Describe Your Favorite Singer or Actor

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Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study

You should say:
What it is about
Why you make this plan
What you need to do first
And explain how you would feel if it is successful

In work and study we need to have plans to complete. Besides, we also need to have
other plans for ourselves. To day I will describe about the persional develop plan. It is
really nessescery for my future. Firstly, I need to take some skills courses to impro my
life skills. Then I will participate in social activities to practice those skills and expand
my relationships. I hope after making that plan, I can become a more perfect person
Part 3:
1. Do you think it is important for a person to have a career plan?
Yes it is really important for people to have a career plan, have a plan that makes our
work easy and done in the best way.
2. How do most people plan their future education and their future career?
In my oppinion, most of Vietnamese peoples plan their future education and career by
talking to their parents, teachers and learn about those industries.
3. Do you think salary is important when choosing a career?
No, I don’t think so. The most important thing to choose a career is based on our
passions and interests.
4. Can people succeed without plans?
People can can succeed without a plan but this is really difficult and risky
5. What kinds of personal plans should people make for themselves?
People should make plans for many things such as plants for their studies and rests,
about their careers or maybe th plan for a tríp.
6. In general, how do people make plans?
People make plans according to the situation, time, experience and by consulting
other people
7. Should parents set goals for children?
In my oppinion, children should be free to choose their future, parents should educate
them well and support them
8. When do young children start to set goals for themselves?
In Vietnam, children often begin to set goals for themselves when they choose their
major after high school.
2. Describe your favorite singer or actor**
You should say:
Who he/she is
What his/her personality is like
What kind of style his/her music/acting belongs to

Everyone of us loves at least one a singer or an actor, they are famous people, now I
will talk about my favorite actor - comedian Xuan Bac.
He is a smart, funny and very open person. He is a famous actor of Vietnam , he has
acted in many movies and comedies. I really like the way he acts, it's very impressive
and funny.

Part 3:
What kind of music do people like at different ages?
When we was young, we love to listen to exciting types of music such as pop, rock or
rap. The middle-aged people like my dad love to listen to boleros or revolutionary
musics and the old generation like to listen to traditional musics.
What is the difference between popular music now and popular music in the past in
I think it's the difference in music style, music performance and song content.
Do Vietnamese parents require their children to learn to play musical instruments?
In Vietnam, playing musical instruments is a gift of each person, parents will not
force children to do this if they cannot. Some families with money will let their
children learn to play some musical instruments at a very young age
Why do some people like to listen to live music while others prefer CDs? (OR What’s
the difference between live music and recorded music?)
I think the people who like to listen to live music because they like the excitement of
the music show. On the contrary, other people want to listen to music simply.

3. Describe a puzzle (jigsaw, crossword, etc.) you have played

You should say:
What it is like
How easy or difficult it is
How long it takes you to solve
And how you feel about it
Puzzle solving is really the interesting entertainment activities, it tests quick thinking
and general knowledge. I also often solve puzzles in my free time. Now, I would like
to talk about a puzzle that I solved, it's a trick question about social. It is really a
difficult puzzle for me, my grandfather made this puzzle and it took me half a day to
think about the answer, it's a very familiar item. I felt so happy when I solved that
Part 3:
1. Why do parents let their children play puzzles?
Puzzle solving is the very good learning way and beneficial for children's brain
development. They help improve their concentration and their problem-solving skills.
2. What kinds of puzzles improve people’s intelligence?
Puzzles related to problem solving, logic can improve our cognitive abilities and
boosts our intelligence.
Why are detective stories attractive to people?
Detective stories have thrilling and thrilling content that makes readers use their
Which do you think is better? A detective movie or its original novel?
I think the original novel is much better, when we read it we can imagine the
4. Describe a law on environmental protection your country should have
You should say:
What it is
How you first learned about it
Who benefits from it
And explain how you feel about this law

Environmental issues are concerned by all countries around the world. The
government of my country has issued many laws to protect the environment and today
I will talk about the forest protection law, I learned it five years ago. You know,
forests are really important natural resources, protecting the forests not only helps
protect the habitat of wild animals, but also protects our own lives from natural
disasters such as climate change and floods. In my oppinion, this law is really
necesscery for us to protects the invironment
Part 3:
1. Are there laws about education in Vietnam?
Yes, I know the Education Law was issued in the year 2005. Consisting of nine
chapters with 115 articles, the Law prescribes the national education system,
education institutions, teachers and learners, and state management of education.
2. What kinds of rules do schools in Vietnam have?
Schools in Vietnam have many rules such as wearing school uniforms and going to
school on time.
3. What can teachers do to make students obey rules?
Teachers and schools need to be really strict with their students so that they need to
follow the rules properly.
4. What should parents do to educate children about laws?
In my oppinion, parents need to teach children clearly about the role of the law and
the penalties if they break it.
5. Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future**
You should say:
Where it is
How you knew it
What it is famous for
And why you would like to live there

I believe that most of us have plans to live in somewhere in the future, it could be in
the countryside or in the city. Now I will describe a city where I really want to live in
the future, it is my hometown - Dalat city. It is the most beautyfull city of The Central
Highlands, which is known as the little Paris of Vietnam. I was born and raised here.
In my heart, Da Lat is a wonderful land, it is famous by cool climate all the year and
many beautiful flowers. It really has the potential for agricultural development so I
want to live and work here.
Part 3:
1. Why do more and more people live in the city?
More and more people are living in the city because of the conveniences brought by
city life. It has growth in education, health and employment
2. How does this affect the environment and nature?
Population growth in cities leads to air and water pollution, the forest trees are being
cut down for human consumption.
3. What are some factors that attract people to settle down in certain places?
In my oppinion the main factors are the availability of jobs, facilities such as malls,
cinema theatres, good schools for children and so on.
4. What are the differences of the young and the old in choosing where to live?
The young mostly care about the availability of jobs and entertainment facilities while
while the old want to live in the peaceful place and near the healthcare facilities.

6. Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike**

You should say:
Where it is
What it is used for
What it looks like
And explain why you like or dislike it?

Today, Vietnam has many impressive skyscrapers such as Landmark 81 or Bitexco

Financial, buildings that represent the development of the country. Now I will
describe about a tall building in my hometown, it is called Dalat Center Residence
and it is located in the center of the city. It is used as a commercial center combined
with high-class apartments. Overview, this building look like a giant gate with two
main blocks along with a modern design. I really like this building, it combines
modern design and classic wood color, really a beautyful building.
Part 3:
1. What are the disadvantages of living in a tall building?
In my oppinion, the main advantage of living in tall buildings is better daylighting and
air ventilation, it also offers a great view of the city. On the other hand, the drawbacks
is that it takes us a long time to go up or down.
2. Is it normal that more people choose to live in a tall building? (benefits)
With the population explosion in big cities today, living in tall buildings is inevitable.
3. Why do people move to the city instead of living in rural areas?
People move to the city more and more because of the conveniences brought by city
life. It has growth in education, health and employment.
4. Why aren’t there many tall buildings in the countryside?
Rural areas are usually very spacious so most people own their houses, besides the
countryside is not really developed to need tall buildings.
5. Do you think there will be more tall buildings in the future?
Yes I do. Along with the development of economy and society, the construction of
high buildings is really necessary in the future.
6. Does architecture need to consider the element of weather before designing a
Paying attention to the weather factors is very important before designing and
constructing the building, it affects the durability of the building.
7. Is architecture an easy job?
Architecture is never an easy job, it depends on the ability of the designer and the

7. Describe a time when you saw two of your friends argued

You should say:
What they argued about
Why they argued with each other
What happened at the end
How you felt about it

Arguing is a part of our lives, we argue to make things clear and it's necessary for our
development. Today, I will describe the argument between two of my friends. It's
simply a argument about a subject and they argue to find a topic for the group
exercise. However, the argument became more and more intense and they did not
agree on the topic. At that time I was very worried and advised them to calm down.
Part 3:
Do you think argument is important?
Yes I do. Arguing is very important to find ways to solve problems.
What do family members usually have arguments about?
Sometimes family members argue over small things such as who will cooking tonight
or who will clean the house
Is it easier for you to have arguments with your family or with your friends?
I sometimes argue with my friends about studying or planning something
Do you think people should change the way they think when having arguments?
In my oppinion, arguing helps people realize their own drawback and improve them.
8. Describe a time you helped a friend
You should say:
When it was
How you helped him/her
Why you helped him/her
And how you felt about it

I am a friendly and kind person so I usually help the people around me as I can.
Today, I will talk about a time I helped my friend, when he fell and broke his leg. It
happened one afternoon last year, my friend was running very fast up the stairs when
suddenly tripped and he was in great pain. I immediately ran over to help him and
reminded a few more friends to took him to the University infirmary. He is so piti. I
was so worried about him.
Part 3:
1. How do people usually help each other?
People help each other in many ways. For example, we provide financial help to poor
children or people suffering from natural disasters
2. How is online help different from real-life help?
People can donate money to charity online through online banking or SMS.
3. What are the differences between help from friends and help from family?
In my oppinion, the main difference is that in case of help from friends we feel more
obligated to return it sooner , whereas we can take the help from family.
9. Describe a leisure activity near/on the sea that you want to try
You should say:
What it was
What you need to prepare
How easy or difficult it is
And explain why you want to try it

I have been to the beach many times and experienced many things in the sea.
However, I have always wanted to try surfing on the see, this is not only really an
adventurous but also a very interesting activity. To be able to do this activity we need
to have a surfboard, a little more skill to use it then wait for the waves. I think it's a
difficult activity and I don't know if I can surf like the athletes on TV. I was
impressed with the surfers when I watched them perform.
Part 3:
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of vacations to the seaside?
The main advantage of beach vacation is the beautiful view and the chance to try
some water sports. On the other hand, there can be accidents like drowning.
2. Why do people like spending time on the sea?
Everyone wants to relax while enjoying their vacation and lying on the beach is really
a great choice
3. Why do children like the sea better than adults?
Children often love to play in large spaces like the sea, where they can play water
sports or build sand castles.
4. What types of job positions can be found on or near the sea?
People can find jobs like swimming instructors, lifeguards or fishing. Moreover,
people can also find work at seaside restaurants and hotels.
10. Describe a time when you shared something with others
You should say:
What you shared
Who you shared it with
Why you shared it
And explain how you felt about sharing it

We are often to share many things in our life. I also share many things with my family
and my best friends. Now I would like to talk about something I shared with my
brother, it's about me sharing my favorite books with him. For me, these are really
special books and they are not cheap, I had to save a lot of money to buy them.
However, my brother also liked those books and he borrowed them from me. I agreed
to share them and I felt very happy that we can read and exchanged the contents of the
books together.
Part 3:
1. Do Vietnamese people like to share things with others?
Vietnamese people often share everything with each other, it's really a good culture,
but there are still greedy people.
2. What are the consequences if children don’t like to share?
In my opinion, it might be difficult for children to make new friends if they are
hesitant to share and they will be shunned by other children
3. Do you think students like to share accommodation with others on campus?
Vietnamese students often share accommodation with each other, such as dormitories
or boarding rooms.
4. How could parents and teachers teach young children to share?
Parents and teachers should teach children how to share work or knowledge with their
parents and their friends.

11. Describe your favorite film/movie**

You should say:
When you watched it
Where you watched it
What it was about
And explain why you like it

I and my family usually take some time to watch movies together every night, we
were watch many movies. But I want to say that the movie that made a strong
impression on me is Harry Potter. The first time I watched that movie is 5 years ago
and now I am still watching it. I usually watch it in my home. This is a movie about
the wizarding world, and the main character is the boy Harry Potter. He is an
inteligent boy, he went through many difficulties while studying at Hogwarts but
finally, Harry and his friend defeated The Dark Lord - Voldemort. In conclusion, this
is really an interesting and dramatic movie.
Part 3:
1. What kind of movies do Vietnamese people like to watch?
There are many kind of movies that Vietnamese people like such as action movies,
dramas or comedies.
2. Are movie stars important to a movie?
The movie stars really play an important role for a movie. They brought the film a
huge amount of fame and fans. In addition, it also improves the quality of the film.
3. Are foreign movies popular in Vietnam?
Foreign films are very popular in Vietnam because of their content and quality.
Young people love movies from foreign studios such as Marvel and Walt Disney.
4. Is there any chance for a film which doesn't have any stars to become successful
and popular?
In my opinion, movies with great investment in content, quality of effects and media
can still become famous and successful without have any stars
12. Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in
You should say:
Where it is
How you knew it
How often you go there
What you do there
And explain why you like the place

It's so hard to find quiet places in a crowded city. However, I would like to talk about
a place where I go quite often and I find great peace there. It's a cafe on the outskirts
of the city, it's located near a pine forest. This cafe is designed as an organic garden
with a many types of vegetables and flowers. I often come here with my family or
friends every weekend. We came here for coffee and sightseeing, it's really a peaceful
place to enjoy the weekend.
Part 3:
1. Is it hard to find quiet places in cities?
It is really difficult to find a peaceful place in the big city because of the crowd and
the large amount of traffic
2. Why is it quieter in the countryside?
Because the countryside is usually very spacious and less populated than the cities.
3. Why do people go to quiet places?
In my opinion, the main reason is so that can think peacefully and concentrate on their
4. Compared with young people, do old people prefer to live in quiet places?
Actually, old people really need a peaceful place to rest and they often back to the
countryside to live.

13. Describe a situation that you came close to wild animal**

You should say:
Where you were
What the animals were doing
Who was with you
And explain what your reaction was

Today, wild animals may never appear in residential areas, they often live in primeval
forests. Now I would like to talk about a situation I seeing the elephants. It was
happened in my intership at Yok Don National Park. They are real wild elephants
family, they are eatting plants. Me and my friends are very exciting with them and we
took a lot of pictures of them. We were heard a lot of information about this elephants
by the guide. Wild elephants are endangered animals, humans hunt them for their
tusks, we are need more solutions to protect them.
Part 3:
1. What is the most famous zoo in Vietnam? Why?
Vinpearl Safari is the largest wildlife care and conservation park in Vietnam. The
sanctuary is home to 400 species of plants, and 2000 wild animals representing, many
of which are endangered
2. Should wild animals be kept at home/ as pet?
That's a bad idea, wild animals need to live in their natural habitat. Keeping them in
the house also brings danger.
3. Why do people like keeping pets?
Having pets in the house has many benefits such as they protect our possessions and
they make us feel happy.
4. Is this difficult/ costly raising a pet?
Actually, having a pet is a really difficult and expensive thing to do. We have to take
care of them, spend a lot of money buying food and other items for them.
Is visiting zoo a popular activity in Vietnam?
In my opinion, visiting the zoo is very popular in Vietnam, especially children in big
cities such as Hanoi and HoChiMinh City are very excited with that.
What are the effects of people to animals?
Humans are destroying the habitats of animals and hunting them, we make some
species endangered and on the verge of extinction.
Do you think that animal preservation could bring positive effects?
I really encouraged the conservation of animals, I hope governments take action to
protect wildlife and the natural environment.
What do you think about nature conservation area (wildlife sanctuary)?
Nature conservation areas are important for wildlife conservation, serving as homes
for plants and animals. It is easy for humans to protect these areas.

14. Describe a person who you think is very open**

You should say
Who this person is
How you knew this person
Why you think this person is very open
And explain how you feel about this person

In today's society there are very few open and honest people, adults often hide their
feelings. But I know a really open person, that's a friend of mine. Her name is Linh,
she studied with me and we talked a lot. She is a cheerful person, she is often sharing
with people, she doesn’t hide her thoughts and feelings. She speaks her mind and
sometimes people get offended due to this too. In my mind, I am appreciate her.
Part 3
1. Is it difficult for Vietnamese people to express their feelings?
Yes, I think Vietnamese people rarely express their feelings if it makes others
2. Who do you think talk more? Children or grown-ups?
Definitely kids, they ask everything out of curiosity and they say everything they
think .
3. What’s the difference between males and females in terms of expressing their
In my view, females are generally more open in expressing their feelings just because
they live by their feelings more.
4. Why do you think people these days are not as open as those in the past?
People today are more worried about their image and thus they try to present
themselves as a perfect person.
5. What makes a person easy to talk to?
In my opinion, it is depends on their social skills and their knowledges
6. Why would people need to express their feelings?
Expressing our feelings helps others understand and treat us properly

15. Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

You should say:
What kind of toy it is
When you received it
How you played it
And how you felt about it

We were given many toys by our parents when we were children, they have so many
memories for us. For my 10th birthday, my dad gave me a big Lego toy ship, it is
really an expensive toy. It took me almost a week to assemble it, when it's finished,
it's a powerful ship. I put it on top of my bookshelf, I sometimes take it out and show
it off to other kids and they are very excited with my ship model. I felt really happy to
have a beautiful toy like this.
Part 3
1. What kinds of toy that are popular among children in your countries?
In my country, dolls and robot models are the most popular children's toys. In
addition, children also love playing cards.
2. Do you agree with the parents who let their children to buy all toys what they like?
I disagree with them, I think parents should only buy toys for their children as a
reward when they are good, this is also a way of education.
3. Why do children like collecting toys?
Because children are very interested in new toys and they allway want more toys
4. What is the difference between toys kids play with now and those they played with
in the past?
Today's toys are often models and technology toys, while in the past, children are
played handmade toys.
5. Do you think parents should buy more toys for their kids or spend more time with
I think parents should spend more time playing with their children, this helps children
avoid autism and have more understanding.

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