coping process, including its
multidimensionality, the contextual person and environmental factors that
influence it, and its relationship to emotions, psychological wellbeing, and
physical health (e.g., Folkman & Lazarus, 1980, 1985, 1986; Folkman, Lazarus,
Dunkel-Schetter, DeLongis, & Gruen, 1986).
Chapter II


This chapter presents a selection of literature and studies that is related to

the current study. Further, this chapter also discusses and reviews the relevant

existing literature from both theoretical and empirical perspectives on the subject

on the subject under consideration. The researchers have gone through rigorous

readings of materials, which are significant to the problem of this study in the

duration of this academic research course. The readings deal more with the

experiences of having Modular learning in public secondary schools. That

pertains to the very core of teachers, parents, and students' experiences. Some

related literature and studies will highlight the possible influences or factors by

which the teachers, parents, and students take into consideration in their

presence in having modular learning. It will also present related studies on the

impact of having modular learning as implemented by the Department of


Modular Method of Teaching

According to the study conducted by (Sejpal, 2013).Modular teaching is

perhaps the most widespread and perceives encouraging learning procedures in

United States, Australia and numerous other Western nations including Asian

Region. Modular is utilized in practically all subjects like common science,

particularly in science and clinical instruction and even in sociologies just as in

computer schooling. A wide range of subjects are being instructed through

modules. A well-established and universally recognized phenomenon; a

grounded and all around perceived marvel. It considering the individual contrasts

among the students which require the making arrangements for adoption of the

most suitable appropriate procedures to assist the person with developing and

create at her/his own pace.

Teaching in the amidst of Covid-19 Pandemic

We are living in the midst of what is possibly probably the best danger in

the course of our life to worldwide schooling, a colossal instructive emergency.

The pandemic totally disturbs the existences of numerous youngsters, their folks,

and instructors. A ton should be possible to at any rate diminish the effect

through distant learning procedures. More extravagant nations are more ready to

move to web based learning techniques, in spite of the fact that with a ton of

exertion and difficulties for educators and guardians. In center pay and more

unfortunate nations, the circumstance is extremely blended and in the event that

we don't act fittingly, the immense imbalance of chances that exists offensive and

unsatisfactory to begin with will be enhanced. Numerous kids don't have a work

area, books, web availability, a PC at home, or strong guardians. Others do.

What we need to dodge or limit however much as could be expected is for those

distinctions in occasions to extend and make the emergency have a significantly

bigger negative impact on helpless kids learning (Saavedra,2020).

According to Jaime Saavedra luckily, we are seeing a ton of inventiveness

in numerous nations. As it should be, numerous services of training are

concerned that depending solely on online techniques will suggest arriving at just

youngsters from good families. The proper system in many nations is to utilize all

conceivable conveyance modes with the foundation that exists today. Utilize
online devices to guarantee that exercise plans, recordings, instructional

exercises, and different assets are accessible for certain understudies and likely,

most educators. Yet in addition, digital recordings and different assets that

require less information use. Working with telecom organizations to apply zero-

rate strategies can likewise encourage learning material to be downloaded on a

cell phone, which more students are probably going to have (Saavedra, 2020).

Based on his written article of (Saavedra, 2020) radio and TV are likewise

extremely integral assets. The advantage we have today, is that through informal

organizations, WhatsApp or SMS, services of training can discuss successfully

with guardians and educators and give rules, guidelines and design to the

learning cycle, utilizing content conveyed by radio or TV. Far off learning isn't just

about web based learning, yet about blended media learning, with the goal of

coming to whatever number understudies as could be allowed, today.

Philippine Teachers’ Practices to Deal with Anxiety amid COVID-19

School closures, home quarantine, and social distancing implemented

worldwide can cause abrupt anxiety even among teachers. A designed online

survey collected data from Filipino teachers’ practices on how they deal with
anxiety due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The practices include information

seeking, preventive measures, and other coping mechanisms to deal with anxiety

during the quarantine period. Results exposed that teachers practice virtual

learning, communicate with the professional community, adhere to quarantine

requirements, and find purposeful activities to deal with anxiety due to the

suspension of national school-related activities in the country brought by the

pandemic (Toquero-Talindong, 2020).

Ensuring effective learning from modular courses: a cognitive

On an article written by (Cornford, 2006) Modular courses have generally

actualized as a feature of the competency-based preparing plan. Nonetheless,

there is arising worry that modular courses are not advancing powerful learning

albeit sober-minded contemplations show they will keep on being generally

utilized since there have all the earmarks of being various favorable

circumstances related to their business. A significant inborn shortcoming of

modularization as a technique for a content association is it will in general section

information. The psychological brain science and expertise acquiring literary

works, generally disregarded in the turn of events and usage of competency-

based preparing, show standards, which whenever followed, will assist with

guaranteeing powerful gaining from particular courses. Especially striking are the
necessities to guarantee satisfactory practice and the incorporation of modules if

successful critical thinking is an ideal goal. Focused on are the requirement for

the instructing of 'figuring out how to-learn' procedures before secluded courses

are initiated and the significance of appraisal to coordinate information acquired

from modules. Bruner's twisting educational program idea, it is contended, is

especially valuable in guaranteeing satisfactory practice and viable combination

in a particular course plan.

Supporting the continuation of teaching and learning during the COVID-19


According to the study of (Reimers, 2020) for teachers, the COVID-19

Pandemic is a quintessential versatile and extraordinary test, one for which no

preconfigured playbook can direct proper reactions. Instruction pioneers should

quickly plan reactions – and in light of specific settings – as the pandemic runs its

course. This brief talks about the second module of an arrangement which

presents the consequences of a similar examination of arising instructive

requirements and reactions as the pandemic unfurls across nations around the

globe. The general objective of this arrangement is to encourage the fast plan

cycle and execution of versatile reactions to the arising instruction challenges

and to secure youngsters' instructive changes during and following the pandemic.
The first module, distributed finish of March 2020 – A system to manage training

reaction to the COVID-19 Pandemic – is an instrument to help instruction

pioneers dependent on a cross-public overview led between the eighteenth and

27th of March 2020. The study evaluated instructive necessities, needs, usage

challenges, and arising reactions, and was the first of a progression of studies to

screen the development of reactions to arising needs in the schooling area. This

subsequent module is a collective exertion between the Global Education

Innovation Initiative at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the OECD's

Directorate of Education and Skills, the World Bank Education Global Practice,

and the association Hundred. It presents the first set of online instructive assets

to help the progression of instructing and picking up during the 2019-20 COVID-

19 Pandemic with schooling pioneers around the planet. The assets were

incorporated from reactions to a similar review used to create the first module,

and extra online sources were incorporated to improve the rundown to help the

coherence of learning for understudies who approach the web and computerized

gadgets. Results of modules will incorporate a curated inventory of radio and

instructive TV assets, and a module to control the usage of compelling training

reactions. We trust these assets help those working together across

establishments and nations in the significant and dire assignment of supporting

understudies' chance to get the hang of during this difficult emergency divided

between mankind.

DepEd's Distance Learning

According to an article written by a Rappler journalist named Jim Bojandoc

one of the areas significantly influenced by the Covid pandemic is schooling. To

ensure that learning stays unrestricted as the nation fights the pandemic, the

Department of Education (DepEd) will execute a distance learning approach

when classes start on August 24. The choice to open schools in the wellbeing

emergency was met with reactions. Guardians and understudies had criticized

the DepEd's choice, as the accounts of families have been influenced by isolated

approaches. Some doubted the sufficiency of the approach as certain family

units don't approach the web or a PC (Bojandoc,2020).

Meanwhile, the DepEd kept up that absence of admittance to innovation

ought not to be an issue as schools will give printed modules to students. As

arrangements during the current year's school opening are in progress, Rappler

investigates the distance learning approach of the instruction division and

characterizes the terms being drifted. According to them, inaccessible learning is

a learning conveyance mode where communication happens between the

instructor and the students who are topographically distant from one another

during guidance. This implies exercises will be conveyed outside the customary

up close and personal arrangement. During Saturday's virtual preparation, the

DepEd said that radio-based guidance will utilize oneself learning modules or the

printed learning materials which will be changed over into radio content. Self-

teaching is another thought being glided as an elective learning


This means to furnish students with equivalent admittance to quality

essential schooling through a locally situated climate to be encouraged by

qualified guardians, watchmen, or mentors who have gone through applicable

preparation. The arrangement for this is under audit. In a prior press preparation,

DepEd Secretary Leonor Briones said that self-teaching is being permitted by the

division " because there are guardians who accept that the mother or the Lola

(grandma), or the dad can be more compelling as an educator than maybe the

proper educational system (Bojandoc,2020).

Learning in times of COVID-19: Students’, Families’, and Educators’


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant and abrupt effect on

numerous everyday issues; work, recreation time, and family similar. These

progressions have likewise influenced instructive cycles informal and casual

learning conditions. Public establishments, for example, childcare settings,

schools, colleges, and further instruction suppliers stopped nearby educating and

moved to separate learning - or shut down totally. Similarly, associations offering

sports and social exercises are needed to close down. The abrupt lock-down

required snappy changes in the interest of all partners and educating and

learning settings changed significantly. Even after lock-down conditions have

been lifted in numerous nations, principal changes to the everyday truth of

teaching and learning, work, and at home life stay without a fix or antibody

(Fackler, 2020). 

These abrupt changes have negatively affected schools, families, and

society all in all. Numerous guardians have needed to telecommute while dealing

with their kids and going about as home coaches. Instructors for all age bunches

from youth to additional schooling have needed to change from customary in-
class settings to different types of distance training and create strategies to keep

in contact with guardians and understudies. Frequently, this has required

receiving new instructive techniques for advanced instructing which is as yet an

arising marvel in numerous instructive settings. To students, the absence of

organized in-class learning settings may have required more self-guideline and

self-inspiration to learn with less help (Fackler, 2020). 

Moreover, as certain countries have moved to resume training foundations

while attempting to keep up social separating, instructors and understudies have

encountered an assortment of changes in their schooling settings inside a brief

period (Fackler, 2020). 


Foreign Studies

Virtual Education During COVID-19: Exploring Factors Associated With E-

Learning Satisfaction Among Saudi Nursing Students

According the study conducted by Naji Alqahtani because of the ascent of

the COVID-19 pandemic, schooling and learning measures have been moved to
a totally virtual, online organization. Students' fulfillment has been connected to

better learning results. Due to this a cross-sectional, correlational graphic

examination was directed among 139 nursing understudies from various nursing

programs in Saudi Arabia utilizing a self-revealed online review. The motivation

behind the investigation was to decide factors related with understudies'

fulfillment with e-learning among Saudi nursing understudies. In view of their

assembled information past involvement in and preparation for e-learning

affected understudies' general fulfillment with e-learning and fulfillment with

evaluation. Just preparation for e-learning was related with fulfillment with

instructing and conventional abilities and mastering encounters. This examination

result may upgrade employees' understandings of components impacting

understudies' fulfillment with e-learning. As indicated by the scientists the

pressing public distance training plan may require further advancement to

address understudies' issues (Alqahtani, 2020).

CALM: Categorizing and learning module

According to the study conducted by (Murre et. al,2020) they created a

system called (CALM: Categorizing and Learning Module) is presented for

unaided learning in measured neural organizations. The work portrayed tends to

various issues in connectionist displaying, for example, absence of speed,

absence of dependability, failure to adapt either with or without management and

the powerlessness to both separate between and sum up over examples. Quiet

is a solitary module that can be utilized to develop bigger organizations. A CALM

module comprises sets of excitatory Representation-and inhibitory Veto-hubs

and an Arousal-hub. Due to the fixed inner wiring example of a module, the

Arousal-hub is delicate to the oddity of the information design. The initiation of

the Arousal-hub decides two mentally persuaded sorts of getting the hang of

working in the module: elaboration realizing, which suggests a high learning rate

and the dissemination of vague, arbitrary actuation in the module, and enactment

realizing, which has just base rate learning without irregular actuation. The

learning rule utilized is an altered rendition of a standard portrayed by Grossberg.

The functions of CALM organizations are represented in various recreations. It is

indicated that a CALM module rapidly arrives at an order, even with new

examples. Although arrangement and learning are generally quickly contrasted

with different models, CALM modules don't experience the ill effects of

unnecessary pliancy. They are additionally demonstrated to be equipped for both

segregating between and summing up to over examples. When given an

example set surpassing the quantity of Representation-hubs, comparable

examples are allocated to a similar hub. Multi-particular recreations

demonstrated that with administered learning a normal of 1.6 introductions did

the trick to gain proficiency with the EXOR work. Besides, an unaided learning

adaptation of the McClelland and Rumelhart model effectively reproduced a word

predominance impact. It is presumed that the consolidation of mentally and

naturally conceivable underlying and useful qualities, similar to seclusion, solo

(serious) learning, and an oddity subordinate learning rate, may add to taking

care of a portion of the issues regularly experienced in connectionist

demonstrating. Module consists of pairs of excitatory Representation- and

inhibitory Veto-nodes, and an Arousal-node. Because of the fixed internal wiring

pattern of a module, the Arousal-node is sensitive to the novelty of the input

pattern. The activation of the Arousal-node determines two psychologically

motivated types of learning operating in the module: elaboration learning, which

implies a high learning rate and the distribution of nonspecific, random

activations in the module, and activation learning, which has only base rate

learning without random activations. The learning rule used is a modified version

of a rule described by Grossberg. The workings of CALM networks are illustrated

in a number of simulations. It is shown that a CALM module quickly reaches a

categorization, even with new patterns. Though categorization and learning are

relatively fast compared to other models, CALM modules do not suffer from

excessive plasticity. They are also shown to be capable of both discriminating

between and generalizing over patterns. When presented with a pattern set

exceeding the number of Representation-nodes, similar patterns are assigned to

the same node. Multi-modular simulations showed that with supervised learning

an average of 1.6 presentations sufficed to learn the EXOR function. Moreover,

an unsupervised learning version of the McClelland and Rumelhart model

successfully simulated a word superiority effect. It is concluded that the

incorporation of psychologically and biologically plausible structural and

functional characteristics, like modularity, unsupervised (competitive) learning,

and a novelty dependent learning rate, may contribute to solving some of the

problems often encountered in connectionist modeling.

Collaborative mLearning: A Module for Learning Secondary School


Collaborative learning is powerful for the development of information. In

science guidance, cooperation and information development should be done in

the language of science. A cooperative mLearning (CmL) science module utilized

utilizations three PC interceded correspondence (CMC) apparatuses: wiki,

conversation gathering, and text informing. This examination tries to decide the

types of correspondence and learning in the utilization of these CMC

apparatuses in the CmL module. Twenty (20) Form 2 understudies of various

science capacities partook in the examination. Information were gathered from

understudy interviews; online correspondences on the wiki, conversation

discussions, and instant messages; understudies' and scientists' diary records;

and an overview of understudies' view of correspondence with the CMC

instruments and learning. The discoveries indicated the students' recurrence of

correspondence was most noteworthy in the wiki and text informing. The mix of

three CMC instruments was powerful as obliged students' favored learning

styles. Gathering work and community exercises empowered learning. The CmL

module was successful for learning as checked by the improvement in post-test

results. The discoveries of this examination give experiences into bunch

communications in a CmL climate and show that peer cooperations framework

students in building their insight in science (DeWitt et. al, 2014).

Effectivenes of Using E-Module and E-Assessment

As indicated by the examination led by (Astalini et. al, 2019), 4.0 modern

upheaval gives a chance for instruction through learning innovation. Portable

learning is the utilization of innovation in the learning cycle utilizing tablets, PCs,

or cell phones. Innovative improvement in schooling is the utilization of Android

which is a vehicle for versatile discovering that is more adaptable. Online based

versatile learning gives occasions to understudies to consider whenever and

anyplace. This investigation expects to decide the viability of the utilization of

electronic manuals and electronic-based evaluation in a fundamental physical

science practicum with reflectance material on a level mirror. The examination

included 65 physical science schooling understudies with 35 understudies in the

test class and 30 understudies in the control class. This exploration is genuine

trial research with the post-test end-test control bunch plan. In view of the

assessment, in awesome class at the correspondence's marker and

characterization's pointer for trial class, and in excellent classification at the

orders the information table's marker, for control class.

Local Studies
Challenges and Opportunities for Higher Education Amid the COVID-19

Pandemic: The Philippine Context

Toquero’s pedagogical based research stated that the Coronavirus

influenced higher instructive establishments not simply in Wuhan, China where

the infection started however any remaining higher instructive organizations in

188 nations as of April 06, 2020. Instructive countermeasures are taken to keep

teaching the understudies notwithstanding the COVID-19 difficulties. In light of

the writer's experiences, research, perceptions in the academe, COVID-19 rules,

and the requirement for elective arrangements, this article presents how

advanced education is influenced and how it can react to future difficulties. This

article prescribes to instructive establishments to deliver studies to multiply and

archive the effect of the pandemic to the instructive framework. There is likewise

a more noteworthy requirement for instructive organizations to fortify the

practices in the educational plan and make it more receptive to the adapting

needs of the understudies even past the ordinary study halls (Toquero,2020).

Filipino students prefer modular learning

The DepEd based a modular learning which is a form of distance learning

that uses Self-Learning Modules (SLM) based on the most essential learning

competencies (MELCS) provided .The modules include sections on motivation

and assessment that serve as a complete guide of both teachers’ and students’

desired competencies. In this method teachers will monitor the learners’ progress

through home visits by following social distancing protocols and feedback

mechanisms, and guide those who need special attention(Manlangit- Sapera,


An excerpt from the study of (Manlangit- Sapera, 2020) which is created

from the data gathered via DepEd’s National Learner Enrolment and Survey

Forms (LESFs), 8.8 million out of the 22.2 million enrollees (39.6% of total

respondents) preferred modular distance learning for the future school year.

Meanwhile, 3.9 million enrollees (17.6%) were partial to blended learning (which

uses a combination of different modalities), 3.8 million (17.1%) preferred online

learning, and 1.4 million and 900,000 enrollees preferred TV-based and radio-

based learning, respectively.

Based on their statements gathered regarding on a public secondary

school in San Carlos City, Pangasinan, modular learning also began as the most
preferred learning mode. According to their local LESFs, learners cited the lack

of available gadgets and internet connection as the main reasons why they

favored modular learning over online learning.


Based on the review of relate literature it is clearly observed that the

following substantial basis can be used in formulating the research questions. It

also tackled multiple articles and studies coming from the professionals that will

generate possible solutions through their studies. In the midst of this

phenomenon the respective data will also be useful as a tool to gather particular

insights before the respondent’s interview.



Research Design

The researchers will utilize a descriptive phenomenological. The design will

determine and document the different life experiences of teachers, parents, and

students in modular distance learning. Phenomenology helps us to understand

the meaning of people's lived experiences. A phenomenological study explores

what people experienced and focuses on their experience of phenomena. As

phenomenology has a strong foundation in philosophy. Since the proposed study

is being part of a certain phenomenon, this type of qualitative research has been


Research Setting

San Miguel Central School (SMCS) located in San Miguel,Leyte was the

school selected by the researchers with a 3 corresponding number of research


It would be easier for the researcher to conduct interview if participants

are residing within researcher’s residence. To avoid virus exposures between

researcher and respondents. Traveling from one municipality to other

municipality is difficult since we have limited number of transportation and would

require Health Certificate from time to time.

Participants of the Study         

This study uses purposive sampling in the selection of the respondents who

will participate in the study. The respondents must be a learner San Miguel

Central School (SMCS). A total of three (3) were the participants of the study

who will be interviewed.

This study will focus on the lived experiences of the students with special

needs on the modular learning modality being used by the school where their

students are studying. This is an actual interview to be conducted by the

researchers to the respondents of this study to establish an accurate conclusion

to those students with special need who are affected by this modular learning for

DepEd to consider for plans to have innovations on modular learning at the

national level. Their narrative experiences will be recorded on video to attest to

the authenticity of their respective responses. Also, their narratives will likewise

be written in this manuscript. All of these activities will be done with the

permission of school authorities concerned and likewise with the consent of the

teachers, parents, and students included in this study.

Inclusion Criteria

 Student must be enrolled in San Miguel Central School (SMCS)

 Atleast 1 year in Modular Method in Physical Education

 With Special Needs

Research Instrument

The researchers will use a open-ended thorough interview and observation

for the respondents to answer with freedom. The questions are open-ended and

the interview consists of two parts: Part I collects data about the profile of the

respondent’s which includes their name, age, sex, civil status, and educational

attainment; and Part II asks questions about the lived experiences of the
respondents in module learning. Enumerate the interview questions you used to

gather the data. You must have separate interview questions for parents,

students and teachers The interview questions was translated into Waray-waray

language to ensure the collection of authentic data. is in the “Waray-Waray “

dialect to adapt to the vernacular language of the respondents to ensure the

collection of authentic data.        


Data Gathering Procedure

The following are the steps that the researchers had been chase in

conducting the study.

In gathering data, the researchers first seek permission to conduct the

study. A permission letter is made with the approval of the panel to gain consent

to conduct the research. The letter request addressed to Principal Head will be

created. Researchers must obtain an endorsement for the letter of permission

from the Barangay Captain to conduct this study in the selected area.

Researchers asked to consent on the participants. The researchers asked to

consent to the participants to research by letting them be informed. Followed by

the formulation of questions for the research questionnaire or interview guide.

The researchers formulated questions indicated to the target research

participants to provide a supportive questionnaire or interview guide. After the

formulation of questions, it is now ready for validations. The researchers seek the

assigned validators for the validation of the formulated questions that may
provide an instrument or tool to conduct the research study. The conduct of the

interview will be made for the researcher to gather information. The researchers

went to the chosen area to conduct the study which is at San Miguel Central

School bringing the research questionnaire or interview guide and the voice

recorders (cellular phones). The researchers personally approached the targeted

research participants, the three (3) Special Students who are living in the said

area provided with the informed consent and letting them sign it.


The study utilized the Colaizzi’s method of data analysis. Colaizzi’s (1978)

is a qualitative method that ensures the credibility and reliability of its results. It

allows researchers to reveal emergent themes and their interwoven relationships.

Researchers using a descriptive phenomenological approach should consider

using this method as a clear and logical process through which the fundamental

structure of an experience can be explored.

The seven steps of the Colaizzi’s method of data analysis.

The following steps represent Colaizzi process for phenomenological data

analysis (cited in Sanders, 2003; Speziale & Carpenter, 2007).

1. Each transcript should be read and re-read in order to obtain a general sense

about the whole content.

2. For each transcript, significant statements that pertain to the phenomenon

under study should be extracted. These statements must be recorded on a

separate sheet noting their pages and lines numbers.

3. Meanings should be formulated from these significant statements.

4. The formulated meanings should be sorted into categories, clusters of themes,

and themes.

5. The findings of the study should be integrated into an exhaustive description of

the phenomenon under study. 6. The fundamental structure of the phenomenon

should be described.

7. Finally, validation of the findings should be sought from the research

participants to compare the researcher's descriptive results with their



Credibility - Prolonged engagement, peer briefing, triangulation, member

Transferability - Providing thick description, purposive sampling

Dependability – Create an audit trail, Triangulation

Confirmability – triangulation, practice reflexibility


Glesne (1999) states that ethical considerations are inseparable from your

everyday interactions with research participants and with your data. To ensure

the study was ethical the researchers recruited. In that way, the participants

would not feel obliged to volunteer because the researcher is known to them.

They avoided possible problems that could probably arise, for example, the

familiarity with the interview questions and the resulting assumptions that the

researcher knew what they were experiencing, or the possibility of influencing

journal entries.

Privacy and confidentiality are important aspects of any research. Confidentiality

involves a clear understanding between researcher and subject concerning the

use of the data provided (Burns, 2000). Subjects were informed that

confidentiality would be maintained at all times and anonymity preserved.

Parents were informed before the study started so that any subject wanting to

withdraw; knew that it was the right to discontinue at any time. 

Researchers and participants must have sufficient information to make

informed decisions and they must be able to withdraw from the study without

penalty (Glesne, 1999). Participants were therefore made aware that

participation was voluntary and they could stop at any time ( Diener& Crandall,

1978). Consent was obtained in writing from participants and parents/

Caregivers, before involvement in the study. Participants had access to the result

of the findings of this study. Make your discussion here clear.


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